entitled babies guns heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism threats trump

This is Trump’s America: A tribal-tatted swole dude yelling “COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH!”

Welcome to Trump's America
This dude has some thoughts he’d like to share with you

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So this was the scene outside a Trump rally in Phoenix Arizona last Saturday: A “tribal”-tatted, Trump-supporting Swole-American yelling “F–KING COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH” at a gentleman he evidently believed to be of Mexican descent.

Some of his other, er, observations:

  • “Get the f–k out of here! Our country, motherf–ker, our country!”
  • “Proud f–king American! Made in USA, bitch, made in f–king USA!”
  • “Build that f–king wall, for me!”
  • “Trump! I love Trump!”

You can watch the whole performance below, in a video that went viral this past week after being posted on Gawker.

If you pause the video 55 seconds in, you can spot a tattooed number “43” under the arm of the muscular fellow, later identified as Zack Fisher;  this just happens to be a favorite symbol of a small but spirited organization called the Supreme White Alliance. You can probably guess what sort of group it is.

Naturally, Fisher has been warmly embraced by some of Trump’s most obnoxiously racist fans.

But before we get to that, let’s hear a bit more from Fisher himself — who explained to The Tab that, why no, he wasn’t a racist at all.

I love all colors. I’m no racist. I am who I am. There’s people out there of all colors that are horrible. Whites, browns, blacks, yellows out there, it doesn’t matter. It’s the color of your heart. …

It sucks that people are scared to stand up for what they believe in, and yet Latinos can do it and it’s fine. And if we do it? We’re racist. White people? The only race you can legally discriminate against.

He apparently spends a lot of time thinking about White Chicks, a Wayans Brothers “comedy” from 2004 in which two of the Wayanses play rogue FBI agents who go undercover as, well, white chicks.

People make movies about us and do we get mad? Like White Chicks? If there was a movie called Black Chicks, it would be a huge race thing. … We couldn’t do that, no way, they’d be like, “this is so racist.” And yet they can make a movie making fun of white people.

And what a widely celebrated film it is! Richard Roeper declared it “the worst movie of the year,” while Roger Ebert informed his readers that “it took an act of the will to keep me in the theater.” It’s got a Rotten Tomatoes score of 13%, ranking it lower than Wild Hogs, The Love Guru, and Hot Tub Time Machine 2.

I just wish people could get over what happened back in the day, to Mexico or Blacks. That was back in the past, people don’t get over it and it sucks. I forgive and forget. A lot of people don’t.

Dude, you haven’t even gotten over “White Chicks!”

Fisher may want to pretend that he’s not racist; many of his new fans don’t bother denying their racism.

Heartiste, the pickup-artist-turned-internet-Nazi, declared Fischer to be the “Sh-tlord Of The Week” for this week, encouraging his readers to adopt Fisher’s catchphrase “GO F–KING COOK MY BURRITO BITCH” as their own.

“If America is to be great/White again,” Heartiste declared,

she’ll need the help of ALL her sh-tlords, from the meme-making pranksters to the theme-cranking intellectuals to the shitlib-shaming musclebros. … it’s all to the Good in the Time of the Trumpening.

Heartiste’s fans were equally enthusiastic

A fellow calling himself Southern WASP happily declared:

It’s happening — the same noble White Man’s spirit that created the United States, as an act of rebellion, is now returning.


An older gentleman calling himself ultimathule1 happily explained that the video “just made my day!” It also got him thinking wistfully about growing up in a much whiter America.

I’m 60 years old, so I was 4 years old in 1960 when the U.S. was just a hair under 90% White. That”s the Whitest that it’s ever been, before or since. I have clear, wonderful memories of my childhood in the ’60s, growing up in a Finnish immigrant family with loving Old World parents and surrounded by normal, psychologically-healthy White Americans.

These days, ultimathule1 complained,

We Europeans are being squeezed into impending extinction simultaneously from below and above. Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses, he has unleashed a powerful force – the angry and fed-up White Man who will no longer take his dispossession passively, but who will push back and fight for everything he loves. To quote Steve McNallen, the founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly, “The existence of my people is not negotiable!” Let that be one of our war slogans.

The Asatru Folk Assembly, in case you’re wondering, is a white supremacist Odinist sect.

Captain Obvious suggested that he would soon be personally taking up arms:

Shiznat’s starting to get real. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Ruger Alaskan 2.5″ in 44 magnum – will it fit in the pants pocket of my Dickies work jeans?

