Well, this is a bit of a shock. The UK has voted to leave the EU — a victory for the forces of racism and unreason that could mean disaster for the UK economy and the EU as a whole. The pound is crashing; markets are poised to plunge.
So naturally the internet’s worst people are thrilled. Let’s start with a literal Anime Nazi before moving on to some more familiar names.
Trump's going to win too, you know. #Brexit pic.twitter.com/HCHHW7tAqo
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) June 24, 2016
Fuck the global economy. We have to save our civilisation.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) June 24, 2016
Sorry about it, (((Soros))) pic.twitter.com/6IOuvreNVT
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) June 24, 2016
Meme magic is real lads. Praise Kek and Rule Britannia .
— VDARE (@vdare) June 24, 2016
And there will be many more even worse than these in the days to come.
The weirdest hot take of the night so far?
Ann Coulter cheering the plunge everyone expects when European markets open:
The good news keeps rolling in! https://t.co/ty4NS6sdVA
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 24, 2016
EDITED TO ADD: Hail to the Gynocracy has also been watching the reactions of white nationalists to the #Brexit win.
Here are a couple of the creepiest tweets I missed:
@ wicked witch
I probably do have a bit of an observation bias thing going on. In my circle any anti EU sentiment was based on either a general feeling that it was a bit technocratic or not being a fan of EU’s neo liberal ethos. Those sentiments had been especially strong when all the Greek thing was going on.
I was of course aware that immigration was an issue for some people but I think I perhaps under estimate just how prevalent that view was. Perhaps I just don’t want to believe it; hence my feeling (hope?) that the bulk of people complaining about immigration are doing so based on economics not racism.
I spend most of my time in Cornwall these days and whilst there was a lot of anti EU grumbling that was very much based on policy issues. Cornwall is dependant on migrants for its economy so they’re very welcome here. Perhaps that’s skewed my views a bit on what most Brexiters think?
@Ohlmann Stop. I put the blame on the demagoguery of the Leave side, the utter ineffectuality of the Remain side, AND the ignorance (not the same as “stupidity”) of voters. Though, seriously? If you’ve heard people talking about why they were going to vote Leave, it’s beyond clear that many were doing so out of naked xenophobia. Which, criticise me all you like, I do find pretty stupid.
You can dance around that all you like. You say you’re not in the UK. Well, I’ve been here on the ground since before this even started, and the fact is that for most UK voters this was not about EU flaws, or economic reasons, or anything else that’s being used as an excuse to justify it.
This was a campaign that stooped to blatant lies and used equally blatant Goebbels-level imagery against “outsiders.” You may have your own reasons for beong anti-EU, but you need to stop trying to superimpose them on this particular case, because they ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Get that misapprehension out of your head.
For many of us living here, the UK has become a scary place, and there are many observers noting the similarities between the atmosphere here now and those in other societies just before the descent into fascism.
UK peeps might be interested in this if you haven’t seen it yet:
You can dance all you want around the fact your position of insulting thoses people is dangerous and feed the force that created the brexit. The fact remain that the UE have most of the blame here. Not because of what is actually said about it in the campaign perhaps, but still, it’s absolutely stupid to pretend that brexit would have happen if UE was seen as a legitimate, competent governemental body. And the UE have to improve both on its perception and its actual competency to avoid future problems.
You can alway say that people are too stupid to vote. That will make them more angry. The politicians can alway conspire to ignore their vote because they feel it’s too dangerous. That will only fuel an actual, dyed-on-the-wool fascist revolution.
In other words, you may be right that Europa (I refuse to say it’s only an UK problem) is descending closer to fascism. But it mean people have to *do* something about it. Insulting and othering the guy who did that isn’t doing something about it, actually working on why so many people are disenfranchised is.
@guest Hmmmmm, as fucked-up as this situation is, trying to override a referendum result is even more fucked-up.
@EJ (the other one). Yes, I also agree that the real reason this whole ugly thing developed was due to intra-party politics. Hell, the only reason there even was a referendum was because of Cameron using it as a carrot to get votes, arrogantly assuming he could wave his hand and get the result he wanted.
