
Davis Aurini: Teen girls get “tingles” from the bloody blades of “third-world savages”

Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!
Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!

These are strange times indeed in the imaginary world inside Davis Aurini’s bald head.

Last week, the failed filmmaker and white nationalist (on paper) posted a response, of sorts, to the Orlando massacre that tells us very little about the tragic event itself — but quite a bitΒ about Davis Aurini, including his exceedingly creepy thoughts on the sexual fantasies of teenage girls.

As you might imagine, the bald bigot has little sympathy for the mostly gay victims of the massacre — he describes them, in present tense, asΒ “a group who predominantly work against our interests.” But he still wishes he could have been there to shoot the shooter himself, because “pragmatic, honourable, loving, and rule-following wolves” like himself “do not tolerate people who break the rules.”

Apparently the problem withΒ Omar Mateen wasn’t so much that he murdered 49 people but that heΒ broke some rules in the process. I shudder to think what Aurini thinks the penalty should be for jaywalking, or peeking at someone else’s cards while playing Go Fish.

So that’s strange enough. But what’s this thing about “rule-following wolves?”

Aurini is drawing on a notion — explicated in detail in Anonymous Conservative’sΒ book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics andΒ promoted heavily by far-right “thinkers” like Vox Day — that conservatives are steely “K-selected” reproducers well-suited for harsh environments while liberals are a bunch of Β irresponsible, resource-guzzling “r-selected” losers who practiceΒ free love and single motherhood.

Or, in furrier terms:Β Liberals are rule-bending rabbits, while conservatives are wolves who “prefer explicit hierarchies and distinct rules.”

Brace yourself, fellow rabbits, because we’re about to go deep into the mind of Aurini.

“The morals of a Liberal,” he declares, “are the morals of a prey animal; cowardice, treachery, appeasement, irresponsibility, crowding.”


They promote social chaos so as to hide themselves in its milieu. When society has no clearly defined boundaries, or families, or communities, then it has no customs or rules. The Liberal is able to seek out their immediate benefit without censure or consequence – aside from the natural consequences of Mother Nature and the Gods of the Marketplace – but by the time the collapse occurs, they will have out-bred and cheated their way into dominance of the genome. They’ll have the most iligitimate children, they’ll form the bulk of the mob, and though many of them will be culled once winters hit, their genome will survive.

Fascinating, though completely wrong. ConservativesΒ actually have about 40 percent moreΒ children than liberals, according to a 2006 study that seems to be backed up by voting preferences in presidential elections. As Amanda Marcotte notes in Slate:

Higher fertility in red statesΒ …Β is the product of the societal pressure on women there to marry young, have more children, and put less of their energy into developing careers. In blue states, on the other hand, women tend to limit their family size and have kids later in life. …

But don’t buy the conservative hype linking ideology to family stability. Red states have higher incidences of teen births and divorce … .

Let’s ignore the fact that Aurini’s rickety theoretical framework is totally and completely wrong in every way it could possibly be wrong, and let him explain more about the rabbits.

“The only emotions I’ve ever seen them display are lust and terror,” Aurini writes.

The rabbit – upon suffering abuse, violence, and threat – this is the closest they ever come to feeling love.

I really, really, really hope that Aurini has never had actual pet rabbits.

He continues, getting creepier by the sentence:

Their terror morphs into something that’s downright spiritual – a spirituality that’s utterly demonic – and they find the same catharsis in Islamic murderers as they do in bug chasing and sharing their wives. The overwhelming fear snaps their amygdala, and for the first time in their life they are at peace.

Apparently us liberals are all murder-loving, AIDS-wanting wife swappers?

The rabbits love the pedophile, the single mother, the graffiti artist, the tyrant, and the drug addict; of course they’ll love the terrorist.

I spoke too soon! Apparently we liberals are single-mother enabling, tyrant-obeying, drug-addict coddling, murder-loving, terrorist adoring, AIDS-wanting, wife swapping, pedophile-phile graffiti art enthusiasts.