In a followup comment, he explained why he needed a gun he could easily conceal:

I live on the outskirts of Sh!tlibistan. Folks here would totally phreak out if they saw open carry. … we have a metric sh-t-ton of nogs & muds & mystery meats & other troublemakers in the immediate vicinity [and we’ve even had mohammedan events]. So I need something with stopping power [for large nogs & mohammedans & sh!tlib pitbulls & whatnot] which doesn’t bulge too much.

Fisher, too, has evidently taken up arms, telling The Tab that since the video of him went viral he’s been carrying a “gun, with a bullet in the chamber. And that’s fine, I carry a gun with me everywhere and always.”

At the same Trump rally, an apparent friend of Fisher showed up in a “F–K Islam” t-shirt; after being escorted from the event, apparently by Trump’s security detail, he strapped on a gun and gave this interview to Eric Rosenwald, who also shot the video of Fisher.

Not all Trump supporters have picked up guns. Some, like the gleefully grinning young man in this earlier video by Rosenwald, prefer pepper spray.

This is what Trump has wrought.

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Herbert West
Herbert West
8 years ago

I hope the rats do better when they finally succeed us.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Is that one weird trick “do not be Heartiste”? That seems like good advice in general, to be honest.

8 years ago


I was super into Minecraft for a long time, including moderating a decently big server, and I still intend to get back to it some day. I was supremely bummed to find out Notch was, well, the way that he is… but I guess I’m also pretty used to a lot of successful people in games, film, music, etc. turning out to be slimy jerks. He’s just another one to add to the pile.

I’ve also never really bought the, “They did something cool, therefore they must be a cool person” hype, so it’s not like I lost a hero or anything. Minecraft has always pretty much just been social virtual LEGO to me, so aside from avoiding Notch & his followers on Twitter, I guess it feels like nothing much has changed.

Far more significant people to my life have turned out to be far worse scumbags, so it feels like this one didn’t faze me much.

8 years ago

@Axe, thanks for posting that link about Jennifer Scheurle. I’ve admired her for some time, and it was nice to be able to do a tiny wee thing to help.
Your “yay slacktivism” made me smile, too. I’m giving a conference paper this week about social media & feminist activism in Australia, so such terms are at the forefront of my mind. There’s an ongoing debate around whether social media engagement constitutes activism in the material sense, and also how important (or not) cultural politics should be to feminism at present. Fascinatin’ stuff 🙂

As for Notch, yep, agree with everyone above. I used to play Minecraft with my son a LOT and Notch was basically a god back then. I asked him (my son, that is, not Notch) what he and his friends thought about GG: “ugh! bunch of idiots. Not interested in that shit.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ mish

I’m giving a conference paper this week about social media & feminist activism

I’d love to see that. Might it be possible that you could post a link to it after the seminar; or I can provide you with an email address you could send it to? No worries if not of course; just that this mirrors a debate we’ve been having in another field so it would be great to see your insights.

8 years ago

So, I have to ask. What’s the bid deal about Notch? Like what did he do to piss everyone off?

8 years ago

@ kat & WWTH
WeirdWEIRDg, but does it not seem a bit patronising to say ‘oh I don’t mind immigration because they bring good food’s. Cos seem to me that’s what it saying here.
I mean…

Fuck the food. Fuck anything about the people whether they are good bad beautiful ugly or whatever. If people want to live in my country then good. I want to live in my country as well so I think they’ve made a good choice.

Like to say ‘oh it’s okay I like Chinese food therefore I like Chinese immigrants’ really makes me crunch. No one says to me ‘oh Kaminskyy? And you’re living in England now? That’s great cos I love shashlik and borsh!’ fuck if someone said that to me I’d want them to leave me the fuck alone if anything.

You don’t need to justify yourself for not hating immigrants for fucks sake. Especially with such silly reasons about eating and liking the food. Guess what you can not like foreign food or food from other countries and still be a good, non racists person. -_-

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@Kat – Heck yes. Being a “psychologically healthy white” in the 60s and 70s meant you did not talk about, or associate with, people of a different color, let alone acknowledge the problems of segregation and Jim Crow. Homosexuality was something from a different planet altogether. Domestic abuse was quietly accepted. No one questioned the wisdom of big business, the military, or the government. It was the era of “better living through chemistry” – saccharine, thalidomide, DDT. Communists were hiding under every bed.

ultimathule1’s “psychologically healthy” childhood came at the expense of the psychological health of everyone that wasn’t white, male, straight, and Christian. The rest of the country was expected to defer to their happiness by remaining largely invisible and voiceless. Where the two came into conflict, the rest of us were expected to step aside and sacrifice our dignity. That’s an enormous price to pay.

