![Watch out, gals -- or this could happen to you!](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/womansteppedon_phixr.png?resize=580%2C333&ssl=1)
The Red Pillers and other extreme misogynists I write about regularly on this blog live in something of a fantasy world. And while their fantasies about the present are tempered — at least somewhat — by reality, their fantasies of the future are not; they can let their fetid imaginations roam.
And so it’s no surprise that the visions of the future that dance in the heads of so many Red Piller resemble bad science fiction. Or that so many of them involve the allegedly stuck-up women of today getting their ultimate comeuppance.
Some dream that sex robots and artificial wombs will make women “obsolete.” Others dream of impending catastrophes that will force uppity women to turn to men, humbly and meekly, begging for protection.
A recent post on Return of Kings with the unsubtle title “4 Reasons Why Collapse Will Be The Best Thing To Happen For Men” offers an elaborate revenge fantasy for deeply insecure would-be alpha males. The improbably named “Corey Savage” makes clear from the start that his apocalyptic predictions fantasies are rooted in his desire to say “told you so” to “feminist harpies’ and “loser male feminists.”
As Savage sees it, our world is close to being overwhelmed by economic disasters, “widespread degeneracy and demographic upheavals … Collapse in the near future appears to be a matter of when, not if.”
But fear not, men — “the destruction of the world as we know it could be the best thing that ever happens” to you. With the bravado of a teenager telling his mom that “you’re not the boss of me,” Savage predicts the ultimate collapse of evil dictatorships and the so-called “nanny state.”
With the Frankenstein centralized governments no longer around to dictate people’s lives and use them as lab rats for their social experiments, you will have all the freedom in the world. No more taxes, no more surveillance, no more PC policing, no more divorce courts, no more forced multiculturalism, and so on. You alone will be responsible for your life with no one to bail you out and no one to blame.
In this libertarian world, Savage imagines,
you’ll be free to create the society you want. Still think Communist utopia is possible? Good luck. Want to start an all-white Aryan state? Be my guest. Want to create a progressive rainbow society without all the racist-sexist-homo-transphobe-Nazi-bigots? Great, get out of my sight.
Just don’t get too uppity, you man-hating ladies!
Think all men are rapists and want to live in a lesbian tribe? Have fun trying to build anything or defending yourselves (assuming you even have something worthwhile to defend.)
Ah, yes, now we come to the heart of the fantasy: women and “wimps” being put in their supposed place.
No more corporate serfdom, no more putrid consumerism, no more technological slavery, and no safe spaces for the cry-babies to hide and cry in. Wimps, complainers, and the weak will not survive.
No complainers? Weird, because almost all I ever hear from Return of Kings is complaints.
Savage sets forth a vision of a “masculine” restoration that is equal parts Fight Club and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
One of the best aspect of the new order would be the return of masculine virtue. [O]nly an organized group of men with strength, courage, mastery, and honor … will prevail in the post-apocalyptic world. Men will be men again.
Who knows what savage energy is begging to be unleashed within that man serving as an office drone? Who knows if that guy flipping burgers for a minimum wage will become the future tribal leader? How many men today are living jaded and unfulfilling lives when they could be fighters and warriors instead?
I don’t know, but the number is certainly a lot smaller than the number of men who think that the endless hours they’ve spent playing Fallout have prepared them for real life postapocalyptic warrioring.
And now we come to the “told you so” section of Savage’s apocalyptic fantasy — which is really the whole point of the thing.
And guess what? There won’t be feminist harpies demanding “equality” when strong men are needed to rebuild civilization and defend against gangs and rival tribes. They’ll be begging for some of that “toxic” masculinity to come and protect them. They’ll kneel in submission to a patriarchal order faster than they would have screamed “rape!” in the previous world.
Keep it in your pants, dude. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Suddenly, with their government boyfriend gone and the internet white knights nowhere to to be found, their whole feminist charade will shatter and the ridiculousness of it all will become apparent. The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.
Yep, his vision of the future is basically an elaboration of the classic misogynist rallying cry: NO FAT CHICKS.
Also in the new world, the SJWs and the rest of the progressive freaks will die faster than a gay snowman in Saudi Arabia. … There won’t be anymore idiotic debates about who is right or wrong: only who survives and who doesn’t.
Evidently Savage is so tired of having his ass handed to him in these “idiotic debates” that he’d rather have the whole world collapse in a heap rather than endure another humiliating loss.
I would love to see how well the loser male-feminists fare against the very men they love to bash without a computer screen to hide behind.
Says a guy who bashes feminists while, well, hiding behind a computer screen, telling readers on the About page of his blog that “[d]etails about myself are not as important as the content that I write here.”
The impatient Savage ends his manifesto by encouraging his readers to, well, help the collapse come a little faster.
The change you want to see is not going to appear peacefully through some online arguments, petitions, protests, or asinine ‘democratic’ processes. You cannot fix a rotting society; you must tear it all down and start from scratch.
