
Davis Aurini: Teen girls get “tingles” from the bloody blades of “third-world savages”

Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!
Teenage girls: Always falling for the wrong guy!

These are strange times indeed in the imaginary world inside Davis Aurini’s bald head.

Last week, the failed filmmaker and white nationalist (on paper) posted a response, of sorts, to the Orlando massacre that tells us very little about the tragic event itself — but quite a bit about Davis Aurini, including his exceedingly creepy thoughts on the sexual fantasies of teenage girls.

As you might imagine, the bald bigot has little sympathy for the mostly gay victims of the massacre — he describes them, in present tense, as “a group who predominantly work against our interests.” But he still wishes he could have been there to shoot the shooter himself, because “pragmatic, honourable, loving, and rule-following wolves” like himself “do not tolerate people who break the rules.”

Apparently the problem with Omar Mateen wasn’t so much that he murdered 49 people but that he broke some rules in the process. I shudder to think what Aurini thinks the penalty should be for jaywalking, or peeking at someone else’s cards while playing Go Fish.

So that’s strange enough. But what’s this thing about “rule-following wolves?”

Aurini is drawing on a notion — explicated in detail in Anonymous Conservative’s book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics and promoted heavily by far-right “thinkers” like Vox Day — that conservatives are steely “K-selected” reproducers well-suited for harsh environments while liberals are a bunch of  irresponsible, resource-guzzling “r-selected” losers who practice free love and single motherhood.

Or, in furrier terms: Liberals are rule-bending rabbits, while conservatives are wolves who “prefer explicit hierarchies and distinct rules.”

Brace yourself, fellow rabbits, because we’re about to go deep into the mind of Aurini.

“The morals of a Liberal,” he declares, “are the morals of a prey animal; cowardice, treachery, appeasement, irresponsibility, crowding.”


They promote social chaos so as to hide themselves in its milieu. When society has no clearly defined boundaries, or families, or communities, then it has no customs or rules. The Liberal is able to seek out their immediate benefit without censure or consequence – aside from the natural consequences of Mother Nature and the Gods of the Marketplace – but by the time the collapse occurs, they will have out-bred and cheated their way into dominance of the genome. They’ll have the most iligitimate children, they’ll form the bulk of the mob, and though many of them will be culled once winters hit, their genome will survive.

Fascinating, though completely wrong. Conservatives actually have about 40 percent more children than liberals, according to a 2006 study that seems to be backed up by voting preferences in presidential elections. As Amanda Marcotte notes in Slate:

Higher fertility in red states … is the product of the societal pressure on women there to marry young, have more children, and put less of their energy into developing careers. In blue states, on the other hand, women tend to limit their family size and have kids later in life. …

But don’t buy the conservative hype linking ideology to family stability. Red states have higher incidences of teen births and divorce … .

Let’s ignore the fact that Aurini’s rickety theoretical framework is totally and completely wrong in every way it could possibly be wrong, and let him explain more about the rabbits.

“The only emotions I’ve ever seen them display are lust and terror,” Aurini writes.

The rabbit – upon suffering abuse, violence, and threat – this is the closest they ever come to feeling love.

I really, really, really hope that Aurini has never had actual pet rabbits.

He continues, getting creepier by the sentence:

Their terror morphs into something that’s downright spiritual – a spirituality that’s utterly demonic – and they find the same catharsis in Islamic murderers as they do in bug chasing and sharing their wives. The overwhelming fear snaps their amygdala, and for the first time in their life they are at peace.

Apparently us liberals are all murder-loving, AIDS-wanting wife swappers?

The rabbits love the pedophile, the single mother, the graffiti artist, the tyrant, and the drug addict; of course they’ll love the terrorist.

I spoke too soon! Apparently we liberals are single-mother enabling, tyrant-obeying, drug-addict coddling, murder-loving, terrorist adoring, AIDS-wanting, wife swapping, pedophile-phile graffiti art enthusiasts.

And I haven’t even gotten to the bit about the sexual fantasies of teenage girls. Brace yourself again, dear readers, because, well, this is Davis Aurini writing about what he thinks are the sexual fantasies of teenage girls. 

