
#Brexit disaster: A great night for Anime Nazis, Trump fans, and dudes who say “cuck” a lot

"Leave" spokesmodel Nigel Farage is happy, or something
“Leave” spokesmodel Nigel Farage is happy, or something

Well, this is a bit of a shock. The UK has voted to leave the EU — a victory for the forces of racism and unreason that could mean disaster for the UK economy and the EU as a whole. The pound is crashing; markets are poised to plunge.

So naturally the internet’s worst people are thrilled. Let’s start with a literal Anime Nazi before moving on to some more familiar names.

And there will be many more even worse than these in the days to come.

The weirdest hot take of the night so far?

Ann Coulter cheering the plunge everyone expects when European markets open:

EDITED TO ADD: Hail to the Gynocracy has also been watching the reactions of white nationalists to the #Brexit win.

Here are a couple of the creepiest tweets I missed:

john-gage-tweet ramzpaul-tweet


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8 years ago

You mean triage for racists? Something like Exit Deutschland?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Richard

Ha, you’ve now got me listening to Xmal Deutschland (music in the 80s was great); but having googled….

That seems more aimed at those really embroiled, a bit like those rehabilitation programmes for ex-gang members. A worthy aim, but I was thinking more about intervening at an earlier stage with people who are being lead astray.

I’m sure people here have better ideas but you may have seen my thing about making the benefits of immigration more obvious and also correcting misconceptions. To give some possible examples:

Spend some of the £20billion immigration adds to the economy in deprived areas so we can say “See that new clinic, those Polish guys’ taxes bought you that”.

If people complain about long waiting lists, point out that over a quarter of people working in the NHS are from outside the UK.

(This one might seem a bit counter intuitive) Lots more immigration! The most anti-immigration areas are the ones with the lowest number of actual migrants. People in areas with lots of migrants tend to be far cooler about it. I suppose that’s natural. If your only views on migrants are from social media boogey-man memes then your perception is going to be skewed. There’s no substitute for interacting with people on a daily basis and making friends with them.

I’m possibly being naive, but I’m a believer that the default position for most humans is to be decent, so I’m pretty sure we can make a better case than the racists.

8 years ago


When people say the left has alienated working class voters, they usually means working class voters who are white, cishet, Christian and male. Those are of course, the only working class people who matter.

Rather, these are the working class people who are likely to take their feelings of alienation and being hard done by and go join the fascists. More marginalized members of the working class are more likely to take their feelings of being alienated and hard done by and not vote, or hold their noses and vote for the party that isn’t kicking them on social and economic issues (or at least is kicking them less).

8 years ago

You know, I’m gonna stay optimistic about this, there’s a good chance they call for another referendum on this once they realize how stupid it would actually be.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ cole yote

That option probably wouldn’t go down well. “The EU won’t take ‘no’ for an answer” was one of the grievances.

However, what I think will happen is that before the S.50 Notice is served there’ll be a general election called, and both Tories and Labour will stand on a platform of not serving the notice (with UKIP saying they will)

That gets the same result but avoids accusations of ‘ignoring the will of the people”

ETA: Kwasi Kwarteng (one of the ‘Leave’ MPs) was on the news today and he said he didn’t envisage serving the notice girl at least two year, so plenty of time to have some back room chats with the other EU heads of state and maybe make some compromises before an election.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I’m really surprised nobody has made the obvious MGTOW parallel yet.

“Right, we’re off!”

“OK, bye” (in a variety of languages)

“Oh, er…..”

(I suppose the difference is that the rest of the EU do seem to want us to stay)

8 years ago

@Alan Ha, I’m reading the EU’s response more as “look, decide if you’re going so we know what to do” rather than “if your stuff’s not out by Friday it’ll be on the lawn”.

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

@Alan Luckily most people are usually worth the effort. But after spending the past two days hearing about Muslim girls being cornered by gangs of screaming racist bullyboys, Polish women with babies being told to get off the bus and go home, and brown British people being quizzed by their co-workers about their birth status, I’m short of patience just now.

Can we just be honest and admit that voting for an option that literally had no fucking plan in place in case of success, that was being run by the crew that it was, and in opposition to the hundreds, if not thousands, of voices of reason that spoke out against it was a phenomenally stupid thing to do? And can we acknowledge that many who voted Leave are now crying over their lack of judgement and are begging to take it all back?

8 years ago

I don’t think the genie is going back in the bottle as easily as some people think.

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

Me, either. No matter which direction it goes in now, Britain has screwed itself over but good.

8 years ago

Trump’s going to win too, you know. #Brexit

Good to know, now I can donate any article of clothing that isn’t solid or predominantly black (and is in decent shape…some of my clothes are very well-worn). That’s right, I’m going into mourning if Trump the Rump wins.

8 years ago


I assume that was for me? If so, point taken

I wasn’t trying to call you out specifically on that one, sorry! More a comment on how the term has entered the language as a rather empty descriptor of “weird meaningless spiky lines tattoo,” I don’t think you were implying anything bad, but I do have to wonder whether the word itself does.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

rather empty descriptor

See also ‘ethnic’ when used for clothes or food.

8 years ago


I wasn’t trying to call you out specifically on that one, sorry!