These guys are so fragile. When they’ve been told all their lives that they’re the most important humans by virtue of characteristics they had nothing to do with, it’s not surprising they have egos of the finest spun glass, and that their first instinct is to pitch a violent tantrum. They’ve never been told “no”. Now we have a legion of angry Dudley Dursleys with guns. Thanks, NRA.

8 years ago


You don’t need to justify yourself for not hating immigrants for fucks sake.

Are you sure? I always feel so insecure about admitting that I don’t hate immigrants.

8 years ago

Guess what you can not like foreign food or food from other countries and still be a good, non racists person. -_-

I don’t think WWTH implied that at all. I’m not sure where all this anger is coming from. She didn’t say it was justification for being pro-immigration. She just said it’s another positive thing that immigration brings to an area. Food is a big part of culture, too, and being able to experience the food let’s you experience a small piece of a culture.

8 years ago


Understandable. I’m bad at compartmentalizing, so I’d probably go Steampunked’s route. I’ve been having a crisis over Breath of the Wild after Aonuma said that there would never be a female PC because too many wimminz might destroy the Triforce or whatever bullshit, and I’ve been waiting for that game for years. Legend of Zelda is my favorite series; that kinda broke my heart.

I don’t expect the creators of things I love to be pillars of society or anything–it’s just nice when they’re not complete dumpster fires, and it sticks in my mind too much to enjoy what they created when they are.


ConcernedApe already got my hopes up by calling someone out for demanding that he make same-sex marriage a toggle option in the game for people who objected to it. As in rather than just not getting into a same-sex relationship, you could make it impossible to get into one at all. He’d made it a point to address same-sex marriage in an FAQ before the release, because the Harvest Moon series only allowed hetero romances. I thought that was cool.

8 years ago

@ ryeash
Ok, that right there may have just made up my mind to put down Story of Seasons and pick up Stardew Valley.

8 years ago

@Kat I guess all these racists crawly from the wood work are making people surprised that being a ‘shitweasel’ isn’t normal XD

I’m not angry I just swear. And it wasn’t the last point really. Just the first part. I know in England lots of people like curry right and therefore Indian and Pakistani immigrants are more accepted as British. What I mean is when there is discussion like this one I see many people suddenly have to give a small story of niceness to make sure they are not seen like the others. It seems force and awkward to me. At least here on WHTM we can say safe that we’re probably not like the ‘shitweasel’.

Also I know food is a big part of culture but there is a habit that immigrants are reduced to their food as a go to ‘this is what’s good about so and so’. As if there is no variation. What if I am Chinese migrant who prefers roast beef and doesn’t like Spidey food? And then all the praise I hear About my country fellows immigrants is all about ‘how yummy’ Chinese food is?

If you are not picky good food from any country will satisfy. I cannot say I dislike many things. Accept beetroot.

No one wins a medal of tolerance for liking food from around the world. And no one is immediately intolerant just cos they prefer their chicken plain and their potato boil.

Food is a big part of culture because when traveling it is easy to take with you. You carry recipe in your head. Same way the Jews carry the melodies of klezmer or a Muslim carries their religion with you. Things like this survive the trip but then define the person. No one is asking you to like the food and no one is upset you don’t like it – not if you treat them with respect.

8 years ago


“ugh! bunch of idiots. Not interested in that shit.”

I’m not gonna make the obvious ‘Australians and profanity’ joke. Not aloud anyway. I’ll just send it to you mentally
comment image

Re: slacktivism. Activism seeks to change something thru nonviolent direct action. Is there really a difference if the thing gets changed thru picketing or retweets? But yeah, supes fascinatin 🙂

Here’s a good start. Also, turns out Ms Scheurle was the woman Notch was arguing with visavis splaining. Seriously fuck that guy

8 years ago

That seems more like a disagreement than anything. Personally, I dislike using gendered terms that have negative connotations like “mansplaining” as well. Makes it seem like rude behavior is something only men do.

8 years ago


Ok, that right there may have just made up my mind to put down Story of Seasons and pick up Stardew Valley.

