alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies memes trump

Memeday: If Donald Trump offers you a free helicopter ride, say no

As you'll see, the real Trump Helicopter Ride memes get a lot uglier than this
As you’ll see, the real Trump Helicopter Ride memes get a lot uglier than this

So I made a little mistake in my post yesterday. After quoting one Trump fan’s tweet celebrating the murder of British Labour MP Jo Cox, I noted that the same Trump fan had also suggested that a writer for Vox be treated to a “TRUMP HELICOPTER RIDE.”

I took this to be a reference to a famous scene in the film Scarface in which a man is thrown to his death from a helicopter. But, as several commenters informed me, it was far more likely to have been a reference to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s practice of murdering people by throwing them from helicopters into the ocean.

Indeed, as I discovered when I looked into it further, “Pinochet helicopter rides” have become a popular meme amongst Alt Right Anime Nazis and their fellow travelers on the far right; the notion of murdering leftists by tossing them from helicopters is apparently irresistably hilarious to this particular demographic.

Since most of those in this lovely demographic also adore Donald Trump, the Pinochet Helicopter Ride meme has morphed easily into the Trump Helicopter ride meme. (It probably didn’t hurt that early in his campaign Trump actually did give helicopter rides to children at the Iowa State Fair; hopefully all of the children were returned to their parents intact.)

So for today’s Memeday, let’s take a look at the Pinochet Helicopter Ride meme as it has transformed into the Trump Helicopter Ride Meme. (Each meme links to the site where I found it.)

Let’s start with Pure Pinochet:


And now we see the meme mutating towards Trump. Yep, that’s Bernie Sanders getting tossed to his death.


Then Pinochet becomes Trump, with Bernie still in the role of victim — presumably because of the clashes between Trump fans and protesters, whom Trump fans assumed were all Bernie supporters. And possibly because he’s Jewish.




Here cartoon versions of a couple of Trump protesters — I’ve crossed out their faces, because they never asked to become memes — get tossed to their cartoon deaths by a Trump-loving Pusheen the Cat.


With Hillary Clinton now the presumptive Democratic nominee, she’s replaced Bernie as the favorite victim.


One inventive soul even made a little video — making use of the scene from Scarface I thought was the inspiration for this meme. Since it won’t embed, you’ll have to go here to see it.

Trump’s humiliating defeat in the general election really can’t come too soon.

In the meantime, here’s a somewhat less repugnant Trump meme.

giphy (16)

Ok, it’s still a bit repugnant. But at least it doesn’t involve graphic fantasies of murder.

More Trump memes to come.


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8 years ago

One of the Caps is still cool. And he’s the one with the wings!

8 years ago

@Axecalibur, Varalys:

comment image

They try to ruin anime for the rest of us, now they co-opt Pusheen? They deserve neither!

8 years ago

Off-topic, but I just learned that Roosh published a new book, Free Speech Isn’t Free, and I don’t know if that’s been mentioned here before. Apparently this book claims how Roosh needed bodyguards in Toronto, he has his own spy network, he has people infiltrating social justice groups to inform him of their secrets (because reading blogs is so cloak and dagger!), and generally whining about how oppressed he is. It’s also full of ridiculous conspiracy theories on how LGBTQ pride and birth control are nefarious and counter-intuitive depopulation plots. Sounds like a real winner here.

8 years ago


What Roosh doesn’t know about freedom could fill quite a few books.

8 years ago

I’m sure that’s important but here is the REAL injustice:

“Once you witness [discrimination] first hand, it’s a totally different experience,” the teenager said. “I was in a state of shock.”

Now I’m hungry.

8 years ago

June 17, 2016 at 10:20 pm
I’m sure that’s important but here is the REAL injustice:

The satire writes itself, really.

June 17, 2016 at 9:56 pm

What Roosh doesn’t know about freedom could fill quite a few books.


I also just discovered that there’s a TV Tropes page for Karen Straughan. I shouldn’t be surprised given the libertarian presense on TV Tropes but it still took my appetite away. The “awesome moments” page is particularly puke-inducing.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


That was beautiful. It brought a wee tear to my eye. *snif*

8 years ago

Admirers of Pinochet feel very, very weak inside; adulation of a dictator is compensation for that inner frailty.

I notice that Pinochet fans don’t draw any cartoons about the following:

Wikipedia, “Pinochet”

Pinochet was arrested under an international arrest warrant on a visit to London on 10 October 1998 in connection with numerous human rights violations. Following a legal battle he was released on grounds of ill-health, and returned to Chile in March 2000. In 2004, Chilean Judge Juan Guzmán Tapia ruled that Pinochet was medically fit to stand trial and placed him under house arrest. By the time of his death on 10 December 2006, about 300 criminal charges were still pending against him in Chile for numerous human rights violations during his 17-year rule, and tax evasion and embezzlement during and after his rule; he was accused of having corruptly amassed at least US$28 million.

