alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies memes trump

Memeday: If Donald Trump offers you a free helicopter ride, say no

As you'll see, the real Trump Helicopter Ride memes get a lot uglier than this
As you’ll see, the real Trump Helicopter Ride memes get a lot uglier than this

So I made a little mistake in my post yesterday. After quoting one Trump fan’s tweet celebrating the murder of British Labour MP Jo Cox, I noted that the same Trump fan had also suggested that a writer for Vox be treated to a “TRUMP HELICOPTER RIDE.”

I took this to be a reference to a famous scene in the film Scarface in which a man is thrown to his death from a helicopter. But, as several commenters informed me, it was far more likely to have been a reference to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s practice of murdering people by throwing them from helicopters into the ocean.

Indeed, as I discovered when I looked into it further, “Pinochet helicopter rides” have become a popular meme amongst Alt Right Anime Nazis and their fellow travelers on the far right; the notion of murdering leftists by tossing them from helicopters is apparently irresistably hilarious to this particular demographic.

Since most of those in this lovely demographic also adore Donald Trump, the Pinochet Helicopter Ride meme has morphed easily into the Trump Helicopter ride meme. (It probably didn’t hurt that early in his campaign Trump actually did give helicopter rides to children at the Iowa State Fair; hopefully all of the children were returned to their parents intact.)

So for today’s Memeday, let’s take a look at the Pinochet Helicopter Ride meme as it has transformed into the Trump Helicopter Ride Meme. (Each meme links to the site where I found it.)

Let’s start with Pure Pinochet:


And now we see the meme mutating towards Trump. Yep, that’s Bernie Sanders getting tossed to his death.


Then Pinochet becomes Trump, with Bernie still in the role of victim — presumably because of the clashes between Trump fans and protesters, whom Trump fans assumed were all Bernie supporters. And possibly because he’s Jewish.




Here cartoon versions of a couple of Trump protesters — I’ve crossed out their faces, because they never asked to become memes — get tossed to their cartoon deaths by a Trump-loving Pusheen the Cat.


With Hillary Clinton now the presumptive Democratic nominee, she’s replaced Bernie as the favorite victim.


One inventive soul even made a little video — making use of the scene from Scarface I thought was the inspiration for this meme. Since it won’t embed, you’ll have to go here to see it.

Trump’s humiliating defeat in the general election really can’t come too soon.

In the meantime, here’s a somewhat less repugnant Trump meme.

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Ok, it’s still a bit repugnant. But at least it doesn’t involve graphic fantasies of murder.

More Trump memes to come.


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8 years ago

Every meme about Mump should be saved and rubbed in his supporters’ faces when he loses.

8 years ago

Christ does that last one look like a 3d game on the original DS

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

If I want a free helicopter ride I’ll hide in a pilot’s bumper. Like that kitten.

8 years ago

So, wait. They think Trump is the good guy in these memes?

I don’t have enough gasts to flabber.

8 years ago

I think that there needs to be some anti-Trump editions of the “…not today…but soon” meme…
8 years ago

They think the man who got bored of talking to his donors on the phone is going to be president?


8 years ago

And yet other Trump supporters get super offended when you say their movement is ideologically fascist.

It’s a terrifying time for the United States.

reggie, the neighbour's cat
reggie, the neighbour's cat
8 years ago

I genuinely worry what will happen after the election. I sincerely hope Trump doesn’t win, but either way I almost expect at least one of his more hateful supporters to do something awful. Jo Cox’s murder which does seem to be motivated by far-right racism is a terrible reminder of what people are willing to do to serve their ideology.

8 years ago

Yes, Trump losing isn’t the end of the story. He’s shown that a Hitler-lite has a chance of ending up in the White House. What happens if, next time, the candidate is a competent demagogue?

They think the man who got bored of talking to his donors on the phone is going to be president?

Good grief, he’s more of a quitter than Palin!

8 years ago

When I hear about the Alt-Right Anime Nazis, I have to consciously remind myself that they’re intentionally trying to shock and offend. That makes it a little better.

Then I end up reminding myself that they still actually believe this stuff, too. That makes it a little worse again.

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

Yeah the folks at The Right Stuff use the helicopter meme a lot, and it might have originated there. At one point they even sold t-shirts of it.

8 years ago

Hey Drumpfites, guess what?

Yeah. You’re the bad guys.

8 years ago

this seems like an appropriate time and place to share this delightful little video:

8 years ago



8 years ago


Global destruction has never looked so cheerful!

8 years ago

… Fuck these people. And Trump. Swear they are solely responsible for the amount of RATM, SoaD and Anti-Flag I’ve been listening to lately.

8 years ago

I’m actually pretty relieved this isn’t as bad as I thought it could be. That relief is fucking terrifying
At least they have their hideous priorities straight: only turn on the gentile woman after the commie Jew is outta the race. *Blergh*
And quit using Pusheen for your bigotry and murder fantasies! She’s too cuddly and wonderful for that!
comment image

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Just as anime had gained some measure of respectability these chucklefucks have set it back to where it was in the early 90’s where people thought it was all demon rape and lolicon. And hands off Pusheen! What next? Hello Kitty?!

Alex Stallwitz
Alex Stallwitz
8 years ago

It’s rather disturbing that the Alt Right seems to think if Trump is elected. They can do what they want and hurt or kill who they want. How many memes have we seen where they show Trump murdering someone they don’t like and how many memes have they destroyed or ruined. It shows how sick they are

Johanna M Roberts
Johanna M Roberts
8 years ago

This is really, really disturbing. And that they see themselves as the good guys in this…

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

I’m reminded of a scene in Batman: Arkham City.

Joker tough talks about kicking Batman’s ass, so you the player have to fight him. Then Batman hands Joker’s ass to him in under ten seconds. So Joker has to bring in fifty more guys to even the fight.

That’s these clowns posting these memes. Except instead of fifty guys to even the fight, these idiots plaster fascist memes all over an invention that was created by a woman during the cold war. In fact they’re sitting there enjoying an invention created and nurtured by the women, the people they hate so much.

And I bet it drives them out of their little skulls,

If anyone of them stepped out of their bubble for a second, they’d have their ass handed to them in ten seconds flat, on a good day.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago

These crusty assholes think that they’re going to be exempt from one-way helicopter rides.

Really, jackass? Really?

It isn’t only People You Don’t Like that’ll be subject to the fulfillment of your little wank fantasies. You step out of line, you talk too much, you show too much ambition, you show too little ambition, your Great Leader or one of his flunkies has a bad prostate day and wants to take it out on someone, you could be next proving gravity works.

Then again, thinking things through was never the strong suit of these jokers.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Dan Kasteray: This is going to be an odd experience for me, but I’m actually going to defend the Joker here.

The Joker wouldn’t have anything to do with these chucklefucks for one simple reason: He hates Nazis.

(This means that THE FUCKING JOKER, the worst villain in Gotham City, the villain that beats his girlfriend, the villain that murders people just for the fucking lulz, can now claim moral high ground over CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA.)

8 years ago

@Banananana dakry

“In a real fourth Reich you’ll be the first to go!”
8 years ago

Devil’s Advocate time: the Joker knew perfectly well that Red Skull was a Nazi, that was simply the most comedically appropriate time/the most disruptive time to call him out on it.

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