
Return of Kings writer yearns for an apocalypse that will put ladies in their place

Watch out, gals -- or this could happen to you!
Watch out, gals — or this could happen to you!

The Red Pillers and other extreme misogynists I write about regularly on this blog live in something of a fantasy world. And while their fantasies about the present are tempered — at least somewhat — by reality, their fantasies of the future are not; they can let their fetid imaginations roam.

And so it’s no surprise that the visions of the future that dance in the heads of so many Red Piller resemble bad science fiction. Or that so many of them involve the allegedly stuck-up women of today getting their ultimate comeuppance.

Some dream that sex robots and artificial wombs will make women “obsolete.” Others dream of impending catastrophes that will force uppity women to turn to men, humbly and meekly, begging for protection.

A recent post on Return of Kings with the unsubtle title “4 Reasons Why Collapse Will Be The Best Thing To Happen For Men” offers an elaborate revenge fantasy for deeply insecure would-be alpha males. The improbably named “Corey Savage” makes clear from the start that his apocalyptic predictions fantasies are rooted in his desire to say “told you so” to “feminist harpies’ and “loser male feminists.”

As Savage sees it, our world is close to being overwhelmed by economic disasters, “widespread degeneracy and demographic upheavals … Collapse in the near future appears to be a matter of when, not if.”

But fear not, men — “the destruction of the world as we know it could be the best thing that ever happens” to you. With the bravado of a teenager telling his mom that “you’re not the boss of me,” Savage predicts the ultimate collapse of evil dictatorships and the so-called “nanny state.”

With the Frankenstein centralized governments no longer around to dictate people’s lives and use them as lab rats for their social experiments, you will have all the freedom in the world. No more taxes, no more surveillance, no more PC policing, no more divorce courts, no more forced multiculturalism, and so on. You alone will be responsible for your life with no one to bail you out and no one to blame.

In this libertarian world, Savage imagines,

you’ll be free to create the society you want. Still think Communist utopia is possible? Good luck. Want to start an all-white Aryan state? Be my guest. Want to create a progressive rainbow society without all the racist-sexist-homo-transphobe-Nazi-bigots? Great, get out of my sight.

Just don’t get too uppity, you man-hating ladies!

Think all men are rapists and want to live in a lesbian tribe? Have fun trying to build anything or defending yourselves (assuming you even have something worthwhile to defend.)

Ah, yes, now we come to the heart of the fantasy: women and “wimps” being put in their supposed place.

No more corporate serfdom, no more putrid consumerism, no more technological slavery, and no safe spaces for the cry-babies to hide and cry in. Wimps, complainers, and the weak will not survive. 

No complainers? Weird, because almost all I ever hear from Return of Kings is complaints.

Savage sets forth a vision of a “masculine” restoration that is equal parts Fight Club and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

One of the best aspect of the new order would be the return of masculine virtue. [O]nly an organized group of men with strength, courage, mastery, and honor … will prevail in the post-apocalyptic world. Men will be men again.

Who knows what savage energy is begging to be unleashed within that man serving as an office drone? Who knows if that guy flipping burgers for a minimum wage will become the future tribal leader? How many men today are living jaded and unfulfilling lives when they could be fighters and warriors instead?

I don’t know, but the number is certainly a lot smaller than the number of men who think that the endless hours they’ve spent playing Fallout have prepared them for real life postapocalyptic warrioring.

And now we come to the “told you so” section of Savage’s apocalyptic fantasy — which is really the whole point of the thing.

And guess what? There won’t be feminist harpies demanding “equality” when strong men are needed to rebuild civilization and defend against gangs and rival tribes. They’ll be begging for some of that “toxic” masculinity to come and protect them. They’ll kneel in submission to a patriarchal order faster than they would have screamed “rape!” in the previous world.

Keep it in your pants, dude. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Suddenly, with their government boyfriend gone and the internet white knights nowhere to to be found, their whole feminist charade will shatter and the ridiculousness of it all will become apparent. The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.