Hell, I haven’t even seen Cloyster yet. Nine Unfezants in a row, though, because this game hates me. *rolls eyes*
@ guest
I’ll give you even odds that the S.50 notice never gets served.
Money talks; our financial institutions want us to stay in the EU in some form or another and they usually get their way.
Hi lurker from and currently in the UK here deciding to delurk now of all times. Sorry if this rambles, has been said by people who know better than me or basically resembles a word vomit all over a nice clean thread but I’m trying to put my thoughts into a coherent order and you all for the most part seem nice even when you disagree.
Firstly I voted to stay in the EU so leaving isn’t what I want, but then again what I want is a worldwide socialist utopia free of sexism, classism, LGBTAQphobia, racism, xenophobia, disablism, fatphobia and all other bigotries I haven’t mentioned for either brevity or that my privilege has currently blinded me to, so I was always gonna be a little disappointed. To be honest I voted to stay because I have no trust in Westminster, as it is, to have the best interests of me and my family at heart and I live in England so I have no other parliament to protect us like Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland does.
I have no real opinion of the EU mostly because we as a nation never really got to know the other members culturally. In my experience of rural England, people are monolingual and only really know our European neighbours by their economic actions i.e. “those Eastern Europeans coming over here taking jobs” or “go to France / Spain their booze is cheaper than here”, the only foreign films in the mainstream media right now are American specifically Hollywood, outside of Eurovision we don’t listen to non English speaking music. This coupled with the fact that I haven’t really seen many attempts to get to know each other and work together, like we have Eurovision and some sporting events but these are all adversarial in their nature. You can’t really have a healthy marriage if you don’t even know something a minor like your partners favourite colour, and you can’t really make one when the only times you talk to one another is about money or over who is the best at (insert thing here).
Hopefully this can made into a positive change; progressive voices won’t be drowned out by the bigots screaming like howler monkeys, we as a nation look to other nations and get to know them, not just economically but culturally, and then maybe one day we can look at our neighbours and see not potential allies or trading partners but friends. Or not, I think I’ll end up settling for not fascist.
Not from the UK but this whole thing makes me sad. watchimg Nigel Faragre say “This is a victory for real people” makes my blood boil. Let’s hope this inspires folks in the US to vote to take down Trump so we can avoid something similar happening here.
That woman in the ridiculous Swedish nationalist outfit is Hanna Lindholm, a prominent member of the racist political party Sweden Democrats. If you thought the picture was cringeworthy as is, it only gets worse when you learn that it was originally put together and posted by Lindholm herself, exactly as it’s seen here.
Lindholm is one of the more popular members of the know-nothing wing of the know-nothing party, and her focus is split between commenting on American news stories of which she has very limited knowledge, and playing up the long-time far right conspiracy theory that refugees are routinely lying about their age in order to count as underage, so that they will be more likely to be granted asylum. The proponents of this conspiracy theory generally advocate for efforts to determine refugees’ age through “scientific” methods such as measuring wrist circumference, and dental exams.
Last year, Lindholm came close to being expelled by her party, as she’s considered a right wing extremist even by the other right wing extremists in her party. She has ties to openly Nazi groups and was a member of the old youth group of the Sweden Democrats, which was recently disowned by the main party because it had gone from secretly Nazi to openly Nazi.
@ Huggbees Farage’s response is to be expected, bigots need to feel like they are the everyman and the voice of the silent majority, to see themselves as anything else would shatter their world. The only problem is now they can use numbers from a source other than their arse.
Haha. I only saw Unfezant for the first time last night. But this morning I already caught both Gyarados and Magikarp! I’m done! :p
@Ohlmann So now me pointing out how Othering and insulting a group of people are being is now ME insulting and Othering them?
What are we supposed to do, just pat their hands and say, “There, there: the way you’re collapsing immigrants, EU migrants, refugees, and terrorists into one big, amorphous mass that is on the verge of swallowing the UK whole is totally reasonable!”
I thought that as progressives, our job was to call out bigotry, not coddle it.
Also, way to blithely disregard everything I said that you can’t use to paint me as some sort of elitist monster.
