
Return of Kings writer yearns for an apocalypse that will put ladies in their place

Watch out, gals -- or this could happen to you!
Watch out, gals — or this could happen to you!

The Red Pillers and other extreme misogynists I write about regularly on this blog live in something of a fantasy world. And while their fantasies about the present are tempered — at least somewhat — by reality, their fantasies of the future are not; they can let their fetid imaginations roam.

And so it’s no surprise that the visions of the future that dance in the heads of so many Red Piller resemble bad science fiction. Or that so many of them involve the allegedly stuck-up women of today getting their ultimate comeuppance.

Some dream that sex robots and artificial wombs will make women “obsolete.” Others dream of impending catastrophes that will force uppity women to turn to men, humbly and meekly, begging for protection.

A recent post on Return of Kings with the unsubtle title “4 Reasons Why Collapse Will Be The Best Thing To Happen For Men” offers an elaborate revenge fantasy for deeply insecure would-be alpha males. The improbably named “Corey Savage” makes clear from the start that his apocalyptic predictions fantasies are rooted in his desire to say “told you so” to “feminist harpies’ and “loser male feminists.”

As Savage sees it, our world is close to being overwhelmed by economic disasters, “widespread degeneracy and demographic upheavals … Collapse in the near future appears to be a matter of when, not if.”

But fear not, men — “the destruction of the world as we know it could be the best thing that ever happens” to you. With the bravado of a teenager telling his mom that “you’re not the boss of me,” Savage predicts the ultimate collapse of evil dictatorships and the so-called “nanny state.”

With the Frankenstein centralized governments no longer around to dictate people’s lives and use them as lab rats for their social experiments, you will have all the freedom in the world. No more taxes, no more surveillance, no more PC policing, no more divorce courts, no more forced multiculturalism, and so on. You alone will be responsible for your life with no one to bail you out and no one to blame.

In this libertarian world, Savage imagines,

you’ll be free to create the society you want. Still think Communist utopia is possible? Good luck. Want to start an all-white Aryan state? Be my guest. Want to create a progressive rainbow society without all the racist-sexist-homo-transphobe-Nazi-bigots? Great, get out of my sight.

Just don’t get too uppity, you man-hating ladies!

Think all men are rapists and want to live in a lesbian tribe? Have fun trying to build anything or defending yourselves (assuming you even have something worthwhile to defend.)

Ah, yes, now we come to the heart of the fantasy: women and “wimps” being put in their supposed place.

No more corporate serfdom, no more putrid consumerism, no more technological slavery, and no safe spaces for the cry-babies to hide and cry in. Wimps, complainers, and the weak will not survive. 

No complainers? Weird, because almost all I ever hear from Return of Kings is complaints.

Savage sets forth a vision of a “masculine” restoration that is equal parts Fight Club and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

One of the best aspect of the new order would be the return of masculine virtue. [O]nly an organized group of men with strength, courage, mastery, and honor … will prevail in the post-apocalyptic world. Men will be men again.

Who knows what savage energy is begging to be unleashed within that man serving as an office drone? Who knows if that guy flipping burgers for a minimum wage will become the future tribal leader? How many men today are living jaded and unfulfilling lives when they could be fighters and warriors instead?

I don’t know, but the number is certainly a lot smaller than the number of men who think that the endless hours they’ve spent playing Fallout have prepared them for real life postapocalyptic warrioring.

And now we come to the “told you so” section of Savage’s apocalyptic fantasy — which is really the whole point of the thing.

And guess what? There won’t be feminist harpies demanding “equality” when strong men are needed to rebuild civilization and defend against gangs and rival tribes. They’ll be begging for some of that “toxic” masculinity to come and protect them. They’ll kneel in submission to a patriarchal order faster than they would have screamed “rape!” in the previous world.

Keep it in your pants, dude. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Suddenly, with their government boyfriend gone and the internet white knights nowhere to to be found, their whole feminist charade will shatter and the ridiculousness of it all will become apparent. The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.

Yep, his vision of the future is basically an elaboration of the classic misogynist rallying cry: NO FAT CHICKS.

Also in the new world, the SJWs and the rest of the progressive freaks will die faster than a gay snowman in Saudi Arabia. … There won’t be anymore idiotic debates about who is right or wrong: only who survives and who doesn’t.

Evidently Savage is so tired of having his ass handed to him in these “idiotic debates” that he’d rather have the whole world collapse in a heap rather than endure another humiliating loss.

I would love to see how well the loser male-feminists fare against the very men they love to bash without a computer screen to hide behind.

