MGTOW misogyny poll reddit

POLL: “It only gets worse,” and other totally inspiring MGTOW slogans

MGTOWs only wish they were this cool
MGTOWs only wish they were this cool

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some of the regulars are trying to come up with pithy, clever new slogans that will help them to “help our brothers wake up” to the reality of how women are a bunch of icky shrews.

Now you can help the MGTOWs by voting for your favorite slogan below.Β As you take this poll, please try to remember that these are ACTUAL SUGGESTIONS FROM ACTUAL MGTOWS who think they could beΒ a greatΒ way to recruit new members.

If you happen to come up with a better suggestion, you can vote for it instead; if there are enough good ones, I can set up a sort of runoff election including them.

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MGTOWs: As terrible at slogans as they are at everything else!

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8 years ago

@winter_sky: It get’s better! Don’t harm yourself!

8 years ago

To all mitgows:

The way I was taught to remember who/whom. Now my English is subpar so don’t take this as gospel.

If the answer is “he” use who. Ex. Who is that?

If the answer is “him” use whom. Ex. For whom does the bell toll?

Next up: cooking for mitgows:how not to set yourself on fire.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I don’t see the comment from Winter Sky that everyone is referring to, but if you’re in the US, the national suicide prevention hotline is 1-800-273-TALK. Please call it or let us now if you’re in a different country and someone will find the appropriate helpline number.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I assumed David didn’t let the comment through, due to the content. Judging from the links David posted, he probably has reason to believe they are in Australia.

8 years ago

I don’t see the comment from winter_sky either but please be ok.

8 years ago

I voted for ”the best villain” one because of how many people it can apply to. It’s actually pretty inspiring. Unfortunately, the target of their anger is very much misplaced.

Also @winter_sky

Just talk to us. Tell us about you problems, or your favourite movies, or the weather or how often you pick your nose. Anything! Just come back and talk. Please!

8 years ago

”It only gets worse”

Not always.

8 years ago

my entry in ‘other’:

MGTOW: if you’ll like are grammar you’ll lover are ideaology too!

8 years ago

Winter sky, please don’t hurt yourself. You matter. We care what happens to you. I really hope you will contact us (or at least David) again and let us know what’s going on.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Off topic, just a thought:

This commentariat should have a podcast.

8 years ago

@winter sky
I’ve been there. It’s really, really difficult, but it can get better. We don’t know each other but I would like to know you, even of it’s only through comments on here. You do matter. You’ve reached out for a human connection and you’ve found one. We’re here to listen.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

“Whom” is to MGTOW sentences as marble and gold is to Donald Trump’s bathrooms.

MGTOWs know words. They have the best words. The classiest. The rest of us will be sorry someday when there are grammarbots & wurrds will B obsoleced.

So yeah, that last one got my vote. I badly want to see them cram that entire sentence onto a T shirt, and get mad when people ignore their obvious T shirt conversation bait and still don’t approach them.

@winter_sky – please let us know you’re OK! We care about you, and we’re here for you.

8 years ago

MGTOW: Never actually go.

Edit: alternatively, MGTOW: I had a thesaurus once.

8 years ago

I take it MGTOW like ice cream koans? XD Because none of these makes sense. At all.

8 years ago

I like the one that takes the time to use “whom” incorrectly and then goes further off the rails with each word.

8 years ago

Too many words, very little sense, badly mangled grammar, pretentious and utterly incorrect use of the dative case “whom”, black-and-white thinking… Yep, that last slogan is the MGTOWiest.

@ Winter Sky, please come back to us. We’re all concerned about you.

8 years ago


Ice cream koans? I die laughing.

Better than dying from the vicarious shame of the villain slogan. It hurts my English teacher brain to read it.

8 years ago

I mean it has to be the last one, right? Horrible grammar, appalling misuse of language, completely incoherent. Truth in advertising, etc.

14 Cats And Counting!
14 Cats And Counting!
8 years ago

Well, I’m sorry. But I just can’t bring myself to vote for any of these “brilliant” slogans. I mean, Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw must be turning over in their graves with envy because they never created anything so witty!

Seriously, do you have to take some type of oath before you’re allowed to post in the manosphere? Something to the effect of “From this day forward I will renounce all correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will never use my spell checker and I will produce sentences so convoluted that they would baffle Gertrude Stein!” I think I got this idea after watching Homer join the Stone-cutters on the Simpsons last night.

I could be wrong, but way back in my mind I seem to remember some old country tune that reminds me so much of the MGTOW. The title was something like, “How Can I Forget You If You Won’t Go Away?” Right or wrong the title does pinpoint the the major flaw in the MGTOW philosophy.

@Winter Sky – Please don’t disappear. We’re genuinely worried about u. Contacting David who is a decent and compassionate man was a fine start and there is a community of really wonderful people here who want to help!

8 years ago

<3 winter sky. Depression is super rough, and can seem really inescapable. But it is. And you can get out of it. We're here to listen if you want to.

8 years ago

Hiya, Sky, I’m Axe. We’re worried about ya. I’m worried about ya. Whadya say we talk this thru. We’re all here, whenever you’re ready <3


Not always

Thanks for that πŸ™‚

8 years ago

I voted for “It only gets worse” because when your entire life philosophy is built around pure unadulterated hate, it sure ain’t gonna get better.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I found a few other authentic MGTOW slogans. Enjoy.

Google MGTOW and find the best man within yourself.


Dude, you want more 20’s and less of these? google MGTOW

Not sure if the word “dude” needs to be in there. Also, what does “these” refer to?


Not your protectors
Not your providers
Not your ATMs

No fair play ? Go your own way

A bit long. Did he have to say both “providers” and “ATMs”?


No Marriage
No Divorce
No alimony
No Children
No child support
No fair play ? Go your own way

Same guy. Obviously.


Confused? He explains: “MOW over LAWNS stands for:
My Own Way over Lazy Arsed Weak Nobody (SIMPS)”

Still confused? “SIMP” means “Sucker Idolizing Mediocre P*ssy”.

STILL confused? Yeah, me too.

A wife? An entire lifetime of nagging, incalcuable financial woes and worries.

Bachelor? $200 hr for pussy, the other 23 free. Priceless!

He clarifies: “in mastercard commercialesque fashion”

My wallet, my choice.

Timeless classic.

I also found that Ol’ Manboobz did another “MGTOW slogans” post a long long time ago:


8 years ago

I voted for that last one for its complete failure to be pithy.