Misogynists love it when they can figure out a way to blame a woman for the misdeeds of a man. And no woman is a more convenient scapegoat than a bad man’s mother — after all, if she’d raised him right, he wouldn’t be out there murdering and raping and robbing and whatever other terrible things he’s doing.
Recently, misogynists have discovered that the “blame the mother” strategy is almost infinitely expandble. You don’t have to stop with the bad man’s mother. You can blame the mother’s mother as well. And the mother’s mother’s mother — all the way back to the origins of our species or even before.
According to this updated “blame the mother” theory, the world is full of bad men because women love bad boys — so much so that their preferences have changed the course of human evolution. By having sex with (and getting pregnant by) sexy brutes, these women have passed “bad boy” genes onto their children.
Putting it slightly more crudely, as one Red Pill Redditor does in the title of a recent post, “thugs exist because women f*ck thugs.”
In his post, thelandofdreams takes issue with what he sees as the widespread perception that
men are the takers, the destructors, the ones greedily absorbing all of the gendered benefits and dispensing the depression and victimization of the fairer sex. Men have always benefited selfishly from the relationship between the sexes, the popular thinking goes, raping and pillaging because that is just in their nature.
Well, ok, he admits, maybe men are a bunch of jerks. But it’s not really their fault. It’s the fault of their mothers, and their grandmothers, and their great grandmothers and so on and so on and scooby dooby doo.
“[T’hese gender theorists balk the closer they get to examining the root cause of all this,” thelandofdreams sniffs.
The simple fact of the matter is that men are aggressive, assertive, violent, and fierce because for ages untold women have been f*cking the aggressive, assertive, violent and fierce among us.
Longtime readers of this blog may recall YouTube “philosopher”/cult leader/MRA/douchebag Stefan Molyneax making a similar argument – well, assertion — several years back.
Thelandofdreams, apparently convinced he’s onto something new and original, continues:
You know that thuggish, drug dealing cousin of yours who is constantly getting arrested and treats his family like sh*t? Yeah, that guy is swimming in fucking pussy, believe it or not.
Ah, the old Argumentum ad That-Guy-um!
[T]he popular zeitgeist of the day says that he became that way because men are just arbitrarily monstrous and not because, well, his older brother acted that way and had a new hot girlfriend every month. Contrary to what you might have been told, his gangster lean, tribal tattoos, and predilection for violence are a learned behavior, and women are the ones who taught it.
Thelandofdreams steps back, for a moment, from all this women-blaming to declare that “as men, we must not blame our shortcomings on others.”
And then he resumes blaming our shortcomings on others:
We can, however, at least realize that a lot of the ways we act have a deep root– a million years of biological evolution and female mate selection pushing us towards aggressive, assertive, dominate behavior because that, we have come to know in our dark hearts, is what drives women towards us.
A MILLION YEARS of evolution have made us dudes the jerks we are today. While beta provider cavemen were out hunting the mammoth, their cave wives were cave-cucking them behind their backs with the jerkboys from one cave over.
What are we, if not creatures made to reproduce? A monkey who is aggressive gathers more resources, and in doing so accrues more females.
You know what they say, women love men with lots of bananas!
Much of the history of warfare and bloodshed has this same subconscious motivation at its core.
The point is that no, women are not blameless when we count the piles of male corpses on which the modern world is built. They had a hand in it to.
They had “a hand in it to” … what?
Bad news, Red Pill dudes who love to fill the internet with ungrammatical, woman-blaming screeds: Most women looking for love online these days will reject a man outright if he can’t master basic grammar and spelling, at least according to a recent survey of 9000 singles by Match.com.
The only bad boys they go for, in other words, are the ones who know the difference between “to” and “too.”
I misread your comment on first pass @SFHC, and thought you were suggesting the most expensive vajazzl’ing in the universe D:
Well, I don’t know about anyone else’s vagina…
I couldn’t tell what Ash was saying so I peeked at her blog. It was kind of a hoot. There’s a checklist for how to tell if you’re independent that involves never letting a man pay said in several different ways. Which would be fine, I guess although I don’t see the problem with accepting a meal (nor with being the one to treat) sometimes. My favorite part was the last one. Apparently you are not independent if you make the first move because it means you’re not a catch. It’s probably not an MRA blog but it has those same unrealistic demand made on women to be both traditionally feminine, but also stoic and independent. Whichever suits the man at any given time.