And I haven’t even gotten to the bit about the sexual fantasies of teenage girls. Brace yourself again, dear readers, because, well, this is Davis Aurini writing about what he thinks areΒ the sexual fantasies of teenage girls.Β 

Raised on narcissism, solipsism, and social media, your average girl graduating High School has been inundated with images of American Soldiers marching in cherry-red high-heeled shoes; of weak White men bowing down before the dictates of the diversity crowd.Β 

The red shoes bit, in case you’re wondering, is a reference to the fact that last year several college ROTC programs encouraged (or forced, depending on whose account you believe) male cadets to participate in a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event during Sexual Assault Awareness month.

And you gotta love the capital “W” for “white.”

Aurini — *shudder* — continues:

Her erotic fantasies have been focused on pretty-boy homosexuals and yaoi porn, and having never suffered any adversity in her life, she cannot begin to fathom the threat that exists.

Oh, but it gets worse:

Compare her mental image of Western masculinity to that of the the Orlando shooter – the Boston Bombers – the Paris attackers – or the jihadis who behead innocents: instead of graduating from pretty-boy Luke Skywalker to bad-boy Han Solo, her first tingles will happen when she matures beyond the safe sexuality of anime characters to the blood-dripping blade of a third-world savage.

Even if we set aside from the odd (and oddly dated) Star Wars reference — I’m pretty sure that very fewΒ teenage girls in the US today have posters of Mark Hamill hanging over their bed — this is almost incomprehensible.

Is Aurini really suggesting that teenage girls — or young women, or older women, or evenΒ Mark Hamill and Harrison FordΒ — are getting off on videos of terrorists beheading people?

Who the hell knows. What we do know, though, is that Davis Aurini is getting off on the idea of killing a whole bunch of Muslims. He ends his post with this chilling declaration:

Our mission as Men of the West – as men of God, of Civilization, of Honour, and Beauty – is to take upon ourselves the task of building ourselves up so that we might rebuild civilization.Β  To reclaim the potency and virility of the Crusading Knight, and to be prepared at all times to fight these heretics and give them an ignoble death.Β  …

If we are to die, let us die as heroes, slaughtering the forces of darkness that are railed against us.Β  Pray for the strength of ten men during your final hour, because one of us is worth a hundred of them.

Wrong again. Davis Aurini isn’t even worth a cat poop.


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Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Aurini is such an obvious pedophile it’s not even funny. I genuinely believe he has several victims already.

8 years ago

I imagine the inside of his head smells like a dank basement filled with mouldering 70s porn mags, oily rags piled up in a corner and something small that’s been been dead for a while.

8 years ago

If Davis Aurini is one of the DΓΊnΓͺdain, I’m pretty sure that he’s one of the ones who went to raid the Undying Lands with Ar-PhΓ’razon the Golden. Obviously Tolkien didn’t consider it worth mentioning that some of them didn’t drown when Eru-Iluvatar sundered the seas and all that fun stuff.

Yes, I have read the Silmarillion and the Book of Unfinished Tales, and I refuse to apologize. πŸ˜€

ETA: You know, since he talks about being a “Man of the West”, which is the literal translation of “Dunedain”. πŸ˜›

8 years ago
occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

> Supermeerkat

Aurini wishes he was there to stop the shooter? What would he be doing in a β€œdegenerate” nightclub in the first place?

Probably trying to tell them how wrong he thinks they are.

Gods of the Marketplace

? Is this why some have “god” written on their banknotes ?

Her erotic fantasies have been focused on pretty-boy homosexuals and yaoi porn

I am almost sure that none of the disney princesses and barbies stuff are in fact pretty gay princes and homo kens…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

If anyone is prey, it’s the right-wing suckers who get conned into buying gold, donating to Davis Aurini

…, buying tickets to the International Men’s Rights Conference. Spending money on useless “Bang!” guides and How To Get Laid seminars. Hanging out on internet forums that encourage them to blame others for their problems. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of Sexbot Utopia. Believing that sex with multiple partners damages women and stretches out their vaginas. Believing that women “hit the wall” and stop being fertile at 25 while they themselves are going to look like George Clooney at age 50 and continue to attract college girls.

Considering they’re supposed to be canny predators, manospherians sure are easily manipulated and easily parted from their money.

