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Red Pill dude: Women created thugs by having sex with thugs

Ancient cave art proves that women have always gone for macho bad boys
Ancient cave art proves that women have always gone for macho bad boys

Misogynists love it when they can figure out a way to blame a woman for the misdeeds of a man. And no woman is a more convenient scapegoat than a bad man’s mother — after all, if she’d raised him right, he wouldn’t be out there murdering and raping and robbing and whatever other terrible things he’s doing.

Recently, misogynists have discovered that the “blame the mother” strategy is almost infinitely expandble. You don’t have to stop with the bad man’s mother. You can blame the mother’s mother as well. And the mother’s mother’s mother — all the way back to the origins of our species or even before.

According to this updated “blame the mother” theory, the world is full of bad men because women love bad boys — so much so that their preferences have changed the course of human evolution. By having sex with (and getting pregnant by) sexy brutes, these women have passed “bad boy” genes onto their children.

Putting it slightly more crudely, as one Red Pill Redditor does in the title of a recent post, “thugs exist because women f*ck thugs.”

In his post, thelandofdreams takes issue with what he sees as the widespread perception that

men are the takers, the destructors, the ones greedily absorbing all of the gendered benefits and dispensing the depression and victimization of the fairer sex. Men have always benefited selfishly from the relationship between the sexes, the popular thinking goes, raping and pillaging because that is just in their nature.

Well, ok, he admits, maybe men are a bunch of jerks. But it’s not really their fault. It’s the fault of their mothers, and their grandmothers, and their great grandmothers and so on and so on and scooby dooby doo.

“[T’hese gender theorists balk the closer they get to examining the root cause of all this,” thelandofdreams sniffs.

The simple fact of the matter is that men are aggressive, assertive, violent, and fierce because for ages untold women have been f*cking the aggressive, assertive, violent and fierce among us.

Longtime readers of this blog may recall YouTube “philosopher”/cult leader/MRA/douchebag Stefan Molyneax making a similar argument – well, assertion — several years back.

Thelandofdreams, apparently convinced he’s onto something new and original, continues:

You know that thuggish, drug dealing cousin of yours who is constantly getting arrested and treats his family like sh*t? Yeah, that guy is swimming in fucking pussy, believe it or not.

Ah, the old Argumentum ad That-Guy-um!

[T]he popular zeitgeist of the day says that he became that way because men are just arbitrarily monstrous and not because, well, his older brother acted that way and had a new hot girlfriend every month. Contrary to what you might have been told, his gangster lean, tribal tattoos, and predilection for violence are a learned behavior, and women are the ones who taught it.

Thelandofdreams steps back, for a moment, from all this women-blaming to declare that “as men, we must not blame our shortcomings on others.”

And then he resumes blaming our shortcomings on others:

We can, however, at least realize that a lot of the ways we act have a deep root– a million years of biological evolution and female mate selection pushing us towards aggressive, assertive, dominate behavior because that, we have come to know in our dark hearts, is what drives women towards us.

A MILLION YEARS of evolution have made us dudes the jerks we are today. While beta provider cavemen were out hunting the mammoth, their cave wives were cave-cucking them behind their backs with the jerkboys from one cave over.

What are we, if not creatures made to reproduce? A monkey who is aggressive gathers more resources, and in doing so accrues more females.

You know what they say, women love men with lots of bananas!

Much of the history of warfare and bloodshed has this same subconscious motivation at its core.

The point is that no, women are not blameless when we count the piles of male corpses on which the modern world is built. They had a hand in it to.

They had “a hand in it to” … what?

Bad news, Red Pill dudes who love to fill the internet with ungrammatical, woman-blaming screeds: Most women looking for love online these days will reject a man outright if he can’t master basic grammar and spelling, at least according to a recent survey of 9000 singles by

The only bad boys they go for, in other words, are the ones who know the difference between “to” and “too.”

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8 years ago

Th- that’s not, uh. Not how aggression, um, works.

