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The white supremacist group behind today’s protest-gone-violent in Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.
“Our ‘Sacramento Spartans’ Prevail!” the Traditionalist Worker Party declares in a fundraising appeal intended to cover “medical and legal expenses of the men who risked and sacrificed so much today.”
As the TWP sees it, to day was a big win for their brave “street fighters.”
Our Golden State Skinhead comrades went up against over ten-to-one odds and won! Regretfully, one of our men was injured and is currently in the hospital, though at least five of the antifa who instigated the violence with their cowardly tactics and improvised weaponry were sent to the hospital. Absolutely all of the credit goes to the Golden State’s courageous warriors, proving that proven street fighters are absolutely vital to our sacred cause of defending our White American families.
Apparently “defending White American families” involves a lot of stabbing.
We delivered the message we intended to deliver today; We will not be intimidated. We will not stand down. Our event was a victory by all metrics. We won the physical fight. We provoked the leftists into showing their true colors. The national media story about our event is becoming a conversation about how our attempt to peacefully demonstrate was viciously attacked by the leftist mob.
The group’s “street fighters,” the message declared,
stood their ground against what was the single greatest show of anti-white force ever organized in America…and won!
The group suggests that we will see more violent clashes like the one we saw today:
While blog posts and social media debates are excellent work for our cause, they’re not a replacement for men who are willing to risk injury or even death to guarantee that our message is heard and our voices are not silenced or marginalized.
On Twitter, meanwhile, assorted white supremacists, Trump fans, and others on the right mocked the victims of the stabbings — and promised more violence against leftists to come. CAUTION: GRAPHIC IMAGES.
Here’s one I had to censor somewhat for reasons that are pretty self-evident; click on the screenshot to see archived originals.
Even those who described the Sacramento Spartans’ violence as self-defense exalted in the larger number of injuries inflicted upon the “antifa” counterprotesters.
Another one. Communists attack peaceful nationalists and lose. pic.twitter.com/bUD7BtG3wq
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
I saw the vid. You Commies attacked peaceful demonstrators and got your ass kicked. https://t.co/4BuJeflWMU
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 27, 2016
All the antifa pussies that got their asses kicked in #Sacramento should be ashamed. Bunch of pansy ass pinkos.
— Rusty Shackleford (@RustyShackler69) June 27, 2016
Others resorted to doxxing, posting and reposting the name and apparent address of at least one of the “antifa” organizers.
One self-described “Intersectional Libertarian” noted that he would shed no tears “when she does get killed.”
She is lucky she did not get killed. She was 100% at fault. No tears when she does get knifed.
— Big Cat (@cyber_merkin) June 26, 2016
This political season gets uglier by the day.
For more on the violent clashes in Sacramento, see my earlier post here.
@ IP (& DDog)
Ha, sorry. Appeared I joined in the recent trend of assumptions about people’s language abilities. 🙂
I really ought to learn some Gaelic. My mum tuts that I don’t know any. Of course, at the risk of blaming women for everything, she’s the one who chose to have me in Yorkshire.
Not a sentence you see often!
Except, increasingly, here.
Something I meant to ask a while back, your being from Yorkshire and all. The old “Four Yorkshiremen” sketch: is part of the joke that they are from Yorkshire? Haven’t found anything specific, but from what I’ve seen it looks like it.
@ cheesynougats
Yes; it’s played for comedy but it sooooo accurately reflects the attitude up there. There’s a real hostility in Yorkshire to unearned wealth. The concept of ‘old money’ is anathema. It’s considered admirable that you “Start off wi’ nowt” and earn everything through hard graft.
So the more humble your beginnings the better. I’ve heard many a conversation just like that (to hear my parents’ generation talking, no-one in Yorkshire went to school in shoes)
I do fall into it myself. I was one of the minority at Bar School who hadn’t been to public school and my Chambers colleagues did eye roll a bit when I got into my ‘working class boy made good; first person in my family to go to university, worked two jobs through law school’ etc. spiel 🙂
Same think here, but down south. None of my family had been to university, some had trained to become nurses, but that was the extent of it. There was real hostility in my family towards leaving to go to university. I was one of the last people to go to uni on a full grant, that was 2004. I would hate to be a school leaver now and have to incur tens of thousands of pounds in debt. My mum’s family were all farmers, and now they own a grand total of no farms at all. They like to tell the same stories about hand me downs and going to school shoeless.
@ cheesynougats and virgin mary
Possibly the most accurate depiction of Yorkshire attitudes ever captured on film 🙂
GHOTI is a fun example of how technically weird English is, but it does sort of ignore the actual context of the language. Maybe it’s more relevant for people learning English as a second language? At the beginning of a word, “Gh” will never be pronounced the same way as in “tough”. And I’m pretty sure “ti” is pronounced “sh” only in the context of being followed by “on”, e.g. “action”, “motion”, “ocean”. (Jokes.)
Like, I get how it’s used as an argument for spelling reform, and it is clever, but it goes against even the rather lackluster conventions that do exist in English.
Where’s that Dragon Ball clip about party poopers when you need it?
I don’t know, but I bet it takes them 10 minutes to say “party pooper”. Slowest show ever. :p
Next time, on Dragon Ball Z!
Clearly I need a safety harness of some kind. 😛
OUCH. That looks painful, that sudden stop at the end!
