The Red Pillers and other extreme misogynists I write about regularly on this blog live in something of a fantasy world. And while their fantasies about the present are tempered — at least somewhat — by reality, their fantasies of the future are not; they can let their fetid imaginations roam.
And so it’s no surprise that the visions of the future that dance in the heads of so many Red Piller resemble bad science fiction. Or that so many of them involve the allegedly stuck-up women of today getting their ultimate comeuppance.
Some dream that sex robots and artificial wombs will make women “obsolete.” Others dream of impending catastrophes that will force uppity women to turn to men, humbly and meekly, begging for protection.
A recent post on Return of Kings with the unsubtle title “4 Reasons Why Collapse Will Be The Best Thing To Happen For Men” offers an elaborate revenge fantasy for deeply insecure would-be alpha males. The improbably named “Corey Savage” makes clear from the start that his apocalyptic predictions fantasies are rooted in his desire to say “told you so” to “feminist harpies’ and “loser male feminists.”
As Savage sees it, our world is close to being overwhelmed by economic disasters, “widespread degeneracy and demographic upheavals … Collapse in the near future appears to be a matter of when, not if.”
But fear not, men — “the destruction of the world as we know it could be the best thing that ever happens” to you. With the bravado of a teenager telling his mom that “you’re not the boss of me,” Savage predicts the ultimate collapse of evil dictatorships and the so-called “nanny state.”
With the Frankenstein centralized governments no longer around to dictate people’s lives and use them as lab rats for their social experiments, you will have all the freedom in the world. No more taxes, no more surveillance, no more PC policing, no more divorce courts, no more forced multiculturalism, and so on. You alone will be responsible for your life with no one to bail you out and no one to blame.
In this libertarian world, Savage imagines,
you’ll be free to create the society you want. Still think Communist utopia is possible? Good luck. Want to start an all-white Aryan state? Be my guest. Want to create a progressive rainbow society without all the racist-sexist-homo-transphobe-Nazi-bigots? Great, get out of my sight.
Just don’t get too uppity, you man-hating ladies!
Think all men are rapists and want to live in a lesbian tribe? Have fun trying to build anything or defending yourselves (assuming you even have something worthwhile to defend.)
Ah, yes, now we come to the heart of the fantasy: women and “wimps” being put in their supposed place.
No more corporate serfdom, no more putrid consumerism, no more technological slavery, and no safe spaces for the cry-babies to hide and cry in. Wimps, complainers, and the weak will not survive.
No complainers? Weird, because almost all I ever hear from Return of Kings is complaints.
Savage sets forth a vision of a “masculine” restoration that is equal parts Fight Club and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
One of the best aspect of the new order would be the return of masculine virtue. [O]nly an organized group of men with strength, courage, mastery, and honor … will prevail in the post-apocalyptic world. Men will be men again.
Who knows what savage energy is begging to be unleashed within that man serving as an office drone? Who knows if that guy flipping burgers for a minimum wage will become the future tribal leader? How many men today are living jaded and unfulfilling lives when they could be fighters and warriors instead?
I don’t know, but the number is certainly a lot smaller than the number of men who think that the endless hours they’ve spent playing Fallout have prepared them for real life postapocalyptic warrioring.
And now we come to the “told you so” section of Savage’s apocalyptic fantasy — which is really the whole point of the thing.
And guess what? There won’t be feminist harpies demanding “equality” when strong men are needed to rebuild civilization and defend against gangs and rival tribes. They’ll be begging for some of that “toxic” masculinity to come and protect them. They’ll kneel in submission to a patriarchal order faster than they would have screamed “rape!” in the previous world.
Keep it in your pants, dude. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Suddenly, with their government boyfriend gone and the internet white knights nowhere to to be found, their whole feminist charade will shatter and the ridiculousness of it all will become apparent. The unstable and fat ones will likely disappear first as they offer no value to anyone.
Yep, his vision of the future is basically an elaboration of the classic misogynist rallying cry: NO FAT CHICKS.
Also in the new world, the SJWs and the rest of the progressive freaks will die faster than a gay snowman in Saudi Arabia. … There won’t be anymore idiotic debates about who is right or wrong: only who survives and who doesn’t.
