alt-right anime nazis antifeminism cuck Islamophobia

#Brexit fans respond to my last post with cuck-related insults, weird sexual fantasies

Anime Nazis celebrate the win for "Leave"
Anime Nazis celebrate the win for “Leave”

So my last post, highlighting some of the more obnoxious responses from Anime Nazis and other terrible people to the Brexit vote somehow managed to draw some even more obnoxious responses from other Anime Nazis and terrible people.

You can see some of them in the responses to this tweet of mine.

Naturally, the comments some of these lovely people tried to post here on WHTM were if anything even worse. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we? We’ll start with some of the milder ones.

Nice shilling blog, David. Each b*tthurt tear makes me happier. Good job UK, crash this union with no survivors Spam | Restore | Delete Permanently #Brexit disaster: A great night for Anime Nazis, Trump fans, and dudes who say “cuck” a lot View Post 71 71 comments 2016/06/24 at 2:43 am Select comment GASTHECUCKS ANIMENAZISUNITEx LOL DELICIOUS CUCK TEARS

NOTE TO WOULD BE COMMENTERS: If you call yourself “GASTHECUCKS” and post in ALL CAPS, I probably won’t be letting your comments through.

This fellow either knows something about my sex life that even I don’t know about, or doesn’t understand what the word “literally” means.

yh but ur literaly a cuck tho cuck lyf nigga

But these comments were pretty tame compared to this weirdly sexualized example of supervillain monologuing from “Sure Whatever.”

Your tears bring the sweetest of joys known to mankind to me, the joy of lording over a hated, vanquished enemy. A beautiful night for millions of people who believe people have a right to exist as an ethno-cultural majority on their own national soil. A bad night for refugee cock suckers, bourgeois hipsters with thick-rimmed problem glasses and a Starbucks coffee in their hand. Don’t worry there’s still millions of little Mohammed’s roaming the streets of London whose cum you can guzzle. Now it’s the turn of the Trump Train to destroy leftists in November.

Apparently this guy is not a big fan of Starbucks, huh?

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Film Runner
8 years ago

Good job UK, crash this union with no survivors

You realise you’re telling the UK to commit suicide there, right?

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Suggesting you would use Starbucks is quite a slur; you should sue!

8 years ago

It is astounding how threatening they seem to find you, David.

You’re just a dude. With a (reasonably popular) blog. That makes fun of them. And they watch you obsessively so they can fire back as soon as you say something about them.

8 years ago

These guys seriously think that everyone is out to fellate someone, i.e. anyone other than them? They really need to turn off the porn and get out into the real world.

Of course, there they would find that, fellatio or no, they’re STILL hugely unattractive to everyone they meet.

BTW, the British pound has nosedived. Farage got his nose rubbed in it before he could even begin to gloat. Yay, #Brexit! Enjoy your pyrrhic victory while it lasts, because it’s still non-binding anyway. Except of course for the economic woes. Those are binding as hell.

8 years ago

Now its the turn for the Trump train to destroy leftists in November.

Sure Whatever, you surprise me! As you’re a great believer in the people’s right to exist in an “ethno-cultural majority on their own national soil,” I’d thought you would only support a presidential candidate who proposed the forced deportation of all people living in the US except for Native Americans. Not so?

Edited for clarity.

8 years ago

They really are a bunch of childish nasty excuses for human beings, I thought we were meant to be evolved as a species? These bunch of idiots want to drag us back to the pond.

8 years ago

Sad, hate-filled people whose coping strategy (hating others) has never worked but are still trying to make it work.

Your boy Hitler? Dead, dead, dead by his own hand. The thousand-year reich turned out to be a few short years. And when the struggle to defeat the man and his ideology was over, much of Germany lay in ruins.

Flaunt your swastikas all you want. The Nazis lost.

And you will too.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kat

The thousand-year reich turned out to be a few short years

There was a great quote from a (non Nazi) German general.