Leave flat-out WOULD NOT HAVE WON if the campaign had actually been focussed in an honest, fact-based way on the benefits the UK receives from its EU membership. Most of the biggest Leave majorities came from parts of the UK that have benefitted the most from EU funding and now will be well and truly fucked without it.
I live in Wales, which voted Leave, and I know for a fact that much, if not most, of the improvements here over the past 20 years have been down to EU money. The UK as a whole frankly doesn’t give two shits about Wales and wouldn’t care if it fell into the sea tomorrow. As the centuries of under-investment in and exploitation of Wales by the UK shows. The fact that people are happily voting against their own best interests shows that this is NOT about anything in Ohlmann’s basket of personal EU grievances but is instead about Something Else.
And when I, who live here unlike you, and can hear what people are actually saying, tell you that the focus was on Dirty Foreigners Coming Over Here & Stealing Our Jobs, I have a good case for doing so.
Ffs, Trump supporters are for the most part also ordinary people who feel disenfranchised and forgotten. So are many MRA types. Do we use that as an exuse to let them off the hook for their fuckwittery?
I am sorry, but all of you calling Leave voters, ignorant or stupid just show how disconnected you are from the working class issues. You can’t just blame racism or right wing for anti-EU sentiment. I will start saying that I am not British, but from some Southern European country where austerity meassures are in full effect. I consider myself a left/far left woman, and I can’t deal with the lack of democracy of EU, things like the secrecy of TTIP and TISA (or what would mean to us if they passed), or the fact that most analysts have said that if we still had or own currency instead of Euro we would have been able to endure the Recession better. How would you feel if you see your fellow Greek people voting something that was later overturned by Brussels? Do you really think people care about big economic figures or long term predictions when their families have been ruined since 2008? And how do you think when, after years of Brussels forcing us to adopt austerity meassures that meant cuts in almost all social subsides, suddenly they are trying to make us to accept refugees that would get more help than the average Family? Don’t you think that can be the start of the “us vs them” mentality? For a lot of people that was the last straw on the camel’s back. Even more when we, as one of the Southern borders with Africa have been calling for help from the Northern countries to deal with the issue without any response. I feel really thankful that no far right/anti immigration party has arised from this mess but a pro-immigration left one. But I won’t find it strange when it happens.
So, instead of dehumanizing the Leave voters, treat them like idiots and morons, why not try to listen to them, hear their reasons. People like Owen Jones have been warning about this disconnection for years. Don’t you realize that if the left fails to listen to the the working class cry of help the populist far right starts to rise?
I strongly recommend having coins saved up for great balls when you do encounter the Shinies. Their catch rates are not great. :/
Very sorry to hear about this disastrous result, British & European friends. I’ll be thinking about you as the shockwave continues to move through financial markets and people’s daily lives in the coming months.
I’m not entirely convinced that the only reason to leave the EU is for racial reasons. That’s just what the media wants us to think. My understanding (for the record I am an American but so is Furtelle) is they wanted to be able to regulate their own country rather than have the other EU countries tell them what to do. Racists are going to be happy by anything that makes their country more isolationist, but again, I don’t think everyone (or even a majority) of the Brexit voters are racist. That would require 52% of Brits to be neo Nazis, as Furtelle is implying, and I frankly doubt that is the case. More like a coalition of different demographics. Some of which are racists but most just don’t want to be regulated by the EU and they want their own country to get to decide things for themselves.
Nobody was saying people shouldn’t have the right to vote of they’re too stupid. It kind of sounds like you’re implying that people who are disappointed with the results are saying that.
I do hope the silver line is that this combined with the Trump campaign serves as some sort of wake up call to the one percenters. High income inequality, un and under employment, overly high costs of living,and austerity cause people to become reactionary. This is threatening to the stability the wealthy thrive under. But they’ve forgotten this and gotten too greedy. They like to live with their heads up their asses so they don’t understand what basic history has taught.
I’m not all that optimistic that the very wealthiest and most powerful will understand this though. Things aren’t enough of a mess to penetrate the affluenza forcefield yet I don’t think.
