
Far Right, Trump fans celebrate murder of UK Labour MP Jo Cox

Jo Cox, RIP
Jo Cox, RIP

Earlier today, British politician Jo Cox — a Labour party member of Parliament — was brutally murdered during a meeting with constituents.

While many have been quick to dismiss the horrific attack as the work of a deranged loner, it’s hard not to suspect a political motive: Cox fought against bigotry and was a staunch opponent of Britain leaving the European Union; the man arrested for the crime had connections to a far-right group that defended South Africa’s apartheid government and that has campaigned hard in favor of what’s known as Brexit.

While we still don’t know for sure what the killer’s motives are, that hasn’t stopped some of the most fervent supporters of Brexit are celebrating Cox’s death.

While many of the internet’s most terrible people have been leaning hard on the utterly unsubstantiated notion that the murder was a “false flag” by leftists opposed to #Brexit, others haven’t even bother to pretend that they felt bad about Jo Cox’s violent death.

Naturally, this response hs been most pronounced amongst those on the far right. In the US, that means some of the same people who have been trying their best to whip up anti-Muslim anger in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

It will be no shock to readers of this blog to discover that some of these repugnant alleged humans are also big fans of one Donald J. Trump. Tommy Grooves, a self-described “constitutionalist, Patriot, Libertarian, AltRight, Defender of LIBERTY” actually appended a #Trump2016 hashtag to this horrendous tweet:

In the tweet immediately preceding that one, for what it’s worth, he suggested that a writer for Vox needed to be taken on a “TRUMP HELICOPTER RIDE,” presumably a reference to Chilean dictator’s Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s practice of murdering people by throwing them from helicopters into the ocean. (See CORRECTION note below.)

#WhiteResistance, a frequent sharer of Trump’s tweets, as well as those of right-wing internet celebrities like Lauren Southern and Vox Day, had a similar reaction:


(These tweets were removed while I was writing this post, hence the screenshots.)

And there were many others — not all of them Trump fans, but most of them from the far right.

Over on the rabidly pro-Trump internet Nazi tabloid The Daily Stormer, editor Andrew Anglin and most of his followers seem to be leaning towards the “false flag” theory. Other commenters had a rather different take:

twohanded1488 5h I'm so fucking happy about this! Real resistance! 4 Likes

WhiteRevolution 7h He seems very sane to me he just did what nobody else would. 1 Reply11 Likes

Benben 5h Oh well the traitress is burning in hell (of her own conscience) right now and I'm glad for the suffering of her traitour husband and spawn who were pictured on a boat opposing Brexit - aka British freedom liberty and sovreignty- just a day before she faced the inevitable consequences of her actions - treachery is the worst crime of all.... 5 Likes

tkidcharlemagne 3h Lolz. She's everything we hate. You all knew she would be. Bye bye honey.


spro23 1h This man is a hero, like the guy in Sweden with the sword.

While some celebrated today’s murder, one fellow predicted future murders — some of them possibly carried out by him.

Mighty_White 2h If this postpones or cancels the referendum poll, the day of the rope is well and truly upon them. I've been practising my knots.Yet more reminders of how ugly politics have gotten in this misbegotten Year of Trump.

EDIT: Added link to Daily Stormer discussion (archived) and additional comment from there.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post suggested that the reference to “Trump helicopter rides” was an allusion to a famous scene in Scarface in which a man is murdered by throwing him from a helicopter; it’s far more likely that it was a reference to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s practice of murdering people by throwing them from helicopters into the ocean.

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8 years ago

Sad fact is, most of those fk’ers had never heard of her before, they just reflexively hated her on sight.

8 years ago

Naturally, this response hs been most pronounced amongst those on the far right. In the US, that means some of the same people who have been trying their best to whip up anti-Muslim anger in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

sadly, their “best” didn’t need to even be very good.

I’ve lost friends over the reaction to this already.. as their fear drove them to start siding with the idea that all Muslims should be put on “Lists” and somehow have their freedoms restricted.

…this attitude has become all too pervasive in the US; even with people that I would have thought knew better.

The older generation should have parents (or themselves) that recall what the US did to Japanese American citizens during WWII. The younger generation I thought would have been taught by them why that was a bad idea.

I guess authoritarianism Trumps experience and education.

8 years ago

Our domestic terrorists are at it again.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Another disgusting thing people on the right are doing is gleefully crowing about how this is supposedly some sort of checkmate to pro gun control people. As if any of us ever actually claimed that gun control would bring gun homicides all the way down to zero.

8 years ago

My usually reliable techniques of repression & sublimation – you know, in order to get through the day’s work – have utterly failed me in the last week.
I haz nothing, except:

1. alt-righters cited above – just fuck off. Pushing boundaries is a normal part of growing up – for kids, that is. You want everyone to tut tut and shake their heads and exclaim how awful you are, so you can feel real edgy. You’re just looking more and more stupid and pathetic.

