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The white supremacist group behind today’s protest-gone-violent in Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.
“Our ‘Sacramento Spartans’ Prevail!” the Traditionalist Worker Party declares in a fundraising appeal intended to cover “medical and legal expenses of the men who risked and sacrificed so much today.”
As the TWP sees it, to day was a big win for their brave “street fighters.”
Our Golden State Skinhead comrades went up against over ten-to-one odds and won! Regretfully, one of our men was injured and is currently in the hospital, though at least five of the antifa who instigated the violence with their cowardly tactics and improvised weaponry were sent to the hospital. Absolutely all of the credit goes to the Golden State’s courageous warriors, proving that proven street fighters are absolutely vital to our sacred cause of defending our White American families.
Apparently “defending White American families” involves a lot of stabbing.
We delivered the message we intended to deliver today; We will not be intimidated. We will not stand down. Our event was a victory by all metrics. We won the physical fight. We provoked the leftists into showing their true colors. The national media story about our event is becoming a conversation about how our attempt to peacefully demonstrate was viciously attacked by the leftist mob.
The group’s “street fighters,” the message declared,
stood their ground against what was the single greatest show of anti-white force ever organized in America…and won!
The group suggests that we will see more violent clashes like the one we saw today:
While blog posts and social media debates are excellent work for our cause, they’re not a replacement for men who are willing to risk injury or even death to guarantee that our message is heard and our voices are not silenced or marginalized.
On Twitter, meanwhile, assorted white supremacists, Trump fans, and others on the right mocked the victims of the stabbings — and promised more violence against leftists to come. CAUTION: GRAPHIC IMAGES.
Here’s one I had to censor somewhat for reasons that are pretty self-evident; click on the screenshot to see archived originals.
Even those who described the Sacramento Spartans’ violence as self-defense exalted in the larger number of injuries inflicted upon the “antifa” counterprotesters.
Another one. Communists attack peaceful nationalists and lose. pic.twitter.com/bUD7BtG3wq
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
I saw the vid. You Commies attacked peaceful demonstrators and got your ass kicked. https://t.co/4BuJeflWMU
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
All the antifa pussies that got their asses kicked in #Sacramento should be ashamed. Bunch of pansy ass pinkos.
— Rusty Shackleford (@RustyShackler69) June 27, 2016
Others resorted to doxxing, posting and reposting the name and apparent address of at least one of the “antifa” organizers.
One self-described “Intersectional Libertarian” noted that he would shed no tears “when she does get killed.”
She is lucky she did not get killed. She was 100% at fault. No tears when she does get knifed.
— Big Cat (@cyber_merkin) June 26, 2016
This political season gets uglier by the day.
For more on the violent clashes in Sacramento, see my earlier post here.
@ Ohlmann At least French is consistent with pronunciation. Don’t think you’d find the equivalent of ‘through, though, thought, tough, hiccough’. 🙂
What is an ‘accentuation’? (Student of french, not a native speaker)
@ fishy goat & ohlmann
On the subject of weird pronunciation, are you familiar with the “GHOTI” puzzle; i.e. how is that word pronounced?
@Jack: Actually, I fully agree with you about modern English making almost no sense at all, and having deep respect for those who manage to learn it as adults.
While I was working on my undergrad about a decade ago, I had the opportunity to listen to an instructor read ‘Beowulf’ in Old High English, and it makes absolutely no sense at all. Gave me a real perspective for just hoy much Gaelic, Latin, and other languages have been wrapped into the modern language.
Of course, my understanding is that the Germanic languages and Latin have almost opposite grammar conventions, which adds another layer of complexity.
On a related note, the above is a large part of why I try to give people the benefit of the doubt: there is so much in my native language (English) that is dependent on context and tone of voice to gain proper meaning, that if someone writes something that seems off, I try to ask them to clarify before getting angry.
Fishy Goat:
Not so much. It’s less laughably awful than English, but it’s a slur to say that someone writes “phonetically” — i.e. by following pronunciation rules rather than memorizing the entire dictionary.
Why isn’t ‘phonetically’ spelled with an ‘F’?
@numerobis : it’s not opposed to pronunciation being consistent.
The writing -> oral part is very consistent (well, with the exception of z / s / c / k who each overlap with their neighbor), and some rules who are in the process of being dropped.
The oral ->writing part however have the problem that most syllabe can be written in several way. For example, “çi” and “si” are two graphies possible of the same sound. Same for “oh”, “eau”, “au”. And there is a very real possibility to avoid non-pronunciated final letters (like “aux”, plural of “au” ; most plural and a lot of conjugation mark aren’t pronunced either)
Also, another big problem of phonetical writing is that in french the word separation is weak. It mean puns are super easy, but it also mean if you can’t pick the word separation from context you’re gonna have a bad time.
But even for oral -> writing, it’s *a lot* easier than in english to me. Most strange cases have relatively consistent rules. In exchange, the conjugations are downright *horrible*
My mother-in-law is very fond of the GHOTI thing. :p
Robertshaw : “Why isn’t ‘phonetically’ spelled with an ‘F’?”
because it come from latin, or something like that. Most of the time, “f” mean a popular word that come from german, gaul, or pig latin, and “ph” mean it come from science or other high place.
I’m convinced the French language was invented to anger the English (and vice versa, I’m sure) 😛
I’m curious about your puzzle – never mind, found it. 🙂
Si six cents scies scient six cents saucisses, six cent six scies scieront six cent six saucissons.
@ kupo
If I tell you it’s pronounced ‘fish’?
