antifeminism entitled babies evil moms men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs angry at totally mediocre baby girl for apparently winning a bunch of awards

The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get
The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get

Over on Reddit’s illustrious Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some of the regulars have worked themselves into a snit over a photo of a baby girl surrounded by a bunch of awards.

Because how can A BABY win so many awards!? Especially this totally mediocre-looking GIRL baby.


In case you think I’m joking:

Princess syndrome. A pic from my facebook. Exactly what the f--k did this generic baby do to earn those awards? So it starts....

So it starts indeed!

Never mind that the alleged princess-in-training here seems to be sitting in the midst of some kind of postapocalyptic wasteland — or at least someplace that could use a bit of a touching up.

Never mind that the awards all have pictures of horses on them, raising the strong possibility that the prizes are not for little miss future princess at all but for, you know, a horse. Who is probably a stuck up bitch anyway, if you ask me; you know how horses get after they win a couple of trophies.

Some of Reddit’s MGTOWs responded to the picture with jokes; others reacted with indignation.

Mgtow_eagle cranked up the sarcasm:mgtow_eagle 4 points 4 days ago* Looks like a very independent and accomplished young lady who don't need no man.

Victor_knight, meanwhile, directed his anger at the female human he saw as the real villain: Mom.

victor_knight 3 points 4 days ago A lot of mothers splurge on the baby just to waste daddy's money. It's not like the baby can actually appreciate it. Women have no qualms throwing a man's money (even her husband's) down the f--king drain if she feels like it.

Ah, mom! It’s always mom’s fault, isn’t it?

H/T — r/TheBluePill; they pointed out the horse thing

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8 years ago

Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders now agitating for referenda.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)


I guess we’ll wait and see the real consequences of Britain leaving the EU, whether good or bad. Or both. Most likely one of the other.

8 years ago

From the Guardian:

London (partial results)
Remain 59.94%
Leave 40.06%
(My own area of London was about 75% remain)

Northern Ireland
Remain 55.78%
Leave 44.22%

Remain 62.00%
Leave 38.00%

So, as a Londoner, I’m wondering whether London can leave the UK. Scotland, can we join you?

8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

P’shaw, they’ve been digging for years now.

Well, they’ve finally hit bedrock, then.

8 years ago

Fruitloopsie-LOL! No, just some random picture I chose when I searched “Male Tears mug” on Google Images. I don’t even have a Male Tears mug. O.O Maybe I should get one?

What the hell?! In front of all those people?! Male entitlement is so strong that some men feel entitled to kill a woman in a train full of witnesses. All because she dared to say ‘no’. That poor woman! 🙁

8 years ago

@Dr. Thang

I didn’t notice the remarks on her “mediocre” appearance. Just disgusting.

8 years ago

Liz Lemon: You’re so insecure you get jealous of babies for their smooth skin!
Jenna: And how much attention they get.

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
8 years ago

Meant to say generic, got it mixed up with mediocre because of the title. It’s just weird that they are saying “generic baby”, what’s a non-generic baby to them? What high standards are they holding babies up to? They must think she’s not attractive enough to win the Baby Miss America pageant, even though those awards are clearly from the Baby Kentucky Derby.
Either way, if giving kids too many undeserved awards makes them grow up to be entitled, that must mean MGTOWs have entire aircraft hangars lined with participation medals.

8 years ago

Fruitloopsie-LOL! No, just some random picture I chose when I searched “Male Tears mug” on Google Images. I don’t even have a Male Tears mug. O.O Maybe I should get one?

Lol! ? Oops! Be careful on getting a mug. I heard there are misoygnists trying to scam woman and girls into getting their personal info. I rather just get one of those mugs you can write on.

What the hell?! In front of all those people?! Male entitlement is so strong that some men feel entitled to kill a woman in a train full of witnesses. All because she dared to say ‘no’. That poor woman! ?

I know and what also really bothers me is that people will clearly point it’s racism or any other bigotry if the stabber and victim were different but when it’s male entitlement, etc it’s like people are trying to excuse the guy and cover it up “it’s mental illness” etc. I don’t mean to play the ‘oppression olympics’ or anything it just really boils my blood.

8 years ago

It’s concerning to me how often they’ll jump on to the ‘Yeh well men protect women and you can’t be independent’ thing at whichever opportunity.

They attempt to make the argument that thry are the true egalitarians and society is paternalistic by…. casting the argument in paternalistic terms

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Pretty sure the parents (or their horse) won the awards, and they’re just posing the baby with them.

Leave it to MGTOWs to scoff at babies for not earning their own money to buy clothes, diapers, and wipes. They really hate the idea of dependent humans getting nice things “for free”.

What’s their plan for not depending on others when they’re sick, injured, or elderly?

8 years ago

@Buttercup It’s kind of crazy how far the right-libertarian mindset can go

8 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
They really hate the idea of dependent people who are not
getting nice things “for free”.


@Buttercup It’s kind of crazy how far the right-libertarian mindset can go

Please read the comment policy.

8 years ago


Lol! ? Oops!


Be careful on getting a mug. I heard there are misoygnists trying to scam woman and girls into getting their personal info. I rather just get one of those mugs you can write on.

Seriously?! Thanks for the warning. I will see if I can get it from a homeware shop or something. If not, I can go to Office Works and get them to print it on a white mug.

I know and what also really bothers me is that people will clearly point it’s racism or any other bigotry if the stabber and victim were different but when it’s male entitlement, etc it’s like people are trying to excuse the guy and cover it up “it’s mental illness” etc. I don’t mean to play the ‘oppression olympics’ or anything it just really boils my blood.

I have also noticed this and it boils my blood, too. It goes to show just how acceptable misogyny is, even today. Society has acknowledged that racism, homophobia and religious intolerance are wrong and is totally unacceptable, but misogyny is still totes ok! When things like this happen, people just brush it under the carpet and label the offender as “mentally ill”. Makes it easier for them to pretend it was a once off, instead of acknowledging the fact that it is part of a whole pattern events resulting from a culture of male entitlement and misogyny. It’s infuriating!

8 years ago

They aren’t getting mad at the privilege of children participating in horse shows but at the father paying for this for a daughter. Does this mean its okay to pay for their son to go in a leadline class? Do they not realize this is a matter of class privilege?

There are leadline classes for children but they must have their feet in the stirrups and wear a proper helmet whether English or Western equitation. Usually the child is 4 or older for this class although some shows offer a 3 and younger class that may have 18 month old participants in full attire plus the favorite pacifier. They simply sit the walk with reins held correctly in their hands but the mount is on a leadline held by an adult. Devon can have 40 – 50 kids in each age leadline class.

This baby the men are complaining about was not in a class dressed in those casual clothes but she is sitting on a saddle pad. Likely the family had others showing so they just collected the prizes with the kid for a picture.

In English equitation the child will be in short boots, britches, and jacket. Usually they win a toy or a lollipop with a ribbon.