
Davis Aurini: Teen girls get “tingles” from the bloody blades of “third-world savages”

Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!
Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!

These are strange times indeed in the imaginary world inside Davis Aurini’s bald head.

Last week, the failed filmmaker and white nationalist (on paper) posted a response, of sorts, to the Orlando massacre that tells us very little about the tragic event itself — but quite a bitΒ about Davis Aurini, including his exceedingly creepy thoughts on the sexual fantasies of teenage girls.

As you might imagine, the bald bigot has little sympathy for the mostly gay victims of the massacre — he describes them, in present tense, asΒ “a group who predominantly work against our interests.” But he still wishes he could have been there to shoot the shooter himself, because “pragmatic, honourable, loving, and rule-following wolves” like himself “do not tolerate people who break the rules.”

Apparently the problem withΒ Omar Mateen wasn’t so much that he murdered 49 people but that heΒ broke some rules in the process. I shudder to think what Aurini thinks the penalty should be for jaywalking, or peeking at someone else’s cards while playing Go Fish.

So that’s strange enough. But what’s this thing about “rule-following wolves?”

Aurini is drawing on a notion — explicated in detail in Anonymous Conservative’sΒ book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics andΒ promoted heavily by far-right “thinkers” like Vox Day — that conservatives are steely “K-selected” reproducers well-suited for harsh environments while liberals are a bunch of Β irresponsible, resource-guzzling “r-selected” losers who practiceΒ free love and single motherhood.

Or, in furrier terms:Β Liberals are rule-bending rabbits, while conservatives are wolves who “prefer explicit hierarchies and distinct rules.”

Brace yourself, fellow rabbits, because we’re about to go deep into the mind of Aurini.

“The morals of a Liberal,” he declares, “are the morals of a prey animal; cowardice, treachery, appeasement, irresponsibility, crowding.”


They promote social chaos so as to hide themselves in its milieu. When society has no clearly defined boundaries, or families, or communities, then it has no customs or rules. The Liberal is able to seek out their immediate benefit without censure or consequence – aside from the natural consequences of Mother Nature and the Gods of the Marketplace – but by the time the collapse occurs, they will have out-bred and cheated their way into dominance of the genome. They’ll have the most iligitimate children, they’ll form the bulk of the mob, and though many of them will be culled once winters hit, their genome will survive.

Fascinating, though completely wrong. ConservativesΒ actually have about 40 percent moreΒ children than liberals, according to a 2006 study that seems to be backed up by voting preferences in presidential elections. As Amanda Marcotte notes in Slate:

Higher fertility in red statesΒ …Β is the product of the societal pressure on women there to marry young, have more children, and put less of their energy into developing careers. In blue states, on the other hand, women tend to limit their family size and have kids later in life. …

But don’t buy the conservative hype linking ideology to family stability. Red states have higher incidences of teen births and divorce … .

Let’s ignore the fact that Aurini’s rickety theoretical framework is totally and completely wrong in every way it could possibly be wrong, and let him explain more about the rabbits.

“The only emotions I’ve ever seen them display are lust and terror,” Aurini writes.

The rabbit – upon suffering abuse, violence, and threat – this is the closest they ever come to feeling love.

I really, really, really hope that Aurini has never had actual pet rabbits.

He continues, getting creepier by the sentence:

Their terror morphs into something that’s downright spiritual – a spirituality that’s utterly demonic – and they find the same catharsis in Islamic murderers as they do in bug chasing and sharing their wives. The overwhelming fear snaps their amygdala, and for the first time in their life they are at peace.

Apparently us liberals are all murder-loving, AIDS-wanting wife swappers?

The rabbits love the pedophile, the single mother, the graffiti artist, the tyrant, and the drug addict; of course they’ll love the terrorist.

I spoke too soon! Apparently we liberals are single-mother enabling, tyrant-obeying, drug-addict coddling, murder-loving, terrorist adoring, AIDS-wanting, wife swapping, pedophile-phile graffiti art enthusiasts.

And I haven’t even gotten to the bit about the sexual fantasies of teenage girls. Brace yourself again, dear readers, because, well, this is Davis Aurini writing about what he thinks areΒ the sexual fantasies of teenage girls.Β 

Raised on narcissism, solipsism, and social media, your average girl graduating High School has been inundated with images of American Soldiers marching in cherry-red high-heeled shoes; of weak White men bowing down before the dictates of the diversity crowd.Β 

The red shoes bit, in case you’re wondering, is a reference to the fact that last year several college ROTC programs encouraged (or forced, depending on whose account you believe) male cadets to participate in a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event during Sexual Assault Awareness month.

And you gotta love the capital “W” for “white.”

Aurini — *shudder* — continues:

Her erotic fantasies have been focused on pretty-boy homosexuals and yaoi porn, and having never suffered any adversity in her life, she cannot begin to fathom the threat that exists.