It’s been a strange and more than a little scary decade.
Hey. Fellow Muricans. Come here, let me talk to you. Little closer
‘But globalist, neoliberal, establishment, corporatist, shill, center right, warmonger, blah, blah, blah.’ No. You vote and you vote the correct way. There is a correct way, and, if you vote the wrong way, fuck you!
Fuck your protest vote, or your disillusionment, or your principles, or whatever reason you decide you’re gonna fuck this up for the rest of us! You’re not special or clever. You’re not a revolutionary. You’re a tool. You’re a shit merchant, and I’m officially done buying it!
Well, at least we might get a preview of what a regressive idiot with bad hair can do to a country. How many lefties fully understood that this could also be a referendum on Boris fucking Johnson?
Listen, guy. You don’t coddle stupid people doing stupid things, cos ‘hey, they might get upset that you call them stupid’. Ya know what we do here? “The New Misogyny (and other such bullshit) Tracked And Mocked”, and derided, and shamed. Old racists are a substantial source of AntiEU sentiment. Fuck them. No need to stand up for them, dude. Not a good look
@caketastydelish Sorry, but that’s not true. The UK is extremely powerful in the EU and during its time as a member has only lost in something like 60-odd votes while winning in over 2,000. The idea that this country was continually forced down paths it didn’t want is a very long-established lie and the “regaining control” line was just another piece of bullshit flung in in order to attract the less racist voters who wouldn’t be convinced by Farage’s Rivers of Blood hyperbole.
The real truth lies in the architects of the Leave movement. Look at who will benefit ( hint: people like Rupert Murdoch) and you’ll understand what this was really all about.
Racism and xenophobia were just tools used to whip up anti-EU feeling, they weren’t the real point. The real point is, as ever, about a few people feathering their nests.
@Amazed Yeah, you can’t deal with the EU lack of democracy, but you’re a ok with the House of Fucking Lords? News flash: there’s a deficit of democracy EVERYWHERE, and running away isn’t a cure. Especially when where you’re running is worse.
And stop with the “you’re demonising them” bullshit. Won’t fly with Trumpers, won’t flyvwithcLeavers.
That’s not what this post implies at all. Dave has simply highlighted some examples of the reactions actual neo-Nazis have displayed. Nowhere does he suggest that because some neo-Nazis are celebrating, all Brexit voters are Nazis.
Further, your premise is false. Not all racist decisions are made by literal Nazis. Racism exists in all people who benefit from it (including myself) in varying degrees. To suggest that only fascists can be racist is to dismiss the majority of racism experienced routinely by people of colour. I can’t know to what extent the various issues at play impacted individual voters, but your argument that racism couldn’t have had much of a role because not everyone in the UK is a Nazi doesn’t make any sense.
Omfg, just read Amazed’s assertion that is was Brussels who “forced” the UK into austerity cuts!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Because the Tories would NEVER have implemented them without being told to! HAWHAWHAWHAWHAW!!!!!
Oh god, seriously, if you wrote about Amazed in a book, no one would believe you.
For all the racism and disgusting rhetoric I’d just like to say I think there’s no place for exaggeration. If people have shitty racist reasons for voting at least this was democratic. I don’t agree. But when my country even wanted to start the smallest of steps towards unity with European we ended up going from hope to civil war. Just a thought. Maybe to put things in perspective. I feel David scaredmongered here at the beginning.
Though my parents and brother lives in the Uk and are uk citizens. They voted to stay. Ironic now since they wanted to move their after I started college to be part of EU for better jobs for my brother and trustworthy banks.
It is a big shame but not the apocalypse. The only shame is the racism and all their crap here on twitter.
Tirmoil started on the east a long time back and it is looking a lot bloodier. My heart goes out to Jo Cox all the same (I don’t want oppression Olympics only to say that frenzy and exaggerating don’t help)
@Valentine I do get what you’re saying, but I also have to question a) whether a vote can truly be considered democratic when it’s a decision based on lies, and b) even if a vote is democratic, whether that in any way mitigates its being racist. Hell, we can find any number of oppressive regimes supported by popular vote. Does that make them ok?