
“Peaceful” Neo-Nazis boast that they stabbed the most people at a rally that turned violent Sunday

Matthew Heimbach sees today as a big win for the far right
Matthew Heimbach sees today as a big win for the far right

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The white supremacist group behind today’s protest-gone-violent in Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.

“Our ‘Sacramento Spartans’ Prevail!” the Traditionalist Worker Party declares in a fundraising appeal intended to cover “medical and legal expenses of the men who risked and sacrificed so much today.”

As the TWP sees it, to day was a big win for their brave “street fighters.”

Our Golden State Skinhead comrades went up against over ten-to-one odds and won! Regretfully, one of our men was injured and is currently in the hospital, though at least five of the antifa who instigated the violence with their cowardly tactics and improvised weaponry were sent to the hospital. Absolutely all of the credit goes to the Golden State’s courageous warriors, proving that proven street fighters are absolutely vital to our sacred cause of defending our White American families.

Apparently “defending White American families” involves a lot of stabbing.

We delivered the message we intended to deliver today; We will not be intimidated. We will not stand down. Our event was a victory by all metrics. We won the physical fight. We provoked the leftists into showing their true colors. The national media story about our event is becoming a conversation about how our attempt to peacefully demonstrate was viciously attacked by the leftist mob.

The group’s “street fighters,” the message declared,

stood their ground against what was the single greatest show of anti-white force ever organized in America…and won! 

The group suggests that we will see more violent clashes like the one we saw today:

While blog posts and social media debates are excellent work for our cause, they’re not a replacement for men who are willing to risk injury or even death to guarantee that our message is heard and our voices are not silenced or marginalized.

On Twitter, meanwhile, assorted white supremacists, Trump fans, and others on the right mocked the victims of the stabbings — and promised more violence against leftists to come. CAUTION: GRAPHIC IMAGES.



Here’s one I had to censor somewhat for reasons that are pretty self-evident; click on the screenshot to see archived originals.


Even those who described the Sacramento Spartans’ violence as self-defense exalted in the larger number of injuries inflicted upon the “antifa” counterprotesters.

Others resorted to doxxing, posting and reposting the name and apparent address of at least one of the “antifa” organizers.

One self-described “Intersectional Libertarian” noted that he would shed no tears “when she does get killed.”

This political season gets uglier by the day.

For more on the violent clashes in Sacramento, see my earlier post here.

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8 years ago

Oh, I was “rude as fuck and you still are.” And I should “Go troll some other blog”?

No, you are the one who is rude. And I never was. Was I?

Goodnight Petal. And a goodnight to you all. And yes, even to you ESL’s ?.


kupo. You misread. I was not saying anything like that at all. ?

8 years ago

Pol : you were rude. You also tried to misconstrue my statement that usually people discover I am not a native speaker because I don’t speak english very well as an insult.

I am not angry because of that, but you indeed got a small bit too far.

8 years ago

“I wasn’t being rude in Eastasia. I’ve never been rude in Eastasia.”

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


At this point, all I can say is fuck off.

8 years ago

kupo. You misread. I was not saying anything like that at all. ?

What exactly did I misread? Did you not accuse Ohlmann as being high falutin for using the word revendicate?

Edit: Ohlmann, your grammar is better than a lot of native speakers, though the mistakes you make are not the same kind a native speaker would make, which is the only reason I could tell you were non-native before I knew you were French. Just FYI. 🙂

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut


I was just watching the morning news, and they have a segment where they ask about a topic, and then read responses to it on twitter and facebook.

So, of course, today’s topic was what happened yesterday, and SO MANY COMMENTS were about fucking “free speech”.

Not a word about how Holocaust survivors who live here might feel about this, not a word about WWII vets who still have to see this shit, it was all “neutral” stuff like “I don’t agree with them, but they had a permit!”.

And I can agree with that somewhat. I can agree that violence is bad and we shouldn’t be using violence to stop hate speech, but I’m honestly tired of fucking hearing this “neutral” bullshit dominate the discussion. It’s shit like this that allows those neo-Nazi fucks to flourish and continue to do what they do.

I don’t think we should be assaulting reporters or hurling chunks of concrete, but I still don’t think we should be giving them any sort of fucking legitimacy.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Shorter Pol: NO U

Troll better next time.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

In other important news, my cat just demanded ten full minutes of belly rubs while kneading the air.

Look, this thread needs all the brain bleach it can get. =P

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Video? :p

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Eh, I usually assume people understand I am not a native english speaker because of the various grammar problems that litter my sentence.

Not even native English speakers write English correctly.