Evidently Savage is so tired of having his ass handed to him in these “idiotic debates” that he’d rather have the whole world collapse in a heap rather than endure another humiliating loss.
I would love to see how well the loser male-feminists fare against the very men they love to bash without a computer screen to hide behind.
Says a guy who bashes feminists while, well, hiding behind a computer screen, telling readers on the About page of his blog that “[d]etails about myself are not as important as the content that I write here.”
The impatient Savage ends his manifesto by encouraging his readers to, well, help the collapse come a little faster.
The change you want to see is not going to appear peacefully through some online arguments, petitions, protests, or asinine ‘democratic’ processes. You cannot fix a rotting society; you must tear it all down and start from scratch.
So Savage wants men to use non-peaceful tactics to “tear … down” what he thinks is a decadent and “degenerate” society in order to humble women and bring back the patriarchal rule of men?
That sounds more than a little bit like the “Islamic terror” that the boys at Return of Kings are always railing against.
So that’s why the Manospherians like Trump: they know he’ll bring on the apocalypse they hunger for.
Ok dudes if you’re so “manly” and “alpha” as you claim to be I dare you to get off the computer and say any of the crap you spew on a daily basis to a woman’s face on the street and see what happens. Go on. I’ll wait. You’re not gonna do it are ya? Just as I thought.
Oh, gosh. However will I survive this fantasy apocalypse?
(Well, I figure I’ll trade my fiber arts skills for food and shelter, to begin with….)
Wait, there are living gay snowmen?
Really, the first thing one should learn from playing Fallout is that they wouldn’t last an hour out in the open. An immediately post apocalyptic world would be hard to survive.
This is the worldview of Charles Manson. It is straight up Helter Skelter with women and SJWs replacing black people. Which is hilarious and sad.
So, in summary, then: “Life used to be brutish, nasty, and short — but don’t worry, the good old days are coming back!”
I’m pretty sure the actual Super Alpha Top Dog Manly Men (to the degree that such a category can meaningfully be said to exist) aren’t huddled in basements wishing for the Glorious Devolution; they’re out crushing Wall Street or Silicon Valley or otherwise becoming rich, famous, and successful. I have never understood why guys like the author of the quoted piece, who can’t succeed in the relatively safe and easy embrace of a liberal welfare state, think they’d be the masters in a Hobbesian “war of all against all”. They’d be more likely to be dog chow.
Long time reader, love your work. It really seems like over the years, the “manosphere” has morphed from something absurd and dismissable to a part of a genuinely dangerous movement of violent extremists. Thanks for doing what you do and stay safe, my friend.
These guys have clearly watched too much Mad Max.
Seriously, I spent several years doing field work in the Texas and Oklahoma summers, followed by trotting around in the snow with all sorts of tools that I had to use correctly if I was going to get back home safely. My feminine wiles may have suffered a bit from the Cabela’s jumpsuit, but i managed to get the job done.
Oh, wait, I must be lying. A female doing STEM work, AND surviving in the remote areas where the only “people” who could do alpha male stuff for me are cows? Couldn’t happen.
When I was in Girl Scouts, the local Boy Scout troop challenged us to a survival weekend. They “called it off” after we beat them at everything except knots. (I don’t know how you get to call off a game after it has been played, but their challenge, their rules!)
So they basically want to be Immortan Joe from Mad Max Fury Road eh? Rather think they missed the point of that movie, they are just another warboy at the end of their half lives.
They need to watch some Naked and Afraid. Survival without all those decadent modern conveniences is HARD.
“Return of Kings writer yearns for an apocalypse that will put ladies in their place”
so it’s a day ending in “y,” got it.
If it’s that important to you, join the Armed Forces. If any of the branches will have you, that is.
I imagine that if these people have seen Mad Max (at least Fury Road) or played Fallout, they miss the point. Fallout 4 alone has 3 female companions, the option to play as a female character, and a ton of female NPCs, not countign the generic Raiders, Gunners, and Settlers that can spawn as a woman. MMFR is all about women trying to escape sex slavery, led by both a man and a woman, both of whom are totally badass.
Jeeby creeby, but they wear it on their sleeve, don’t they?
So, “governments are terrible! Unless I’m the one building the government, then they’re great!”
Transparent as glass, guys, why can’t you see this?