Yep, his vision of the future is basically an elaboration of the classic misogynist rallying cry: NO FAT CHICKS.

Also in the new world, the SJWs and the rest of the progressive freaks will die faster than a gay snowman in Saudi Arabia. … There won’t be anymore idiotic debates about who is right or wrong: only who survives and who doesn’t.

Evidently Savage is so tired of having his ass handed to him in these “idiotic debates” that he’d rather have the whole world collapse in a heap rather than endure another humiliating loss.

I would love to see how well the loser male-feminists fare against the very men they love to bash without a computer screen to hide behind.

Says a guy who bashes feminists while, well, hiding behind a computer screen, telling readers on the About page of his blog that “[d]etails about myself are not as important as the content that I write here.”

The impatient Savage ends his manifesto by encouraging his readers to, well, help the collapse come a little faster. 

The change you want to see is not going to appear peacefully through some online arguments, petitions, protests, or asinine ‘democratic’ processes. You cannot fix a rotting society; you must tear it all down and start from scratch.

So Savage wants men to use non-peaceful tactics to “tear … down” what he thinks is a decadent and “degenerate” society in order to humble women and bring back the patriarchal rule of men?

That sounds more than a little bit like the “Islamic terror” that the boys at Return of Kings are always railing against.

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8 years ago

I’d like to see this Corey fellow tell his bullshit to the inhabitants of Umoja.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)


Tiny gay snowman deserve all the happiness.

8 years ago

I think this pretty much sums up what would happen to most of these men during Any sort of apocalypse. These are the kind of guys who wouldn’t survive a long weekend without electricity. I feel pretty sure that, just like most of the city dwellers I know, they can’t survive in the woods either, and they’d be even less well equipped because they don’t have any friends.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Wait, there are living gay snowmen?

Not since Burl Ives, as far as I know.

I feel sad for people like this, who think being a man is the same as being an asshole.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Here’s some proof that the notion that nature wants us to be lone Galtian bootstrappers is false.

Or I was just looking for an excuse to post this. Whichever.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I love how he thinks that, amid the smoke and rubble, people are going to self-organize into tidy little separatist lesbian and Alfalfa Male colonies, as opposed to forming ad hoc cooperatives with family, friends, and neighbors. Because during chaotic collapse, everyone’s first instinct is to seek out total strangers.

It’s also cute that he thinks feminists and gay people and minorities lack survival skills. Guess what: in a world where the playing field is tilted against us at birth, we’ve all had to learn how to be scrappy and resourceful and canny just to get by. A lot of us have endured abuse, neglect, broken homes, poverty, discrimination, hate, and homelessness. We’ve had to work twice as hard to prove ourselves twice as good. We’re used to adversity. First world white guys who can barely do their own laundry are not.

Those same guys aren’t going to magically morph into Sun Tzu as soon as the game controller stops working, the Cheetos supply chain is disrupted, and the world no longer caters to their comforts. They’ll be in shock along with everyone else. If the apocalypse is due to natural causes (epidemic, meteor, climate change, whatever) it’s going to take the strong right alongside the weak, in unpredictable fashion. Nature is equal opportunity that way. Remember the flu epidemic of 1918? The hardest-hit demographic was 20-40 year olds. Children and the elderly were largely spared.

Even if the apocalypse is manmade, post-collapse society isn’t going to have the time or the patience to restructure itself according to the whims of selfish adolescent shitlords. Getting dicks wet is going to take a distant back seat to food, shelter, and communal responsibilities. If there’s any leftover time and energy for recreational sex, good luck gathering a harem of porn star HB10s in an era of poor nutrition, minimal dentistry and medicine, hard work, exposure to the elements, no more shampoo, conditioner, makeup, padded bras, etc. Beauty standards are likely to change radically, probably in a direction this guy won’t like.

Case in point:

The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first

Uh, dude…in a famine, it’s not an advantage to be thin.

8 years ago

It’s always amusing to me how these asshats think there will be plenty of artificial wombs and sexbots for them, but no sexbots, robots that could provide “protection” and rebuild society if need be, or alternate sources of sperm for the women.

