homophobia hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever TROOOOLLLL?

Far-right blogger: If gays take away our guns, we’ll refuse to convict anyone of hate crimes

For some reason, gay people are unwilling to leave their personal safety in the hands of this guy
For some reason, gay people are unwilling to leave their personal safety in the hands of this guy

So the anonymous conservative blogger who runs the blog called, er, Anonymous Conservative, is upset that The Human Rights Campaign, an influential LGBT group, is calling for stricter gun laws in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

To Anonymous Conservative, calling for gun control rather than, well, Muslim control is evidence that gays are too illogical to ever be trusted to tell the truth. Or at least it’s a good excuse for AC to pretend that he thinks gays are too illogical to ever be trusted with the truth.

And if gays are this illogical, AC concludes, gun owners should never vote to convict anyone charged with hate crimes.

Dear reader, your immediate reaction to this leap in, er, logic may be the same as my immediate reaction:


So let’s try to make sense of AC’s rather novel argument. Near the start of his post on this subject, AC sets forth his thesis:

[I]f these gays want to try and attack the rights of gun owners, all gun owners need to point out is that if they begin to feel hostile to gays, and begin to see gays as too emotional and illogical, they might begin to not believe the testimony of gays in trials.

Huh. It sounds like these hypothetical gun owners are deciding to dismiss testimony from gays out of spite, not because they genuinely believe that gays are unreliable witnesses. But AC insists he’s sincere, though I’m pretty sure he’s not being sincere about that.

Personally now, I am quite confident that nothing a gay says could be believed, if they cannot come to terms with the fact that Islamic fundamentalism, and not a gun, was the cause of the Orlando shooting. I can’t help but realize how that realization of their illogicality would contaminate any testimony from any gay in a trial setting. I would even question whether any physical evidence was manufactured by an overly emotional gay, unable to deal with simple reality as it exists.

If all gun owners felt this way, AC concludes,

it would in effect jury-nullify all hate crimes laws, and possibly affect any trial involving a crime committed against a gay.

AC thinks this brilliant scheme would be easy as pie to pull off:

There are about 102 million gun owners out there (32% of all Americans), and all a defense attorney would need to do is find one to put on the jury of a man who beat a gay guy, stabbed a transgender, or murdered a transvestite. Did a transgender man use the girls locker room when a pee wee swim team was changing, and get beaten to a pulp? Don’t think the beater is going to get convicted on the word of the gay.

Yeah, it’s not like there would be other evidence or anything. Except maybe “the gay’s” physical injuries, bloodstains on the assailant’s clothes, an entire pee wee swim team’s worth of witnesses, surveillance camera footage of the beater fleeing the scene, or, wait, that does sound like a lot of evidence.

If gays think guns should be banned, then the gay’s testimony is meaningless, and I would assume any evidence had been fabricated in an overemotional meltdown.

Ah, yes, because gays have the ability to fabricate injuries, video footage, an entire locker room full of witnesses.

[I]f gays are this unable to perceive simple reality, I could probably never vote to convict in any such case. I suspect if I had been on the trial of the Orlando shooter tomorrow, I am not sure I would have been able to vote guilty, given the stories of a second shooter, the gay holding the door shut, and the fact that the shooter himself appears to have been gay.

Dude, you’re aware that the shooter is dead, right? Dead men aren’t generally tried for murder.

It would all have been too convoluted, I suspect. I would probably have let him walk out the door of the courtroom a free man, and I would have felt it was the only moral outcome, given my convictions regarding the gay’s inability to perceive simple realties such as Islamic radicalism, and the fact guns reduce crime when the law abiding have them.

I’m pretty sure it’s not “the gay” who is having trouble perceiving reality here.

The potential consequences against gays would admittedly be dangerous. Millions of people who want to commit crime might begin targeting gays specifically, knowing that they would be unlikely to be convicted, given how all it would take is one of the 102 million gun owners to land on their jury – and the lawyers of the perpetrator would undoubtedly be looking for gun owners to put on the jury.

Nice justice system you’ve got here, pity if something were to happen to it.

Also, dude, you do realize, don’t you, that prosecutors also get to screen jury members, and could veto anyone who seemed to believe any of the nonsense you’re peddling.

Gang members, who need to kill somebody as an initiation might seek out gays as victims, thinking they would be a free kill, and sadly there would be nothing I could do about that.

Would these gang members flash their car lights at gay drivers to get them to pull their cars over?

Those prone to engage in violence against gays specifically because of homophobia might be emboldened, and gay attacks could increase precipitously, and obviously all of those gay attackers going free without any consequence would be unfortunate.

Nice justice system you’ve got here, pity if something were … oh wait, we did that already.

However gays do not seem to consider our safety when contemplating their actions. They are all too happy to try and make us and our families less safe by preventing us from getting the guns we want to protect them. So the idea that gays would be less safe due to our realization that gays are too emotional and cannot be trusted, would not be of concern to me. I would have to vote my conscience – every time – and I suspect most other gun owners would as well. 

And as an added bonus, this dumbass idea might bring about the collapse of civilization itself!

