![The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/award_phixr.png?resize=580%2C401&ssl=1)
Over on Reddit’s illustrious Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some of the regulars have worked themselves into a snit over a photo of a baby girl surrounded by a bunch of awards.
Because how can A BABY win so many awards!? Especially this totally mediocre-looking GIRL baby.
In case you think I’m joking:
So it starts indeed!
Never mind that the alleged princess-in-training here seems to be sitting in the midst of some kind of postapocalyptic wasteland — or at least someplace that could use a bit of a touching up.
Never mind that the awards all have pictures of horses on them, raising the strong possibility that the prizes are not for little miss future princess at all but for, you know, a horse. Who is probably a stuck up bitch anyway, if you ask me; you know how horses get after they win a couple of trophies.
Some of Reddit’s MGTOWs responded to the picture with jokes; others reacted with indignation.
Mgtow_eagle cranked up the sarcasm:
Victor_knight, meanwhile, directed his anger at the female human he saw as the real villain: Mom.
Ah, mom! It’s always mom’s fault, isn’t it?
H/T — r/TheBluePill; they pointed out the horse thing
You could even make a YouTube video while you’re in there.
weirwoodtreehugger-It’s pathetic, isn’t it? Adults accept baby behaviour from babies, because they are babies. But MGTOWs are supposed to be adults, too. They got no excuse to act like babies. It is pathetic that they feel entitled to act like babies and to be mummied all the lives. These are grown men and they expect women to cater to their every whim. Yep, boo fucking hoo. I am enjoying a nice mug of male tears right now.
OT: Got a British friend that told me Yorkshire voted to split from the EU, so, like, sorry my Yorkshire British peeps on here if ther is any if you’re not into Brexit. That sucks.
Anyone else find it kinda creepy that they are calling the baby mediocre looking? Maybe if it was coming from anyone else I wouldn’t, but coming from them, it just sounds like they’re saying “she’s not even that hot!”
And it’s just plain sad that they think women waste money on babies just to spend a man’s money, such as…expensive fake baby trophies? I don’t know exactly what that guy’s pathetic little rant had to do with the picture, but I guess MGTOWs are so out of touch with reality that they can find an excuse to throw a loosely connected tantrum about women in literally anything.
Bad news on Brexit: ITV is predicting an 85% chance of a “leave” win. The financial markets are all set to plunge.
Should we have a topic for this? I’m kind of thinking we should.
@ handsome jack
Although they’re announcing results by location this isn’t like a general election where there are constituencies. It’s the overall vote that counts (i.e. The side with the most votes at the end wins)
Having said that, the results seem to indicate that it’s the traditional Labour areas where the leave vote is greatest. That does make sense as I’ve always said the left wing case for Brexit is much stronger than the right wing one.
(Left and right are simplistic terms but convenient for this sort of thing)
@ David
Why’s that bad news?
The market thing is irrelevant. Uncertainty always increases volatility. Derivatives traders don’t know which way to bet, but once there’s a definite result everything stabilises again.
And what’s wrong with Brexit? As mentioned above it’s the left that have swung it.
From what I hear, it’s Britain screwing itself for no real reason. Travel prices will skyrocket and you still have to have your borders open to trade with the rest of Europe unless you guys wanna completely cut yourself from the rest of the world. You guys won’t be in any position to bargain for good trade, I’m sure? I mean, unless you guys are the leading producers of several important and highly in demand products, good luck. Hope you guys aren’t too attached to any products the rest of Europe makes.
Of course, I don’t know squat about the intricacies of European economics and don’t know much about the whole Brexit situation so I’m probably talking out of my ass. Probably very well talking out of my ass.
Dear Baby Girl:
Welcome to the world! I’m glad you’re here. Butterflies, babka, and red balloons. Friends and yellow roses and Chopin nocturnes.
There are also assholes here, who will try to steal your happiness, even though it couldn’t possibly do them any good. There are jerks, who will try to make themselves feel big by making you feel small. Plus other forms of evil. You’ll know it when you see it.
That’s why you have your psychic cloak of protection. Wear it when you need it. Keep yourself safe.
I’m always so happy to see that there is one more girl in the world!
Ey, Kat, are you HFCS? Because that was sweet and corny.
@ handsome jack
It is pretty complex, but the key things perhaps to remember are:
All the referendum does is allow the UK to serve notice under Article 50. What that means is there’s a minimum two year period to negotiate the new deal. Article 50 includes a provision that any deals must have the minimum negative effect on both parties’ economies.
In practice we could negotiate a deal that is functionally identical to what we have now, just with UK govt being the highest UK authority rather than Brussels.
The UK is the EU’s biggest market so they’re unlikely to want to lose that. We also sell a lot in the EU, but the 21 biggest sellers to the EU aren’t in the EU so it’s not really a bar. Also TTIP and TAFTA will subsume all the EU trade treaties soon anyway and we’ll be a part of that even if it’s via EFTA.
