
Return of Kings writer yearns for an apocalypse that will put ladies in their place

Watch out, gals -- or this could happen to you!
Watch out, gals — or this could happen to you!

The Red Pillers and other extreme misogynists I write about regularly on this blog live in something of a fantasy world. And while their fantasies about the present are tempered — at least somewhat — by reality, their fantasies of the future are not; they can let their fetid imaginations roam.

And so it’s no surprise that the visions of the future that dance in the heads of so many Red Piller resemble bad science fiction. Or that so many of them involve the allegedly stuck-up women of today getting their ultimate comeuppance.

Some dream that sex robots and artificial wombs will make women “obsolete.” Others dream of impending catastrophes that will force uppity women to turn to men, humbly and meekly, begging for protection.

A recent post on Return of Kings with the unsubtle title “4 Reasons Why Collapse Will Be The Best Thing To Happen For Men” offers an elaborate revenge fantasy for deeply insecure would-be alpha males. The improbably named “Corey Savage” makes clear from the start that his apocalyptic predictions fantasies are rooted in his desire to say “told you so” to “feminist harpies’ and “loser male feminists.”

As Savage sees it, our world is close to being overwhelmed by economic disasters, “widespread degeneracy and demographic upheavals … Collapse in the near future appears to be a matter of when, not if.”

But fear not, men — “the destruction of the world as we know it could be the best thing that ever happens” to you. With the bravado of a teenager telling his mom that “you’re not the boss of me,” Savage predicts the ultimate collapse of evil dictatorships and the so-called “nanny state.”

With the Frankenstein centralized governments no longer around to dictate people’s lives and use them as lab rats for their social experiments, you will have all the freedom in the world. No more taxes, no more surveillance, no more PC policing, no more divorce courts, no more forced multiculturalism, and so on. You alone will be responsible for your life with no one to bail you out and no one to blame.

In this libertarian world, Savage imagines,

you’ll be free to create the society you want. Still think Communist utopia is possible? Good luck. Want to start an all-white Aryan state? Be my guest. Want to create a progressive rainbow society without all the racist-sexist-homo-transphobe-Nazi-bigots? Great, get out of my sight.

Just don’t get too uppity, you man-hating ladies!

Think all men are rapists and want to live in a lesbian tribe? Have fun trying to build anything or defending yourselves (assuming you even have something worthwhile to defend.)

Ah, yes, now we come to the heart of the fantasy: women and “wimps” being put in their supposed place.

No more corporate serfdom, no more putrid consumerism, no more technological slavery, and no safe spaces for the cry-babies to hide and cry in. Wimps, complainers, and the weak will not survive. 

No complainers? Weird, because almost all I ever hear from Return of Kings is complaints.

Savage sets forth a vision of a “masculine” restoration that is equal parts Fight Club and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

One of the best aspect of the new order would be the return of masculine virtue. [O]nly an organized group of men with strength, courage, mastery, and honor … will prevail in the post-apocalyptic world. Men will be men again.

Who knows what savage energy is begging to be unleashed within that man serving as an office drone? Who knows if that guy flipping burgers for a minimum wage will become the future tribal leader? How many men today are living jaded and unfulfilling lives when they could be fighters and warriors instead?

I don’t know, but the number is certainly a lot smaller than the number of men who think that the endless hours they’ve spent playing Fallout have prepared them for real life postapocalyptic warrioring.

And now we come to the “told you so” section of Savage’s apocalyptic fantasy — which is really the whole point of the thing.

And guess what? There won’t be feminist harpies demanding “equality” when strong men are needed to rebuild civilization and defend against gangs and rival tribes. They’ll be begging for some of that “toxic” masculinity to come and protect them. They’ll kneel in submission to a patriarchal order faster than they would have screamed “rape!” in the previous world.

Keep it in your pants, dude. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Suddenly, with their government boyfriend gone and the internet white knights nowhere to to be found, their whole feminist charade will shatter and the ridiculousness of it all will become apparent. The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.

