entitled babies guns heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism threats trump

This is Trump’s America: A tribal-tatted swole dude yelling “COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH!”

Welcome to Trump's America
This dude has some thoughts he’d like to share with you

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So this was the scene outside a Trump rally in Phoenix Arizona last Saturday: A “tribal”-tatted, Trump-supporting Swole-American yelling “F–KING COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH” at a gentleman he evidently believed to be of Mexican descent.

Some of his other, er, observations:

  • “Get the f–k out of here! Our country, motherf–ker, our country!”
  • “Proud f–king American! Made in USA, bitch, made in f–king USA!”
  • “Build that f–king wall, for me!”
  • “Trump! I love Trump!”

You can watch the whole performance below, in a video that went viral this past week after being posted on Gawker.

If you pause the video 55 seconds in, you can spot a tattooed number “43” under the arm of the muscular fellow, later identified as Zack Fisher;  this just happens to be a favorite symbol of a small but spirited organization called the Supreme White Alliance. You can probably guess what sort of group it is.

Naturally, Fisher has been warmly embraced by some of Trump’s most obnoxiously racist fans.

But before we get to that, let’s hear a bit more from Fisher himself — who explained to The Tab that, why no, he wasn’t a racist at all.

I love all colors. I’m no racist. I am who I am. There’s people out there of all colors that are horrible. Whites, browns, blacks, yellows out there, it doesn’t matter. It’s the color of your heart. …

It sucks that people are scared to stand up for what they believe in, and yet Latinos can do it and it’s fine. And if we do it? We’re racist. White people? The only race you can legally discriminate against.

He apparently spends a lot of time thinking about White Chicks, a Wayans Brothers “comedy” from 2004 in which two of the Wayanses play rogue FBI agents who go undercover as, well, white chicks.

People make movies about us and do we get mad? Like White Chicks? If there was a movie called Black Chicks, it would be a huge race thing. … We couldn’t do that, no way, they’d be like, “this is so racist.” And yet they can make a movie making fun of white people.

And what a widely celebrated film it is! Richard Roeper declared it “the worst movie of the year,” while Roger Ebert informed his readers that “it took an act of the will to keep me in the theater.” It’s got a Rotten Tomatoes score of 13%, ranking it lower than Wild Hogs, The Love Guru, and Hot Tub Time Machine 2.

I just wish people could get over what happened back in the day, to Mexico or Blacks. That was back in the past, people don’t get over it and it sucks. I forgive and forget. A lot of people don’t.

Dude, you haven’t even gotten over “White Chicks!”

Fisher may want to pretend that he’s not racist; many of his new fans don’t bother denying their racism.

Heartiste, the pickup-artist-turned-internet-Nazi, declared Fischer to be the “Sh-tlord Of The Week” for this week, encouraging his readers to adopt Fisher’s catchphrase “GO F–KING COOK MY BURRITO BITCH” as their own.

“If America is to be great/White again,” Heartiste declared,

she’ll need the help of ALL her sh-tlords, from the meme-making pranksters to the theme-cranking intellectuals to the shitlib-shaming musclebros. … it’s all to the Good in the Time of the Trumpening.

Heartiste’s fans were equally enthusiastic

A fellow calling himself Southern WASP happily declared:

It’s happening — the same noble White Man’s spirit that created the United States, as an act of rebellion, is now returning.


An older gentleman calling himself ultimathule1 happily explained that the video “just made my day!” It also got him thinking wistfully about growing up in a much whiter America.

I’m 60 years old, so I was 4 years old in 1960 when the U.S. was just a hair under 90% White. That”s the Whitest that it’s ever been, before or since. I have clear, wonderful memories of my childhood in the ’60s, growing up in a Finnish immigrant family with loving Old World parents and surrounded by normal, psychologically-healthy White Americans.