@ IP
Do you have anything equivalent in Danish?
Also, and to expand on the example of earlier, “h” is never pronunced, but is only used to signate the pronunciation of the letter around here. Or sometime, because the word come from latin. Which mean, if you don’t know the graphies, you almost cannot guess where the h are.
But once you have a small bit of vocabulary, *normally* it sort out. Two rule govern like 80% of the “h” in graphies, and a few latin and greek root cover 19%. The last 1% is people *thinking* a word come from latin and adding a h. “Rhum” (the alcohol) is an example, it should be “rum” since it’s an english loanword, but because of the the “rhum-” root who is used in medical fields, people added a h to rum too.
Which is kind of replacing a couple of intuitive rules by a lesser amount of less intuitive one.
@Axecalibur : note that your example often are composed of a sound + a prefix or suffix who isn’t pronunced. So that’s merging 2 differents problems, both who are relatively simpler to understand separately.
I dunno. Do you have anything equivalent in gaelic?
I was reminded that in an documentary about the Third Reich, It opened up with footage of the Nazi Brownshirts and the Communists brawling in the streets. Its deeply distrubing to me that how violent this election cycle has become. The violence seemly follows Trump everywhere. Its like Trump kicked over an rock and the most vile horrible people come out. All the MRAs and white supremetists and basement dwelling trolls have come out and proudly yelled Trump for president. Make America Great for white straight males
@ IP
Ha, the only Gaelic I know is ‘Pogue Mahone’ 🙂
(I’ve got a moderate Kernewek/Cornish vocabulary, but I can’t do the grammar properly)
The Democratic Party is not socialist at all, it has some socialist policies, and is open to socialism, like I explained, Bernie is not afraid to use the S word, but it is not by any means a socialist party. It is what we in England would call Liberal, in favour of personal liberties, but fiscally conservative. The US does not have a left wing, your Republicans are the same as our Conservatives on the political spectrum, and your Democrats occupy the same quadrant as our Liberal (formerly Whig) party, and Blairite New Labour. Both Obama and Hilary sit very well between New Labour and the Liberal Democrats of the U.K. Neither of these are worker’s parties.
The disillusionment of the working classes causes people to find kinship with other disillusioned people. That’s why you’ll find them flocking to Trump and the alt right. That Traditionalist Worker’s (Nazi) party for instance. That is because the current political system has let them ‘fall thru the cracks’ of society, ignored them, and exploited them. Some have found purpose in things like the Occupy movement, some have sought refuge in religious fundamentalism, and others, reactionary, racist and aggressive outlets like the KKK, MRA, EDL, BNP and Trumpism.
The Finnish “annoy non-native speakers” phrase is: Kokoa kokoon koko kokko. Koko kokkoko? Koko kokko. (Assemble the entire bonfire together. The entire bonfire? The entire bonfire.)
I believe that one of the Swedish equivalents is: Får får få får? (Are sheep allowed to have sheep?)
You are very right. Someone else commented here that America is starting to look like Germany in the 1930s. When you see scenes like this, it’s like stepping back in time. It’s funny how even a few years back, all these groups were denying being fascists, but not like it writ large. Trump is the one who gave them the confidence to do this.
Don’t you find it bizarre that in the USA now you are more socially acceptable being a Nazi than a Communist?
NB. I’m not planning of brawling with any Nazis in the street, I am a pacifist and hate violence.
That’s where Peter Gabriel got the idea for the song ‘Cuckoo Cocoon’ from the Genesis magnum opus ‘The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway’ from. One of my favourite albums ever 🙂
Thanks for telling (Eurosplaining?) me how my own country’s political parties work. And for the condescending spiel about how British politics is correct and ours is wrong, cos I’ve never heard that all the time. I’d be lost without you *eyeroll*
Anyway, am I the only one sick and tired of disillusionment as an excuse for shit ideas. Racism, sexism, whatevs. The world doesn’t go the way you want it to, so, woops, you’re an antifeminist now? Nope. You’re not just an innocent victim of the system, looking for purpose in this cruel new world (world’s smallest violin). You’re an entitled jerk and you chose to be. There are hundreds of millions of people who live under the same system every damn day but don’t throw a fit and lash out at others when they don’t get their way. It’s not the fault of Obama, Hillary, the Dems, Trump, or society as a whole if your response to hardship is bigotry
And, while we’re at it, you can’t fix, or even prevent, intolerance by throwing Marx at the problem. Don’t work that way. Socialism isn’t a panacea and it doesn’t make hate go away. It redirects at worse, and quiets at best. It’s still there
Apologies again to Katherine
ETA: Phryne’s sliding down again
Ohlmann: what’s the rule for whether a letter at the end of the word is pronounced or not? That seems to be one of the big hangups for anglophones. I get asked the question a lot, but as a native speaker I don’t know the rules well enough to teach them — they just come naturally.
(Of course it also differs by accent. “Août” is generally pronounced like the english “oo” here, versus “oot” in Paris, for example.)
Very late to the party but it’s not pogue mahone at all in Gaelic. That’s an anglisation of “póg mo thón” in Irish (gaeilge or Gaelic). The British took enough from us that it really grates to see them take/ruin our language which they tried to stamp out during an attempted genocide
That was meant as a joke. I don’t speak Danish, so in return I asked you about a language that you don’t speak.
The more common version heard here goes: “Får får får? Nej, får får lamm.” (“Do sheep have sheep? No, sheep have lambs.”)
It’s actually kinda stupid. It’s entirely based on just two words. It’s not even clever.