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The white supremacist group behind today’s protest-gone-violent in Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.
“Our ‘Sacramento Spartans’ Prevail!” the Traditionalist Worker Party declares in a fundraising appeal intended to cover “medical and legal expenses of the men who risked and sacrificed so much today.”
As the TWP sees it, to day was a big win for their brave “street fighters.”
Our Golden State Skinhead comrades went up against over ten-to-one odds and won! Regretfully, one of our men was injured and is currently in the hospital, though at least five of the antifa who instigated the violence with their cowardly tactics and improvised weaponry were sent to the hospital. Absolutely all of the credit goes to the Golden State’s courageous warriors, proving that proven street fighters are absolutely vital to our sacred cause of defending our White American families.
Apparently “defending White American families” involves a lot of stabbing.
We delivered the message we intended to deliver today; We will not be intimidated. We will not stand down. Our event was a victory by all metrics. We won the physical fight. We provoked the leftists into showing their true colors. The national media story about our event is becoming a conversation about how our attempt to peacefully demonstrate was viciously attacked by the leftist mob.
The group’s “street fighters,” the message declared,
stood their ground against what was the single greatest show of anti-white force ever organized in America…and won!
The group suggests that we will see more violent clashes like the one we saw today:
While blog posts and social media debates are excellent work for our cause, they’re not a replacement for men who are willing to risk injury or even death to guarantee that our message is heard and our voices are not silenced or marginalized.
On Twitter, meanwhile, assorted white supremacists, Trump fans, and others on the right mocked the victims of the stabbings — and promised more violence against leftists to come. CAUTION: GRAPHIC IMAGES.
Here’s one I had to censor somewhat for reasons that are pretty self-evident; click on the screenshot to see archived originals.
Even those who described the Sacramento Spartans’ violence as self-defense exalted in the larger number of injuries inflicted upon the “antifa” counterprotesters.
Another one. Communists attack peaceful nationalists and lose. pic.twitter.com/bUD7BtG3wq
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
I saw the vid. You Commies attacked peaceful demonstrators and got your ass kicked. https://t.co/4BuJeflWMU
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
All the antifa pussies that got their asses kicked in #Sacramento should be ashamed. Bunch of pansy ass pinkos.
— Rusty Shackleford (@RustyShackler69) June 27, 2016
Others resorted to doxxing, posting and reposting the name and apparent address of at least one of the “antifa” organizers.
One self-described “Intersectional Libertarian” noted that he would shed no tears “when she does get killed.”
She is lucky she did not get killed. She was 100% at fault. No tears when she does get knifed.
— Big Cat (@cyber_merkin) June 26, 2016
This political season gets uglier by the day.
For more on the violent clashes in Sacramento, see my earlier post here.
I suspect the typical Neonazi wouldn’t have made it through the training regimen the Spartans subjected their would be citizens to. For that matter they probably wouldn’t have made it into the SS, but ended up as cooks in a prison camp.
Spartans are white?
I have a very hard time seeing any of this and coming to the conclusion that Clinton would be “just as bad” or empower equally awful degenerates.
Ah, but of course, we must consider that it’s wrong to ask Sanders supporters to vote for Clinton, despite the unlikelihood of Jill Stein winning. And despite actual, literal neo-nazis, white supremacists, and red pillers supporting Trump. Why? Because of Immanuel Kant.
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed, that’s what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant… Oh, fuck it.
@Tim Gueguen – I really doubt these dudes could cope. I mean, I can’t see them remotely getting through the physicals, but I also doubt they’d be able to pass the mandatory poetry and art areas as well…
The Spartans would have spat on street-proven fighters – they believed in rigorous discipline and utmost allegiance to the chain of command. Routine and precision was their mandate, not random brawling. Discipline was extremely important.
(And in the end, the Spartans were brought down because there were not enough full citizens in their empire, and that too many people were in the merchant class – or hired warriors. They fell apart because their superiority complex didn’t allow them to grow).
They would probably have made it into the SS. The SS weren’t really that picky.
I don’t have a lot of love for antifas (if they were *actually* antifas), but thoses brown shirted human residues make me want to puke. I hope they won’t put the US back 200 or 2000 year back with their stupidity.
I’m just waiting for Trump to come up with yet another vague, bumbling mix of false apologetics and encouragement for the stabbers.
Why, of course Spartans were white! Have you never seen the renowned historical docudrama 300? /s
The term “psychopath” is included in the comments policy as an ableist term. Probably for the best to avoid it.