Yep, his vision of the future is basically an elaboration of the classic misogynist rallying cry: NO FAT CHICKS.

Also in the new world, the SJWs and the rest of the progressive freaks will die faster than a gay snowman in Saudi Arabia. … There won’t be anymore idiotic debates about who is right or wrong: only who survives and who doesn’t.

Evidently Savage is so tired of having his ass handed to him in these “idiotic debates” that he’d rather have the whole world collapse in a heap rather than endure another humiliating loss.

I would love to see how well the loser male-feminists fare against the very men they love to bash without a computer screen to hide behind.

Says a guy who bashes feminists while, well, hiding behind a computer screen, telling readers on the About page of his blog that “[d]etails about myself are not as important as the content that I write here.”

The impatient Savage ends his manifesto by encouraging his readers to, well, help the collapse come a little faster. 

The change you want to see is not going to appear peacefully through some online arguments, petitions, protests, or asinine ‘democratic’ processes. You cannot fix a rotting society; you must tear it all down and start from scratch.

So Savage wants men to use non-peaceful tactics to “tear … down” what he thinks is a decadent and “degenerate” society in order to humble women and bring back the patriarchal rule of men?

That sounds more than a little bit like the “Islamic terror” that the boys at Return of Kings are always railing against.

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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mark | June 22, 2016 at 8:43 pm
Oh no. This is far, far more entertaining. I’m loving this.

Jack was referring to your comment that we’re trying to “censor” you. They said you can easily go elsewhere, so you’re not being “censored” because you aren’t getting a soapbox where you want.

Do yourself a favor, and gain some reading comprehension.

8 years ago

Actually, I’d like to watch. Woman on woman is, well, every boy’s fantasy.

Well, I’ve got MRA bingo like, several times over here, good job Mark. Bonus points for using “actually” and “ladies” multiple times. You can leave now.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Actually, I’d like to watch. Woman on woman is, well, every boy’s fantasy.

comment image

8 years ago

“Does that make my unemployed ex-boyfriends gigolos?”

I was once an unemployed gigolos. Best time of my life. Much older women seeking younger men are about as easy a mark as older men seeking much younger women.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mark | June 22, 2016 at 8:45 pm
“The idea that you speak for all men is absolutely laughable. I know of several men here who think you’re full of shit.”

White Knights and Captain-Save-A-Hos are like that.

Sounds like someone’s jealous the “white knights” get more attention from the HB10s.

C’mon Mark, you’re just mad that the lesbians think you’re a disgusting little fetishist who apparently can’t get any female attention unless it’s harassing women on the internet by telling them how awful they are for not touching your peen.

8 years ago

Yes, yes. Stop men from stating their case. Forbid them from speaking their minds. But by all means, continue the man hate.

Oh dear. My poor husband. Hasn’t been able to express an opinion for 40 years. Must tell him he’s been missing out all this time.

But I won’t tell the children … I love them and they have built great lives for themselves. I wouldn’t want them to die laughing just yet. They’re only in their thirties.

8 years ago

“Does that make my unemployed ex-boyfriends gigolos?”

I was once an unemployed gigolos.

Oh, honey.

8 years ago

“C’mon Mark, you’re just mad that the lesbians think you’re a disgusting little fetishist who apparently can’t get any female attention unless it’s harassing women on the internet by telling them how awful they are for not touching your peen.”

I no longer let women touch my peen. It’s too valuable now. In the old days, any woman could touch my peen. Women aren’t after my peen anymore. Why? Because I’m not a young boy anymore. Women love young boys – and they use grown men for their money. NotchoFool. No peen touching allowed.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

You know, Imma talk about something more substantial.

The Sims.

Lookit! It’s so cute! Kids get a collectible card game in this pack and a puppet theater along with all sorts of standard clothes and accessories and hair.

And it’s ALL for kids. It makes me very happy. Kids were so neglected in Sims 3.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mark | June 22, 2016 at 8:54 pm
I no longer let women touch my peen. It’s too valuable now. In the old days, any woman could touch my peen. Women aren’t after my peen anymore. Why? Because I’m not a young boy anymore. Women love young boys – and they use grown men for their money. NotchoFool. No peen touching allowed.