So Savage wants men to use non-peaceful tactics to “tear … down” what he thinks is a decadent and “degenerate” society in order to humble women and bring back the patriarchal rule of men?
That sounds more than a little bit like the “Islamic terror” that the boys at Return of Kings are always railing against.
So does that mean y’all are finally going to fuck off and leave us alone, or does that mean you’re going to come into feminist spaces and whine loudly about how awful we feeeemales are for not touching your peen and being grateful for the honor?
Because I’m all up for the first option, considering that means we can actually get shit done if y’all opt out and actually fuck off instead of just “threatening” to.
Though, I will admit, the fact that you think we’ve “screwed ourselves” out of your presence (and the presence of woman-hating shitheads like you) is hilarious though. It’s almost like you think we actually want you here or anywhere else.
Go. Leave. Shoo, I release you. Get off my lawn, Felipe.
Don’t worry, Mark, we won’t try to marry you.
I never wanted men to be disposable in the first place. No one should be disposable. That’s just weird.
As for going your own way and leaving and hiding – ‘kay then. Not sure what you think was stopping you from doing that all along.
Give me a break.
Hey – I think it’s great you’re rebuking men and asking them to step aside. Do it more often – just like you did here. You’re saving men’s lives. No man should ever be fooled into the trap of man hating we call “marriage”. You should point that out to men much more often. In fact, if you want to save your son’s life, you should make it most prevalent to him.
Any post from a new commenter which begins with “Ladies” can safely be ignored.
I feel like I see this one a lot. We are always Rome right before it’s collapse. Something something, degeneracy!
Japan is a western country?
Well, I guess there is lots of misandry there!
Here, I thought it was unsustainably large and expensive empire building and Visigoths and stuff. Now I find out it was man hate. Mark is just full of fun facts. I’ll bet he’s both a professor of history and geography. He’s clearly an expert in both!
Then don’t get married.
Feminists actually support the idea that people shouldn’t get married if they don’t want to. If you think that marriage is a prison that is going to steal all your money, don’t fucking get married, Mark. Simple as that.
Trust me, us feminists don’t want men like you, who obviously hate women (because you view us as money-grubbing life-stealers) to marry women. Any woman locked in a relationship with your sorry ass would be miserable, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
I love it when these idiots act like they’re being forced to marry women, when in reality they have the choice to not get involved with women.
And most of us women here don’t want anything to do with you either. Fuck off. Shoo. Git off my lawn, Felipe.
Source? Also, can some of our European commenters weigh in on this? I know Mark’s full of shit, but it’d be nice to also have the facts to back it up.
Source? I don’t think a Ph. D. in History from Assfax University counts.
Mark, all of your problems can be solved in one fell swoop: Don’t fucking get married.
No one here cares if you don’t get married. In fact, I’ll say it again: I sincerely hope you don’t. If you think marriage is “slavery” because you think women are evil, then don’t fucking get married to one.
I’m also glad I live (why did Mark use past tense? Is he a fucking MRA ghost?) in a period where men like you can opt out of marriage, because it means that women have less of a chance to get into an abusive marriage.
I’m also glad I live in a period where divorce is far easier, where women are fighting for better access to contraceptives, and where men like you are so honest online, that a simple Google search of any prospective date can bring up all sorts of wonderful lil’ tidbits that prove you’re not worth any woman’s time because you are a self-martyring, hateful little pustule on the ass of society.
Fuck off.
OoglyBoggles –
But I don’t think they do. I may be wrong. They follow Trump no matter.
Authoritarians. I’ve met many in Russia. “What Putin says is as god says.”
Also, does anyone else hear a high whining?
What kind of human uses this term?
Like, this is probably wrong of me to say. It’s total name racism, and not all Marks are like that. But tell me that guy doesn’t both look and talk (type?) like a Mark. Mark is for dudes too basic to be a Chad. It was either Mark or a surname. Like Jackson or Carter or some shit. Watch him be a ‘the 3rd’ too
Hold up. Is he wearing a polo shirt on the water with sunglasses in his hair? Is it even possible to be more white right now. All he needs is a fuckin ascot and a trilby. If he has a midatlantic accent, I might actually go blind from the whiteness
OK, I’m done now
I thought Rome fell because the Emperors relocated and left it to its own devices, much as Mark here isn’t doing.
Yeah, it’s 100% rectum derived nonsense.
Look folks (feminists) – I know you want to ignore the rapid, decades long decline in marriage and birth rates in all Western nations – and excuse it with your man-hating ideology that much more. All I can say in reply is “THANK YOU!”.
A prince proposed to a princess. The princess refused. The prince lived happily ever after.
Isn’t it about time we abolished marriage and any and all de facto relationships?
Marriage is a patriarchal plot. It’s time to end that plot.
