a voice for men antifeminism gynocracy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedestalization

A Case of the Memedays: Can you gyno-explain this baffling gyno-meme?

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

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I skipped Memeday on Friday, what with Brexit and all, so let’s have a manic Memeday Monday instead.

The somewhat bewildering meme above was recently posted to the A Voice for Men Facebook page, along with a brief explanation of what the meme-maker was trying to get at.

Without looking at the explanation, can you guess what on earth it might be? Take the following quiz and see!

[os-widget path=”/davidfutrelle/funny-gyno-meme-figuring-out-quiz” of=”davidfutrelle” comments=”false”]

Well, that was weird.


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8 years ago

If someone ever makes a “This Is Spinal Tap” for new age musicians, that image is going to be the cover for an album called “An Innerview With Myself”.

8 years ago

Sadly enough, I can kinda sorta see where the pedestal thing comes in. You are to assume both are standing upp.

8 years ago

Aw, shucks, I picked the Uma Thurman-Tom Cruise answer. Boo.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

The belly button is the spot where the umbilical cord used to be attached. Therefore, the belly button is a symbol of pregnancy which women use to oppress men. Men have no reproductive choice and can only look on helplessly as women evilly decide whether or not to ruin the father’s life by either getting an abortion and destroying his property or having the baby and dooming him to a life of child support and alimony. That is how this meme represents gynocentrism.

That would have made just as much sense as the real answer.

In order to see yourself or even women as real human beings

I love how seeing women as real human beings seems to be this shocking revelation he had never thought of before. Even women are people? Wow!

What is their obsession with women being ‘on a pedestal’ anyhow?

Two possibilities. One is that they are too simple minded to grasp that being treated like weak and fragile flowers and being kept out of public life and denied freedom for our own protection is not actually a privilege. They see it as women sitting on their butts eating bonbons all day while men slave away for them. I’d say they should read The Yellow Wallpaper for further understanding, but they’d probably just think it was about a spoiled woman upset that her doctor husband didn’t get her pretty enough wallpaper.

Another possibility is that it’s about how unfair it is that women have the privilege of being viewed as the sexual class because that means we can get laid anytime. Sexual harassment, objectification, and rape are all compliments because no oppression is worse than not having a long line of 17 years old virgins who look like porn stars and have no needs or wants of their own just waiting to give them blow jobs.

Or it’s a combination of both.

8 years ago

Wow, so men sharing stories of minorities raping “their” women means that women are in charge. Kinda like men sharing stories of minorities stealing cars means that cars are in charge.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Hah hah, I thought all the possible responses were jokey inventions by David, but it turns out one was actually a thing that AVFM said seriously!

The MRM: truly impossible to satirize.

8 years ago

I think the pedestal thing is so overdone, we should start using plinths.

Someday my plinth will come.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

No, Mr Incomprehensible Meme, that’s what a belly button looks like.

Princess Necessity
Princess Necessity
8 years ago

The thing that occurs to me is that you don’t put yourself on a pedestal. If you are on a pedestal it means that someone else has provided it for you. So complaining that women are on a pedestal when you are the one who stuck them up there is kinda… I dunno, self-insulting?

But then the whole pedestal-placing thing is objectifying in about as literal a sense as you can get. You don’t put real human people you relate to on plynths, only objects of veneration.

snork maiden
snork maiden
8 years ago

What Buttercup Q. Skullpants said.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

For Brits of a certain age and musical taste…

I loved you then as I love you still
Though I put you on a pedestal,
They put you on the pill
I don’t feel bad about letting you go
I just feel sad about letting you know

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Maybe they think the belly button is a keyhole into the sexier bits of women but they don’t have the key?

(Also, is that even a woman’s belly button? Or a man staring at it?)

NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
8 years ago

Silly Jack, everyone knows Real Men don’t have navels OR bellies, only ROCK HARD ABS.

And women don’t have… uhh… eyes. I dunno, I got nothin’.

8 years ago

Omphaloskepsis – you’re doing it wrong. 😀

8 years ago

From Fruitloopsie’s copy and paste:

It was the basis for countless propaganda campaigns during wars in various countries, “sign up or your women will be raped by an outside force”, and countless men obediently marched to their deaths.

Wait, what? I’m pretty sure the people who go on and on and on about liberalism and multiculturalism loosing a flood of brown rapists onto white women, and oh won’t we be sorry if we don’t join them in wanting to rid our country of Muslims and fighting for a foreign policy that would send hundreds of thousands of young men overseas to die trying to subdue majority-Muslim countries?; are in fact anti-feminists.

And I’m pretty sure “your women will be raped” is pretty decidedly anti-feminist in itself. Congratulations, you have realized that patriarchy is the source of this “gynocentrism” you so revile — would you like to know how far the rabbit hole goes?