No, Pinochet fans aren’t interested in the old man hounded by the law as he lay dying. They need to see a strongman throwing everyday people out of helicopters in order to boost their own feeble egos.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

Pusheen’s helicopter is part of the sticker set supporting the World Food Programme, so that makes this use of the image even more insulting and disgusting.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Why am I not surprised these crazies idolise General Pinochet?!
I don’t know if Trump himself, whatever he thinks, would want to be associated with a despot such as he, it didn’t do Maggie Thatcher any good. Or does Trump just sit back, watch all the fascist memes and think all publicity is good publicity?!

8 years ago

The last one also ISN’T FUNNY.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

these crazies

Please stop

8 years ago

Wow, I knew you people were paranoid but this takes the cake. These comments make me want to weep for humanity… its like listening to preschool children debate quantum physics. Really now, if you cant by this point realise what a ride the left is you absolutely deserve the consequences it will bring you. Only left winger bufoons would place a known liar, international criminal and psychopath in charge of their country because of their programmed modern fear of masculinity. The sharticles like this one pop up and you follow it like mindless gnats. It must be so much effort to actually investigate the things you believe mustnt it? Attack Trump but pretend Hillary is some kind of force for righteousness. HILLARY IS THE WORST POSSIBLE OUTCOME. go and do some fact checking and pull your rooted heads from out of your dark, cavernous arseholes.

You dont realise how better off the world would be without your low-iq descisions fucking it up for everyone. I HOPE the helicopter rides do begin soon, as there are only too many befitting of the opportunit.

8 years ago

Wow, I knew you people were paranoid but this takes the cake. These comments make me want to weep for humanity… its like listening to preschool children debate quantum physics. Really now, if you cant by this point realise what a ride the left is you absolutely deserve the consequences it will bring you. Only left winger bufoons would place a known liar, international criminal and psychopath in charge of their country because of their programmed modern fear of masculinity. The sharticles like this one pop up and you follow it like mindless gnats. It must be so much effort to actually investigate the things you believe mustnt it?
You will attack Trump but pretend Hillary is some kind of force for righteousness. HILLARY IS THE WORST POSSIBLE OUTCOME. go and do some fact checking and pull your rooted heads from out of your dark, cavernous buttholes.
Why dont you talk about the CFR? About Libya? About the girls who were sexually assaulted by Bill and then threatened by Hillary when she knew he was guilty. Your belief system if a farce. Your champions will cut your own throat to get their way
Might as well wake up and smell the bs you thought was coffe because thats what you were told in your hazy awareness of reality.

You dont realise how better off the world would be without your low-iq descisions fucking it up for everyone. I HOPE the helicopter rides do begin soon, as there are only too many befitting of the opportunity to get one. Living in a dream world of forced so called equality will always make it easy to take advantage.

8 years ago

Because Virgin Mary, most things dont warrant a response because theyre stupid. Trump is not a trigger fairy like the rest of you who feel that every action you witness requires your participation. But go on, keep turning mole hills into mountains. That sure will keep the spotlight off Hillary and her foul, underhanded history. Then you can all pretend youre doing the right thing haha.

Pinochet's Pilot
Pinochet's Pilot
8 years ago

“Trump’s humiliating defeat in the general election really can’t come too soon.”

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

That’s a really classy name. I also like like that Reason & Fact up there went on and on about evil Hillary Clinton is and then concluding his post by wishing death on people.

8 years ago

I am glad that this thread was revived because now I get to imagine how cool it would be if a bunch of pre-schoolers were debating quantum physics. Tip to reaaon&fact: it is not insulting to be compared to something super awesome.

8 years ago

That was pretty classy, wasn’t it? It also looks like the tequila really started to kick in with Reason & Fact around the 2nd post…

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

In my defense, Trump DID lose the popular vote.

I know I’m sounding like a broken record at this point but Donald Dump isn’t in the White House yet, and the electoral college could pull their collective heads out of their sphincters and elect Clinton.

Jus’ sayin’.

8 years ago

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
No please, continue to hammer this point, it’s one of few vestiges of hope I can cling onto.

If nazis, russian red scare & the destruction of environments and those who depend on those environments doesn’t make them think “maybe we should instead vote to in Hillary instead of doing a repeat of Bush”, nothing will. I want to believe so badly that in the wake of blatant fascism, their consciences will make them, or at least enough of them, to vote in Hillary.

Then we can all breath a sigh of relief of just barely dodging that bullet. Please gods of alll religions and people of the world, can you please just let me have this?

Austin Mann
Austin Mann
8 years ago

Whoever wrote this article is guaranteed protesting the electoral college right now hahahaha

7 years ago

how about that humiliating defeat in the general eh? you should throw this blog from a helicopter lmao #MAGA