I can see his closing line so clearly, about how he’s going to build a glowing meritocracy built on reason and science and it’s gonna be so great and men are gonna be in charge cause they’re the natural leaders! It’s probably gonna be based on Plato’s Republic, too.
Yes, because killing people and being under the threat of being murdered by someone else is a surefire path to fulfillment, there, hotshot.
I can’t even with these guyse.
So what I’m taking from Corey’s extra wordy diary entry calling for doom and gloom of apocalypse is….I should pick up some extra propane for the bbq grill. Just in case the power grid crashes.
“Dear diary,
Those SJWs are SOoOOOOOOO mean! Won’t they be sorry when the world as we know it comes to an end! And it will! My daddy says so! And men are always right! Except for when mom is in one of her moods. I’m gonna be a badass warrior survivor dude, me and Roosh, that Davis Aurini guy, Jim W., Milo, Paul E.! NO MORE SAFE SPACES!! Wait…AND WE SHALL BE LEGENDS! With harems!
Except…What if the thugs get all the guns before we can? That’s impossible, right diary? It has to be. Time to go wank into a sock before laundry day. Gotta get back at mom somehow for making me get off the computer and spend time with the (ugh) family.
Looking forward to the apocalypse!
What ever will they do when the artificial womb turns out to be nurturing a baby girl?
… oh shit. I agree with the manospherians on something. I’m an anarchist, and yes, capitalism is a very significant problem… what do I do… I agree with them on something… **sob**
@iknklast, had I been on your team, you would have won at knots, too. My knick-name at work for years was “clove” for clove hitch (I got mad one day and made sure that everyone knew how to tie one – and then it became part of the introduction to the fold).
Do gay snowmen melt faster than straight snowmen? Is it because they’re hotter?
He kinda gives it away when he admits being anti-Nazi is too SJW for him. He might want to read up on what happened to that group of self-proclaimed “Alphas.”
Wait, I thought all lesbians were lumberjacks! Isn’t that why they always wear flannel? [/joke]
Oh, RoK. It’s almost like they don’t think women are people with their own skillsets, interests, and knowledge outside of penises and babies. (JK, they totally think that.)
I’d totally love to see any of these dweebs attempt to impose their “masculine authority” on some woman. It’s most likely end with them on the ground.
Women are taught from a young age to learn to defend themselves, and many women carry around stun guns, mace, and even keychains similar to brass knuckles.
Hell, I carry around a can of bear mace when I go out.
So, I dare say that women are quite a bit more well-equipped to handle the apocalypse.
Though, we do seem to have this discussion a lot, don’t we?
LOLOLOL! This is lifted from an old ‘scifi’ series ‘Priest-Kings of Gor,’ where men are men and women are enslaved by their pulsing manhood. John Carter of Mars meets Penthouse.
Same scenarios of Earth women tamed through penis worship. Even the fat shaming parts…..
Soooo unoriginal.
Notice how he doesn’t say ‘in our current world’. The apocalypse is real and this world is the distant, hypothetical past. He’s already gone. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but… Wow
The female of most every other animal on the planet is capable of both altering its environment (at least somewhat) and self defense. Except humans, cos reasons. Other apes, regardless of sex, can build shelters, use tools, and protect themselves against predators and rivals. But not fem!humans, cos reasons. We’re the least (?) sexually dimorphic of the hominids, yet vital and defining traits are simply absent in half the population, cos reasons
To be fair tho, this guy doesn’t seem to be using the science and rationality gambit. He seems more than willing to lean right into the ‘this is all just a hate wank’ vibes. Honesty, the best policy
Also, that grammar is suspect as fuck, dude
The world likely won’t fall to one gender or another, just to those that have some idea what the hell they’re doing.
When these privileged alfalfa dudes preen and posture about how tough they are, I kinda wish I could watch them try to navigate the world as a woman for just a week or so. I suspect more than a few of them would end up crying in the corner.
The people who throw temper tantrums about safe spaces are the same people who find women, people of color, LGBT, and Muslims being treated with equality to be such a scary concept that they need to retreat into apocalyptic fantasies to get through the day. Imagine that.
And because I couldn’t resist,
Have a cute gay snowman
I bet that took him a while to type one handed.