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This is Trump’s America: A tribal-tatted swole dude yelling “COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH!”

Welcome to Trump's America
This dude has some thoughts he’d like to share with you

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So this was the scene outside a Trump rally in Phoenix Arizona last Saturday: A “tribal”-tatted, Trump-supporting Swole-American yelling “F–KING COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH” at a gentleman he evidently believed to be of Mexican descent.

Some of his other, er, observations:

  • “Get the f–k out of here! Our country, motherf–ker, our country!”
  • “Proud f–king American! Made in USA, bitch, made in f–king USA!”
  • “Build that f–king wall, for me!”
  • “Trump! I love Trump!”

You can watch the whole performance below, in a video that went viral this past week after being posted on Gawker.

If you pause the video 55 seconds in, you can spot a tattooed number “43” under the arm of the muscular fellow, later identified as Zack Fisher;  this just happens to be a favorite symbol of a small but spirited organization called the Supreme White Alliance. You can probably guess what sort of group it is.

Naturally, Fisher has been warmly embraced by some of Trump’s most obnoxiously racist fans.

But before we get to that, let’s hear a bit more from Fisher himself — who explained to The Tab that, why no, he wasn’t a racist at all.

I love all colors. I’m no racist. I am who I am. There’s people out there of all colors that are horrible. Whites, browns, blacks, yellows out there, it doesn’t matter. It’s the color of your heart. …

It sucks that people are scared to stand up for what they believe in, and yet Latinos can do it and it’s fine. And if we do it? We’re racist. White people? The only race you can legally discriminate against.

He apparently spends a lot of time thinking about White Chicks, a Wayans Brothers “comedy” from 2004 in which two of the Wayanses play rogue FBI agents who go undercover as, well, white chicks.

People make movies about us and do we get mad? Like White Chicks? If there was a movie called Black Chicks, it would be a huge race thing. … We couldn’t do that, no way, they’d be like, “this is so racist.” And yet they can make a movie making fun of white people.

And what a widely celebrated film it is! Richard Roeper declared it “the worst movie of the year,” while Roger Ebert informed his readers that “it took an act of the will to keep me in the theater.” It’s got a Rotten Tomatoes score of 13%, ranking it lower than Wild Hogs, The Love Guru, and Hot Tub Time Machine 2.

I just wish people could get over what happened back in the day, to Mexico or Blacks. That was back in the past, people don’t get over it and it sucks. I forgive and forget. A lot of people don’t.

Dude, you haven’t even gotten over “White Chicks!”

Fisher may want to pretend that he’s not racist; many of his new fans don’t bother denying their racism.

Heartiste, the pickup-artist-turned-internet-Nazi, declared Fischer to be the “Sh-tlord Of The Week” for this week, encouraging his readers to adopt Fisher’s catchphrase “GO F–KING COOK MY BURRITO BITCH” as their own.

“If America is to be great/White again,” Heartiste declared,

she’ll need the help of ALL her sh-tlords, from the meme-making pranksters to the theme-cranking intellectuals to the shitlib-shaming musclebros. … it’s all to the Good in the Time of the Trumpening.

Heartiste’s fans were equally enthusiastic

A fellow calling himself Southern WASP happily declared:

It’s happening — the same noble White Man’s spirit that created the United States, as an act of rebellion, is now returning.


An older gentleman calling himself ultimathule1 happily explained that the video “just made my day!” It also got him thinking wistfully about growing up in a much whiter America.

I’m 60 years old, so I was 4 years old in 1960 when the U.S. was just a hair under 90% White. That”s the Whitest that it’s ever been, before or since. I have clear, wonderful memories of my childhood in the ’60s, growing up in a Finnish immigrant family with loving Old World parents and surrounded by normal, psychologically-healthy White Americans.

These days, ultimathule1 complained,

We Europeans are being squeezed into impending extinction simultaneously from below and above. Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses, he has unleashed a powerful force – the angry and fed-up White Man who will no longer take his dispossession passively, but who will push back and fight for everything he loves. To quote Steve McNallen, the founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly, “The existence of my people is not negotiable!” Let that be one of our war slogans.

The Asatru Folk Assembly, in case you’re wondering, is a white supremacist Odinist sect.

Captain Obvious suggested that he would soon be personally taking up arms:

Shiznat’s starting to get real. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Ruger Alaskan 2.5″ in 44 magnum – will it fit in the pants pocket of my Dickies work jeans?

In a followup comment, he explained why he needed a gun he could easily conceal:

I live on the outskirts of Sh!tlibistan. Folks here would totally phreak out if they saw open carry. … we have a metric sh-t-ton of nogs & muds & mystery meats & other troublemakers in the immediate vicinity [and we’ve even had mohammedan events]. So I need something with stopping power [for large nogs & mohammedans & sh!tlib pitbulls & whatnot] which doesn’t bulge too much.

