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So this was the scene outside a Trump rally in Phoenix Arizona last Saturday: A “tribal”-tatted, Trump-supporting Swole-American yelling “F–KING COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH” at a gentleman he evidently believed to be of Mexican descent.
Some of his other, er, observations:
- “Get the f–k out of here! Our country, motherf–ker, our country!”
- “Proud f–king American! Made in USA, bitch, made in f–king USA!”
- “Build that f–king wall, for me!”
- “Trump! I love Trump!”
You can watch the whole performance below, in a video that went viral this past week after being posted on Gawker.
If you pause the video 55 seconds in, you can spot a tattooed number “43” under the arm of the muscular fellow, later identified as Zack Fisher; this just happens to be a favorite symbol of a small but spirited organization called the Supreme White Alliance. You can probably guess what sort of group it is.
Naturally, Fisher has been warmly embraced by some of Trump’s most obnoxiously racist fans.
But before we get to that, let’s hear a bit more from Fisher himself — who explained to The Tab that, why no, he wasn’t a racist at all.
I love all colors. I’m no racist. I am who I am. There’s people out there of all colors that are horrible. Whites, browns, blacks, yellows out there, it doesn’t matter. It’s the color of your heart. …
It sucks that people are scared to stand up for what they believe in, and yet Latinos can do it and it’s fine. And if we do it? We’re racist. White people? The only race you can legally discriminate against.
He apparently spends a lot of time thinking about White Chicks, a Wayans Brothers “comedy” from 2004 in which two of the Wayanses play rogue FBI agents who go undercover as, well, white chicks.
People make movies about us and do we get mad? Like White Chicks? If there was a movie called Black Chicks, it would be a huge race thing. … We couldn’t do that, no way, they’d be like, “this is so racist.” And yet they can make a movie making fun of white people.
And what a widely celebrated film it is! Richard Roeper declared it “the worst movie of the year,” while Roger Ebert informed his readers that “it took an act of the will to keep me in the theater.” It’s got a Rotten Tomatoes score of 13%, ranking it lower than Wild Hogs, The Love Guru, and Hot Tub Time Machine 2.
I just wish people could get over what happened back in the day, to Mexico or Blacks. That was back in the past, people don’t get over it and it sucks. I forgive and forget. A lot of people don’t.
Dude, you haven’t even gotten over “White Chicks!”
Fisher may want to pretend that he’s not racist; many of his new fans don’t bother denying their racism.
Heartiste, the pickup-artist-turned-internet-Nazi, declared Fischer to be the “Sh-tlord Of The Week” for this week, encouraging his readers to adopt Fisher’s catchphrase “GO F–KING COOK MY BURRITO BITCH” as their own.
“If America is to be great/White again,” Heartiste declared,
she’ll need the help of ALL her sh-tlords, from the meme-making pranksters to the theme-cranking intellectuals to the shitlib-shaming musclebros. … it’s all to the Good in the Time of the Trumpening.
Heartiste’s fans were equally enthusiastic
A fellow calling himself Southern WASP happily declared:
It’s happening — the same noble White Man’s spirit that created the United States, as an act of rebellion, is now returning.
An older gentleman calling himself ultimathule1 happily explained that the video “just made my day!” It also got him thinking wistfully about growing up in a much whiter America.
I’m 60 years old, so I was 4 years old in 1960 when the U.S. was just a hair under 90% White. That”s the Whitest that it’s ever been, before or since. I have clear, wonderful memories of my childhood in the ’60s, growing up in a Finnish immigrant family with loving Old World parents and surrounded by normal, psychologically-healthy White Americans.
These days, ultimathule1 complained,
We Europeans are being squeezed into impending extinction simultaneously from below and above. Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses, he has unleashed a powerful force – the angry and fed-up White Man who will no longer take his dispossession passively, but who will push back and fight for everything he loves. To quote Steve McNallen, the founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly, “The existence of my people is not negotiable!” Let that be one of our war slogans.
The Asatru Folk Assembly, in case you’re wondering, is a white supremacist Odinist sect.
Captain Obvious suggested that he would soon be personally taking up arms:
Shiznat’s starting to get real. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Ruger Alaskan 2.5″ in 44 magnum – will it fit in the pants pocket of my Dickies work jeans?
In a followup comment, he explained why he needed a gun he could easily conceal:
I live on the outskirts of Sh!tlibistan. Folks here would totally phreak out if they saw open carry. … we have a metric sh-t-ton of nogs & muds & mystery meats & other troublemakers in the immediate vicinity [and we’ve even had mohammedan events]. So I need something with stopping power [for large nogs & mohammedans & sh!tlib pitbulls & whatnot] which doesn’t bulge too much.