These days, ultimathule1 complained,

We Europeans are being squeezed into impending extinction simultaneously from below and above. Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses, he has unleashed a powerful force – the angry and fed-up White Man who will no longer take his dispossession passively, but who will push back and fight for everything he loves. To quote Steve McNallen, the founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly, “The existence of my people is not negotiable!” Let that be one of our war slogans.

The Asatru Folk Assembly, in case you’re wondering, is a white supremacist Odinist sect.

Captain Obvious suggested that he would soon be personally taking up arms:

Shiznat’s starting to get real. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Ruger Alaskan 2.5″ in 44 magnum – will it fit in the pants pocket of my Dickies work jeans?

In a followup comment, he explained why he needed a gun he could easily conceal:

I live on the outskirts of Sh!tlibistan. Folks here would totally phreak out if they saw open carry. … we have a metric sh-t-ton of nogs & muds & mystery meats & other troublemakers in the immediate vicinity [and we’ve even had mohammedan events]. So I need something with stopping power [for large nogs & mohammedans & sh!tlib pitbulls & whatnot] which doesn’t bulge too much.

Fisher, too, has evidently taken up arms, telling The Tab that since the video of him went viral he’s been carrying a “gun, with a bullet in the chamber. And that’s fine, I carry a gun with me everywhere and always.”

At the same Trump rally, an apparent friend of Fisher showed up in a “F–K Islam” t-shirt; after being escorted from the event, apparently by Trump’s security detail, he strapped on a gun and gave this interview to Eric Rosenwald, who also shot the video of Fisher.

Not all Trump supporters have picked up guns. Some, like the gleefully grinning young man in this earlier video by Rosenwald, prefer pepper spray.

This is what Trump has wrought.

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8 years ago

Just want to point out that Notch hasn’t had anything to do with Minecraft for almost 2 years. He sold everything to Microsoft in 2014 and hadn’t been involved with the actual development for some time before that. Play it if you want to or don’t but either way you aren’t helping or hurting Notch at all.

8 years ago


At the risk of mansplaining mansplaining, it exists as a term because of systematic diminishing of women’s experiences and voices by men, regardless of the woman’s relative level of skill/knowledge.

Yes, women can talk over men too, but that’s really not the issue at play here when people talk about it, and trying to make it part of the issue is just as disingenuous and unhelpful as strolling into any random post about a woman being mistreated in some way and going, “but what about teh menz!?!?!”

There is no cultural institution in place that states that when men speak out for more than 25% of the discussion during a meeting, they’re “dominating” the conversation. There’s no societal history of women telling men to “get back in the kitchen” or to “go make me a sammich”. Individual events aren’t equivalent to decades of cultural acceptance.

8 years ago


When I think of all the weeds and twigs I sold or destroyed to make room before I knew they could be turned into fertilizer…sigh.

I knoooowwww X_X I was so mad when I got that seedmaker shed.

Hopefully you enjoy Stardew Valley as much as I do! Or even half as much, because that’s still over 100 hours’ worth of enjoying it, if Steam’s counter is close to accurate.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I wasn’t trying to reduce people to their food or get tolerance cookies. I was just saying homogeneity is boring – particularly when it comes to food – and it’s silly to me that people find it desirable.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Personally, I dislike using gendered terms that have negative connotations like “mansplaining” as well. Makes it seem like rude behavior is something only men do.

Mansplaining is a behavior that only men do. Read the whole thread on the WHTM post about Notch. This has already been discussed.

It’s a term a lot of women find helpful in discussing the misogyny they experience. Discussing sexism does not make us the real sexists. You’re kind of sounding like those people who say President Obama is being divisive every time he brings up racism.

The fact that so many men get so pissy when women talk about mansplaining tells me it’s actually necessary to talk about mansplaining. You don’t get that defensive about something unless you know you’ve been guilty of doing it. Men are just mad that we’ve noticed this behavior, don’t like it, and won’t continue to stand for it.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Hey, Stryker5, is this you?