Nah, you got it, fam!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Trump’s going to win too, you know. #Brexit

New polls out today. One shows Clinton up by 5 the other shows her up by 12. Although I suppose there’s a MSM conspiracy to present skewed polls like in 2012 😀

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

From across the pond it seems inconceivable that Trump could be seen as a viable contender for public office (but we also can’t fathom why someone who isn’t allowed to buy an airline ticket is allowed to buy a gun)

Polls can be tricky though. Over here ‘remain’ was ahead around 7 points on the day of the referendum, and for the most part had been ahead for most of the campaign. That may have lead to a bit of complacency on the part of the remain campaign. The fallout from that is a big story here today; check out what’s happening to Corbyn.

Hopefully between now and the election Trump will do something so foolish or abhorrent that not even he can shrug it off; but whilst he’s a joke, he’s also dangerous. Please don’t take your foot off the gas in campaigning against him. We don’t want a decision that will fuck up your country and also have ramifications around the world.

(That being our gig apparently)

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’m actually quite aware that things can change in several months and that one poll doesn’t mean much by itself. I’ve studied social science and been involved in political campaigning. You really don’t have to tell me not to rest on my laurels. You’re coming off mansplainy again.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

That said, what is Trump’s path to victory? The polls have consistently shown him down. What is his plan to win the swing states? It doesn’t seem like he has one. He lucked into a primary victory by tapping into the resentment and bigotry of the GOP base but winning in the general takes strategy, money, and a ground game. I’m not seeing any evidence that he thought through any of this stuff.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Apologies for that WWTH. I would certainly defer to you in political science matters anyway.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

From across the pond it seems inconceivable that Drumpf could be seen as a viable contender for public office (but we also can’t fathom why someone who isn’t allowed to buy an airline ticket is allowed to buy a gun)

Don’t you have that Boris guy who is has a high chance to be the next PM that’s been described as the British Donald Trump?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ handsome jack

Some parallels have been drawn, but that seems more down to dodgy haircuts and a rather chaotic style.

Boris is fiscally conservative, but he’s socially liberal. He’s also a lot brighter than he pretends to be. The irony about him being part of the Leave campaign is that he’s very much a Europhile. Really that stance was more about getting Cameron’s job than anything substantive. He did some documentaries a few years back where he highlighted some issues about the administration of the EU, but he backed the overall project.

He’s probably more of a divisive figure within the Conservative Party than in the country as a whole. When he was London mayor he was regarded by London councillors across the board as pretty constructive and cooperative. London is a Labour city but he got elected pretty decisively. Politically he’s not actually that far from Saddique Khan, the new London mayor.

That’s just my view of course, your mileage may differ. If you want to get a feel for him see if you can track down those documentaries he did or his appearances on Have I Got News For You.

ETA: tl;dr version would be, he’s unlikely to accidentally start a nuclear war but quite likely to accidentally run over someone’s dog.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

We also need to be far more effective in preventing British and other foreigners from getting out there (I am interested to see how many Belgians are there); and the Turks need to shut that border. We need to make it crystal clear that you will be arrested if you go out to Syria or Iraq without a good reason. At present the police are finding it very difficult to stop people from simply flying out via Germany, crossing the border, doing their ghastly jihadi tourism, and coming back. The police can and do interview the returnees, but it is hard to press charges without evidence. The law needs a swift and minor change so that there is a “rebuttable presumption” that all those visiting war areas without notifying the authorities have done so for a terrorist purpose.

From an article Boris Johnson wrote himself on Telegraph. And here’s all the other things he’s written, including “Bravo for Assad – he is a vile tyrant but he has saved Palmyra from Isil”, “Boris Johnson: I can’t stand this heat, but it has nothing to do with global warming”, and “Boris Johnson: Bombing Syria is not the whole solution – but it’s a good start”.

8 years ago

I think many of us in the UK are currently cursing ourselves for resting on ours a bit, WWTH, I know I am 🙁
I wouldn’t have convinced a soul anyway, and it’s solid wall-to-wall remain voters where I am, but I’m still pretty much in shock even now (as are the neighbours and everyone I’ve spoken with).

8 years ago


what is Trump’s path to victory?

I think he’s hoping for an Obama style, 2008 level realignment. He’s thinking that if he picks up PA, NV, CO and makes a play in the Midwest, he can steal a win. Indiana’s gift wrapped for him, and, if he knows what he’s doing, he could sweep the South, VA and NC included (tho probably not FL). The population drop in in Detroit could let him eke out MI. Low turnout via a resurgence of voter suppression might do him some good. Unfortunately, for him anyway, the whole rest of your comment. It’s not impossible for someone like Trump to win. But yeah, Trump himself is lookin entirely unprepared for this

Side note: As much as I dislike the electoral college conceptually, it and changing demos are making the red team start at a 70 point, day 1 deficit. Worth ?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ handsome jack

Oh indeed, the main thing you quote though was a very mainstream view here. There was a bit of a panic about people going off to fight for ISIS and then returning. The worry was that such people had just been trained and then sent back to commit terrorist attacks. Personally I suspect it’s more a case of people getting caught up with the glamour of it all then went they actually get there realising how horrible it is and getting out as quickly as possible,