Also we weren’t that much in the EU anyway. There’s a “2 lane” Europe (i.e. Us and everyone else). We’re not in the eurozone, we’re not in Schengen, we have an opt out on lots of the legislation and we have an exemption from all the “ever closer union” bits in the Lisbon Treaty.
So in effect this is likely to be a change of form rather than substance.
My boyfriend and I laughed and laughed at this. And he’s totally going to steal it and repurpose it for some sort of political rant on Facebook. He’s waiting for the perfect opportunity.
Actually, a vote to leave will tend to cause a lot more instability than a vote to stay would have, because of the worry that other countries will go “F— it, we’re out, too.” And as one pundit put it, this is kind of like if New York state or California suddenly decided to pull out of the US trade markets. So I don’t think it’s just a case of markets being unstable just until the traders know which way to lay their bets.
@Handsome Jack (formerly Pandapool–the species that endangers YOU)
Ha, ha! I had to go there to balance out the evil that these guys perpetuate on unsuspecting beings that share the planet with them.
Re: Brexit
Oh gawd, the result hasn’t been confirmed and they’re already talking about a second referendum.
The debate from the Eurocrats is now whether it’s carrot or stick to get us to say ‘yes’. Do they punish us and keep the screws on until we come back or do they woo us with promises that if we do come back they’ll listen more to what we have to say?
ETA: there no actual time limit to when we serve the Art.50 notice so if the EU does offer some sweeteners in the interim there’s no obligation on the UK govt to actually leave (referendums in the UK are not binding). We might find out how much Germany really wants us!
How do they know that the baby didn’t actually win those trophies? Or at least the mom paid for those trophies herself with her own money? Not to brag but I won a modeling contest when I was a toddler I think it was 2nd or 3rd place. It’s been so long ago. I would have gotten 1st if it wasn’t for that medicine I took that made me jittering. And I’m on the front cover and in a few pages of a bass pro magazine when I was I think 6. Oh, I’m just the definition of Entitled Attention Seeking Princess.
I been taking care of my two nephews who are three and four for three weeks, they’re very smart and I love them but they were a freaking pain in the neck. I’m not exaggerating at all; they would scream, shout, run, hit and scratch each other and us, talk back to us, stick their tongues at us, etc all day everyday however I would still enjoy their company far more than I would do a manospherian.
I’m sorry if I’m being inappropriate but is that really you!? Gosh, you’re pretty.
I hate to be the bringer of bad news but..
And of course almost everyone says the stabber is ‘mentally ill’ and blames the government and whatever for not providing medical services to men and boys.
There is a whole lot of bad news right now but I think I’ll just settle with this one.
Apparently Brexit has won.
And then there’s Nigel Farage — who I understand is a right winger and I believe has a very promising (dead-end) future as an MRA:
This dickhole.
Brexit would trigger second Scottish referendum within three years, Alex Salmond warns
Brexit: in a situation where, at best, nothing bad happens, aging racists get the last laugh
I need an onomatopoeia along the lines of a disgusted yet resigned ‘ugh’ but… moreso
What happens if Scotland leaves the UK? And what if Ireland tries to get out too?
@ kat and handsome jack
I winced when he said that.
The good news is that Farage is pretty much an irrelevance now. UKIP just initially existed on a single platform of getting a referendum. We’ve had that now.
UKIP have tried to expand their remit a bit. When the Tories campaigned for equal marriage and the like, that left a gap for a party with a more conservative stance on social issues, so UKIP have stepped in there. I think though progressive views are winning/have won the culture wars. Most UK peeps are either progressive or indifferent on social things so that old view will become increasingly irrelevant.
Interestingly the official leave campaign kept Farage’s unofficial campaign very much at barge-pole length.
@ handsome jack
Scotland could have a referendum on independence. If that happens they can apply to join the EU.
Ireland is an independent country and a member of the EU. Northern Ireland is the bit that’s part of the UK and there are more Unionists (ie people who want to be part of the UK) than Nationalsts (people who want to be part of Ireland) so nothing much will happen there.
That’s what I figured but i was wondering what would happen to Britain specifically if Scotland got its independence.
@ handsome jack
In practice probably not much. Nearly all issues are devolved to the Scottish Parliament already.
The only things we now ‘share’ are defence and currency.
Scottish people contribute disproportionately to UK forces so that might be an issue, but we could have a similar deal as the one with the Gurkhas. We’d have to move the Trident base. We’ve actually been hankering for that to come to Cornwall (lots of financial benefits)
As to currency, we could either form a currency union but more likely Scotland would adopt the Euro.
I don’t see us rebuilding Hadrians Wall so we’d probably just have Scotland as part of the Free Travel Area (as we do with Ireland now)
Technically (r)Britain would be a bit better off as we subsidise Scotland to a degree.