antifeminism entitled babies evil moms men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs angry at totally mediocre baby girl for apparently winning a bunch of awards

The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get
The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get

Over on Reddit’s illustrious Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some of the regulars have worked themselves into a snit over a photo of a baby girl surrounded by a bunch of awards.

Because how can A BABY win so many awards!? Especially this totally mediocre-looking GIRL baby.


In case you think I’m joking:

Princess syndrome. A pic from my facebook. Exactly what the f--k did this generic baby do to earn those awards? So it starts....

So it starts indeed!

Never mind that the alleged princess-in-training here seems to be sitting in the midst of some kind of postapocalyptic wasteland — or at least someplace that could use a bit of a touching up.

Never mind that the awards all have pictures of horses on them, raising the strong possibility that the prizes are not for little miss future princess at all but for, you know, a horse. Who is probably a stuck up bitch anyway, if you ask me; you know how horses get after they win a couple of trophies.

Some of Reddit’s MGTOWs responded to the picture with jokes; others reacted with indignation.

Mgtow_eagle cranked up the sarcasm:mgtow_eagle 4 points 4 days ago* Looks like a very independent and accomplished young lady who don't need no man.

Victor_knight, meanwhile, directed his anger at the female human he saw as the real villain: Mom.

victor_knight 3 points 4 days ago A lot of mothers splurge on the baby just to waste daddy's money. It's not like the baby can actually appreciate it. Women have no qualms throwing a man's money (even her husband's) down the f--king drain if she feels like it.

Ah, mom! It’s always mom’s fault, isn’t it?

H/T — r/TheBluePill; they pointed out the horse thing

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8 years ago

Literally jealous of a literal baby.

MRA, there is always more and it’s always worse.

Poe died, his law is dead and completely meaningless here. Satire is dead, there is nothing I can say now that can out extreme their views.

8 years ago

but they’ve been baby men all their adults lives, why don’t they get the ribbons.

8 years ago

Maybe she got the awards for displaying greater emotional maturity than an MGTOW before the age of three?

8 years ago

the original migtow said it was from his Facebook feed… so presumably this is the baby of someone he knows? shouldn’t it be easy to find out what’s going on in the picture?
but I guess that would require having a reaction to something other than incoherent rage at women.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Well, just when I didn’t think these guys can get anymore pathetic, this happens.


While I might have thought and even done some petty things, at the very least I’m not a grown adult being jealous and resentful of a fucking baby.

I actually went to the Reddit threat for this one.

Baby looks arrogant lol. Even holding up “number 1” finger

A fucking baby. A fucking BABY.

At least there’s seem to only be a few petty assholes since the thread is a couple of days old and not even twenty comments.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

The ribbons say Pohár města Kroměříže, which does appear to be a show horse competition in the Czech Republic. (Pohár == cup, města == cities, Kroměříže being the city in question.)

And really this whole complaint… gah. Some parts of the ‘princess’ meme can’t die fast enough. Yes, girls get ‘you can do anything you want!’ when they’re young. So do boys. And boys who are bitter that they didn’t get to do anything they wanted really shouldn’t complain about girls who may or may not be able to.

8 years ago

The ribbons are from an equestrian competition held in the Czech town of Kroměříže. (ninja’d by Jenora Feuer).

Incidentally, the same relative who translated the ribbon for me has a baby picture in which he’s also showing “number 1” with his little fingers. The joke is that he’s announcing what’s just happened in his pants. Anyway…

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

I tried to do a Google Image search on the picture and it came back with “Our best guess: Stuffed Toy.” Thanks, Google. Very helpful.

8 years ago

Yelling at a baby online…… MGTOWs are amazing. Just when you think they can’t be anymore pathetic they manage to top themselves

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

It really does always come down to mommy issues with these losers.

8 years ago

So I guess we sit back and wait for MGTOWs to yell at clouds that resemble women and/or babies? That’d be the only way they could get any more pathetic.

8 years ago

Yeah, these guys are really “going their own way” by complaining about baby pictures. I can’t wait until they rain down the hate of some parent showing off their daughter’s finger-paintings…

8 years ago

If it’s an equestrian competition then they’re jealous of a baby sitting with a bunch of ribbons and trophies she didn’t actually win. Babies don’t compete in those. Completely logical guess here is that baby is posing with the awards one or both parents won because cute. She’s even posed on a horse blanket so it was probably taken at the competition.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Wow. These guys are literally angry at a LITERAL BABY because their parents posed them with some trophies and such from a horse competition.

And it’s somehow mom’s fault. Because of course it is.

OT: A veteran tore apart Drumpf’s latest speech on twitter.

I figured it was relevant since we had Mark who was claiming to be a veteran making a sad attempt at trolling last night and begging for us to vote for Drumpf.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

This is one of those times I almost feel sorry for these guys. How sad and pathetic do you have to be to get upset by a picture of a baby with prize ribbons?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I suspect that one time they tried to take some candy from a baby but managed to fuck it up; so now they’ve got it in for babies generally.

8 years ago

Jealous of a literal baby. If they were to go any lower, they’d need to start digging.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@tovius: P’shaw, they’ve been digging for years now.

8 years ago

Come on, guys. You can’t… It’s like… The fuck… Pick your battles, fellas. A baby? ‘We sure told that infant what for!’ Just… delete your accounts. Allayaz

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Jealous of a baby. Yeah, that’s a real alpha move there, dudes.

8 years ago

It’s just really, really reaching by this point. I looked at the awards vaguely, thought ‘Polish? Horse comp? Horse blanket?’

I’ve been to quite a few farm shows, it’s normal to pose your animal with all of its awards draped, unless the beast is going ‘lol nope’ because of exhaustion or just being persnickety. After that, you usually get your kids (if you have them) to hold the awards up for you.

(I’ve seen kid-free people get their dogs to hold them too – for cuteness’ sake – It’s just whatever shot shows your AWESOME STASH and provides a nice memory).

As for splurging on the baby…I don’t even? Even if they were being literal, a few ribbons would cost like $10? I can’t logic this one.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Aww. So cute! (My reaction to the picture).

Some people might not think babies are cute. That’s cool too. You don’t have to.

But seeing a picture of a baby surrounded with ribbons and trophies and thinking, “Hey, that’s a GIRL baby! I’ll use her as an example of how feeeeemales are so pampered and stuff”? That shows… commitment… to the MGTOW cause, if the MGTOW cause means relentlessly and ridiculously resenting women.

8 years ago

I could be mistaken, but it looks like the trophies are for horse jumping (aka eventing if memory serves). When I was a young kid, my dad used to judge at those competitions.

I do wonder, how far off the rails does your life have to go before screaming about how entitled literal babies are on the internet seems like a good idea? Perhaps it would be best to step back and do something relaxing (and singular) like reading a book in the tub until the urge passes.

Edit- Ninja’d

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

You know, babies are pretty entitled. It’s not their fault. Their brains aren’t developed enough to think much past their own wants and needs. And adults accept this about babies and choose to love and care for them anyway. Even the girl babies. But when MGTOWs act like that, women don’t accept it. They don’t cater to their every whim. It’s so unfair that they’re expected to act like adults, not babies.

That’s why they’re jealous. They want to act like babies and be mommied by the women in their lives and they can’t. Boo fucking hoo.

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