If you want to pretend to be a clueless neutral third party who’s just asking totally innocent questions, don’t post under an off-site name that’ll link you to Judgy friggin’ B***h. Google exists.

8 years ago

@ Lkeke35

Please don’t encourage the shitgibbons to deploy such tactics. It’s one thing if they’re not hurting anyone, but there are usually innocent, random, victims on the other end of their shitty behavior.

Okay, I’ll take your advice, because it sounds good…but in return, I’d like you to do something for me, which is to consider whether Trump gets more traction when he’s talking about the issues which concern most people or when he’s spouting off about some Aryan nonsense most people don’t care about and can’t identify with. That’s all. Thanks for your advice, and thanks for your time. Have a good day.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Hahaha. There he is, yelling about cucks with all the other weirdos. I never think to google their screen name because I always assume nobody could be stupid enough to make that mistake. But over and over again it turns out they really are that stupid. Unbefuckinglievable.

8 years ago

Human : the only matter than can be denser than a neutron star.

8 years ago

WWTH, Sorry if it came off that way like I was attacking. I just get a little flash of the whole ‘I carry hot sauce in my bag’ hilarity and kind of saw red. The fact food is political at all is….rediculous I mean, wtf that Hillary thought she needed to mention that? that she thought it would do good? Look I like spicey food! I’m not like the (stereyotype) whities! LOVE ME! haha I mean congrats hillary welcome to the club of the million other people that like to fucking eat. Christ Almighty.


Of course u and Kat mentioned Ethiopic food cos its nice, so sorry for that.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago


On the other hand, there’s a lot of literal “kebab hate” going on on the other side of the fence right now. Not only that, but food is an important part of any culture and an important indicator of just how well different cultures mix together. So yeah, food is definitely a political factor, absurd as it seems.

Also, a world without american-auvergnat-indian-morroccan burgers is not a world I wish to live in.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Fair enough. I was drunk posting so I probably wasn’t terribly articulate!

8 years ago

@ Sinkable John

I’ve not seen the ‘kebab hate’ at least not first hand. Other than internet people saying to ‘remove kebab’ or something. I don#t know what that means really.

I have only experience in my home country and occasionally when I visit my parents in the UK. But at least in the UK I see that food from other cultures is embraced. It seems to be only thing bigots agree is okay about immigration, eg. nice kebab or curry when ur out getting drunk.

Here in my work the cheif cook makes sure to make different food for different people on board. But usually it is depend on the ship. Now that is very political, someone is always complaining. The cheif cook is the most hated guy on board! That’s about the biggest controvesy i see, actually

That burgur sounds amazing. Then again it is 0300 here and my watch has one more hour and I am very starving -_- food really is not a good topic.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago

Other than internet people saying to ‘remove kebab’ or something.

That’s really exactly what I was talking about. The morons from the Daily Stormer and other assorted garbage dumps of the internet have started making it into a war cry or something. Not to mention the burritos from this very article.

There’s a town here in France where the mayor has started a war on kebab restaurants, specifically. Yes, hard to believe, I know. But he’s managed to have them all close down. Considering it’s a pretty small town and those restaurants made up nearly half of the main street, he managed to make it all look like a ghost town now. Congratz, asshole.

As for that burger, to be fair it’s something I make for myself, but have never seen outside my home. Damn shame too.

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

You should market it!

Also don’t these idiots know that kebab is not a muslim thing? Many people have kebabs, we have shashlik which is very similar .

Also personally lamb kebab, like the doner one they have with the pita is my favorite food ever. Man let them have their kebabless world and suffer, we’ll make our own paradise.

They come up with these things though, so many, but its not about the food really is it? and more about just another new abusive phrase they can use. but if you want to insult someone with food call them beetroot. That tastes like dirty trees to me.

