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The white supremacist group behind today’s protest-gone-violent in Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.
“Our ‘Sacramento Spartans’ Prevail!” the Traditionalist Worker Party declares in a fundraising appeal intended to cover “medical and legal expenses of the men who risked and sacrificed so much today.”
As the TWP sees it, to day was a big win for their brave “street fighters.”
Our Golden State Skinhead comrades went up against over ten-to-one odds and won! Regretfully, one of our men was injured and is currently in the hospital, though at least five of the antifa who instigated the violence with their cowardly tactics and improvised weaponry were sent to the hospital. Absolutely all of the credit goes to the Golden State’s courageous warriors, proving that proven street fighters are absolutely vital to our sacred cause of defending our White American families.
Apparently “defending White American families” involves a lot of stabbing.
We delivered the message we intended to deliver today; We will not be intimidated. We will not stand down. Our event was a victory by all metrics. We won the physical fight. We provoked the leftists into showing their true colors. The national media story about our event is becoming a conversation about how our attempt to peacefully demonstrate was viciously attacked by the leftist mob.
The group’s “street fighters,” the message declared,
stood their ground against what was the single greatest show of anti-white force ever organized in America…and won!
The group suggests that we will see more violent clashes like the one we saw today:
While blog posts and social media debates are excellent work for our cause, they’re not a replacement for men who are willing to risk injury or even death to guarantee that our message is heard and our voices are not silenced or marginalized.
On Twitter, meanwhile, assorted white supremacists, Trump fans, and others on the right mocked the victims of the stabbings — and promised more violence against leftists to come. CAUTION: GRAPHIC IMAGES.
Here’s one I had to censor somewhat for reasons that are pretty self-evident; click on the screenshot to see archived originals.
Even those who described the Sacramento Spartans’ violence as self-defense exalted in the larger number of injuries inflicted upon the “antifa” counterprotesters.
Another one. Communists attack peaceful nationalists and lose. pic.twitter.com/bUD7BtG3wq
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
I saw the vid. You Commies attacked peaceful demonstrators and got your ass kicked. https://t.co/4BuJeflWMU
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
All the antifa pussies that got their asses kicked in #Sacramento should be ashamed. Bunch of pansy ass pinkos.
— Rusty Shackleford (@RustyShackler69) June 27, 2016
Others resorted to doxxing, posting and reposting the name and apparent address of at least one of the “antifa” organizers.
One self-described “Intersectional Libertarian” noted that he would shed no tears “when she does get killed.”
She is lucky she did not get killed. She was 100% at fault. No tears when she does get knifed.
— Big Cat (@cyber_merkin) June 26, 2016
This political season gets uglier by the day.
For more on the violent clashes in Sacramento, see my earlier post here.
Ok, I had to look up “revendicate”.
Stop using high faultin’ language mate and speak in a way that normal humans can understand.
I’ll just say unequivocally that I want nothing to do with the AFA. I don’t want to be associated with them, and I don’t want to take any responsibility for what they do. In my experience, AFA supporters are generally just violent idiots who randomly happen to self-identify as “left”. Their clashes with fascists are no different than hooligan supporters of two football teams who just hate each other for no particular reason.
You’re getting a bit unbearable now. ESL speakers don’t necessarily know which words are considered “normal” by native English speakers, and we also don’t think it’s the end of the world if you have to google a word once in a while.
Go take a nap and come back when you’re less cranky.
It’s indeed exactly what happen here. “revendicate” is the litteral same word as in french to mean “self-identify”, hence why it popped up first when I wrote the sentence.
I did not even know it’s supposed to be a rare word.
And Ohlmann is an ESL speaker? How do you know this my friend? If they are then I completely understand and I think you may have percieved my attitude in the wrong way, Imaginary Petal.
And also, “unbearbearable”, eh? Try to bear a little more then. Heeeeeee ?
I miss former Pecunium. Are they still exist?
I hadn’t heard that word before either, but I love learning new words. What’s wrong with expanding our vocabulary?
I still think /pol/ is a troll.
@ ohlmann
Must confess I’d not heard it before, but it’s a great word and I am going to use it whenever I can. I like to learn one new thing each day so that’s today’s. Thank you 🙂
Ok Ohlmann. Sorry mate. I didn’t realise that you were a French speaker.
On the plus side, I learnt a new sword today! I mean word. Word. ?
I agree with all of that.
I did know Ohlmann is French because they’d mentioned it previously. But, more importantly, how did you know that they’re not an ESL speaker? You don’t just get to assume everybody on the internet is a native English speaker, and you probably shouldn’t get snippy when people point out to you that the internet isn’t a city in the US. If you’re gonna be rude on the assumption that nobody is an ESL speaker, then you’re often going to be wrong and embarrass yourself. This was one of those times.