@Tragedy of the Commas:
That’s an amazing movie. I rewatched it over the weekend with the Significant Other.
Antifas get stabbed in “self-defense”… it’s always the same. “Self-defense”. When Méric died, it was “self-defense” too : he “ambushed” the bastards and they killed him in “self-defense”, just, what, three years ago ?
Yet they’re the ones with violent fantasies about summarily executing us for a variety of reasons like… starting “mixed-race” families ? That self-defense too ?
Truth is I’m not even shocked. Saw this coming because apparently our minds are trained to expect this shit from those assholes now.
I just hope no one else dies, not this time. Heart goes out to the wounded, hope they get out of the hospital soon and without any crippling injuries.
This deer turned out such a vibrant shade of teal that I can’t in good conscience address it to you, wwth, even though I am responding to your post. I don’t want to make you feel obligated to read through it. :p
I’m no fan of the US. In fact I devote much of my time to obsessing about my dislike of the United States and everything it stands for*. I’m a lot like a MGTOW in that sense, except I’m fully aware that I’m not as independent of the thing I feel conflicted about as I’d like to imagine.
(* Not everything people claim it stands for, mind you, some of those values are pretty nice; however, promoting those values in politics or propaganda usually has the effect of promoting hypocrisy and lies.)
But even I admit that the only reason they are the most embarrassing country is that they’re so massively huge and influential and loud that everyone’s constantly listening. Literally every time I hear my countrymen, Finns, voice opinions on anything at all, I have to cringe hard, I’m embarrassed, and sort of thankful that internationally no one’s paying any attention to us.
Our culture, national identity and temperament are such that we’re uniquely susceptible to all kinds of pseudointellectual, self-serving bullshit. And the world being the way it is, there’s loads of pseudointellectual bullshit that flatters North Europeans out there, especially if they’re also men. I would bet cinnamon rolls that a larger share of our people are MRAs, gamergaters, equalists and libertarians than other European nations. If the fedora as a symbol of a certain type of person was replaced with a nationality, I’m pretty sure we would have to be it.
On top of that, of course, we also have all the regular varieties of asshattery, although you can often spot pseudointellectual influences in those, too. Our racists, for example, call themselves “immigration critics” (it sounds even more awkward and stupid in Finnish), which is about what you’d expect from a bunch of jackasses trying to brand their jackassery as somehow hyper-rational.
A couple of days ago there was a news story about how ads for a Tom of Finland exhibition were removed from the public transportation system due to complaints, then put back up just hours later. The removal was generally condemned as a homophobic overreaction, and the people responsible for it admitted it was a mistake. (They had also corrected it before the story broke, so it was not a response to media criticism.)
So far so good. What does the public think about all this?
Feminism is bad and has gone too far. That is what they get from this.
Because if it was oversexualized images of women rather than men in publicly displayed ads, and they were removed because of protests, there would have been no condemnation. Instead, it would be applauded by the media as feminist progress. And then all the usual, predictable, ridiculous complaints about how it’s feminist hypocrisy that men aren’t protected from objectification like women are.
I can’t even begin to unpack all the levels of wrong in this line of thinking, mainly because all of the processing power in my brain is currently being hogged by an all-consuming rage. But also because there’s so many of them, and they’re so complex, and fold in on themselves, it’s all like something that was dreamed up by M.C. Escher.
@Dust Bunny I honestly don’t even think there’s the context there to objectify men to the same extent, except perhaps ironically. I mean it did just seem to have the pro-lgbt thing going for it so it would have support regardless of the gender for what it represented.
They’ve done studies into this and how we break feminised bodies up into different parts in our heads compared to masculinised ones.
Where to start, the victim complex, the knowledge that the world is leaving them behind socially, or the serious belief that this would cause the revolution they so desire.
Malheur Range and the Oreon Standoff could have been the catalyst, had the FBI not basically stomp on them hard at every turn, showing them to be incompetent buffoons and taking the sovereign citizen movement back by decades. That entire event was pure catharsis for me, oh the vindication was so satisfying after years of them getting away with it by being protected by the GOP and their whiteness, and just fail at every turn.
In the terms of increasing boldness, I would posit that in this case, of which I can be calm so long as the victims can live to see another day, that it will be yet another count of violence that the media will ignore or use the gun blanket statement.