(If it were, an equally valid and more probable theory would be that females have aggressive children because aggressive males rape them? Like, i dunno, half of the animal kingdom does?)

((But still, that’s not how aggression works.))

@IP, that sounds awful, and so stressful :C I hope you two can keep away from that mess as much as you can.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I can’t help but think this is a rather convoluted way of saying “A girl I fancy is going out with a bloke who has a tattoo”.

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
That’s because it is. The only difference is that this is a rebranding of sorts.

8 years ago

Why is she so committed to tryna get her brother laid? People do that? Why!? Also, this dude’s grammar is unsightly. Seems a trend…


He has a tendency to ask God what he’s done to deserve my mother-in-law

What did the collective humanity do to deserve that ray of sunshine? He probably thinks he’s the real catch. Anyway, y’all be safe. Physically and otherwise, yeah?

Matthew H.
Matthew H.
8 years ago

Hello, I’ve been reading this website for some time now and I can’t get enough of it. Sadly however, David Futrelle doesn’t spend all of his free time writing articles for We Hunted the Mammoth; are there any really good websites like this one (I already read Feministing)? Please don’t give me MRA websites.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


What always cracks me up about those PUA/red pill tales is how overly simple they are. I have seen women fall for men who are assholes. That’s not even gendered. Sometimes men fall women or men who are assholes and sometimes women fall for women who are assholes too. But those people aren’t assholes all the time. They tend to be charming and manipulative. In other words, they aren’t obvious assholes. No woman thinks “he’s a douchebag. Let me get right on his dick!” In every account of an abusive relationship I’ve ever witnesses, heard or read the abuser comes off as charming, romantic, sweet and abusers love grand romantic gestures. How does this fit into the red pill explanation of relationships?

People who are good at manipulating people sometimes successfully manipulate people. Who’d have thunk it?

Men who stomp around being complete jerks to everyone all the time do not in my experience do great with women. There was a guy like that at my work. All the women there disliked him and were creeped out by him even though he wasn’t ugly by conventional standards of attractiveness.

If that woman’s brother is making romantic gestures and not getting anywhere, it’s because he’s making them at inappropriate times, he’s making them towards women who’ve shown no interest him, he’s just socially awkward etc. I doubt being a raging asshole would help him.

8 years ago

a million years of biological evolution and female mate selection pushing us towards aggressive, assertive, dominate behavior

A planet where assholes evolved from men?!

What are we, if not creatures made to reproduce?

We are DEVO!

Thelandofdreams, if you build it they will have to wash their hair that night.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@WWTH: Yeah, the “manipulation” part of this tends to fly right over the heads of TRPers.

They don’t understand that the real assholes that women “go for” are usually someone who can pretend to be nice to you until it’s “too late”, instead of just straight up being an asshole out of the gate.

As much as it pains me to say it, I do have to thank TRPers for at least being honest out the gate on this one.

8 years ago

Why is she so committed to tryna get her brother laid? People do that? Why!?

I don’t get it either. Back when I was recently widowed my coworkers decided they needed to give me dating tips constantly even though I told then repeatedly that I wasn’t ready to date yet. They saw me as broken and wanted to fix me. They couldn’t comprehend that I had chosen to remain single and they didn’t seem to consider the fact I’d been with someone for over a decade as evidence that I was capable of attracting a partner on my own if I wanted to. And their unsolicited advice was gross and sexist, every last piece of it.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Although I should say, I do think red pillers understand on some level that you do have to be at least superficially charming to get a lot of dates/sex/girlfriends. Because they do advocate plenty of manipulative tactics. They just pretend they don’t understand so that they can excuse their asshole behavior on the grounds of women just loving assholes.

8 years ago

This is why PUA and Red Pillers are often in conflict. They are both assholes but their assholery stand opposed to each other.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ ooglyboggles

Could it be as simple as:

PUA: “Women are hypergamyous sluts; so this might work”

RedPill: “That didn’t work; must be because women are hypergamyous sluts”


8 years ago

Coworkers? Like, plural? ‘kupo didn’t appreciate everyone else giving out unsolicited and unwarranted love lessons… But let me try tho.’ People care so much about others’ erotoromantic lives, but they don’t actually care about you it seems. Hope their ‘advice’ is in the past. They must get bored eventually, right?