Oh, but it gets worse:

Compare her mental image of Western masculinity to that of the the Orlando shooter – the Boston Bombers – the Paris attackers – or the jihadis who behead innocents: instead of graduating from pretty-boy Luke Skywalker to bad-boy Han Solo, her first tingles will happen when she matures beyond the safe sexuality of anime characters to the blood-dripping blade of a third-world savage.

Even if we set aside from the odd (and oddly dated) Star Wars reference — I’m pretty sure that very fewΒ teenage girls in the US today have posters of Mark Hamill hanging over their bed — this is almost incomprehensible.

Is Aurini really suggesting that teenage girls — or young women, or older women, or evenΒ Mark Hamill and Harrison FordΒ — are getting off on videos of terrorists beheading people?

Who the hell knows. What we do know, though, is that Davis Aurini is getting off on the idea of killing a whole bunch of Muslims. He ends his post with this chilling declaration:

Our mission as Men of the West – as men of God, of Civilization, of Honour, and Beauty – is to take upon ourselves the task of building ourselves up so that we might rebuild civilization.Β  To reclaim the potency and virility of the Crusading Knight, and to be prepared at all times to fight these heretics and give them an ignoble death.Β  …

If we are to die, let us die as heroes, slaughtering the forces of darkness that are railed against us.Β  Pray for the strength of ten men during your final hour, because one of us is worth a hundred of them.

Wrong again. Davis Aurini isn’t even worth a cat poop.


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8 years ago

That’s disgusting on so many levels, I’m sorry you went through that. Hugs and kisses if you want them.

And to Aurini and others like himcomment image

8 years ago

Boyfriend has precious few opinions about our wedding*, but he is passionate about his wish to wear a kilt in his family tartan. I’m quite looking forward to it.

*We’re not technically engaged, BTW. Lord knows when one of us does propose you’ll all probably be the first to know after our parents. XD

Edit: Thanks Fruitloopsie. πŸ™‚ The most effed up part of it is that I don’t really think I had it that bad. Just the normal amount of sexual harassment that girls can expect.
8 years ago

Aurini has a highly romanticized vision of rabbits. I’m sure that picking a wild rabbit up (or attempting to) would be an enlightening experience for him.

8 years ago


Jihadis are just the worst

Can we get alt right Lex Luthor’s whole screed translated to Classical Arabic? Cos that would be hilarious. Change a couple words, get some bearded, brown dude in a basement with any green flag (Westerners won’t know the difference) to read it out, film the sucker, do the WISIS swerve at the end… Tada! Performance art!

8 years ago

@Janet, he is tragically Canadian, and that’s how we spell it up here. We don’t take the “u” out of a number of spellings as is done in American English.

It sort of makes me weep for my country, how many MRA jerkbutts are up here. MRA Edmonton torques my toque every time I so much as think about them, and Janet Whatever-Alias-She’s-On-Now and Aurini just give me the sads.

I console myself with the fact that we have a hot, young, progressive, feminist prime minister who was elected by popular vote and who is making actual real progressive policies that have meaning. I’m not 100% happy with his government, but he’s so much better than Harper and the Van Cats that it’s like a new dawn!

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8 years ago

I think it was Daniel Webster who worked to remove the ‘British’ forms of -re (-er) and -our (-or) as a way of asserting US independence and attempting to simplify spelling. A lot of anglophiles regret this.

8 years ago

I spell honour like the Brits and realize like the Yanks and sometimes I feel like this whole country has an identity crisis.

8 years ago


De-lurking very very nervously to agree about our PM. Our current government is far from perfect but ever since the election I feel like I can start to be proud of the direction my country is heading again. Which helps with those moments when I remember that we also have so many MRAs here.

I feel like I don’t hear about the Calgary branch of awfulness all that much online but they can be quite vocal and gross when they want to be.

8 years ago

Aurini should not be allowed anywhere near rabbits or teenage girls.

8 years ago

I’m guessing Gods of the Marketplace refers to a Kipling poem, although ISTM he got the message wrong. The Gods of the Copybook Headings were the real-world consequences of actions, and the Gods of the Marketplace were the transient voices of fashion.

8 years ago

June 23, 2016 at 9:29 am
Hetero male. Would wear heels for Chiomara. She’s that rad.

(But my legs probably aren’t as good as her bf’s)

Yessss. Yes, they are.comment image

I console myself with the fact that we have a hot, young, progressive, feminist prime minister who was elected by popular vote and who is making actual real progressive policies that have meaning.

Oh, my, nice to meet you, Mr Prime Minister. Looking good especially in the second gif, aren’t we?
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See, PUAs? THIS is how you cause dem tingles. Watch and learn.

8 years ago

“If we are to die, let us die as heroes, slaughtering the forces of darkness that are railed against us.”