Have we even decided that we should use Oxford commas or not? Why the the hell do we have an “i” before “e” rule when 98% of words that have “i” and “e” together are actually properly spelt with “e” before the “i”? Why do we have spelt and spelled? Inflammable and flammable mean the same goddamn thing! Why the fuck would inflammable have the same fucking meaning a flammable when “in” is a negative prefix? It should mean not flammable!


The English language is disgusting hodgepodge that makes little fucking sense and I’m impressed anyone ever learns it as a goddamn second language!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

“Revendicate” is one of the ultimate red flags for “undercover french person”.

Ha, don’t worry, I too struggle daily not to sound too french. Actually was taken for a troll here once because of a misunderstanding born from my awkward grammar.

8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

Even better than heteronyms are auto-antonyms, where they actually mean the opposite of themselves.

My favourite is the verb “to dust”, which can be used to mean either adding or removing dust from something.

8 years ago


I’ll let this comic illustrate the need for the serial “Oxford” comma.
comment image

(I was going to use this one, but wasn’t sure if it was too NSFW and/or offensive.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Dlouwe

I like ‘cleave’.

8 years ago

@Handsome Jack: I forgot who (beyond a SF writer)* said this originally, but I think this saying sums up English quite well:

“English is a language that chases other languages down a dark alley, knocks them out, then rifles their pockets for spare vocabulary.”

Explains a few things about the rules, doesn’t it? XD

Though occasionally other languages nick words from English to explain things their own languages can’t. The Japanese women who (a decade or so ago) nicked the phrase ‘sexual harassment’ to describe what they went through in their own workplaces comes to my mind.

*I’m wanting to say James Nicoll, but I’m not 100% sure of that.

8 years ago

Magical ?

I always assumed you were German, what with the name and all. Then, you mentionined France a while back, so I assumed Alsatian. At no point did I assume American francophile with an eclectic vocabulary and issues with subject verb agreement. Which would totes be OK too. We have all sorts round here ?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Oxford comma forever. I also detest misplaced apostrophes.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago


That is really sad, I feel for you. It’s terrible to see someone you love go over to the dark side, I’ve seen it myself when friends and family of mine start clicking like on reprehensible Facebook posts. Maybe he feels disenfranchised as a man, and has bought into the MRA rhetoric which seeks to blame everything on women? The working classes in your country are bound to feel like this, not because of feminism, but because there is no mainstream party which represents their interests. Trump is establishment, and so is Clinton, the only candidate who had the workers interests at heart is Sanders. Unfortunately, even his ideas are unlikely to work under the current single party masquerading as two party system. Both the Democrats and the Republicans represent the borgiousie and look out for the interests of the mega rich one percent. They will lie about the trickle down economy, and say what is good for capitalism is good for everybody, but it is quickly being proven untrue. What America needs is a Labour Party, but years of anti socialist propaganda has scared most people off of supporting socialist candidates. Bernie is certainly the closest you have ever got to a real socialist in the presidential race. Maybe try appealing to your partner that Nazism is not the way to go, he needs to go right back to Marx. Good luck and hugs.

8 years ago

@dlouwe : french have a *lot* of auto-antonymes. That’s not even funny. I am pretty sure one could make a novel where the subject of every sentence is ambiguous

For irregular verb, I want to present “to be” in french :
I am => je suis
you are => tu es
they are => ils sont

“to go” is a similar intrication of two different verbs. And don’t get me started on accentuations.

8 years ago


In 5th grade (like, almost 20 years ago) we learned a song about the past-tense conjugation of “to go” in French, and I can still remember it to this day because it was so damn catchy.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)


The last one would be toast WITH orange juice. Maybe if there was another thing after it, like, “Eggs, toast and orange juice, and bacon,” it would be orange juice on toast. If you’re gonna write something and have two of the things combined at the end of a supposed list, “with” would be best, otherwise it would just be a list because no one agrees when or if an Oxford comma should be used.

This just proves my goddamn point more. English get your shit together.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I, for one, don’t believe in the Oxford Comma.

8 years ago

But can we agree that the way the toast with orange juice is all like, “Ok. ._.”, is giggle-worthy? (Yes, I know “all like” and that comma outside the quotes are both improper. I don’t care.)

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago


I have to admit that I am not familiar with “antifa” folks so I’ll take your word that they are not necessarily blameless in whatever went down in Sacramento. Bottom line is that racists/Nazis have the right to march and those of us on the other side can counter protest in a productive, peaceful manner. It’s the American way.

I suppose Nazis are feeling great about the prospects of a Trump Presidency where they can run wild. Sorry to disappoint them but there are loads of racial minorities and non-racist Whites in this country who aren’t going to allow that to happen.

8 years ago

Really? People become MRAs, cos the Democratic Party isn’t socialist enough? That’s your thesis? Well, color me intrigued. Go on…