Actually from their comments I feel less vitriol than I do for the typical /pol/ and /r9k/ resident, maybe it’s because I find this level of delusion too similar to sovereign citizens, and possibly I’m still under the afterglow of having the SovCit parasites brought down and humiliated. I just find it cute, adorable that they believe that will happen is not going to be the same story as Oregon. Strange how in a world where the US was pivotal in ending WW2 there are veterans and holocaust survivors, they have to die with the knowledge in the back of their minds that fascism is on the rise globally and there are still youths who cling onto the ideology so many people had fought and died to prevent its global contamination. Honestly that makes me the closest to upset at their comments. The actions did alot more to get a rise from me. This is the usual peanut gallery who flee like turkeys the first sign of danger comes their way.
@Dust Bunny : if I can trust what the other finnish I know say, I would say France is just as bad about pseudo-intellectual delusions of grandeur.
I am of the opinions all western countries are currently racing for the bottom.
@ ooglyboggles
We have a thing over here called ‘Freemen on the land’. Basically they’re sovereign citizens but without the guns. They do cause a bit of bother in the court system; although now a briefing document has gone out to all the courts on how to deal with them (don’t engage, just get on with it)
It’s weird though how they claim ‘success’ all the time.
“But you were facing an 80 quid traffic fine and you ended up in prison?”
“Yeah, that showed them!”
(The double irony being that if they hadn’t tried to argue with the copper in the first place they’d probably have been let off the fine)
@Paradoxical Intention. We here at Pavlov’s House really REALLY like your comment. A lot.
(I mean, I’m posting under the nick “Pavlov’s House”, after all, so my allegiances ought to be clear; if Pavlov’s House aint iconic of the united Allied struggle against fascism, what is?….but it never hurts to be clear in these matters. 🙂 )
Thank you for this post, David. Reading other liberal blogs covering this issue was a little frustrating since there appeared to be a rush to condemn the antifas for initiating the violence without any evidence that that was true.
Here they go with calling their fellow haters ‘comrades’ again.
I hate them co-opting that word. They clearly do not know its proper usage. Comrade in English or the Russian word ‘tovarishch’ serves as an egalitarian replacement for titles like Mister, Master, Mrs and Sir, which shows respect to your ally without referring to their status, gender or social standing.
Inflicting six knife wounds and suffering only one does not mean you won the knife fight. It means you were the only assholes who were violent enough to bring knives.
Reminds me if some fanfic/fascist propaganda that I read some years ago that was written in support of George Lincoln Rockwell.
Something about some scenario where Rockwell was somehow instigated by a mob of “Jews” whom he singlehandedly, and Popeye style, punched the spinach out of! Go cartoon hero…
Ok, now some antifa people were stabbed but… 10 to one?! They attacked us first?!
Typical far-right attempt at lying to make themselves look far bigger and more righetous than they really are.
Well, this all sounds completely unpleasant.
I admit, I had to look up “antifa”, damn kids and their truncated phrases smooshed up into a new word. My brain kept insisting it was some kind of pasta.
Other than the obvious problem of showing up armed to a “peaceful” demonstration, I need more facts in order to form an opinion with regards to blame. I suppose it’ll be weeks or months before all of the who-attacked-whom questions are sorted out.
Still, I do not get warm fuzzy feelings from the celebration of having inflicted harm on another person. And I do dislike supremacists.
Patricia, yeah, it’s not clear from what I’ve seen who started it, though it does seem pretty clear that the antifas weren’t exactly angels — they were definitely looking for a fight.
I do think that’s the wrong approach, even when it comes to countering literal fascists. At least here in the US today.
Unfortunately the US today seems to be slowly morphing into Germany in the early 30s. What a mess.
@ David
We’ve reacted to Donald Trump’s visit here with typical Brit compromise. Primarily mockery, but with a barrowload of bricks in case he gets in range (if the police ask, it’s a satire about that wall 😉 )
(It’s also typically British that we’re condemning racism against Mexicans with a pretty dodgy stereotype of Mexicans)
Most actual antifas I have seen were basically thugs who tried to have a “good” cause. But you can’t use a wrong method for a good cause.
Now, I would not be surprised if the “antifas” here were 2 thugs antifas, 15 normal people in the crossfire.
You should see more antifas then Ohlmann. You judge too quickly on a small sample. Don’t you mate?
Hence “that I have seen”. The one who revendicate the name were all skinheads, more anarchist than the average people who is against fascism, and a bit too willing to use violence and flaunter their organisation and eagerness to act to not repulse me. That did not incite me to go closer to the antifa scene.
Maybe I just encounter the bad ones. It’s an option, it’s not like “I truly despise fascist” is anywhere near as inherently toxic as “I want to be part of the master race”.