Shorter Mark: “I’m taking my penis and going HOME because you’re all awful and I’m not ever letting you touching my penis ever again!”

And nothing of value was lost. Seriously though, it’s fucking hilarious you think your peen is that valuable and that we want it.

Women aren’t after your peen anymore not because you’re old, they’re not after your peen anymore because you’re a bitter human being who hates them for existing, and no body wants to touch that toxic peen. It’d probably melt a hand.

But you tell yourself whatever you have to to help you cope, Marky-Moo.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Okay he’s jumped the shark now.

8 years ago

“Do yourself a favor, and gain some reading comprehension.”

Oh no. I’m here until you censor me. I’m truly loving this. It’s not a comprehension thing. This is the most fun I’ve had blogging in a long time. The others are only “echo chambers”. This is real life. This is fun.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

What is it about these guys that makes them think their todger is so fucking valuable?

Dildoes exist that vibrate, move back and forth, come in various sizes, shapes and colors, and some of them even ejaculate, and I don’t have to deal with a radioactive sea lion’s butthole in human form to use them!

It’s a win/win!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

An MRA Christmas Carol.

Part II

The next spirit to visit Ebenezer is the Ghost of Misandry Past. It is Mike Buchanan. He is wearing a loincloth and carrying a spear. He gives Ebenezer a red pill. He first takes Ebenezer to the Paleolithic era. He shows Ebenezer poor old Fred Flintstone hunting mammoths and fighting sabretooth tigers with his dear friend Barney. Next, they visit their wives Wilma and Betty. What do you think Wilma and Betty are doing? That’s right folks. They’re just sitting in the cave eating bonbons! The gynocracy has always existed!

Next up, the classical period. They see Helen of Troy. She commands all the Trojan and Greek men to fight each other for her amusement. They do it because they all think she’ll give everyone a blow job. But she doesn’t. She withdraws consent. And because the Classical world is super misandric, she enforces affirmative consent and puts them all in jail for rape. Then she turns into Medusa. You see, feminism has always made women ugly.

Next stop, Seneca Falls, 1848 (yeah, I had to Google the year). Mike is still wearing his mammoth hunting clothes for some reason. He shows Ebenezer the moment in which the gynocracy finally cemented its power. This is where Katie was elected Queen of Feminism and the Universe. A plan was drawn up. First, women’s suffrage. Then, child support. Then, in the 21st century, feminism would finally create…………………………………………………………………………………………………… wait for it………………………………………………………………………..

The red pill is starting to take effect. Ebenezer is feeling the wooziness and nausea that comes with his withdrawal from the evil opium of the feminazi masses. But it’s not enough. The draw of the pedestalized pussy is still keeping him from seeing THE TRUTH.

He needs a visit from the Ghost of Misandry present. Who else could it be but Paul Elam? Paulie is wearing a giant rubber ear to demonstrate his willingness to lend an Ear For Men. But first, Ebenezer must pay $99.99 a minute for the ear and also buy a ticket to the maybe or maybe not existent 2016 AVFM conference. Since this is money better spent than child support or buying a feeeemale dinner at Applebee’s would be, the newly Red Pilled Ebenezer forks over. They take a journey through several safe spaces. They pay a visit to gay pride event. Ebenezer doesn’t know what’s worse. The butch lesbians who don’t please his boner or the femme lesbians who do please his boner, but won’t fuck him. Either way, it’s terrible oppression. How could women who won’t fuck him exist? No fair! How could women he won’t fuck exist? What happened? What has Katie done!? What has Ebenezer’s mangining ways wrought!?

Ebenezer is thunder struck.

Yet, he hasn’t resorted to posting screeds on CNN articles or trolling feminist sites yet. The transformation is incomplete. Paul must show him more.

