antifeminism cuteness dawgies entitled babies homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim

It Came From the Comments I Don’t Let Through: Lesbian-Powered Butt-Worshipper Edition


It’s time for another episode of It Came From the Comments I Don’t Let Through, in which I post notable comments by drive-by commenters that I think regular readers here will find, er, instructive.

Today, a heaping pile of homophobia from a fellow identifying himself as Reg Handford. Are you sitting comfortably? Good, then let’s begin.

I know what you want.

We’re off to a bad start here, because pretty much everyone who’s ever said this to me has not known what I want at all.

A society run by feminists and powered by lesbians, where the feminists have the gays under their thumb so that they say exactly the right words and visions on the media they control.

Here’s what a lesbian-powered society might look like, with the lesbians represented for no good reason by totally adorable dogs.

giphy (15)


Mr. Handford continues:

Control is placed on judges and educators and professors who know they must obey your ideological dictates or suffer savaging in the media.

The people you attack are meek limp men, ‘guilty’ whites, and christians confused about their religion, praying for forgiveness, lol.

Well, actually, the people I write about tend to be raging bigots; that’s kind of the point of the blog. Most of them aren’t actually what you’d call “meek,” unless, say, calling women the c-word online is a form of meekness I just haven’t heard about.

Indeed, Mr. Handford’s comment was a response to my recent post about The Daily Stormer celebrating the Orlando massacre for supposedly “secur[ing] the election for Trump.” “And the best part?” the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin added. “Nothing of value was lost. Fifty dead homos.”

Again, I’m having a little trouble seeing how this counts as “meekness.”

Gays have already hijacked the rainbow; the populace is so stupid that they think gays own the rainbow. Really!!! That stupid!!!

Technically, the rainbow is co-owned by the gays and Skittles.

The mistake you are making is that you are attacking males, whites and christians so intensely that they have no more cheeks to turn; they have no choice but to fight back.

Yeah, the guys I write about aren’t exactly turning the other cheek. Nor are they all guys. Or white, or Christian.

Personally I will fight you to the end of life, to hell and back, in words, pictures and vitriol, until I am able to see your ideology discarded in the toxic wastebin of history. defines “vitriol” as “language so mean-spirited and bitter that it could eat through metal.” Clearly the language of a great and noble human rights movement!

Let me help you understand gaiety. Lets get down and dirty on that.. Gaiety advocates the

Ok, Reg, let me cut you off right there. What follows is a puerile description of sexual acts that are often performed by gay men, straight women, and straight men. The word “weenies” is used.

That’s All It Is. Nothing more. Just the Pride of unsanitary acts. That is who you are worshipping. Too stupid to know what an anus is for.

Says someone who seems to use his own anus as a storage place for his head.

The next bit is a little unexpected.

As for Trump, his books emphasize safety, and economic changes to improve living standards. Solid ideas. He passes no comment on butt-worshippers. But he has no plans how we can crush gay propaganda. And that is the issue of the era. So he is a wimp.

Donald Trump: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite.

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8 years ago

I like big butts, and I cannot lie…

8 years ago

For people who love their “shitposting”, they are terrified of anyone saying bad stuff about them. Of course, literally all they have to do to avoid that is stop being bigoted garbage piles.

Also, I bet these guys who are obsessed with condemning anal sex are the same types to try to pressure women into it. He really should just stay away from any kind of sex at all if he’s concerned about cleanliness, though. I dunno what part of mashing genitals together strikes him as something that isn’t a germ factory. This is why showers exist, dude. Humans be gettin’ dirty.

8 years ago

Dammit, I NEED to start watching Bob’s Burger. I can’t believe Tina likes butts a lot too. According to the gifs and quotes I keep seeing, Tina and I are one.

Is it okay that this made me shed a tear? I find it SO DELIGHTFUL when people treat being in a homosexual relationships as something absolutely normal.
For example, I go everywhere with my sister and baby niece, because I love being with babies, because I think my sister deserves the occasional break, and my niece keeps acting like she is being left to die in the woods every time she is put down.
So we three walk at the street, the drugstore, the supermarket, and I display affection for them both. Well, of course, lots of people think we are a couple. Some people look at us like they just saw a 3 headed dog, and people who have no need of knowing anything, like the freaking cashier, are like “Morning! Cute baby. Sooo… you’re…uhm…?”. It makes me just so sad. It’s not enough to be homophobia yet, but it’s a subtile way to make you feel like you are not “normal”. I can’t even imagine how must it be to go through this everyday.
But today, we went to the doctor. The voluntary clown simply said “aww, mommies, congrats!”, and the only question of the sort the doctor made was “So, is she being breastfed? By whom?”
It was just so lovely that I didn’t even feel the need to sigh and say “These are my sister and niece”, something that is usually met with “oh, my god, I am SO sorry!”, like I was supposed to feel offended or something. Ugh. Why don’t people freaking stop this.