Says a guy who bashes feminists while, well, hiding behind a computer screen, telling readers on the About page of his blog that “[d]etails about myself are not as important as the content that I write here.”

The impatient Savage ends his manifesto by encouraging his readers to, well, help the collapse come a little faster. 

The change you want to see is not going to appear peacefully through some online arguments, petitions, protests, or asinine ‘democratic’ processes. You cannot fix a rotting society; you must tear it all down and start from scratch.

So Savage wants men to use non-peaceful tactics to “tear … down” what he thinks is a decadent and “degenerate” society in order to humble women and bring back the patriarchal rule of men?

That sounds more than a little bit like the “Islamic terror” that the boys at Return of Kings are always railing against.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kat

That picture was taken at the local police station/gaol. Just been looking at the poster as to what you’re not allowed to bring in with you. Seems they’re not keen on guns (or sunglasses).

As to the general discussion, I live in Cornwall so what most people call the apocalypse we’d call gentrification.

snork maiden
8 years ago


I loved the ‘bugging out’ piece. As a resident of London I’d either hole up in our loft and hope no one tried to burn our house down. Otherwise, I’d somehow get hold of a boat and make a beeline for this place:

8 years ago

I don’t have anything especially meaningful to contribute, except that the Google Ads I got alongside this article were kind of incredible:

Mary Contrary
Mary Contrary
8 years ago

Eh, like all of them, Savage is forgetting Libertarianism Rule #1: There’s always a bigger fish.

Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
8 years ago


a) “Here’s some proof that the notion that nature wants us to be lone Galtian bootstrappers is false. ” Cute pic & thanks for this sentence which finally puts into words the vibe some isolationists give off.

b) Thanks for the new nickname 🙂

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

I’ve long been puzzled about one of the repeating manosphere revenge fantasy themes mentioned here. Can someone explain this to me?

When women are made obsolete by sexbots and artificial wombs, does that mean that the sexist jackass variety of men are finally going to stop considering childrearing to be beneath their natural status as the crowns of society? Are they going to start doing not only their part in the raising of children, but take on all of what women have been doing throughout the history of mankind? Are they going to actually learn how to consider other people and put someone else’s needs before their own?


Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
8 years ago

@ Robyn- do you want Tuchux? because this is how you get Tuchux! (freaking Goreans…make my skin crawl)

8 years ago



Omg, I had to know if the little guy made it… here’s the full video for anyone else:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ calmdown

I haven’t been rooting for someone so much since Steve McQueen at the end of ‘The Great Escape’!

Raccoons are frikkin’ ace.

8 years ago

Oh – on a complete aside – I thought y’all might be interested in this: There’s a documentary film being made about Molly Ivins!!!

How cool is that?

They’re seeking donations:

I am not affiliated with this film in any way except that I plan to kick in a tenner.

@alan – just go buy yourself a pair of breeding raccoons. Please. They can start from the SW and work their way toward London.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ rugbyyogi

Having just been lamenting the lack of raccoons in Cornwall this conversation has transpired.

“But we do have raccoons in Cornwall”
“At the owl sanctuary”
“Of course; how stupid of me for not realising”

She’s right though:

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

It’s hilarious how angry they are that society “artificially” props up the weak. Let’s not forget that these are people who need online support groups to cope with not being laid. These are people who throw public tantrums over the supreme hardship of having to support their own children and the wives they forbid from working outside the home. These are people who can’t endure watching the occasional movie and video game character who doesn’t look like them. These are people who complain about their dates ordering pancakes. These are people who have ragestrokes and rush to the computer when they see women wearing earbuds on public transportation.

Their fragile egos can’t even cope with the minor setbacks of a stable, peaceful civilization, let alone the wild West.

@rubyyogi – That’s fantastic! I would love to see that. Nobody covered the weirdness of Texas politics and “big bidness” better than Molly Ivins. I wonder what she would have made of Donald Trump.

8 years ago

Pardon me, but I seem to recall that in the 70s, a few self-sufficient lesbian separatist communities were, in fact, founded somewhere out there, and that some of them are still going. Like that one where the streets are named after goddesses, that advertises in lesbian magazines. Can this guy tell us any counter-examples of self-sufficient MRA communities, though?

8 years ago

Following OoglyBoggles & Kat – let’s all meet at Krasnaya Koshka’s place when the apocalypse happens.
Would that be ok, Krasnaya K? Just as an initial get-together point and totally not because your cabin in the woods sounds INCREDIBLE.