WWTH I assume that was reply to me but also I have a habit to take things and run with them, usually in wrong directions! Thats why normally on stuff I put my name down as ‘valentine is confused’ XD

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

The Libertarian Presidential candidate Darryl Perry, who claims to represent “the libertarian wing of the Libertarian Party”, was on the Majority Report last Thursday for a scheduled debate with Sam Seder. I just listened to it today, and I want to strongly recommend it to anyone who loves Libertarian comedy gold. I hesitate to post spoilers, but the length of the video will reveal that the debate didn’t go as long as expected. Perry immediately worked himself into a frothing rage over absolutely nothing, and eventually ragequit after just a few minutes. What the fuck is going on with these guys?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

the libertarian wing of the Libertarian Party

I’ll have to watch that later because I’m watching a gymnastics live stream now, but I do just want to mock him for stealing Paul Wellstone’s line when presumably, he stands for the opposite of what Paul did on most topics.

8 years ago

I knew that person was a troll! Dammit, and I changed my original reply to them because I thought there was a slim chance they were being earnest and I didn’t want to be an asshole.

After seeing their other comments on Disqus (like the absolutely hi-LARIOUS copypasta transphobic jokes), I realize my original reply wasn’t strongly-worded enough.

Let me rephrase: Fuck all the way off and take your little buddy Notch and his ass-kissing bully brigade with you.

8 years ago


I’ve known some pretty dense dogs.

Of course, even when dogs are stupid like that, they’re still cute. I can’t say the same about people.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

There’s a town here in France where the mayor has started a war on kebab restaurants, specifically. Yes, hard to believe, I know. But he’s managed to have them all close down.

Why. Kebabs are amazing.

(I know why but…like…kebabs tho.)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Perry immediately worked himself into a frothing rage over absolutely nothing, and eventually ragequit after just a few minutes. What the fuck is going on with these guys?

They haven’t thought their ideas through, and yet have invested deeply in the idea of their own brilliance. I’ve yet to encounter a libertarian with an internally-consistent model of how shit will work without a government that performs more than national security functions, and I’ve yet to encounter a libertarian who could handle being questioned on the logical and practical inconsistencies.

It comes down to this: Most of the world isn’t libertarian. So to be libertarian, you have to believe that you know something that most people don’t. How is that? How is it that you, as a hypothetical libertarian, know something that most of the world doesn’t? The easiest answer is that you are just smarter than everyone else (you’ll hear libertarians talk about “sheeple”), which has the benefit of appealing to a person with a massive ego and/or an entitlement complex.

Pointing out that the libertarian model has fundamental flaws that render it an unfixable hot mess therefore calls into question the incredible brilliance of the libertarians who hold those ideas, and they can’t take that. They melt down, because you’re saying that they aren’t actually as smart as they assume (and thereby challenging their very identity as a person), but doing it in the subtext rather than in words. Subtext is difficult to refute. A truly intelligent person versed in logic will know how to draw the subtext into text, but libertarians are not that, so they can’t. They just dissolve instead.

8 years ago

There’s a town here in France where the mayor has started a war on kebab restaurants, specifically. Yes, hard to believe, I know. But he’s managed to have them all close down.

Who the hell doesn’t like kebabs?!? Holy hell.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Who the hell doesn’t like kebabs?!? Holy hell.

Kebabs are from the Middle East plus, I think this might actually be a stereotype, maybe? But the French are super proud of their food and look down on most non-French cuisine so, I mean, it’s mostly racism.

Unless you’re being facetious then I’m sorry for explaining something you already know.

8 years ago

No, I understand the racism driving it, but damn…

8 years ago


I’ll have to watch that later because I’m watching a gymnastics live stream now, but I do just want to mock him for stealing Paul Wellstone’s line when presumably, he stands for the opposite of what Paul did on most topics.

So once you’re done watching a gymnastics live stream, you’re going to watch a mental gymnastics live stream?

(Er, okay, I’m stretching “live stream” a bit, I just wanted to make some sort of joke.)