Fisher, too, has evidently taken up arms, telling The Tab that since the video of him went viral he’s been carrying a “gun, with a bullet in the chamber. And that’s fine, I carry a gun with me everywhere and always.”
At the same Trump rally, an apparent friend of Fisher showed up in a “F–K Islam” t-shirt; after being escorted from the event, apparently by Trump’s security detail, he strapped on a gun and gave this interview to Eric Rosenwald, who also shot the video of Fisher.
Not all Trump supporters have picked up guns. Some, like the gleefully grinning young man in this earlier video by Rosenwald, prefer pepper spray.
This is what Trump has wrought.
@Imaginary Petal
That is all.
@Handsome Jack
The french cuisine stereotype is kind of a complex matter. The truth is, we mostly eat “american”. There’s so little left of the so-called glory days of french cuisine that it doesn’t matter anymore, yet some of us still like to think we eat better than anyone else in the world, even though we don’t. It really depends on individuals and how much time and effort they devote to cooking, just like anywhere else.*
Thing is, there have been a few health “scandals” regarding food poisoning in some kebab restaurants. But it’s just the exact same as “black crime” (“arab crime” here) : it’s blown out of proportion in the exact same way.
So yeah, exactly. It’s racism.
*By the way, “typically french” food is usually gross. Except for cheese. You can’t beat our cheese. I’ll challenge anyone who says otherwise to a duel, pistols at dawn. Then I’ll cook them my special burger, which includes fourme.
Edit : @kupo
It’s sad because in this country, those are pretty much the only places you can get a decent meal at a decent price without cooking it yourself. Might be another reason why they hate it ?
A Libertarian classic. One of the Libertarian candidates, Austin Petersen, actually (unironically) appealed to jetpacks in the official Libertarian Presidential debate when asked how roads would work in a libertarian system.
weirwood mentioned that there is a film about black women called BAPS. Did the makers know that baps is a slang term for breasts in parts of the UK? I bet someone did, and yet feminist outrage there was none!
My son made me sit through White Chicks. I found it pretty painful.
I think you’re spot on there. This is also why Libertarians are almost 100% male.
I scrolled through a comment thread on a Libertarian blog discussing this video, and hilariously some of the commenters thought Perry did a pretty good job and probably “planted seeds of doubt”. Mind = boggled.
This guy keeps talking like that, somebody’s going to slice and grill his chorizo.
What’s the difference between libertarianism and anarchism (assuming there are definitive definitions)?
Not much. But the question is really impossible to answer, since no two libertarians ever agree on anything, other than “FREEDOM!”
Anarchists usually agree that there has to be rules, just no rulers. That means market rules as well. ESPECIALLY market rules, since it’s a commonly accepted tenet that a “free market” is a door wide open to all kinds of oppression.
EDIT : to be fair, libertarianism in the US and in Europe aren’t the same thing at all. Here I’m assuming we’re talking about the US kind of libertarianism.
@Imaginary Petal
I couldn’t help it. It was just too much. We’ve been keeping up on Majority Report as much as possible, and it’s been a running joke in the household over the last week.
What exactly sparked Perry’s rage meltdown? It came out of nowhere, and we couldn’t figure out if we’d missed something or if he’d just started yelling for no reason.
@ IP
Yeah, libertarians seem to have a special strand of aresholery about them. I don’t know much about anarchism either but they seemed a bit nicer. Like Crass and the Dial House collective. They at least seemed to be about something other than themselves.
On an unrelated note, do you mind if I ask how tall you are?
ETA: @ sinkable john – ah thanks, that makes sense and perhaps explains why anarchists are nicer.
The short answer is that right libertarians are crypto-fascists and left libertarians are anarchists .
The longer answer is that most right-libertarians call themselves ‘minarchists’, meaning they want a state apparatus that defends absolute private property rights (usually including children in said property and sometimes outright advocating for slavery in general), provides corporate charters and does nothing else. Others call themselves anarcho-capitalists, in the naive belief that a capitalist economy could possibly exist without state backing, and in practice advocate a sort of corporate feudalism.
Left-libertarians (originally the only sort, and a lot of us are pretty pissed off about rightists nicking the term) are a rather varied lot, but mostly anarcho-syndicalists and anarcho-communists. Precise details vary widely (frankly we’re just as prone to intercenine arguments as they are), but the broad outline is that we advocate for social and economic equality for all, and the leveling of hierarchies generally. On an economic level, we prefer a model of worker cooperatives.