I’ve been watching Leverage lately, and I keep thinking, “Y’know, Hardison, you wouldn’t have so much trouble with the jumping off of things if you didn’t go so fast with the abrupt stop at the end. Parker goes slowly and glides to a stop. Maybe learn from her, you doofus.” (Affectionately; Hardison reminds me of my older son attitude-wise.)
Maybe I just need to stop replying to specific comments… both of the floating posts were replies to other comments. Hmm.
Hardison is the best part of that show 🙂
I can’t honestly pick the best part, there’s too many to choose from! And some of the guest stars are just great. 🙂
I have wanted to play the Leverage RP for ages, but I can’t find anyone else who does or anyone who wants to run it.
Isn’t it a little weird that that’s the worst thing the republicans have against Warren? I’m from Massachusetts and remember when that scandal happened and it lasted for about a day and it changed no one’s decision to vote (or not vote) for her.
I actually really don’t get why Bernie supporters are SO against Hillary–like if you look at each candidates positions they’re so close to each other that even if you are closer to Bernie’s positions than Hillary’s, you still agree with Hillary on most things and I actually saw Bernie supporters argue that Hillary supporters should vote for Bernie because they are so similar. For me, voting pragmatically makes a lot of sense because with Hillary, Bernie, and Jill Stein, I agree a lot with each one of them but with each one of them there are things I disagree with them on so I really don’t really get the idea that one candidate is perfect and perfectly represents my beliefs
the idea that there is no “invalid” form of English is rather common in linguistics–in speech and language pathology, non native speakers who have accents aren’t considered to have language disorders because there’s nothing wrong with their motor planning or mental processing of language and in linguistics any language is considered to be valid if it has it’s own grammatical rules (so linguistics considers non standard English dialects to be just a valid as standard ones)
@Paradoxical Intention
I’m tired of the “neutral” bullshit too and I just feel like the “free speech” argument is a bad argument because it takes it as a given that protecting free speech is the most important thing* and it completely ignores how fascists and the right wing and people who are against political correctness** try to limit other people’s freedom of speech so it’s just a way to defend hate speech without owning up to it
*I don’t know where the idea that people should have unlimited free speech came from because even in the US there are limits on free speech and I kind of feel like in order for everyone to get along without killing each other you need some limits on individual freedom and if someone is exercising their freedom of speech in a way that jeapordizes someone’s safety does one person’s right to free speech trump someone else’s right to safety?
**my sister often makes the political correctness has gone to far and her complaints about political correctness gone to far is people criticizing the way female characters are portrayed in Doctor Who and she posted something that was essentially saying that political correctness is a threat to freedom of speech when someone criticizing Doctor Who isn’t barring the creators of Doctor Who from making Doctor Who and if your for free speech, if someone uses free speech to criticize something you like you shouldn’t get mad about it
also, Milo Yannopolis, Christina Hoff Summers, and someone else have a panel/presentation thing going around to different colleges called “the triggering: has political correctness gone to far” saying that political correctness has gone too far and liberals need to be more open minded and yadda yadda yadda and at the same event they argued that people who disagreed with them should be punched and you can’t say your for free speech and then threaten people with violence for disagreeing (and after the event at my college you had the same bullshit neutralism where the people who protested the event were accused of not being open minded enough and being anti free speech)
I’m sick of disillusionment as an excuse too–like I get that pointing out how societal issues affects individual behavior can be helpful in changing that behavior but at the same time individuals have to take responsibility for their behavior and it’s kind of entitled to lash out when the world doesn’t go your way
Also, one of the issues with socialism and labor in the US is that a lot of workers in the US are in middle management and therefor are not eligible for being protected by unions or labor protections–here in Massachusetts this issue came up in the Market Basket strike where some of the employees who went on strike were laid off because if you are in middle management you can’t go on strike
Precise! There’s a fine line between ‘This might be why people are voting for Trump’ and ‘Thanks, Obama!’ Cause and effect is important to ascertain, but, if you’re just redirecting blame, I have neither the time nor the temperament for that shit anymore
Re: middle management
I always feel kinda bad for them. The honchos see you as a stiff, and the stiffs see you as a honcho. BTW, 2 Arthurs Demoulas? Tried reading up on the story, but I quickly gave up
@ EJ (The Other One)
This response comes long after this thread has faded from the front page, so I don’t know if you’ll see this reply. Still, thanks for catching the reference. I’m not usually a fan of Wes Anderson. But I love that movie.
@ Axecalibur
And a thank you to you and sparkalipoo for calling out the “disillusionment” argument. When one argues, “Sanders isn’t getting the nomination, so I’m voting/enabling Trump,” it’s like saying that because your steak didn’t come well done, as requested, you’re going to the loo to eat your own poop instead.
No prollum, fam. Tho, I should mention, your analogy isn’t quite complete. Not everyone will face the same consequences of a Trump administration. Susan Sarandon isn’t eating her own shit by campaigning against Hillary. She’s rich and famous, she’ll be fine. Instead, she’s inviting the rest of us to taste her leavings. *Sigh, sigh, sigh*
@ Axecalibur
Heh. Very true.
Also, I just read Vanity Fair’s piece on Jessica Williams leaving TDS. She uses an even better excremental analogy than mine!