Not that it matters. I was just stuck on the bus and had nothing better to do.
That was my impression too.
Considering that Infinity Gauntlet is about a dude not taking a woman’s ‘no’ for an answer (even inventing another girlfriend to make her jealous), that seems just the thing Thanos would do
‘One of these days, we’ll have Vajgloves and we won’t need any of you feeemale skeleton things! Eternals Going Their Own Way! No, wait! I don’t actually mean it! Pay attention to meee!’
Edit: fucking keyboard hates this website’s textboxes sumfin fierce
@ IP
Just been listening to an interview with some chap from the German government. He was saying that if we Brexit then the UK “will have to be made an example of” to send a message to Denmark (and the Netherlands).
Is there any particular appetite for leaving the EU over your way? I thought you were all pretty committed.
Oh, it’s definitely an MRA blog. Check out her linked Twitter.
The Honey Badgers! The Amazing Atheist! Bernard Chapin! Juicebro! It’s a veritable who’s who of misogynists and neo-Nazis in there, all capped off with this sparkling gem of brilliant-cut projection:
Minor resistance exists among parties with any form or influence. The left wing Vänsterpartiet (my party, although I don’t necessarily agree with them 100% of the time) wants to leave the EU in a longer perspective, and the far right Sweden Democrats want to (vaguely) limit EU:s influence.
That leaves approximately 81.6% of parliament in support of the EU, i.e. there’s no significant push to leave.
Good job. I didn’t think to check the links. You’re a gem.
@ IP
Cheers for the info. Yeah that’s what I thought; wonder what the chap was on about. Unless even 19% non enthusiasm is unacceptable!
Oh my.
Actually, if you look at that from an MRA perspective it’s not really hypocritical. They only look at white cishet middle and upper class men as people. This nifty trick allows them to claim to be against hating someone while still hating all those people they hate. I really think this is why so many right wingers claim to oppose bigotry with a straight face.
Maybe if you equate ‘bad boy’ with status, alpha-status or whatever. Someone who has a cold, unsentimental, selfish attitude, but with enough sense not to break society’s laws and social norms could in some circumstances be a better provider. And maybe in hunter-gatherer societies they were, (but it’s still debatable when considering how important co-operation would have been, particularly in small groups). There are plenty of women in with this sort of person, but since they’re usually in the early/mid-twenties, I chalk it up to a lack of maturity or low self-esteem and frankly wouldn’t envy anyone in that sort of relationship anyway.
The cliche example here though… not a good provider on any level. Sounds like they’re just angry that other scumbags are still managing to get some attention.
Warning for child abuse/murder
This case has really got to me. Some lawyer friends and I had been following the case. We’d been commenting on the main defendant’s behaviour and how he couldn’t look more guilty if he tried (it’s that combination of oblivious assholery as discussed above).
But it’s the photos of the poor girl in this article contrasted to what she had to go through. The one thing guaranteed to make me see red is cruelty to people who just can’t understand why the abuser is doing it. The poor girl probably constantly wondered ‘what have I done wrong?’ and she never had anyone to tell her ‘nothing. none of this is your fault.’
Just going through the judge’s sentencing remarks in that case. This seems horribly familiar:
No, in those societies people like that tend to have unfortunate hunting accidents. Getting ahead via being a selfish, conscienceless schemer is principally a pathology of city-dwellers, or at least members of a city-building society. Small-group societies, including hunter-gatherers, many pastoralists, and a significant number of small-scale farming societies, simply haven’t got the slack for that kind of thing to really take off; there’s not enough resources to really hoard, it’s hard to get away with being a bullshit artist because everyone knows everyone and knows who’s honest and who’s not, and has probably already heard about everything that’s happened from someone else.
One of the chronic problems that evopsych has is ignoring the plasticity of human personality and behaviour and the effects that culture has on behaviour; living in a dense urban population both allows and requires different habits of thought to living in a small community where everyone has known everyone else for as long as they’ve been alive.