Once a group is, from a practical perspective, unable to appeal to the justice system for justice, it will not be long before the entire system’s foundation is in question. I suspect most politicians, rather than see this come to pass, would rather let everything cool off.

Perhaps this is the only path forward for the nation however – one step closer to Apocalypse.

Dude, why wait for the possible apocalypse? Seal yourself up in your doomsday bunker right now and avoid the rush!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: jury nullification

It’s obviously not something judges are keen on; but when I was in the Old Bailey I had occasion to refer to this plaque a few times and recommend jurors take a look at it. It commemorates the right of juries to bring in any verdict they wish, regardless of the evidence. Obviously only works in worthy cases though (or fiddling tax returns).
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8 years ago

SFHC: I once saw on my Facebook feed an article for “Mysterious temple discovered via radar in desert” illustrated by the temple from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

8 years ago

So this asshat thinks that every gun-owning person is going to go along with his brilliant plan? Nevermind that most gun owners support things like universal background checks and banning assault weapons. You know, the same thing he’s getting so worked up about the HRC supporting?

@Victorious Parasol

I dislike waking up in a country where Congress barely tries to keep people safe from being shot, but is very eager to keep women from controlling their reproduction, and to tell transfolk where they should pee.


8 years ago

@sunnysombera : if memory serve well, the temple from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a real temple, from an obscure but not totally unknown middle eastern civilisation.

8 years ago

For those trying to understand the US gun culture, the most important thing to understand, IMO, is that it is manufactured by right wing propaganda over the last few decades. Specifically, the idea that crime is rising when it isn’t, othering/demonization of minorities and the idea that extreme liberal (that is center right) are planning to throw out the Constitution and impose a dictatorship (for everone who isn’t them). Look at the Jade Helm conspiracy BS, Dearborn Michigan etc…

The US has always romanticized guns but since the 90s it has steadily gotten worse. There are people that I’ve worked with for years that suddenly now are caught up in it and it’s no use talking to them about it. They are so steeped in this miasma that it seems natural to them.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ sunnysombrera and ohlmann

Do you mean the ‘temple’ at Petra? (There’s some debate as to whether it was a temple or just a government building)

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The civilisation(s?) responsible are pretty well understood. The place was a major trading hub so the society is a pretty eclectic mix over time with all sorts of influences.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Entirely unrelated but funny: I keep getting an ad for “20 rare historical photos declassified”… Illustrated by a Photoshop from the Russian Sleep Experiment creepypasta.

I’ve been lately getting “One Weird Food To Cure Joint Pain”, illustrated by adorable pink caecilian embryos coiled in their transparent eggs, apparently quite ready to hatch.

Possibly some stock photo library has mislabeled them as “weird fruit”. These miracle food ads typically show exotic fruits, the weirder the better, as long as you can recognize them as fruits.

8 years ago

I have been getting ads for herpes cures, illustrated by some horrible thing I can’t identify, but which is not herpes.

8 years ago

I regularly see one that talks about little known symptoms of heart attack, with an accompanying illustration of a severely ingrown toenail.

8 years ago

I suspect if I had been on the trial of the Orlando shooter tomorrow, I am not sure I would have been able to vote guilty,

This whole sentence is a hate crime on verb tenses and the English language. AC may be cis/het, but there is nothing normative about his grammar.

Verily Baroque
Verily Baroque
8 years ago


I suspect if I had been on the trial of the Orlando shooter tomorrow, I am not sure I would have been able to vote guilty,

This whole sentence is a hate crime on verb tenses and the English language.

Unless he can prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is a time traveler…

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Victorious Parasol | June 21, 2016 at 8:17 am
I dislike waking up in a country where Congress barely tries to keep people safe from being shot, but is very eager to keep women from controlling their reproduction, and to tell transfolk where they should pee.

I saw someone put it in a really interesting (and frightening) way: “It was over after Sandy Hook. The day we decided we cared more about our guns than children getting shot was the day that the gun debate in the USA was over.”

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


You say you’ve been “walking on eggshells” and “weighing every word a thousand times”, yet you failed to keep obvious ableist slurs out of your comment. You were not careful enough, then. We need to put more eggshells around you. You need the eggshells.

EDIT: That comment disappeared?

8 years ago

Well shit like expected the gun reform bill is rejected. I guess it is true, even a muslim bigot shooting up minorities wouldn’t make them change their mind.

8 years ago


Not wanting to cause offense is not the same as not causing offense. Try to care more about whether you’ve said something harmful than about whether or not people are telling you you’ve said something harmful.

Learning to communicate with respect and compassion is difficult because it’s not something that is enforced in everyday conversation. It takes effort. It takes time and practice before it becomes more natural. But just because you stop being around people who will call you out on your mistakes doesn’t mean you should stop trying.

edit: Looks like I replied to the same phantom comment as IP

8 years ago

Alan and Ohlmann: the article claimed it was a brand new discovery, so not the actual temple from the film. They just illustrated their piece wrong. 😛

8 years ago


I saw someone put it in a really interesting (and frightening) way: “It was over after Sandy Hook. The day we decided we cared more about our guns than children getting shot was the day that the gun debate in the USA was over.”