Together they discover that Anita Sarkeesian made some videos. Some ladies became Ghostbusters. Affirmative consent, that relic from Helen of Troy’s day and also Ancient Man Hating Tax State Rome has returned. Like Sadako slithering out of the well to kill all those who gaze upon her terrible waterandmisandrylogged visage.

Ebenezer does not know what to do but despair. He may as well just disconnect his internet and go Galt on a private island somewhere. It is time for him to GO HIS OWN WAY. All is lost.

To be continued…

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mark | June 22, 2016 at 9:02 pm
“Do yourself a favor, and gain some reading comprehension.”

Oh no. I’m here until you censor me. I’m truly loving this. It’s not a comprehension thing. This is the most fun I’ve had blogging in a long time. The others are only “echo chambers”. This is real life. This is fun.

It’s not “censorship” if you get banned from a comment section for being an asshole, Mark. Nor are you “blogging” if you’re just commenting in a public commenting section. You’re fucking commenting. Learn to read a dictionary you sad little man.

And if you want me to berate you some more, you’re going to have to pay me. My services as a dominatrix for humiliation play don’t come cheap.

8 years ago

Yeah, it seemed low to me, but it was the most accurate I could find without wasting too much time on our dear Mark, here.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Want to know another place where birthrates have declined heavily over the past 2 or 3 decades? Iran. You know, that place run by those Ayatollah guys. Their birthrate isn’t much higher than that of the US, and some government types figure they need to find ways to convince women to have babies. And that’s a county where feminism is an underground movement.

It’s quite simple really. When people have access to birth control, childhood mortality rates have dropped heavily, and there’s no benefit to having lots of kids as free labour, people tend to have less kids. Even in places where identifying as a feminist can get you in trouble with your government.

8 years ago

“Women aren’t after your peen anymore not because you’re old, they’re not after your peen anymore because you’re a bitter human being who hates them for existing, and no body wants to touch that toxic peen. It’d probably melt a hand.”

Actually, even at my age, women are still after my peen (money). Remarkably – I have to avoid such situations. But you’re right – I’m bitter that women have caused men, through divorce, hundreds of thousands of suicides in the last few decades and forced trillions of dollars of wealth from men to themselves. So I admit you have a point.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Ugh, you’re just boring now, Mark.

You keep stating shit, yet you’ve done nothing to back it up! Give us stats! Links! Prove to us that what you’re saying is true!

Either prove it, or go read a damn dictionary, because you don’t know what words mean.

8 years ago

“Want to know another place where birthrates have declined heavily over the past 2 or 3 decades? Iran.”

I KNOW! That one fascinated me too! But when you study the man hating affects of feminism, it’s really not that hard to extrapolate the consequences. Most men are terrified of feminists. Why? I still haven’t quite figured that out. All I know is feminism = death of marriage and birth.

Wait until feminism reaches the breeder countries to which all Western nations (except Japan) have outsourced birth. That is going to be a hoot!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

And Mark’s proven he’s got Selective Illiteracy now.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’m mostly finding my MRA Christmas Carol more amusing than Mark, but I did have to giggle at this

women are still after my peen (money).

Now I’m imagining Mark trying to buy his groceries and pay his rent or mortgage with his penis. Does he have to send his penis in the mail to pay his bills? Or is there a way to send it electronically?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo | June 22, 2016 at 9:12 pm
I’m mostly finding my MRA Christmas Carol more amusing than Mark, but I did have to giggle at this

women are still after my peen (money).

Now I’m imagining Mark trying to buy his groceries and pay his rent or mortgage with his penis. Does he have to send his penis in the mail to pay his bills? Or is there a way to send it electronically?

Maybe that’s why dudes send unsolicited dick pics! They’re trying to pay for dinner or something!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Wait until feminism reaches the breeder countries to which all Western nations (except Japan) have outsourced birth. That is going to be a hoot!

There’s that whole Japan as a western nation thing again.

Should we break it to Mark that feminism already exists in many non-white countries? Maybe even all of them?

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

It’s almost funny the way he keeps missing the point.

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