2. everyone here, take good care of yourselves inside and out xxx
Have a meditative kitten:

comment image

8 years ago

I am so incredibly tired of these people, and I can’t even respond accurately to any of the nonsense that they have to say. I wish there was a way to get these creeps off the planet so the rest of us can work toward unlearning a lot of rubbish (because of people like them) so that we can build a better existence.

The older generation should have parents (or themselves) that recall what the US did to Japanese American citizens during WWII. The younger generation I thought would have been taught by them why that was a bad idea.

It’s hard to teach that when you actively block it out. They rarely mention it in US history classes (focusing only on what Germany did to the Jewish people, forgetting it wasn’t just Germany); I can safely say that I was well into university before I ever heard it mentioned in formal education, and that was only in passing. We don’t teach these things when we do them; we only teach them if The Others do, to show why we’re “better.” It’s infuriating. (I’ve been told to tone down my own history/social science classes because of my persistent inclusion of these facts, tbh.)

Johanna M Roberts
Johanna M Roberts
8 years ago

Why am I not surprised? =__=

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I’m quite glad that none of the mainstream parties over here have sought to make any political capital out of this horrible act. In fact all political campaigning has been voluntarily suspended for the time being. The only public comments from politicians on all sides have been tributes and expressions of sympathy.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago


I’ve lost friends over the reaction to this already.. as their fear drove them to start siding with the idea that all Muslims should be put on “Lists” and somehow have their freedoms restricted.

Sorry that you’re losing friends, but I feel compelled to say “good riddance.”

Sometimes it’s tough discovering people’s true inner nature. But you’re much better off knowing what those folks are really all about when push comes to shove.

8 years ago

I’m more than a little chilled by the people expressing the sentiment that her death was deserved or is to be celebrated because of her political stance. I mean, seriously, they actually believe voicing opinions contrary to their own and campaigning accordingly merits actual death? Of course, it’s hardly uncommon to see people online wishing death on their opponents, but (much as this too disturbs me somewhat) I like to think that they’re engaging in hyperbole and don’t actually literally want to see them dead; that whatever they might think in the heat of the moment, if some tragedy struck this person down they would in fact be genuinely aghast, shocked, and sad. But when they’re reacting to an actual for-real murder, I can’t see how they could not mean exactly what they say- because it’s not hypothetical, it’s really happened and they’re really pleased.

As well as making me despair for humanity (though I try to remember these reactions are from only a very few people!) it confuses me, because aren’t these the same people who keep shouting about free speech (under the mistaken impression that theirs is being eroded or snatched away)? While free speech means freedom to say what you like and not freedom from all consequences of saying what you like, I’m pretty sure no-one would suggest that free speech doesn’t entail the right not to be killed for what you say. (I guess to be fair it’s people like this that I’ve heard vigorously claiming the right to free speech, not these actual specific people. Maybe they have been against free speech all along?)

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago


I’m more than a little chilled by the people expressing the sentiment that her death was deserved or is to be celebrated because of her political stance. I mean, seriously, they actually believe voicing opinions contrary to their own and campaigning accordingly merits actual death?

Not so surprising when you consider that a lot of these fascist creeps think that people deserve death simply because of the race or sexual orientation they were born into.

8 years ago

There’s pretty much zero doubt by now that the assassin responsible was a Brexit supporter; he was heard yelling “Put Britain first!” during the attack.


Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Not so surprising when you consider that a lot of these fascist creeps think that people deserve death simply because of the race or sexual orientation they were born into.

Yeah, unfortunately many people dehumanize people who oppose them or are different from them, reducing them to caricatures of their views or ways. It’s easy to celebrate the death of human beings when you can project this fiction of something not deserving of basic respect onto them.

8 years ago

@Judas Peckerwood

Not so surprising when you consider that a lot of these fascist creeps think that people deserve death simply because of the race or sexual orientation they were born into.

Well, indeed (and I guess as a lesbian I’m one of them). I suppose I’m just… more accustomed to the idea they think that. It’s horrible, but it’s not news to me. Also, appalling as it is, I’m used to the idea that this is how humans work, if we don’t keep examining ourselves and reminding ourselves that that’s not how we want to be: it’s very easy to designate some group of people with different characteristics to us as not really human, so that we’re indifferent to whether they die, and then if we start to see them as a threat, to actively want them to die. What got me about this particular case is that I hadn’t (so far as I recall) seen that kind of dehumanisation applied purely on the grounds of someone’s political views before (as opposed to race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, etc)*; and that it being a specific person with a name, face, occupation, partner, and children wasn’t enough to snap them out of the dehumanisation and bring her back into focus as a person (again, while I’m used to seeing people say they want gay people, black people, etc to die, I like to think most of them wouldn’t genuinely wish death on any members of those groups they encountered as individuals – though I realise that sadly there are a very few who really would go that far, as we saw again only this week).

*Just to be clear, I’m not saying that dehumanisation on the basis of someone’s political views is worse than dehumanisation on the basis of their demographic characteristics, or indeed on the basis of anything else – just that it was novel to me.

8 years ago

I just…I couldn’t read this.