“The Nazis talk about a thousand year reich but can’t think ahead five minutes”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Now it’s the turn for the Trump train to destroy leftists in November.

Trump is facing three different scandals – actual scandals, not “BENGHAZI!!! EMAILS!!!” – and three different sets of potential charges. Fraud, embezzlement and the rape of a 13-year-old girl.

The only place that train is going is to the nearest jail.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Silly question: what are “problem glasses”? As in, “bourgeois hipsters wearing thick-rimmed problem glasses.”

Sure, hipsters stereotypically like big glasses (and v-necks, skinny jeans, and PBR), but what are “problem glasses”?? Glasses for people with eye problems? I mean, that’s most glasses.

I know this is not the most pressing issue here. Maybe I’m being… short-sighted? (*Adjusts problem glasses.*)

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

Keep it up, David.

A nicely moderated blog like this drives them to foaming rage.

Sure they might have several hundred sock puppet accounts each but they’re honestly not that many.

So keep rubbing it it,

8 years ago

British Pound at thirty year low. British stock markets off by 7% in a day. Expected to lose 800,000 jobs over the course of the next couple years. Just so they can keep darker skinned and eastern European immigrates out, which they won’t. Because if they still want access to the open European market they will have to agree to the open movement of labor was well. So good job, Britain. You aimed directly at your foot and managed to shoot yourselves in the balls.

8 years ago

@Holytape : the damage will hugely depend on how well the UE and the UK negociate. They can be rather minimal if everyone have the best interest of their country in mind.

Which mean it’s not a good time to be an englishman, I guess.

8 years ago


Deserves to be repeated:

So good job, Britain. You aimed directly at your foot and managed to shoot yourselves in the balls.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

@epitome of incomprehensibility
I’m going to guess it’s a jab at the use of the word problematic and criticizing things this person likes. “They see problems everywhere!”

Which… interesting accusation for someone who is afraid of the evil brown people under their bed.

8 years ago

Capitalists wanted Britain, aka England, to remain in Europe. Didn’t they? But they failed.

And the EU is a failure. Isn’t it?

And I don’t even live there….

8 years ago

So already three people I know are losing their jobs. Lack of international investment, or EU funding, or faith in the economy. I don’t know how the right wing can see British people losing their livelihood as a good thing just because ‘Cucks.’

8 years ago

Takes a cuck to recognize one.
They’re just so adorable when they’re mad! I just wanna squeeze their cheeks and make little squeee! noises.

8 years ago

My problem glasses are always sassing their elders and staying up past curfew.

8 years ago

I hate them for using Karen from Kiniro Mosaic. She’s just a cute multilingual student with multiple sources of heritage doing cute things with her friends.

If anything the show encourages multiculturalism by way of cutesy slice of life between people and having a general level of acceptance amongst the students.

Oh yeah there’s the angle of how this will cause economic downturn and the immediate down turn now, and they won’t get their immigration laws. And every other country is getting screwed especially asian nations because of this.

But I’d rather focus on the nonconsequential thing that I know rather than the giant knot that is European economics, of which I am sorely ignorant about.

8 years ago

Say what you will about us Germans, but we are efficient.
A Reich to last a thousand years in a mere 12?


8 years ago

The British pound is in free fall right now so if the British economy tanks because of idiots scared of “De Muuzlims” don’t come crying. Oh and STOP SAYING CUCK! ITS NOT EVEN AN INSULT!

8 years ago

Guzzle. The altright: making everything sound extra gross for no reason. Like, I know that term is a sorta common one, even outside of anime nazi circles. Just… don’t call it that, especially if you’re gonna be a racist about it. It’s like when Roosh seemingly goes out of his way to find the least palatable way to describe every act (well, above and beyond the inherent unpalatability of the whole not consensual thing)
8 years ago

You got what you wanted, so why are you acting so insecure?

8 years ago

Probably glasses that help you see problems, which I think is a good thing.

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