Ok, Pol, I gave you the benefit of the doubt last time but now you’re being weirdly defensive and making huge assumptions that you refuse to back down on despite being told the facts. Want to know how Petal knew that Ohlmann is ESL? Because most of the regulars know that because Ohlmann has brought it up multiple times.
Merci pour le mot nouveau, Ohlmann! I get to learn in two languages today. 🙂 (Apologies if my French grammar is terrible. It’s been at least a decade since I spoke it regularly.)
Last conference I was at, between my own presentations I got to sit in on some great ones. It was really refreshing, because it was a cross-discipline conference. Got to listen to some topics I rarely get to. Was thrilled to be able to sit in on a review of the current plight of the local First Nations tribes in my own province, from the voice and perspective of one of their own.
One of the presentations was from a linguist who was studying English use across the globe; specifically the use of English as a universal(ish) trade language. He very strongly emphasized that one of English’s greatest strengths is its ability to maintain consistent meaning in the face of very fluid grammar and word selection. He was trying to coin the phrase “How do you English”, and spent most of the presentation arguing that there are and should be no “invalid” forms of English. The English used by ESL peeps to communicate is just as valid, and just as valuable, as that used by native speakers.
It was a great presentation, and took a step beyond the “descriptivist” view of language. I’m not mentioning it to critique anyone here, incidentally! I just think of it whenever language discussions crop up, and thought others might like the perspective.
Huh? You were the one Imaginary Petal. You said that “ESL speakers don’t necessarily know which words are considered “normal” by native English speakers”.
And from that I infered that you knew that Ohlmann was speaking English as a second language. And that’s totally fine by me.
I think that you may have misrepresented me here.
And thanks kupo, geez. Pile on why don’t you? You know… you don’t just have a little club here. Sometimes the world comes in.
Don’t try to reject an ally. I actually like David and his posts.
And my point was that even if you did not know this, you should have realized that this was a possibility. Instead you decided to be instantly rude for no reason. I haven’t misrepresented a fucking thing.
EDIT: Your most recent comment genuinely reads like an admission of trollery.
@ ohlmann
Just managed to use revendicate in a conversation! 🙂
I should have? OK. Perhaps you are better at this English thing than me then Imaginary Petal. Chillax mate.
“Instantly rude”? Geez… sorry I said anything then. ?
I’ve heard two stereotypes of antifa: (1) wimpy SJWs advocating for white genocide [aka leftist activists] and (2) thugs who use the same tactics as fascists but in opposition to fascists.
I’ve seen lots of evidence that (1) exists, thank goodness and thank you all who are out counter-protesting the assholes (it’s been kind of moot here in Montreal; the pegida protests don’t seem to actually materialize, so there’s a flock of antifa standing around without a protest to counter).
I’ve unfortunately also seen some evidence that (2) exists. I’m not a fan of violence, even against violent actors.
Eh, I usually assume people understand I am not a native english speaker because of the various grammar problems that litter my sentence. I will take that thing as a proof I am improving here.
Being french is one of the few thing I openly and without problem disclose on line, both because it explain when I do a particulary hard to parse sentence, and because it’s relevant when I share experience ; for example, I could easily imagine french antifas to not actually be the same as english or american one.
I’m fairly sure that Pol was an active and known troll some years back. Unfortunately I’m not positive, since I remember very little about them beyond the name and I can’t remember exactly when they were trolling, so I can’t track down any examples of their past wasted efforts.
Yeah, definitely a returning troll.
Keeping in mind that not everybody in the world is a native English speaker doesn’t in any way require you to be good at English. It’s common knowledge.
And yes, you were rude as fuck and you still are. Go troll some other blog.
Ok, Ohlmann. You assume but I didn’t. I read David’s site but I don’t always read the posts and I was not trying to criticise you in that way.
I have never seen you before disclose that you are a native French speaker. So relax my friend.
Actually, this dialogue here I find a little odd with people questioning me and all.
There seems to be a bit of paranoia about. But I can understand this “having to deal with trolls constantly” thing. Trolls have influenced the culture too much on the comments section here. And that is sad.
What’s sad is that a troll can say something like this:
…to another commenter and then pretend like he’s not a troll, while accusing others of being “paranoid” and telling them to “chillax”.
Or you’re just being a jerk and doubling down on it, so we’re calling you out. It shows a huge amount of insecurity to accuse someone of being high falutin (I did have to look that up) because they used a word you had to look up.