My favorite part of these “The Apocalypse Is Coming Any Day Now To Sweep Away The Weak Degenerates” rants is the smugness. Only Davis Aurini and followers are prepared…for the doomsday revenge scenario that exists entirely inside his head. All who don’t share in his violent paranoid fantasy are complacent prey who deserve to be slaughtered. If “degenerates” are targeted by mass shooters in the coming race war, it’s just Mother Nature culling the herd.

Aurini is trying to get a free pass from biology to do anything he wants, including murder and pedophilia.

8 years ago

“Gods of the Marketplace” sounds like a sequel to “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

This wolf and bunny talk just makes me imagine a fist fight between Wolf Blitzer and Bunny Wailer.

8 years ago

Raised on narcissism, solipsism, and social media, your average girl graduating High School has been inundated with images of American Soldiers marching in cherry-red high-heeled shoes.

As someone who was a teenager very shortly ago… I think I just found my fetish. No, seriously, that sounds kind of hot. I wish men wore heels more often. Okay, I am not being helpful, am I?

Her erotic fantasies have been focused on pretty-boy

Well, of course they are attracted to pretty boys. Are they supposed to be attracted by ugly boys? What nonsense.

homosexuals and yaoi porn

Projection, much? As much as some girls like boy-on-boy action, I am pretty sure their fantasies are focused on straight or bi guys, since, unlike a lot of straight men, they acknowledge gay men are not turned on by women, at all, ever, and not many people fantasize about being rejected.

Compare her mental image of Western masculinity to that of the the Orlando shooter – the Boston Bombers – the Paris attackers – or the jihadis who behead innocents: instead of graduating from pretty-boy Luke Skywalker to bad-boy Han Solo, her first tingles will happen when she matures beyond the safe sexuality of anime characters to the blood-dripping blade of a third-world savage.

Oh, OH, yes, that DEFINITELY makes sense! If their erotical fantasies are “feminine” “White” boys, their first tingles will definitely be for violent “third-world (cause no one in the third world is white, haha)” “manly” men. It’s not like erotical fantasies and tingles appear at the same time, no, I fantasized about sex long before I could get aroused.

Also, “third-world savage”? Go fuck yourself.

snork maiden
8 years ago

He really is just pandering to the next generation of mass shooters.

8 years ago


instead of graduating from pretty-boy Luke Skywalker to bad-boy Han Solo

Odd thing to focus on but I didn’t graduate anywhere from my love of Luke Skywalker (especially not to Han Solo the jerk).

I admit having bad boys on my list of fictional crushes… around the same percentage as good guys. If I had to make guesses based on said list: I have something for the trickster archetype (and pretty boys).

Almost as if women were individuals or something. :3

To (((Chiomara))):

I’m praying for men’s skirts to catch on since I was 15. Life is cruel. πŸ™

/lurks moar/

8 years ago

You just made Davis Aurini look like cannon fodder David. Which of course he is.

He’s really so see-through though, isn’t he? Well, at least to my old eyes he is just another wannabe trickster out to make some infamy and a buck.

Maybe he can find a better way to channel his “talents”?

Well he’d better because he sure is stuffed otherwise.

I mean, does he even really believe the shit that he is saying!? Well of course he doesn’t and we can all see this.

So what market is he pandering to?

Actually, that last question was silly. So, you know… just ignore it.

8 years ago

whilst I agree that liberals DO love people who may be addicts, or, you know, not white, or women, and I will grant that liberals can and are part of harmful cultural problems like racism and rape…. isnt supportinf pedophiles more of a conservative thing? I mean, are most hardcore Catholics liberal? I doubt that, with the pro-life stance and all. Arent most of the rapey congress persons conservatives? & the judges who give lenient sentences…? I know for a FACT that alt-right manospearian types harbor actual rapists and men who are pedophilia apologists…. again, Im not saying Lefties arent rape culture enablers (coughClintoncough)… but for real, I always thought being more pro-rape-culture was more of a right-wing thing.

8 years ago

@ wwth

I’ve never seen a wolf anywhere but the zoo.