8 years ago

taken on a “TRUMP HELICOPTER RIDE,” presumably a reference to a famous scene in Scarface in which a man is thrown from a helicopter to his death.

Oh, heavens no, nothing nearly so benign. That’s a reference to “Chilean Helicopter Rides”/”Pinochet Helicopter Rides”, where Pinochet’s death squads woul snatch suspected dissidents, beat them horribly, then throw them out of a helicopter into the ocean.

8 years ago

Just spent the last several minutes reporting (for targeted abuse and harassment) any of the tweeter-twits I could and then blocking them. No sense engaging with any of that shit. It’s all toxic bat guano…

8 years ago

Never posted here before, I guess this is some kind of feminist site. The murder of this young woman is absolutely horrible but associating it with Trump is completely intellectually dishonest. Was Trump a misoginist, racist homophobe before he ran for president, frankly no however he is a threat to the Bilderberg establishment now so the demonization must take place. It’s ironic that Jo Cox’s death serves the establishments goals of staying in the EU. It certainly puts a stop to the Brexit movement. It’s also ironic that Trump is being called a fascist its Soros, SJW’s, Obama, the Fed, Centeal Banks Fabian socialists and the Elite who are the real fascists. I actually believed Obama in 08 and voted for him but when I realized he was just carrying on the policies of Bush, CFR and the NWO I jumped ship. Funny thing about “hate speech” in this new dystopian PC world we live in, all historical neo-fascist regimes start w hate speech as a form of censorship and they all end the same way with killing fields(Cambodia), gulags Christian holocost Stalin 65 million and Mao 60 million genocide anyone considered a threat to the state. All I say is careful for what you wish for in an oligarchic fascist state the left will deemed useful idiots. Look around you it’s your right to vote, think and express yourself as you feel fit. As I said I’m not defending these retards who celebrated this young woman’s death however demonizing anyone who feels compelled to vote for Trump as opposed to Hillary who is equally a liar just go back and review her history she has flip flopped and lied her entire career. I personally do not like either candidate and feel sad for where this country is going 20T in debt, TPP, Monsanto, Orwellian surveillance, destruction of middle class, division, hate on both sides and the war machine not to mention the rape epidemic in Europe which incidentally I don’t hear a peep about from the left or American feminists..very sad.. Let me have it, give me your vitriol.

8 years ago




8 years ago

This one struck me really hard for some reason. These people are nauseating. I have no words for any of this anymore, i think.

8 years ago

Amazing how quickly leftist ants crawl all over and exploit this poor women’s death. It has not been confirmed that the Pschotropic drug fueled murderer said; “Put Britain First.” In fact the Muslim shop keeper and other eye witnesses who witnessed the killing have told the Guardian that they heard nothing and that these words have been fabricated ironically by the left yet again. Funny how facts seem to not be relevant to the left when it fits their narrative. Similar to the Orlando Pulse killings where the US media has blacked out the fact that several witnesses identified as many as 3 shooters but that would go against the leftist disarmament narrative of taking away guns and legitimize the fact that radical Islam and their barbaric values are indeed a real threat to the west. I’m all for a frank logical debate as long one side isn’t allowed to redefine absolutes, language or make up facts that fit their belief systems. Interestingly, initial reports about the Orlando killing blamed a radical Christian fundamentalist white male, too bad for the left that they couldn’t demonize Christians again. The day after the Orlando shooting an Imam in S Florida preached that “it was showing compassion to homosexuals to kill them and that it was just. Imagine if a Christian preacher had spoke those words, it would be front page news. Never let the facts get in the way of a great story. And as Rahm Emmanuel says; “never let a good tragedy go to waste..” Keep up the “good” fight!

8 years ago

There’s pretty much zero doubt by now that the assassin responsible was a Brexit supporter; he was heard yelling “Put Britain first!” during the attack.

And yet BF spokes-idiots are bending themselves in pretzels denying there’s a connection:

BF is a spinoff of the BNP:

K , my ara/antifa duty is done. Back to lurking.

8 years ago

A few days ago I finally got around to volunteering with my local Syrian refugee support group, which is ‘punching above its weight’ for the size of our community. I’m offering storage space (every group needs that!) and help with English teaching (I have a TEFL qualification). I should have done it before.

8 years ago

Was this shooter inspired by the Gabby Giffords shooting?

Giffords was shot during an outdoor meeting with her constituents. Jo Cox was shot as she left a meeting with constituents. Of course, when a politician announces a meeting, the world knows for sure where that person will be on a certain date at a certain time. Giffords is a moderate Democrat. Cox was a member of the Labour Party. Both were women. Unlike Jo Cox, Giffords survived being shot; she does have significant brain damage but has made great strides since the attack.

On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area.

Wikipedia, “2011 Tucson shooting”


Thanks, Bina, for reporting the tweets!

And Guest, thank you for taking on that worthwhile work.

Sadiq "Odoacer" Khan
8 years ago

I believe the “helicopter ride” has more to do with Chile than with Cuba, and more to do with history than with cinema. I can only assume that your error is the result of limited research (and unfortunately limited education).

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