All of which ignores the fact that most women will have their current partners, friends and family to band together with. Also, many women are fully capable and knowledgeable about handling weapons and using tools. Most also have skills such as cooking, canning, knitting, sewing and other household skills to help their families/groups survive.

These fantasies are getting tedious. My guess is the only people that will have trouble getting by in the “new” society are the same ones that had trouble in the old one.

8 years ago

Ninja’d by Buttercup

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Antisocialite – That’s OK, I was ninja’d by Lkeke35. (That was a very entertaining read, by the way. Great point about cities – they have the best post-zombie-takeover shopping)

@Iseult the Idle – What about Olaf?

8 years ago

As Savage sees it, our world is close to being overwhelmed by economic disasters, “widespread degeneracy and demographic upheavals … Collapse in the near future appears to be a matter of when, not if.”

King Savage, it all sounds so amazing. I’ve read lots of these apocalyptic predictions from you kings who have returned. They’re very, very similar, so I have to assume that you guys are all psychic. I have no other way to explain these nearly identical predictions.

I have just one question: When?

Although I’ve read many predictions about society going down and men assuming kingship, I’ve seen not one timeline. This is really important, so kindly consult your inner wise man and get back to us.

8 years ago

I agree that these guys watch too much Mad Max. Outside of the post-apocalyptic anxieties of the eighties, history is very clear about how society breaks down in the absence of a strong governmental power: people form into extended kinship groupings, sub-regional enclaves, and occupational confraternities. Fundamental activities in daily life become the building blocks of a new society, maybe less hierarchical than the previous one but still very organized.

What people don’t do is play in the poli-sci sandbox or form roving gangs of murderous rapists. The former is the fantasy of fools who think real-life anarchy looks like a 4chan message board and the latter is a short-term symptom of inefficiencies in the transition from centralized to decentralized rule. “Roving gangs” isn’t an end unto itself, except in the fevered minds of ROK writers.

Really, contrary to what Game of Thrones has apparently taught people about the “Dark Ages” of Europe, only truly awful people like raping and pillaging. Even the medieval knight, who could be said to have had as sweet a gig doing those things as any person in human history, was overwhelmingly happy to trade up to the courtly arts, religious devotion, and land administration as soon as those were more viable as a lifestyle than running peasants down on horseback for funsies.

8 years ago


“What ever will they do when the artificial womb turns out to be nurturing a baby girl?”

Probably abandon said girl at the entry gates to the Lesbian-Feminist-Fat-SJWs heavily fortified territories where she shall be raised and it will be GLORIOUS!

I’m almost 100% certain that those sexbots the meh-ns are planning on having attend to their…needs…won’t think twice about leaving the douchelords on their own. Might even end up hanging out inside the lady-lands gates. Wouldn’t blame them for breaking a few shitlord bones before the exodus though….

8 years ago

Seriously? These guys think they’ll survive an apocalyptic event better than anyone else? Bless their little hearts. They just don’t have the brain capacity to realize in the face of a total meltdown of society where we’re all left to fend for ourselves without such conveniences as modern medicine, technology and grocery stores, many of us in the first world countries are going to be struggling to make it, manospherean or feminist.

Disease and injuries aren’t going to worry if they’re attacking an MRA or not. Starvation isn’t going to care if you think the world’s a better place with submissive women in it. You’re not going to magically not freeze to death while trying to light a fire because you think you’re a strong manly man. If you can’t hunt, identify edible greens, grow your own food, defend yourself, perform first aid, scavenge or make needed supplies like clothing or find viable shelter that you can adequately heat and keep dry if needed, you’re in trouble. How many of us sitting behind our computers right now would be able to do that?

Krasnaya Koshka
Krasnaya Koshka
8 years ago

@wwth – That is an adorable gay snowman!

With regards to the OP and these two particular “gems”:

Have fun trying to build anything


The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.