Not all men, Mark. Just you. We just want you to fuck off. No woman wants or likes YOU, or men like YOU.
There are plenty of men we do like, and a few of those men reside here as regulars. In fact, I’m busy convincing my boyfriend Jack to stay with me forever and ever where I can steal all of his “power” and yadda, yadda, yadda. [/sarcasm]
Also, not all of us with uteruses want to have kids. We’re not here solely to propagate the human species. So, fuck off with that “Teach your sons to hate you like I do if you love him!” bullshit.
Other trolls have tried it, and have done it better than you, and it’s still nonsense.
Nope, actually Rome fell because of feminism, gays, and immigrants. That’s what the internet told me so it must be true. (sarcasm. but honestly auto complete did suggest 2 of those reasons)
beep boop WARNING Authoritarian troll detected!!! Activating ignore forever mode!
Hasn’t a troll said that exact same thing before? Was it Glenn?
So sad to miss out on a chance with a guy like Mark, who cares so fucking little about any future children that he might have that he considers taking some limited responsibility for them to be theft. What a prince among men.
I think you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
Kinda obvious that lower rates of birth and marriage are mostly due to women not being forced into marriage and encouraged to start popping out kids immediately. I’d like to see a source for the alternative “theory” that men are “opting out”.
Just kidding. I know there will never be a source.
If only there were a group of people. . .women even. . .that did stuff like make marriage no longer mandatory for survival and strived to make it easier for women to be financially independent.
That sure would be swell for whiners like Mark.
*wistfully* If only. . .
@PI – I’m not European, but Australia was mentioned, so in this country:
1. marriage rates have in fact increased (not by much but it’s statistically measurable)
2. marriages are lasting longer on average
3. there is no “implementation” of de facto marriage or de facto relationships (they’re the same thing, Mark)
4. there are certainly no taxes on men who refuse to marry – that made me laugh so hard. How the fuck would you even measure that? As for the govt that tried to introduce such a tax, ohmygod. Hilarious.
How do I know these things? I looked them up at the Aust. Bureau of Statistics. Revolutionary idea!
Regardless of what the stats say, we don’t actually care if people get married or not. How many times must it be said?
Well – Ok. You’re obviously not going to admit your true intentions. Nevertheless, the word is spreading. Once again, thank you. All across the globe, men are opting out of that most man-hating of institutions – and it’s all due to your efforts.
A prince proposed to a princess. The princess refused. The prince lived happily ever after.
Thanks, ladies.
I love how LGBT+ people don’t exist to Mark.
No, marriage is a trap by the wimmens to trap the poor, pitiful mens! But we can’t tell him that women marry other women and men marry other men! It’d fuck with his narrative!
And of course he’d drop that tired old copypasta about the prince and the princess.
But you know what? It’s story time mother fuckers:
“The princess also lived happily ever after and married a woman who owned a farm because she was actually a lesbian the whole time, and didn’t want to marry a prince solely because he was a prince and that was the expected thing for her to do as a Princess of the Realm. She lived the rest of her days happy with her wife, growing vegetables and riding horses. The princess also used her wealth to help out farmers and other peasantry because she believed they were just as important as she was, and she wanted to make sure her people were always well cared for. She introduced universal health care, basic universal income, and education to all the people of her realm, the rich and the poor alike.
The prince also left the princess alone because he wasn’t a desperate tool who doesn’t understand the word ‘no’, and he went on to be happy with a woman who actually wanted to be with him. He and the princess still talk every once in awhile, and the princess and her wife sometimes babysit for them, and they’ve taught the Prince’s daughter how to ride horses and grow delicious fruits and vegetables of her own, so she too can be self-sufficient someday.
I know this has been said a hundred times already, but what the hell makes them think that they would survive? They are so weak and entitled, all they do is whine on the internet about the most pathetic shit. They will be one of the first to die. Also, who the hell wants the human race to go through something like that? I have just started playing Fallout 4 (my fist Fallout game) and the intro was just heart breaking.
The main character is married and they have a baby boy. Everything is fine, just another day in suburbia. Then things get VERY scary VERY fast. The TV was on and the news reporter was, well, giving the news. Just the usual stuff. Then he gets word that a NUCLEAR WAR HAS JUST STARTED. Nuclear bombs are being dropped pretty much everywhere, INCLUDING THE CITY WHERE THE NEWS REPORTER WAS REPORTING FROM. I got a nice cutscene of the poor news reporter shaking his head in disbelief and sadness as he realised that a shitload of people were going to die, including him. Then the signal was lost. After the initial shock, the Fallout 4 family run to the safety of the Vault. Making it just in time to see the bomb go off and the blast-wave hit the city just as the doors slam shut above them.
It was horrible, just horrible. ? Seeing all that panic, devastation and death was horrifying. It was hard enough watching it knowing it was just a video game intro. Why would anyone want something like that to happen in real life? I sure don’t.
What do you think our true intentions are?