The greatest trick wolves ever pulled was convincing us that they didn’t exist.

comment image

8 years ago

*Weird Chiomara’s stories time*
I very soon noticed my bf had beautiful legs, so I asked him to put on a skirt and heels, just to check. As we are pretty much of the same size, he tried it on. My, my, even he was impressed. His tighs and butt looked gorgeous. Different from mine, with the muscles more lean and defined, and thick hair , but beautiful in it’s own way. Male legs and butts are SO underrated.
Anyway, he said he’d even go out like that if the pleasure was bigger than the trouble. You know, it’s not like it’s an important part of his identity or anything, it’s just that he doesn’t care for gender roles and it looks nice. I wouldnt go out in heels either if everyone looked at me weird. πŸ™
Hope this changes soon.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ chiomara

Have you ever considered moving to Scotland?

8 years ago

CW for child predators

… having never suffered any adversity in her life, [the teenage girl] cannot begin to fathom the threat that exists.

Adult men started trying to prey on me when I was maybe 12. They touched me without permission, they pressured me into speaking to them by demanding my respect as child-to-adult, they told me I look “much too grown up to be 14. I was sure you were 18, sweetie,” they asked for hugs, and then once I was in their hold, groped and thrust at me. And I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t have similar stories about her teenage years. So yeah, I think we understood the threat pretty damn well.

8 years ago

Chiomara: rather a few times, women I know have fallen for gay men, and similarly men for lesbian women. It turns out that knowing your crush will just never love you isn’t any easier to accept for that reason than for any other reason.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
8 years ago

Skipping over all of the previous comments (apologies) because I just really wanted to say that since just the other day I finished reading Watership Down (yeah, took me too long to get to this book), all that stuff he has to say about rabbits really feels like… well, embleer hraka.

8 years ago

Oh, god, yes. YES. And thank you for that picture.
When I was 16 or so, me and my best friend (female) OBSESSED about big men in Scottish skirts. We were the weird ones in class. Yet another reason why Aurini is full of shit.

According to my almost – teenager experience, teenage girls in general are into baby faced guys wearing rapper or hipster (yet mainstream)clothes and singing about loving girls. AKA Justin Bieber and One Direction.
Very different both from “homossexuals wearing heels” and from “misogynistic homophobic hipermasculine mass shooters”. Amazing how can he be so wrong, in every way, about every thing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ chiomara

We also have kilts in Cornwall; a proud ancient tradition that dates back all the way to 1972 (you can bump into the bloke who designed the tartan in local pubs)

comment image

8 years ago

Oh, yes, yes, I know some examples too, and it sucks. πŸ™
I don’t know if what I meant was clear or if your comment was meant to dispute mine, but assuming it was; what I was trying to say is that I wouldnt say female teens erotical fantasies FOCUSES on gay men having gay sex like teen boys erotical fantasies may focus on lesbian women having lesbian sex.
When we talk about erotical fantasies, I do have the impression that there’s a culture of straight men thinking that lesbians exist only for his sexual entertainment, and that their sexual fantasies are about watching them or engaging with them, as if they didn’t mind being watched by men or if he is so manly not even lesbians can resist.
While, for women, gay action may even be hot, but we don’t focus on fantasies of watching or engaging with two GAY men because we know very we are not desired in such situation. While we may watch gay porn, we don’t have fantasies with them, because we know that by definition we would be rejected, and that’s a turn off. So, in general, we don’t have focus our fantasies on gay men. I base these assumptions on myself, talks with other women, porn and on how men act around lesbians vs how women act around gays, nothing objective, so, of course, I may be wrong.

Yes, it happens, in real life, to fall for a man who happens to be gay, but it’s not BECAUSE he is gay or BECAUSE his gayness is a turn on, same for men who fall for a woman who happens to be lesbian. In that case, you may have focus your fantasies on that homossexual individual, but that doesn’t mean you focus your fantasies on gay people in general.

Sorry if I misunderstood your comment or if I am saying something that is wrong. It’s just my personal observations, but I am nor gay nor lesbian, so I may not be well informed or commit mistakes.

8 years ago

If we are to die, let us die as heroes, slaughtering the forces of darkness that are railed against us. Pray for the strength of ten men during your final hour, because one of us is worth a hundred of them.

Jihadis are just the worst.

8 years ago

Hetero male. Would wear heels for Chiomara. She’s that rad.

(But my legs probably aren’t as good as her bf’s)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ Penny

Alas, I don’t know if he’d obey if we told him to silflay hraka.