*gasp!* That’s what I was playing before I bought Stardew too! I was on the fence about picking it up at first, because I was finally making progress in Story of Seasons–and frankly, the faux 16-bit nostalgia games are getting old–but that FAQ and the $14.99 price swayed me. If you were wishing SoS had shaken up the old Harvest Moon formula more than just throwing in a bunch of extra items, I would definitely give Stardew a shot.

I’m glad I got it now for sure, because my 3DS with Story of Seasons in it was stolen. I’d finally gotten a good routine down, too 🙁 It was hard to get used to all the rental fields. I forgot about the spice one for a whole season.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I would also be very interested in seeing that thing! 🙂

8 years ago

Right now I’m a little bored because my days are pretty much filled with nothing but maintaining my crops and animals. I can’t just focus on one or two things, I have to do them all. I could make a ton of money growing nothing but flax and selling cloth, but I feel like I need to grow something in every rental field. And I didn’t figure out how to properly level up crops until year 2, so I’m busy getting all my crops leveled up, too.

8 years ago


Notch sics harassment mobs on people he disagrees with. That ‘splaining “disagreement” happened weeks ago, and the woman on the other end is still dealing with the fallout. Fuck that. Fuck Notch. Fuck his sympathizers.

And whether or not you like the term ‘mansplain’, it’s a thing that happens. Call it what you’d like, but it’s as supremely irritating as your tired “women are jerks too!” rebuttal. Just because it happens the other way around sometimes doesn’t mean it isn’t predominantly a problem women face and one that comes with real-world consequences, such as not having our experiences or knowledge taken seriously.

8 years ago

Here’s the thing. It literally doesn’t matter what you dislike. Seriously. It ain’t about that. He didn’t respond with ‘womansplaining’ (an issue of its own, but whatever). He said “c**tfusing”. Why? If he wanted to employ an equal and opposite term, he woulda used the former. But he didn’t. Why? Not rhetorical, BTW. Why?

I remember a while back, some Bernie supporters were asked to describe Hillary Clinton in 1 word. Ignoring the fact that some people used multiple words (*eyeroll*), quite a few of them used pointedly sexist language. Why? There were people in the comment section of the video saying it was OK, cos Hillary is bad, yadda, yadda. ‘She’s a shill and a warmonger! This has nothing to do with sexism,’ someone typed, presumably with a straight face. Really? Nothing? Why, when given “Hillary” as a prompt and few seconds of time, is w***e the 1st word out of a disturbing number of people’s mouths? ‘Lefties’ even

Whether or not mansplaining is an appropriate word is irrelevant. Why does someone, while decrying sexism (perceived sexism anyway) call a woman a c**t? Why is that word on your keyboard fingers? Again, not rhetorical. There’s more to the story of Notch, but I think this is an important ‘case 0’ to look at. If I’m arguing with any disenfranchized group and use a slur at them, one has to wonder why I’ve chosen this argument and what I want from it

Am I making sense?

8 years ago

This isn’t the first sexist thing Notch has done.

Tl;dr version: we can’t have wimmens in minecraft because blocks can’t be curvy!

I’m not going to get into the whole splaining argument right now. Instead, I advise you to read up on it before you dismiss it.

8 years ago

I am now officially embarrassed to be white. Jesus that guy was cringeworthy to watch.

8 years ago


Ugh…the crop leveling. And of course, fertilizer has to be super hard to come by. I understood certain items being limited in the shops, but not fertilizer. And there just wasn’t enough time in the day to be running around collecting weeds and twigs. There wasn’t enough time in the day, period. Why add all that content and then penalize players for not going to sleep early enough?

At least that part wasn’t as bad as in New Beginning. It was great that you could fully customize the town and expand and all, but it eventually wasn’t even possible to navigate the whole map in a day.

8 years ago

When I think of all the weeds and twigs I sold or destroyed to make room before I knew they could be turned into fertilizer…sigh. Anyway, Stardew Valley will begin downloading soon. 🙂

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

That seems more like a disagreement than anything. Personally, I dislike using gendered terms that have negative connotations like “mansplaining” as well. Makes it seem like rude behavior is something only men do.

If you don’t like using them, don’t use them. And don’t police the terms other people use, because it expresses the simple fact that ‘splaining is different when men and whites do it versus non-men and non-white people.

Nobody is asking you to like it, but you can just sit on your dislike and be quiet about it.