I’m pretty sure he means “arrayed against us.” so no – it wasn’t an autocorrect error, he just doesn’t know his mother tongue very well.

verb (used with object)
to place in proper or desired order; marshal
ex: Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

8 years ago

Canada’s Prime Minister!

Having fun!

Being a feminist!comment image

For reals! This is his cabinet! He was asked why he built a multi-culti equal cabinet and he replied comment image


Greeting Syrian refugees!comment image
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He really is an anti-MRA. I would love to read Aurini’s opinions on him through David’s filter.

Mathieu Tremblay
8 years ago

Re: men with skirts

In college, I was friend with a girl who never wore skirts. She told me and other friends it made her shy. One day, we were jokingly daring her to wear one, when I suggested I would wear one too if she did. So I borrowed a skirt from a girl I knew, and my friend and I spent one full day going to our classes. As it turned out, people were completely surprised to see my (female) friend wearing her skirt, but most of my classmates didn’t even notice I was wearing one. To be honest, I felt very comfortable wearing it. I wish I wasn’t too shy to wear one every now and then.

8 years ago


(I’m actually genuinely confused, because I thought Davis Aurini was a libertarian, but here he seems to be in favour of rules and hierarchies? I haven’t been following him terribly closely though so maybe I was wrong about that.)

Right-libertarians love fascism, always have. Just ask one of ’em about Pinochet and watch them salivate. (This, incidentally, is the reason why someone a few threads back said that they’re not really libertarians; the left had the term first, and left-libertarians have basically no actual points of congruence with right-libertarians).


Is it just me, or does he write this stuff when he’s drunk-off-his-ass incoherent?

As far as I can tell he’s always this incoherent.


Markets are a highly artificial state of affairs that ideally seek to bend individual greed to the common good. They are not some natural formation.

Right-libertarians believe that all human society and interaction are fundamentally economic and all economics is market-based.
I laughed for full five minutes

Who is that a picture of?

8 years ago

He…. definitely can wear a suit, can’t he…. and get out of one too……..

Okay, stop, seriously, YOU ARE KILLING ME HERE. Its been MONTHS, I am very concerned about my health, please, my heart can’t take that.

Do you happen to have one of those in a kilt? πŸ˜›

He even looks a bit like my bf… but is a feminist… so… perfect… *shed a tear*
Congratulations, Canada. Really. You win.

8 years ago

I’ve decided that this is the summer where I start wearing skirts and dresses in more casual situations. There’s a clothing store in my neighborhood that’s primarily “women’s” clothing, but they have a “male” mannequin that recently had on this adorable sky blue sun dress and all I could think was “Why the hell am I not wearing cute shit like that literally all of the time?”

Heels though, heels are still gonna be for special occasions. (Though apparently I have a pretty good natural “talent” for getting around in them!)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

cheated their way into dominance of the genome.

How does one cheat at evolution, exactly? Is there a referee?

If the world’s population isn’t conforming to a bunch of imaginary honor-wolf rules, that’s not the world’s fault. Get a new set of rules. Preferably ones that don’t involve racism and teenage girls.

men of…Beauty

Easy there, Demosthenes.

8 years ago

πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

You thought it was a joke but it wasn’t a joke!

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Canada has a lot of Scottish/Irish heritage out east! The fancy picture with his wife was from the Bal de la Jonquille (Daffodil Ball) in Montreal.

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They are such a cute couple, aren’t they?

8 years ago

RIP Chiomara

George Nixon Shuler
George Nixon Shuler
8 years ago

Thanks. I appreciate you’re delving into these idiots’ litter boxes to examine what they’ve left so I don’t have to. The macho man is useless but even more so when he whines like this.

George Nixon Shuler
George Nixon Shuler
8 years ago

Mathieu, I am a Mason and we have a unit of bagpipers who wear kilts. I’ve always wanted to try one and so I did, it’s great, though not really practical from September to May. This makes me think of some sort of meta-analysis of male and female dress in all cultures. A robe or gown is the garment of a baby, but also of a person in authority, like a judge, king, or high priest. It is no difficulty learning those sects which demand female members dress in a dress or skirt only, and eschew pants – in the U.S., primarily Pentecostal and Mennonite sects – have in mind to link women and girls with a baby or sleeping/sick person rather than one of authority. Pants are practical for work. By denying women the garment for work, one denies them autonomy. Thanks for an inspiration.

8 years ago

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No, horrible, horrible couple, I hate it, get out.
Unless they are in an open marriage. Then yes, I will marry you both, thank you.

THAT’S my type of guy. If you are his brother or just a guy with his type of eyes, nose and jaw, I am permanently taking applications. Please place your best picture with a kilt, your favorite feminist text, and some pecan nuts at my mail box, thank you.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

That pink picture…

I think I need to stare at it some more.

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