Fisher, too, has evidently taken up arms, telling The Tab that since the video of him went viral he’s been carrying a “gun, with a bullet in the chamber. And that’s fine, I carry a gun with me everywhere and always.”

At the same Trump rally, an apparent friend of Fisher showed up in a “F–K Islam” t-shirt; after being escorted from the event, apparently by Trump’s security detail, he strapped on a gun and gave this interview to Eric Rosenwald, who also shot the video of Fisher.

Not all Trump supporters have picked up guns. Some, like the gleefully grinning young man in this earlier video by Rosenwald, prefer pepper spray.

This is what Trump has wrought.

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8 years ago

People make movies about us and do we get mad? Like White Chicks? If there was a movie called Black Chicks, it would be a huge race thing. … We couldn’t do that, no way, they’d be like, “this is so racist.” And yet they can make a movie making fun of white people.

I just wish people could get over what happened back in the day, to Mexico or Blacks. That was back in the past, people don’t get over it and it sucks. I forgive and forget A lot of people don’t.

Yes, non white folks please forgive us and let go of all the invading your countries, stealing everything, killing and raping you, continue to live off of you, laughing at your pain and suffering and continue to do so and so much more BUT the creation of white chicks and white jokes those are truly horrible things to get offended of!! /MAJOR SARCASM

It just amazes me how we white people..:sigh: I’ll be in my corner to let off some steam.

Anyway, I watched white chicks and I didn’t like it at all. Everyone is pretty obnoxious and called each other b*tches and wh*res and even said n*gger. I just cringed through out the movie.

8 years ago

“Heartiste, the pickup-artist-turned-internet-Nazi, declared Fischer to be the ‘Sh-tlord Of The Week’ for this week, encouraging his readers to adopt Fisher’s catchphrase ‘GO F–KING COOK MY BURRITO BITCH’ as their own.”

Yeah, that’s right. Go and encourage all your minions to run around yelling about the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard anybody say, and that’ll convince all the rest of us that you’re superior.

That’ll totally work, man. Your plan is flawless. Now go implement it, I implore you.

8 years ago

What a total Alphalpha.

Alfalfa was horrified when he found out what was really going on in Spanky’s He-Man Woman Haters Club.

8 years ago

I said this elsewhere, but I’m genuinely kind of worried about what’s going to happen after the election.

The worst-case scenario that my mind sees is that if Trump wins, I worry that it will bolster the paranoid white supremacist gun fanatics, and they’re going to start rolling out through the streets doing whatever they want. If Clinton wins, I worry that it will terrify the paranoid white supremacists and cause them to go out and do the same.

I’m probably overreacting and the reality is that fairly few people who boast about this nonsense online would ever actually do anything, but there are still very real people in very public locations who act like they need to threaten “liberals” (putting in scare quotes because depending on who’s saying it it could mean practically anything that isn’t Nazism) for their own “protection”.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago

There’s a word in French for people like that. “Beauf”. He’s like, the embodiment of it. Down to the “tribal” tats.

That guy belongs in a museum, folks. He’s so much of a stereotype I’m not even sure how he can manifest into reality without tearing it apart.

8 years ago

Well, it is a Wayans movie…
Now I think about it, the best thing a Wayans has ever been a part of is Big Hero 6. I keep forgetting Damon Jr plays Wasabi, and it blows my mind everytime I remember

8 years ago

How about I burn your boiled cabbage instead, shitgibbon.

8 years ago

There are a few funny scenes but the movie is just not my cup tea, if anyone else likes it then I don’t judge.

Did he voice a character in Big hero 6? That’s interesting to know he was a part of that. Hmm, I don’t know who Damon Jr is.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

That’s some weapons-grade abuser bullshit right there. “I know I did a bad thing, but you NEED to forgive me and get over it! YOU did bad things too, and I forgave you, and I’m totally over it, even though I’m constantly bringing it up, and you think that they’re not equivalent!”

It’s like if he broke someone’s arm, but they made fun of his shitty tribal tattoos, and he forgave them for making fun of his tattoos, but only after he blew the fuck up and snapped their arm, and now he’s sitting in the hospital, demanding that they forgive him and “get over it” because he forgave YOU for YOUR awful mockery of his shitty tattoos, even though he’s not going to pay for the hospital bill.

comment image

As a white person: Fuck This White Nonsense.

8 years ago

Dude, I want to get “43” inked right here. It’s totally racist and wicked cool.