I’m typing this from the three bedroom cabin in the woods of Russia that I built with my gf, with our own hands, and impressive collection of power tools. Yes, two fat, middle-aged lesbians built an entire house! It has electricity and a deep-well pump guaranteed to give us water for the next 50 years!

Sometimes the electricity doesn’t work so we also have back-ups in place for those times. We also have a huge vegetable garden and fruit trees! In Summer, we’re pretty much self-sustaining — so many mushrooms here.

When our male neighbors’ cabin burned down, we let them stay in our guest cabin! That we also built. And we let everyone borrow our power tools. Because we’re SJWs and actually care about other people. Yes, even men!

8 years ago

I wholeheartedly admit that I wouldn’t make it in the wastelands. Simply because:

1. I have no survival skills.
2. I have a need to please others, so naturally some charismatic warlord is going to take advantage of that so I’ll most likely bite the dust being his meatshield.
3. My desire to prove my worthiness will inevitably make me to number 2 or overwork myself to be easy pickings.
4. My moral fiber is going to make me pick fights even when my cowardice is screaming that I can’t help others.
5. Can’t shoot for shit and can’t melee.
6. My rage will make me do stupid shit related to the above.
7. I get defensive alot for major failures which make me start to lie off my ass.
8. Even if I somehow end up acting like the psycho/normal guy dichotomy of a Wasteland 2 character, I’ll most likely end up shooting myself in the head after a lifetime of horrid shit I did to survive.

Then, again I still have a more likely chance to survive because I am totally willing to learn and lend a hand to the nicest guy I see, cause fuck being amoral, rather would die knowing I made the wastelands a better place to live in than act like a 14 year old’s nihilist fantasy. Which is more than I can say for these amoral assholes, who most likely would be too busy backstabbing each other to know that Lord Humongous, and Immorten Joe, and the Nightlord already ditched their rebelling asses in some remote desert with no means to make it out.

Hell if I was stuck with a bunch of strangers, which is everywhere I go, I at least know how to open up to people and make them happy for a little bit with my conversations, which means I can’t be an alpha. Because I can’t seem to want to dominate situations by being the biggest bully.

If he gets his wish I hope I meet you guys on the other side. Really, REALLY do not want to wish to meet the assholes who are itching to reenact the worst times of the US. To make a dorky scenario even more dorky, I’d rather be a Desert Ranger who helps make the world a better place than Cochise who only thinks of self preservation at all costs.

8 years ago

I can’t think of any survival skills I have that aren’t specific to here and now. But like you, I am willing to learn. And I am pro-social, unlike these shitjokers.

Definitely, let’s meet up come the apocalypse. Maybe our tribe will put us on kitchen duty. I can peel and saute an onion — hey, there’s a survival skill! If you don’t know how, I can teach you.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

When this topic cropped up before I gave the example of Somalia as what happens in a real life breakdown of society. As it happens a friend was over there recently. She sent me some pictures.

Want to see who’s in charge of imposing what passes for law and order?

8 years ago

I’d like that. Maybe my ability to use knitting needles and crochet can help during winter and defend myself. Essentially I’d always be armed.
Well of course it’d be the ones in green ponchos, that just means that they can conceal their weapons and have a cooling system on their skin. Plus they show their face, to show friendliness and humanity, unlike stormtroopers which are meant to be dehumanizing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ paradoxy

Hell, I carry around a can of bear mace when I go out.

Ooh, you would so go to prison if you did that here; and if you had the knuckle duster thing you’d be looking at Buck Rogers time!)

(Offensive weapons are a big no no here)

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

So they’ve gone from “men naturally rule the world and women should know their place” to “in a fantasy world I just made up, men naturally rule the world and women know their place?”

That’s called honesty, I think.

What makes me laugh the hardest about this is how Mr Savage thinks that the collapse of society is somehow the situation in which people will get to achieve things. Meanwhile, he’s writing this on a computer made from doped silicon semiconductor chips produced in Taiwan and assembled in Slovakia, running on electricity produced in plants set up before he was born by engineers who studied for years to learn best practise, burning fuels imported from wherever in the world those fuels are cheapest. The resulting piece of writing will then be hosted on a server somewhere in the world, and thanks to the miracle of TCP/IP, can be found by anyone anywhere in the world to read it.

