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I skipped Memeday on Friday, what with Brexit and all, so let’s have a manic Memeday Monday instead.
The somewhat bewildering meme above was recently posted to the A Voice for Men Facebook page, along with a brief explanation of what the meme-maker was trying to get at.
Without looking at the explanation, can you guess what on earth it might be? Take the following quiz and see!
[os-widget path=”/davidfutrelle/funny-gyno-meme-figuring-out-quiz” of=”davidfutrelle” comments=”false”]
Well, that was weird.
BQS said
There is a beautiful horribleness in that statement that really has me mesmerized by its eloquent truth. I’m copying it for future reference when people ask about the manosphere.
I have yet to read page 2 comments; I have to leave soon to go to my dad’s house to do some more cleaning so I probably won’t be back online till tomorrow morning. I just had to mention how profoundly this struck me!
Looking a woman in the eye and acknowledging her personhood is of course something that MRA’s and assorted misogynists consider completely unnecessary/ impossible.
They are constantly dehumanising us, rarely as angels, usually as demons, animals or inanimate objects. Their whole way of talking about women reflects this – we are hamsters, harpies, plates, pieces of ass etc ad nauseam.
No wonder sex dolls seem so attractive to many of them – it must be terrifying to consider human interaction with someone you constantly dehumanise.