Yeah, okay. At least it’s not another God-awful tribal tattoo.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


Especially since he’s comparing slavery, genocide and centuries of systemic racism to a movie he doesn’t like.

… I was about to say “That’s not even a false equivalence so much as a friggin’ Dada equivalence,” but then I remembered about Mad Max/Star Wars/Ghostbusters. I wish I still drank.

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

@ PI:

As a white person: Fuck This White Nonsense.

Yup. These neo nazi dudes like to go on about “white shame”. Well, I occasionally feel some pretty stark white shame, although I guess I’d rather call it white cringeyness or white embarrassment. That’s whenever I hear anything one of them says on the topic of race.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

This guy reminds me of a minor character in a science fiction book I once read. The Electronic church.

Basically some low level bouncer menaces the main “hero.” And this guy is roided as all hell and has all sorts of future tech plastic surgery and steroid equivalents.

But despite all this, the bouncer was as fragile as glass and his treatments had cut his life effectively in half. He was basically all look, no substance.

now he’s decided he doesn’t want to live in a book and is invading the real world

8 years ago

I think tribal tattoos are pretty cool even though I don’t want any tattoos myself. Temporary ones are better for me, they’re only temporary, they don’t fade and they’re cheaper. I just don’t think people should be having tattoos that belong to a tribe they themselves are not a part of. Maybe people should just make up their own tribal tattoos that’s actually not based on any real tribe or whatever.

Dust Bunny
Yeah, I think WhiteCringeyness or White Embarassment are the words for it.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

I have my suspicion that in 1960 there were probably Americans who didn’t think Finns were in fact properly white. ultimathule’s supposed Finnish immigrant parents at the very least probably had problems at some point because they had accents, and hence didn’t sound sufficiently American enough.

As for this phony Captain Obvious(may the real Captain Obvious strike him down) I’m guessing he’s a news headline waiting to happen: “Local man severely injures genitals when revolver in pocket discharges.”

8 years ago

man when are some of these white supremacist bastards going to get a good ass-kicking

yeah yeah I’ll go sit in the corner now because violence is wrong even if it’s against a disgusting piece of shit who’s now walking around armed and hoping for an excuse to kill a brown person

8 years ago


Please don’t encourage the shitgibbons to deploy such tactics. It’s one thing if they’re not hurting anyone, but there are usually innocent, random, victims on the other end of their shitty behavior.

Dust bunny:
Oh, the irony of “white shame” being pretty much caused by white guys acting like major shitweasels. I’m not white but I’m ashamed they’re American, or human.

The irony of white people invading other countries, exploiting the people who were already there, and then, having established a base camp, screaming at everyone who showed up later, to go back home.

(Is anyone reminded of those angry defensive little crabs who, when they find new shells after they’ve ousted the previous owners, waving their little claws at anything that gets near them? “Back! This shell is mine! Mine!”)

8 years ago

He was just born in America – I had to pass all sorts of tests and vetting to get my permanent resident card. If anything, I have more right to be here than he does 😉

Kelly L.
Kelly L.
8 years ago

This is mostly off topic, but has there ever been a less appropriate handle than “Heartiste”? There is nothing that shitweasel does or says that has anything to do with the heart.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Okay, White Chicks is totally not as bad as The Love Guru. Rotten Tomato is wrong again as usual.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)


Goddamn, Britain. Goddamn.

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago


I was going to use the John Cena Super Saiyan GIF but I was afraid the rapid flashing and bright lights might be too much for some folks eyes.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

I’m surprised the catchphrase isn’t “cuck my burrito”.

Made in USA, bitch, made in f-cking USA

Just like Donald Trump apparel…

Shiznat’s starting to get real. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Ruger Alaskan 2.5″ in 44 magnum – will it fit in the pants pocket of my Dickies work jeans?

According to the Violence Policy Center and Concealed Carry Killers, around 4% of homicides committed by concealed carry gun owners are legally classifiable as self defense. (Around the same percentage of incidents end in the gun owner being killed). So when this guy talks about “shiznat” starting to get real, what he really means is that he’s itching to kill brown people with no provocation.

So by all means, frightened bigots, walk around with an unholstered gun in your pants pocket. After all, there’s a 4% chance it might end well for you.

8 years ago

I was going to use the John Cena Super Saiyan GIF but I was afraid the rapid flashing and bright lights might be too much for some folks eyes.

Thank you. While I don’t have photosensitive epilepsy (to my knowledge) those flashing gifs can make my brain go blank and I kind of stare forward and feel trapped in my own brain. Also sometimes a little queasy. It’s weird.

8 years ago

White Guilt is having to share anything in common with these embarrassments.