Obs: I know that when I make casual moments of respect a big deal I am contradicting my own self, but I just can’t help feeling very happy. I try to seem neutral, of course, but sometimes I can’t help giving a big, smiley approval.

8 years ago

I apologize profusely beforehand, both for the extent of this comment and the content therein. Thank you

I know what you want

*perk up*

A society run by feminists and powered by lesbians

Can we… watch the energy being generated? Y’know… for science?

the populace is so stupid that they think gays own the rainbow

What!? So gays don’t hold an exclusive right to the depiction of the visible light spectrum!? Naniii!!!

they have no more cheeks to turn

If your kink play leaves you entirely bereft of asscheeks by the end, you should maybe ease up on the cat’o’nine

Personally I will fight you to the end of life

Life, on Earth anyway, has a good 600m years left. Challenge accepted?

Let me help you understand gaiety

I doubt the Glorious Revolutionary Army of the Femilesbislut Imperium is confused about how homosexual coitus works

Too stupid to know what an anus is for


As for Trump…Solid ideas

If ideas were solids, Trump’s would be jello

8 years ago

I hope I could vent for a bit, because I have been bottling this up and I feel like this would be the right place to do this, where I’m not going to be dogpiled by the mirror clones who hound anyone not being like them.

I would like to vent, since I had a far right fascist ex friend who was a self loathing vietnamese american. “N****** of Asians.” I’m not kidding. He wants to be a doctor but hates women, children, his own generation and every race outside white.

Since my freshman year in college. Without the support network of his and my friends to knock him down a peg, any and all filters he had pretty much were let out. Anything people could do to help laugh at his toxic views and him understanding those views weren’t wanted and not acceptable, was now gone because he had no friends in college. And was blurted straight from the faucet head to me. Because he knew that I would be the only one he would confide these thoughts too. You probably have a good idea of how much I argued endlessly trying to humilate/mock/empathize/educate/piss him off/anything to get him to stop being such an unholy bastion of hatred.

He laughed when /r9k/ had a guy shoot up a school before suicide by cop. He’s a trump supporter and would slaughter millions of muslims for that sacred purity and safety, and he’s an intern to learn how to cure autism. Also strange since he stereotypes everything as us v them.

“Oh you see these people have been made fun of all their lives and never got the hugs and care they needed, so that makes it okay that they are selfish short sighted hateful fucks.”

After a quarter of not talking, he immediately went to a sent where an event with a muslim terrorist, because apparently being a cop means keeping the peace like a zookeeper, and not being a person to others he protects. Needless to say I was fortunate he and I were two states apart.

Needless to say when I learned that one of my friends was dying of cancer, and died by it a month later, I was not amused I had to learn it from him, or that he was able to attend the funeral and not me.

He is crystalline scum, he’s exactly the person who is what most would probably use as a description for atheist bigots. A complete and utter coward and a bully with grandeurs of healing, which probably only serves his ego under the guise of “duty”. Funny how he was bullied and we first met by his bully teasing me, I had fun with the bully and he was relieved that I was the target instead of him.

I can’t believe him, he helped me when my parents were, not as empathetic of who I am. And we helped each other study and have fun. And to know all that, it now means nothing. Because now, I can only get flashes where I distinctly remember /pol/’s hatred of well everyone I consider good, and he goes full cognitive disssonance and thinks that never happened.

Oh and let’s not forget his view of women “cock carousel” cause this “onitus” obsession with a girl didn’t jump his cock like in his animes. His views of virginity are on par with an Evangelical.

Seriously I know that when he sees me, I think he sees someone brainwashed by women because I was raised by only women. He sincerely believes that because of that, I can’t be “red pilled.” Funny that he uses a term from the Wachowski sisters. And he has the gall to use degenerate or his “C U C K” obsession, humorous since he never had a relationship, and states he don’t care for women and only anime girls while defending people having body pillows of their exes. Meanwhile I actually don’t want a relationship and I don’t go complaining about “current women.”

The irony about the 2D, he thinks Raiden from MGS and Dante from DMC would approve of shooting sprees, the two most human stories about helping others through taking down people much worse and malavolent, and he thinks just like those villains the heroes stop.

This site is like bingo for me when it came to him. I’m just glad that I never have to speak to him ever again, and I don’t need him in my life. I cannot believe that I let my high school gratitude string me along to his bullshit when I knew full well no one else would put up with his crap. I already have enough to deal with me questioning alot about my identity and sexuality of late, him included would be like an abusive relationship and the constant reminder that to him, I would be an ill freak.

Sorry, I needed to get that put of my system. I just feel so lost and confused about how it all went wrong. I thought he was just joking, not being genuine. Not this, not everything against my world view.

8 years ago


I know that when I make casual moments of respect a big deal I am contradicting my own self

No, you’re not. That’s a victory. Ain’t no shame in it. Celebrate your victories! Go as big and smiley as you need to ?