Did you see that bit in the Onion a few months before Sandy Hook?

NRA Sets 1,000 Killed In School Shooting As Amount It Would Take For Them To Reconsider Much Of Anything

Really dark, and pretty much on the nose.

8 years ago

@Eleni, if your still here. Long ass comment ahead:

We’re similar, believe it or not. I am a liberal user of many slurs. To tell you a secret, ‘b***h’ is one of my favorite words to use. I sprinkle it like a fuckin garnish over my speech. I know I shouldn’t, but I do it anyway. It’s a habit and not one I’ve done much to break. I’ve said this before repeatedly, I’m not a particularly good person. I also agree with you in personally caring more for intent than diction
How the fuck ever
I make the effort, what with the miracle of text, to refrain from that stuff whilst in this comment section. I don’t use slurs and I try to be careful about dealing with other people’s feelings
Read the room, yo. What you said didn’t “somehow” get you told off. You used a protected word (while putting “no offense” in there, implying you do realize you shouldn’t have used it). Then you said it was “weird” that others have a problem with certain words, cos you don’t care, so anyone who does care is, well, I’ll not use the word
Is that what you meant? I don’t think so. I don’t think you’re a bad person. And I did go in on you harder than necessary. But. You fucked up, you take your licks, you quit fucking up. That’s the game, trust me
I also spend a lot of time on comments. Nikki Bluth once asked for haircut advice, and it took me hours to write something I was comfortable sending. Taking the time should be something you do, cos you want it done right. If it just makes you anxious (genuine sympathies), then perhaps not commenting is best. I hope not. I meant what I said when I welcomed you (I’m pretty sure it was you). I’m happy to read your ramblings. Just be careful is all 🙂

8 years ago

God, I hate right-wing politics…

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Moggie | June 21, 2016 at 4:46 pm
Did you see that bit in the Onion a few months before Sandy Hook?

I did not, thanks for linking it!

I’m a bit put off by them for all the smoke they’re blowing up Hillary Clinton’s ass (because their owners are backing her in the election), but they are a bit like a modern day Nostradamus.

But, then again, some of this is “water is wet” territory. Like violent homophobes refusing to give up their guns for “protection”, despite the fact they don’t live in a literal fucking war zone, just the imaginary one they’ve concocted.

Bob Dole
Bob Dole
8 years ago

Nobody else said it so I will for reference: remember Heartiste’s references to rabbits vs wolves, or Forney’s? AC is the blogger who formulated the whole thing. Any reference to r/K selection among humans in the alt-right that isn’t racial probably roots back to him.

8 years ago

Can someone please explain to me why an amendment that was added to the constitution more than 200 years ago can’t be, um, amended? Isn’t that the point of amendments? That they (in part) allow laws to be altered to include changes in a society’s moral standpoint?

I’m not being facetious, I’m just not from the USA and I’ve never been able to understand her peoples’ worship of firearms.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Claire

There is obviously a procedure for amending the US constitution.

There are certain limitations, that wouldn’t apply in regard to the second amendment, but basically what would be required is first for the amendment to be proposed. That can be done either by a two thirds majority in both houses or by two thirds of the states voting for it.

Once tabled three fourths of the states must approve the amendment. That’s by equal, not proportional, representation (i.e. every state gets one vote). How each state decides how to vote would be down to their individual constitutions.

Hope that helps (I bet there’s one of those 1970s cartoons with the cool music that does the explanation better)

8 years ago

Alan gave a great explanation for the procedure. The reason why that’s not going to happen any time soon is complex.

First, many Americans see owning weapons as a basic human right because it’s one of the earlier ammendments right next to freedom of speech, illegal search and seizure, and not being forced to testify against yourself. On top of that, we’re taught that the British held an oppressive rule over us that no one wanted, and they wouldn’t let us have guns so that was added to the Constitution to prevent a similarly oppressive rule (honestly, since I only ever learned any of this in grade school and we moved on to world and current day topics in middle school and high school, I’m not sure how accurate any of that is).

Add to that our current state of politicians being bought by lobbyists and the gun lobbyists having a ton of money to throw around, and even though the majority of citizens are for some kind of regulation*, we can’t even get bills about not letting suspected terrorist buy guns to pass.

*There already is a lot of regulation, but we can’t even close loopholes that allow people to get around the background checks and waiting periods. Not even in deep blue states like mine, where even some of my lefty friends were upset that a bill was proposed that would close the gun show loophole. There’s very little rational thought here in the US when it comes to guns.

8 years ago

Getting an amendment these days would likely take the states pushing it in, instead of it going through congress/the house. There … isn’t really much democracy left in the USA Federal government right now :s. As per the Princeton study, at the federal level it’s basically a proxy oligarchy.

But the state level isn’t! State level representatives are much less bound to corporate funding, since there are so many of them and they don’t need as much money to win. So, as it always seems to go – local politics is where the real work needs to happen. They’ve bought up your federal government, but the states are still democratic! Get in there and get to know your local representatives, and make your voice heard!