Raised on narcissism, solipsism, and social media, your average girl graduating High School has been inundated with images of American Soldiers marching in cherry-red high-heeled shoes; of weak White men bowing down before the dictates of the diversity crowd. 

The red shoes bit, in case you’re wondering, is a reference to the fact that last year several college ROTC programs encouraged (or forced, depending on whose account you believe) male cadets to participate in a Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event during Sexual Assault Awareness month.

And you gotta love the capital “W” for “white.”

Aurini — *shudder* — continues:

Her erotic fantasies have been focused on pretty-boy homosexuals and yaoi porn, and having never suffered any adversity in her life, she cannot begin to fathom the threat that exists.

Oh, but it gets worse:

Compare her mental image of Western masculinity to that of the the Orlando shooter – the Boston Bombers – the Paris attackers – or the jihadis who behead innocents: instead of graduating from pretty-boy Luke Skywalker to bad-boy Han Solo, her first tingles will happen when she matures beyond the safe sexuality of anime characters to the blood-dripping blade of a third-world savage.

Even if we set aside from the odd (and oddly dated) Star Wars reference — I’m pretty sure that very few teenage girls in the US today have posters of Mark Hamill hanging over their bed — this is almost incomprehensible.

Is Aurini really suggesting that teenage girls — or young women, or older women, or even Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford — are getting off on videos of terrorists beheading people?

Who the hell knows. What we do know, though, is that Davis Aurini is getting off on the idea of killing a whole bunch of Muslims. He ends his post with this chilling declaration:

Our mission as Men of the West – as men of God, of Civilization, of Honour, and Beauty – is to take upon ourselves the task of building ourselves up so that we might rebuild civilization.  To reclaim the potency and virility of the Crusading Knight, and to be prepared at all times to fight these heretics and give them an ignoble death.  …

If we are to die, let us die as heroes, slaughtering the forces of darkness that are railed against us.  Pray for the strength of ten men during your final hour, because one of us is worth a hundred of them.

Wrong again. Davis Aurini isn’t even worth a cat poop.


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Mike Hisandry
Mike Hisandry
8 years ago

I have never seen a rabbit display lust. I’ve seen them hump, sure, but there’s not much “lusty” about that.

You have… interesting conversations with your younger brother.


Purple exchange rate mechanisms sleep furiously.

<3 <3

8 years ago


So maybe you mean “forces of darkness that rail against us”?

Or “forces of darkness that are aligned against us”?

I think he was going for “forces of darkness that are rallied against us”. But yeah, for a professional writer he’s not so hot on the whole correct use of words thing.

8 years ago

@Rabukurafuto so your brother knows Anne Coulter?

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

His prose is also so far into the purple it’s shaded into the ultraviolet.

8 years ago

“Gods of the Marketplace”… hehehe… too funny!

(I gotta admit, I am definitely a huge fan of lust and terror and wife swapping)

Patchwork Girl
Patchwork Girl
8 years ago

It goes without saying because these guys always settle on garbage interpretations of science, but that’s not what R-selection and K-selection are. It’s not a strict, clear distinction and some species can have traits of both (and it’s not very current biology anyway), but just for the sake of analogy? In very basic terms, R-selected species produce lots of offspring, few of which will survive to adulthood, investing relatively little energy in each individual, and K-selected species produce few offspring, investing a lot in each one. There are ecological predictions you can make based on the strategies–R species tend to occupy broad niches, have large populations, etc., while the opposite is true for K species. Cute, social, emotionally fragile rabbits are Rs, but so are sea turtles, which lead mostly solitary lives eating jellyfish, or naked mole rats, which are almost insect-like in their weird colonial lifestyles and hierarchies. Wolves are K species, but so are whales, which range from adorable murder squads of dolphins to ancient, gentle floating islands, or bonobos, our delightful sex-crazed hippie cousins.

tl;dr, You keep using those words. I don’t think they mean what you think they mean. This has been your friendly neighborhood bored, annoyed science teacher.

8 years ago

. . . men of God, of Civilization, of Honour, and Beauty . . .