And I do believe that WWTH deserves kittens and gold stars for the adorbs gay snowperson and the raccoon cooperation society.

And um, what exactly is a Frankenstein centralised government??

8 years ago

I would recommend the subject of this piece to read ‘Ethan of Athos’ by Lois Bujold. It includes a society of men averse to women who run right into the problems David describes – and realize the hard way that the human race is sexually dimorphic and their proto – MGTOW society is not viable. That said, the book isn’t all gloom and doom, mixing comments on homophobia, science fiction action and bizarre farce all in the same story.

8 years ago

they should study some anthropology and some history (beyond more recent European history that is). Civilizations and/or small tribal groups facing harsh (or even not-so-harsh) environments really couldnt afford to be as misogynistic as these asshats because women’s labor is crucial. If you look at most tribes in, say, Amazonia, some have some sexism, sure, but none could afford to not let women work and thus none could really get away with hardcore extreme misogyny. In fact, in some tribes, women had power because their labor ie agriculture was so important. Its hard to believe that an apocalypse of modern societies wherein women have worked for liberation would involve women’s utter subjugation without a fight.

& the idea that a White Nationalist can peacefully co-exist with Lesbian seperatists or whatever is such a joke, like literal Nazis wouldnt ever compromise anyone else’s rights. That is not actually libertarianism, its just Nazism with a fresh face.

Also, didnt they see Mad Max?

Also, why are we always pretending like rape is something women just imagined for funsies? Women dont imagine that men rape, men are out there raping women. Why do I have to even say that? Why cant we at least operate with a semblence of respect for reality?

8 years ago

@buttercup – i don’t know what she would have made of The Donald, but it would have been cutting and hilarious. That’s how I found out about the doc incidentally, I googled “What would Molly Ivins say about Donald Trump?”

8 years ago

I mean srsly, does he also think being fat or “unstable” or, you know, wanting basic human rights, is somehow a socialized creation of modern society? Like go to a museum dude, fat chicks have always existed, lmao. Because they are EVOLUTIONARILY SUCCESSFUL. Study evolutiom properly if you love evolution so much.

8 years ago

Y’know what the best survival strategy for the apocalypse is? Preventing the damn thing in the 1st place
Droughts? We’ve survived em. Economic collapse? Regularly endured. Blight? Sucked but managed. Plague? Held on. But a few antifeminist agitators decide to nebulously “tear it all down and start from scratch”, and the rest of humanity will be unable to stop it. Apparently
The worldwide electrical grid goes down tomorrow, and we’ll have thousands, millions, of engineers the next day out in force to fix it. The only thing we wouldn’t be able to deal with is total armageddon, but we’ll all be dead at that point, so no worries 🙂

8 years ago

Why do these people always imagine that “come the revolution” (collapse, apocalypse, whatever) they’ll be the ones on top? Don’t they realize that in a feudalist (neo or oldstyle) society, there’s a hundred serf/slaves for every minor noble? The odds are against them being any better than spear carrier/retriever/catcher.

epitome of incomprehensibility

This put me in mind of a conference I was at once – the speaker argued that apocalyptic thinking led to extreme reactions. If you think the world’s going to end soon, or society is going to collapse, that can be used as a justification for violence. Besides, from what we know about global warming, we’re better off preparing for (relatively) smaller-scale environmental disasters rather than worldwide collapse, since things like increased hurricanes, etc., are more likely than some sort of huge disaster scenario.

Anyway, it’s doubtful these guys even believe in global warming, and their apocalypse scenario is laughable, as everyone’s pointed out.

Also, I didn’t know the government is my boyfriend! Maybe he was at some point, but now, I’m afraid the romance is gone. The last time he talked to me, all he wanted was some documents to renew my health care card. Sigh. 🙁

8 years ago

What is sex Marxism? And “snuggle struggle” is used as a gross “cutsey” term for rape, which was the first thing I thought of when I saw that cross-stitch (I realize that’s not what it’s saying, but just wanted to make you aware if you haven’t been so unfortunate as to see that term before).

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@IP – Genuine LOL! I bet one of his plates made him that sammitch, too.

At its core, this is really a fantasy about a world where rules are swept away and MRAs are finally free to be amoral jerkfaces without the interference of Mom, school, the government, employers, the church, and all those other onerous social obligations that result from other people existing. Their idea of manhood is wandering aimlessly through a deserted landscape mugging feminists for kidney beans, defeating enemies at hand to hand combat, and inventing cool stuff.

Good luck with that, dudes. You think you’re Huck Finn, but you’re actually Cartman.