Body pillows of their whats!? Creepy AF! Yeah, that dude’s, ironically, a disease. Glad he’s outta your life. You don’t need his brand of bullshit
<3 <3 <3

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Her Grace Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite

*buttbump of solidarity*


Mike Hisandry
Mike Hisandry
8 years ago


Thank you for sharing that. It was beautiful and real, and I feel you. I’m sorry you had to know that guy.

For me, that guy was my dad. He wasn’t Asian, so they didn’t have that in common, but the attitudes. The lapses in reason and judgment, the yawning chasms of cognitive dissonance that separate them from reality, and from healing; the horrifying toxic swamp you can’t pull them out of.

I just came back from my town’s vigil for Orlando; also, my father died in February. So all of this feels a bit immediate for me, very close to home. Thank you for giving me words for some of my experiences.

8 years ago

I’m not a dog person really, but dang – corgis on treadmills… made me smile!

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

In other words, even Donald Trump is a cuck now?

He will definitely be a “cuck” if he tries to fish votes from anyone outside the altright demographic.

By November the altrighters will be disappointed in Trump, either because he’s “pandering” to the mainstream or because he’s failing badly in polls or both.

8 years ago

The mistake you are making is that you are attacking males, whites and christians so intensely that they have no more cheeks to turn

I read this and thought, “I see, into light bondage and corporal punishment,” not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

There was a good interview with David Frum the other night. He’s now one of the BBC’s go-to commentators on analysing the current state of the the Republican Party. He was asked directly whether Hillary Clinton would make a better President than Donald Trump.

“Well, she won’t unintentionally start a nuclear war”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

“The new Ford F-150 lesbian powered pickup…2.7 liter Ecoboost V6 with a 325 Degeneres and 375 Aguilera of torque.”

(sorry, selling ad space on my comments now)

the populace is so stupid that they think gays own the rainbow.

This guy did an amazing bit of sleuthing and, with his keenly superior mind, was able to deduce that rainbows existed before the gay community adopted them as a symbol. Whoa! When will the sheeple wake up and realize this??? The truth is right up there in the sky, but the cultural Marxists don’t want anyone to talk about it. They don’t want anyone to notice that “Gaiety” has been stealthily grabbing all the colors and tricking the public into thinking it holds the copyright.

At least gray is still safe. For now.

Really!!! That stupid!!!

This genuinely made me laugh. I think he pictured David reeling in shock and denial from all the truth bombs.

8 years ago

I’m guessing this guy read Warren Farrel’s book on butt supremacy. The cover should have been a butt with Hitler’s hair and mustache on it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Here in Cornwall we get used to the fact that “news” is something that happens to other people; but we’ve actually had a story go nationwide!

One of our helicopter pilots heard meowing coming from the boot of his car. Upon dismantling the bumper they found this little stowaway. He’d been in there for 300 miles. His owners haven’t been traced yet, so he’s currently called ‘Tigger’* and seems to be making himself at home at the local airbase.

(* The squadron is called ‘the flying tigers’, so they went with the obvious)

8 years ago

So … much … cuteness …

8 years ago

Off-topic, but by chance has David or anyone else here read this: It’s the twitter feed of a university professor who attended a Donald Trump rally and recounted what he observed. It was every bit as horrible as you’d expect. Racism, misogyny, drunkenness, threats against protestors, Confederate flags, people saying that “immigrants aren’t people”, a woman telling her children that “Latinos can’t be trusted”, a group driving around in an SUV flipping off a homeless person… bleurgh. For all intents and purposes, it’s a KKK or neo-Nazi rally. Reading the feed, and knowing that there is both a real chance that the guy who inspires it all will become the next POTUS, and millions of people who hope that he will, is enough to make you cry.

8 years ago

As for Trump, his books emphasize safety, and economic changes to improve living standards. Solid ideas. He passes no comment on butt-worshippers. But he has no plans how we can crush gay propaganda. And that is the issue of the era. So he is a wimp.

Trump doesn’t even write his books. He gets professional authors to ghostwrite them for him before slapping his own name (and his brand) on them.

8 years ago



Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago


That’s great and surprising news. I thought Republicans would do nothing once again given that they held the line against any gun reform after Sandy Hook.


Tigger is too cute!!

8 years ago


I just looked up about Christina Aguilera because I didn’t know anything about her sexuality, and boy is there a lot of hatred for her on the first site I found. I thought the statements she’s apparently made over the years were pretty fair enough, but nope, apparently “bimbos” like her are the reason why gay and bi women get such a hard time from misogynists.

8 years ago

I have a matter’s degree in divinity and have read through the Bible cover-to-cover multiple times. Moses is the greatest leader of the Old Testament and Jesus is the greatest leader of the New Testament. Both are described by the Bible as “meek.” Enough said.

8 years ago

Thinking of the changing times, I was picking out the yearly Father’s Day card yesterday and saw that there was one for ‘Two Daddies” which is something that I never thought would happen at least not from Hallmark.

Completely OT but I wanted to share this:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pitshade

My doggie had excellent taste in hats.