That’s all self-described, of course.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

For such an honourable rule-honouring honour wolf, Davis’ thought process sure is one deep rabbit hole. One minute they’re high school girls, then suddenly they’re the forces of darkness arrayed at Thermopylae. I thought his prose was going to lift off into orbit at the end.

Also, what is this bullshit about liberals = prey, conservatives = predators? If anyone is prey, it’s the right-wing suckers who get conned into buying gold, donating to televangelists, believing crap statistics and conspiracy woo, and voting against their own economic interests time and time again. It’s utterly despicable to categorize human beings as prey and predators in a country that has a serious problem with gun violence.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Can people remind me again, is Aurini from the US? Because the US spelling of honor doesn’t have a “u”.

8 years ago

Every time someone disses on single mothers I want to scream in a way that sounds like someone fused Bobcat Goldthwait and a howler monkey…my own mom is single (widowed actually) so (pardon my French) FUCK YOU AURINI! Those skulls he has are more sensitive than he is (being of a Goth bent, I do like the skull collection).

8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

Aurini is from Canada.

Best buds with the woman of many names, Andrea Hardie/Janet Bloomfield/JudgyBitch?

Poor Canada.

8 years ago

To anyone who knows what those terms mean all people are K selected, its not like life histories change based on politics! Basically it means that humans invest many resources in few large offspring regularly rather than huge numbers of small offspring once.

8 years ago

This obsession with cleansing society of “degenerates”, then the virtue of teenage girls… He’s like a more obnoxious Travis Bickle.

8 years ago

Okay, since this is the second time it’s come up recently, I have to ask: what does “K-selected” and “r-selected” mean?

8 years ago

Is there a legitimate scientific field used to pedal more complete BS than Evo Psych?

Epigenetics maybe?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Why yaoi tho? I mean I get that he’s a homophobe, so why not yaoi. It’s just… Is yuri fine? Is it just bishie stuff that’s bad? Is bara yaoi manly enough? Like… huh?

Heʻs probably using yaoi to mean whatever pretty boys in anime and manga consumed by women.

Yep, I suppose their hyperviolent, hyper-ideological bigots are bad, but our hyperviolent, hyper-ideological bigots are good?

My candidate for President is a strong leader, yours is a tyrant.

I think he was going for “forces of darkness that are rallied against us”. But yeah, for a professional writer he’s not so hot on the whole correct use of words thing.

He was betrayed by autocorrect, the enemy of all free-spirited writers.

His prose is also so far into the purple it’s shaded into the ultraviolet.

Ultraviolent, sure. Iʻd wish him to be on a terrorist watch list, if it did any good.

8 years ago

Is it just me, or does he write this stuff when he’s drunk-off-his-ass incoherent?

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Poor Canada.

*picks up phone* Canada, do you need help? Maybe a talk? I know US isn’t doing so good, US is a little busy, but US is here for you if you need help.

8 years ago

I have to ask: what does “K-selected” and “r-selected” mean?

Laughably misapplied r/K reproductive strategy theory.

Davis is suggesting that progressives use a ‘scattershot’ low parental investment (r-selected) approach by having children all over the place then letting the state foot the bill etc.

8 years ago

Brian, K-selected and r-selected refer to selection pressures on organisms. K-selected organisms have few young and care for them, expending resources on making sure the young survive, like humans and other primates. They also typically have relatively long times to maturity compared to r-selected animals.

r-selected have lots of young and generally ignore them, expending resources on making more young than predators can eat. They also have rapid growth and reach sexual maturity quickly.

Obviously these concepts have no relevance when speaking about a single species. So now not only are women and men separate species according to the alt-right, liberals and conservatives are separate species.

Also, the r/K theory is slightly outdated now and has been replaced by life-history theories.

8 years ago


Also: Graffiti artists have more talent in their pinky toe than Aurini does in his whole body and skull collection combined.

There’s a lot of lovely graffiti art out there.

8 years ago

‘bug chasing’? Anyone want to have a go at explaining that?

8 years ago

I assume he’s typing all this from Syria or Iraq where he’s off fighting ISIS?
If he’s so keen to fight the barbarian horde, that is currently a thing that it’s perfectly possible to go and do.
Like this young woman:

8 years ago

This clown knows nothing about rabbits.