And, at last, the manosphere has become as one

8 years ago

Yeah, I no longer work there, so it’s all in the past. I’m married now to a guy I met because I didn’t follow their advice. There were a couple of women I would walk with at lunch and who would give “advice” during those walks, and a few others who would just randomly tell me all the shit I was doing wrong (like, you know, being myself). Anyway, it was years ago but it taught me a lot about how women aren’t allowed to not conform. :/

8 years ago

@Matthew H

are there any really good websites like this one (I already read Feministing)?

I wouldn’t say there are many “just like” this site, however ‘Hail to the Gynocracy’ is pretty similar and very good. There are several links in the right-hand column on this page under ‘Creep Watching’ that lead to interesting places, ‘Hail’ among them.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

his gangster lean, tribal tattoos, and predilection for violence are a learned behavior,

Wait, I thought being a cartoonish racist dogwhistle was genetically selected for over thousands of generations. Now he’s saying it’s a learned behavior? Which is it?

One thing about assholes (Red Pill parlance for “anyone who has sex and makes me feel inadequate”) is that many of them are situational assholes. The jock who shoved them into the locker in 10th grade may have been a perfect sweetheart towards his girlfriend. The executive Chad who spends his days making his subordinates feel small and inferior might go home and be all sweetness and light to his family, because they’re his refuge from the competitive business world. Of course, there are abusive assholes who are abusive to everybody, but it isn’t true that just because a guy is an asshole to a RedPiller, it necessarily follows that he’s rough and dominant towards the women in his life and that women are therefore attracted to that.

It could be that RedPillers, with their terrible shitlord dumpster fire personalities, bring out the urge to administer verbal swirlies in every otherwise decent human being who crosses their path. Or it could be that RedPillers just hate people. They’re always quick to brand any man who’s successful with women an asshole, and quick to assume that he must be successful with women because he’s following the RP handbook of dread game, negging, and emotional abuse. They can’t admit that there are other, more effective reproductive strategies that involve treating women well.

You could flip that argument on its head and say “nice, quiet, shy, book-loving men exist, so therefore women have bred with them and are attracted to them”. It’s not like thugs have been so successful at breeding that they’ve displaced all other personality types. The sort of caddish alphas that RPers aspire to be aren’t noted for their stellar parenting skills, and that’s at least as important in ensuring genes get passed on to the next generation.

8 years ago

Don’t the facts point towards a decrease in testosterone since the species appeared? So the evil women didn’t select for the big mean guys! Oooh no!

8 years ago

The Red Piller, shorter: This bad stuff happening to me? It’s not my fault! It’s hers! Plus women all the way back. I’m helpless!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!

And when things go the Red Piller’s way: This good stuff is all my doing! Mine, mine, mine! I am incredibly powerful!!!!! You must worship me!!!!!

I understand that empathy, by giving a person a window into other people’s lives, makes an individual more intelligent. When all you can see is yourself, you’re not too smart.

Rx: Novels. Lots of them. Yes, bad news for any Red Piller reading this — if you start reading novels, you’ll develop more empathy. Pretty soon, you’ll start feeling for the other person and examining yourself. Oh noze! If you’re devoted to TRP, stay away from novels. And bookstores. And libraries.

8 years ago

Red Pillocks really can’t seem to grasp how almost every personality has a match in their preferred gender. There are assholes and there are people who fall for them, in my personal experience I’ve known one guy who fell in more than once for women who treated him terribly and 2 women who had a serial case of dating the same type of men they had just sworn off each time they broke up with one.

I think that our society’s normalisation of certain abusive behaviours and protrayal of negative traits in men making them “anti-heroes” and “tortured souls” cause more women than men to put up with bad relationships.