What’s that? You’d rather take the blue pill, and go back to your boring life full of a hatred that never accomplishes anything, because you direct it towards those trying to undo “gynocentrism”?

Silly people, fancying themselves rebels.

8 years ago

If it were an actual competent visual metaphor, it would either be navel-gazing or something about pregnancy and birth.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago


I…never knew that word existed. Thanks, Monzach!

Aren’t pedestals supposed to be kind of tall, so that the woman is ethereal and lifted up beyond the reproach of ordinary mortals? This photo looks like the woman stepped onto a diminutive stepstool to reach the spice cabinet in an awkwardly small (and hot) apartment, and the guy is all “Whoa…is that lint in there?”

I don’t really get an untouchable goddess/lowly mortal vibe from that photo. Sorry, meme maker.

@littleknown – Spot on. This:

“sign up or your women will be raped by an outside force”

is exactly what Trump supporters, white supremacists, and assorted cuckphobics keep saying. That’s about as far from the gynocracy as you can get. That’s not even in the same universe as gynocracy. If you tried to draw a Venn diagram of the two, the paper would spontaneously rip in half.

It’s amazing how brazen they are about changing their story around when it suits them. Feminists use racist slogans to send innocent men to their deaths! Women are weak, then they’re strong! Up is down and black is white and Oceania has WMD!

I guess a complete disregard for facts and logic is a defining requirement of manhood for these guys. Bending reality is, like bending iron, a competition of strength and alphaness. If you can force others to accept your outrageously twisted version of events, especially if everyone knows they didn’t happen, you win! (See: every sentence out of Donald Trump’s mouth, ever).

@Princess Necessity

But then the whole pedestal-placing thing is objectifying in about as literal a sense as you can get. You don’t put real human people you relate to on plynths, only objects of veneration.

That’s the fatal flaw in RedPill philosophy. They trade upward objectification (treating woman as holy angels who redeem men) for downward objectification (treating woman as evil garbage animals who ruin men) and call it “self improvement”, because they mistakenly think they’re higher than they were before. In both cases, they get to avoid looking women in the eye. The woman, of course, doesn’t get to have any sort of inner life of her own – it’s all about her effect on men.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I have a dislike of heights – or to be more precise, unprotected edges. I’m fine with heights as long as there’s a sufficient barrier between me and the edge.

There’s generally no guardrail on a pedestal, so I’ll stay right where I am, thank you.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

I thought it was navel-gazing too, but I guess the pedestal explanation works just as well.

… is it worrying that we have so much insight into their mindset by now ?


Well, it makes sense…many young men can’t find the clitoris either…

(I’m sorry! That was awful, but I couldn’t resist. I’ll go back to lurking now^.^)

Might’ve been awful, but it is true. I remember when I was 12 (and to follow up on Ohlmann’s comment, I didn’t have internet access either). I earned an Awkward Award. Except MRAs aren’t 12. And definitely have access to the internet. Sadly.

8 years ago

I think it’s hilarious that the obvious dull answer is wrong in favor of the wordy wacky nonsense.

(And yahoo! for a good result from the Supreme Court. Finally…)

Spencer Lewis
Spencer Lewis
8 years ago


Your use of “manic” in your post is ableist and highly offensive. I recommend that you do the right thing and delete it from your post and offer an apology. I’m glad that you have a policy against ableist language in your comments section, but you need to ensure that you avoid such language, too.

Not Rick Sanchez
Not Rick Sanchez
8 years ago

I think there’s something wrong with me.

I got it right. 🙁

8 years ago

Those are pretty eyelashes. Entirely beside the point, but what even was the point anyway, right? Nothing coherent at least

In order to see yourself or even women as real human beings you have to stop idealizing them and putting them on unrealistic pedestals

Right. Let’s see if I understand this. Menzers don’t see women as really human, and so, in order to fix this, they must stop overvaluing women. Menzers also don’t see themselves as really human, and so, in order to fix this, they must stop overvaluing women… Something’s off, I just can’t place my finger on it

Fellas, nobody’s forcing you to put women on pedestals. A lot of us don’t. I would say it’s nice, but it isn’t. It’s just my normal. Your normal is different, and that’s fine. It would seem, however, you’re not happy with the way you are. You can try to change the world, but perhaps try changing yourself 1st. Find a worldview that doesn’t make you bitter. In other words, take the plunge and Go Your Own Way. But like, for realsies

8 years ago

I though he was going in for a raspberry.
When a tummy is that close, we all feel the urge, right?

Just me?

8 years ago

@AbominableSnowPickle and Sinkable John
That’s okay, I have one and my first intimate partner had to show me where it is. I had never discovered it on my own. I had an extremely progressive sex ed program, but still viewed that as something only penis-havers do.