a voice for men antifeminism gynocracy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedestalization

A Case of the Memedays: Can you gyno-explain this baffling gyno-meme?

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

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I skipped Memeday on Friday, what with Brexit and all, so let’s have a manic Memeday Monday instead.

The somewhat bewildering meme above was recently posted to the A Voice for Men Facebook page, along with a brief explanation of what the meme-maker was trying to get at.

Without looking at the explanation, can you guess what on earth it might be? Take the following quiz and see!

[os-widget path=”/davidfutrelle/funny-gyno-meme-figuring-out-quiz” of=”davidfutrelle” comments=”false”]

Well, that was weird.


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8 years ago

I got it right. Send halp.

8 years ago

Well, it makes sense…many young men can’t find the clitoris either…

(I’m sorry! That was awful, but I couldn’t resist. I’ll go back to lurking now^.^)

8 years ago

Before the quiz loaded I was sure it was going to be about women being narcissistic and navel-gazing.

Surely “navel-gazing” is what the stock photographer meant?

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

LOL. All the answers could have been jokes. Remind me again how looking at a woman’s belly button is putting her on a pedestal….? Why are all these graphics so unrelated to the “point” being made, and why are they always so weird and random? Not that I expect sense from a “movement” created by Paul Elam.

8 years ago

I won’t use the “they never got laid” explanation because it’s likely wrong, and because with current porn access one have to be truly

I will take “they took a somewhat related stock photo” for 200€, please.

8 years ago

*one have to be truly clueless to never have seen female genitalia.

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

I thpught the eye was supposed to belong to awoman?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

A quick Google shows there are literally hundreds of pictures of women on actual pedestals they could have used!

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

Navel gazing. What do I win?

NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
8 years ago

Pro Tip: if you have to explain a visual metaphor, it doesn’t work.

My guess was going to be ‘navel-gazing/self-absorbtion’ but of the assembled guesses, I went with the bottom one as the most MRA-ey.

8 years ago

Cunnilingus is gynocentrism?!

8 years ago

Gynocentrism looks like a man staring intently at parts of a woman’s naked, faceless body? Huh.

8 years ago

What is their obsession with women being ‘on a pedestal’ anyhow?

8 years ago

My guess is that the man is looking through the woman’s navel at a fetus–a fetus HE created that belongs to HIM–that the woman is about to abort OH THE FEELZ…

(signs) I’ve been reading too many manosphere posts.

8 years ago

Ummm… I meant “sighs”, not “signs”. And of course I didn’t notice my mistake until after the edit window closed…

8 years ago

I think the pedestal thing is so overdone, we should start using plinths.

8 years ago

I think the stock photo was meant to be of an expectant dad.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Having gotten over being oppressed by women’s sexy butts, MRAs are now discovering the terrible oppression caused by women’s belly buttons.

8 years ago

If I ever get pregnant, I would really prefer that the other parent-to-be not put their eye 3 inches from my belly and stare.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Isn’t navel gazing supposed to be at your *own* navel?

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

@ CPphazor

What is their obsession with women being ‘on a pedestal’ anyhow?

It really upsets them how occasionally, in some situations, they experience social pressure not to treat women like trash, and backlash if they do so anyway. They perceive this as the height of unfairness.

8 years ago

Navalcentrism. Butts, breasts and now navels, who knew I’m just so powerful? I walk in a room and men and boys just bow before me? I’m going to get my male harem with scented effin candles, hard chairs and v neck sweaters before a blink of an eye!

This a copy and paste from them on what the meme means:

In order to see yourself or even women as real human beings you have to stop idealizing them and putting them on unrealistic pedestals. In order for women to achieve as much as men have they have to be held to standards that are just as strict as men have.
None of this is possible while Gynocentrism is the order of the day. It is nature’s default setting but as the only creatures on planet earth who have the ability to question our own drives, we have the duty to question these drives.
Gynocentrism is the real matrix we live in, it’s the drug of choice for so many men and women on planet earth, it’s more addictive than cocaine, it’s the seductive woman in the red dress luring everyone around you back into their slumber.
It was the basis for countless propaganda campaigns during wars in various countries, “sign up or your women will be raped by an outside force”, and countless men obediently marched to their deaths.
Sounds conspiratorial? The real conspiracy is embedded within our genetics and in the minds of those who know how to pull your strings by virtue of those drives. Wake up from your slumber.

Anyone else want to bet that 99% of the manosphere has never been on a battlefield outside of Call Of Duty?
And it’s so hypocritical that these a-holes are mad that people are looking at them and men and boys in general as uncontrollable rapists and perverts but they excuse themselves all the time saying its biology and its feeeemales fault.

8 years ago

That was my thought, too.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

In good news: SCOTUS has struck down Texas’ new abortion bill, saying it causes undue burden on women seeking an abortion.

@Fruitloopsie: Of course they’re couching their language in terms of “respecting women”, because even they know if they were upfront about what they mean, they’d get told the truth that they just hate women.

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