Is this not an achievement? Is this not greater than anything he could do whilst scavenging in the ruins?

Surely the fact that he was able to do this at all says that civilisation is great, and that humans can do really good stuff if we work together. If Mr Savage tried to achieve this on his own then his essay would be published in, um, pen on paper? No, there wouldn’t be paper unless he made it himself, or indeed ink. Chalk on stone? No, most modern chalk is machined. Maybe he’d just write it in the dirt with a stick and hope that animals didn’t disturb it.

I think he’s just upset that everyone else gets to share in the miracle of human civilisation, rather than it being reserved for a favoured few. This really shows how small a person he is.

8 years ago

It’s set then. Look for the Mammoth flag. You can teach me to crochet/kill an attacker.

Kickass photo! These women have stepped up to the plate.

Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
8 years ago

These guys have clearly watched too much Mad Max.

@iknklast which is weird because Furiousa is easily one of the most badass characters ever and would easily beat these supposed “alpha males” in the Wasteland Olympics

8 years ago

Still think Communist utopia is possible?

Only for the #sexmarxists!*


* Sorry for going off topic. Hashtag sexmarxists trended on twitter in Canada this past Friday. It provided me with a chuckle at just the right time – and of course, I couldn’t resist using it, or sharing it here.

It started after this tweet:


[TW] Although nonsensical doesn’t even come close to describing Larry, he is a right-wing Christian (heavy on the Christian part), and has homophobic, transphobic, and racist views, amongst others. If you check the hashtag out, or Larry, please take care in doing so. For Larry, a sex Marxist is anyone who doesn’t share in his homophobia, transphobia, or his view that only a Christian traditional family is acceptable.

Reading through the different puns people came up with was fun.

[TW] Some Marxist imagery and slogans, when used in connection with sex, I found could lean towards being violent, so again, if you check it out, take care. Most the puns were fun, but some of them had a bit of raunchiness to them.

Unfortunately, Larry is now using the hashtag himself with his often offensive, but always nonsensical tweets. Larry’s such a killjoy, but “Yah!” for the Albertan sex Marxists.

I’m a long time reader of the site and thank-you David – you do what you do so well.

8 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

If there’s any leftover time and energy for recreational sex, good luck gathering a harem of porn star HB10s in an era of poor nutrition, minimal dentistry and medicine, hard work, exposure to the elements, no more shampoo, conditioner, makeup, padded bras, etc. Beauty standards are likely to change radically, probably in a direction this guy won’t like.

Hah! When I saw the “No Fat Chicks” criterion I thought this guy has No Idea what would pass as proof of supermanly manliness in a food-scarce, hard-scrabble impoverished life in the environment he imagines. If we take it as given (no chance) that women will be subservient and completely dependent on these marvelous manly masters of a peasant society that is primitive, dangerous and competitive … then men will have to find new things to prove their manliness to other men.

One good indicator would be – as it often has been in the past – the undeniable evidence of a strong, healthy, plump wife and similarly blessed children. What better indicator would there be of a good provider and protector?

As the classic hard-life-in-a-poor-environment man would say in Fiddler on the Roof …
If I were a rich man,

I’d see my wife, my Golde, looking like a rich man’s wife
With a proper double-chin.
Supervising meals to her heart’s delight.

8 years ago

Myself, I know I’d be fucked in such a scenario. I rely on a prescription drug. I work in policy. But somehow, I think I’d do better than this guy, I’d last just a little bit longer. Why? Because I can get along with other people, I do have some (not enough, but some) useful survival skills, I understand the value of cooperation among humans, and I have a son whose survival would motivate me very hard. I don’t mind getting in the mud, and I have a ‘slow metabolism’ so I can afford to miss a meal.

But it would still suck. It would still take at least 2-3 decades off my current life expectancy – in a successful scenario! And maybe knowing that it would be shit would be my best survival skill of all.