To be fair, in Europe, libertarianism and anarchism are pretty much the same school of thought, and that creates a lot of confusion since the US developped its own brand of libertarianism that completely hijacked the word itself. In the US, they use “free-market libertarianism” for the arsehole kind, and “libertarian socialism” for the anarchist kind.
Edit : alright, Dalillama’s answer is much better, clearer, and more detailed than mine.
@Sinkable John
But what about bisque??
So far I’m enjoying Stardew Valley.
@Sinkable John
I dunno, quiche is pretty delicious. And baguettes. I miss real bread. 🙁 As for the cheapness of kebabs, it’s possible that’s a factor in the hatred. Probably not unlike how the affordable taco trucks get chased out of certain parts of town around here, but the hipster trucks (often also serving tacos) are allowed (at like $10 a plate).
I think Trump is doing so well because he’s saying what the “conservative voters” want to hear: anger at the liberal establishment and resentment over minorities and various civil rights policies (including anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies). “Conservative” voters don’t tend to be particularly religious and they don’t care so much about opposing gay rights or abortion or other religious right issues. They’re more dedicated to stuff like hawkish foreign policy, reducing immigration, and eliminating affirmative action programs and anti-discrimination laws.
I don’t think any Sam Seder segment will ever beat this one. The guy is so liver-dissolvingly drunk* that he forgot he called into the bloody show six minutes in… And it’s a 22-minute call… Incredible.
Libertarian has economic connotations that anarchist doesn’t. There are plenty of socialist libertarians (Hiya!), but the term generally refers to the ‘invisible hand’ types
In terms of the role of the state, it’s a bit more complicated and the lines blur a lot. As close as I can figure (from the mainstream view in the States), libertarianism tends to mean less gov/state, while anarchism means none at all. So say we are at 42 units of government. An anarchist has a max level acceptable. Whether that’s 0 (stateless utopia of universal friendship) or like 5 (a court and a small, local council), so long as the state, as it exists, is gone, an anarchist is happy. A libertarian sees the 42, thinks it’s too high, and wants it reduced. A libertarian needn’t have a goal number in mind, as long as that number is less than 42. A libertarian decries big government, an anarchist decries government
That’s all theoretical nonsense tho. Political identification, and the words we use to describe same, are flexible enough to be meaningless in any way outside of one’s own sense of self and identity. The most honest answer to your question: ‘What do you think?’
I’m pretty sure he had decided beforehand to ragequit his way out of the call. It seemed pretty rehearsed to me.
I love that one. My personal favorite is the Daily Caller weirdo dude who is worried that Obama will throw him in jail for staring at women’s boobs.
@ dalillama, sinkable & axecalibur
Thanks for all that. It makes sense now in terms if the explanations if not the philosophies)
Are you guys familiar with Crass and Dial House and all that? Sounds similar to what you were describing. (And now I know what they were doing, I just liked the music)
ETA: cheers IP
Awesome 🙂 There’s a looot of content, and the grind isn’t too harsh, but it still takes awhile to unlock certain things. My advice is to plant as many crops as possible right away to level up your farming skill and unlock craftables quickly. Build chests and save at least two of everything. Sell the starred items, but save a gold-starred one from each category (the more valuable, the better) for a later event.
Also: the fishing mini-game is tough, but stick with it and it gets easier. You’ll be able to level up the skill, but just practicing helps.
Oh, and don’t cut down too much grass until you have a silo.
That’s what it seemed like. I think even Seder or impression guy whose name I can never remember said the same.
He was being asked a question he couldn’t answer. His narrative rested on having land and being independent upon it, and Sam was asking him how property rights would be legitimized in an environment where the government has no power or authority to enforce its rules. He had no answer for this, and apparently he thought it was unfair and unreasonable to be questioned on his basic premise.
@ PoM
Right-libertarians often consider property rights to be a natural law.
It’s not a philosophical question. Locke thought about this philosophically, and concluded that property rights are a natural law, and he had reasons and arguments and stuff for why he thought that was the correct conclusion.
The question here, however, is a practical one. Even if you grant that property rights are a natural law, how is that law enforced when there is no government with the power to enforce it? Groupies of Ayn Rand have this vague idea that everyone will just somehow agree to respect everyone’s property claims and there will never be a dispute. It sounded like Darryl Perry was kind of working toward that perspective, but he was frothing too hard at that point and Sam Seder loled at the whole idea, because it’s ridiculous on its face.
You can agree with Locke but recognize (as Locke did) that you need government to enforce the natural law. If you say that government should not have any power over individuals, you’ve just stripped it of its power to enforce the natural law, and you need to answer what you think will enforce that law if government doesn’t. That’s the question Perry was being asked, to which he had no response, and that’s what drove him into his meltdown.
Property goes in, property goes out, never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that /s