Red Pillocks really really want to be the pieces of shit who attract the limited pool of women who would still hit that for a while before they wake up to what’s happening. They want a woman who they can abuse without feeling like they’re bad people.

But they are eternally frustrated by the fact that they are not getting these women. The human garbage, the shitty exes and abusive husbands they aspire to be don’t need obsessive analysis and RP tactics. And the amount of women who are susceptible to this kind of bastardry is very small in comparison to how many self-styled bad boys there are. They will always be lacking in the “alphaness” the more successful abusers have that attracts this sort of woman, but this is seemingly the only type of woman they are attracted to.

This makes me think “the wall” as an age thing is less looks and more “being old enough to smell this bullshit before it starts” and their hatred for feminism “ruining” women is feminism alerting women that they shouldn’t put up with their dumb bullshit.

(don’t know if this made any sense I’m tired)

8 years ago

Poor dears. They try so hard to make up reasons why everyone should mourn their lack of sexual partners as the greatest tragedy known to Earth. All they end up doing is demonstrating how right women are to avoid them like the clap.

He’s excusing and encouraging violence toward women as A. Necessary to save humanity, B. Entirely women’s own fault and C. What we “really” want anyway. Every one of these “women making decisions (especially about who to and not to fuck) must be stopped!” rants are calls for increased violence toward and oppression of women.

Who is going to believe the man writing that is a decent sort of fellow, rejected only because he is so civilized and rational?

Another own goal.

8 years ago

men are the takers, the destructors, the ones greedily absorbing all of the gendered benefits and dispensing the depression and victimization of the fairer sex.

Who needs all those tired words with their boring meanings and spellings and stuff? I am Man, destructor and dispenser of depression!!

The guy that throwaway quoted:

as neither I nor the other guy at the table are not short on female company.

He’s really not sure about this, is he?

@IP – I don’t have any helpful advice (I have the luxury of being cut off from most of our difficult relatives) but I hope you and yours are able to manage this. If it were me, I just wouldn’t go, but I know it’s not always that simple :(.

8 years ago

I can put even odds on her thinking “I’m never having lunch with this asshole again.”

Soooo many Red Pill stories go, “Someone in my family* was discussing normal relationship stuff when I cut in with some misogynistic crap I saw on Reddit, and they stared at me in confusion/pity and changed the subject. DEBATE: WON!”

*They have no friends.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Off topic, but I was thinking about getting a tattoo of one of the Matisse Jazz Icarus cut outs.

This one

Not the blue background, because that would just be too much. Even the figure would involve quite a bit of ink. I was thinking just the figure on the base of my neck/upper back area.

I like it because on the one hand, the myth of Icarus is about someone flying too close the sun and falling, but yet Matisse felt liberated doing the cut outs in Jazz rather than the more cumbersome and involved paintings and sculptures he did while more healthy. So this plate to me represents both the risks and rewards of freedom, plus it’s aesthetically pleasing for me. Any thoughts, opinions?

8 years ago

At some point there was Thug Zero, ancestor of all Thugs.

Who was himself the child of a mother who had sex with a time-travelling Thug descendant from the future.

And then the elves came from the Red Planet, and there was much defecation!

8 years ago

The only bad boys they go for, in other words, are the ones who know the difference between “to” and “too.”

I’m glad I’m not alone in wanting basic writing/speaking abilities in a partner. Since most of these dudes can’t seem to string together two coherent sentences, this may be part of why they are rejected.

For example, the poor language in this guy’s drivel is distracting me from the repulsiveness of his ideas (this happens often with MRA internet rants for me). Aggressive and assertive are NOT the same thing. Dominate is a verb, not an adjective. I think he meant dominating? He throws all three together like they are pretty much the same. Lots of women (and people in general) admire an assertive person but avoid an aggressive one. Is it so hard to learn what words mean? Maybe it is if you can’t spare any time to improve your vocabulary because you are too busy spreading hateful nonsense on the internet?