alpha males alt-right antifeminism armageddon grandiosity homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism

Heartiste: The Orlando massacre may be the first step in a “needed cleansing”

Is Heartiste channelling Charles Manson in his response to the Orlando shootings?
Is Heartiste channeling Charles Manson in his response to the Orlando shootings?

You probably haven’t been wondering what profound conclusions the racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste has drawn from the horrific tragedy in Orlando. But I’m going to tell you anyway.

The first? That Omar Mateen was a pretty cool dude.

Don’t get me wrong. Heartiste is a Trump-worshipping bigot who wants not only the “jihadis” but their families “targeted for kebab removal,” as he’s charmingly put it.

But he also thinks that Mateen is ALPHA AF. As he wrote in a post today:

Chicks dig jerks, especially cute chicks in the prime of their fertility who could have non-jerks if they desired them.

And Mateen scored at least two such “‘chicks.”

The allure of the alpha male — note I did not say admirable man — over women is unmissable. … History is replete with female accomplices of alpha male killers whose charms could not be resisted.

Well, not quite as replete as all that. A look through Wikipedia’s vast list of the world’s serial killers suggests that it is far more common for male murderers to have male accomplices.

Lest it go under-reported, Omar’s first wife is a true hottie, and he has kids from multiple women.

Lest Heartiste forget it, Omar Mateen’s first wife reportedly fled from him only a few months into their brief marriage, apparently in such a hurry that she left virtually all of her belongings behind. She settled secretly in a city 1500 miles away from her husband so he wouldn’t be able to find her.

ALPHA. And if you don’t like it, don’t blame the messenger. Blame the massengil.

Even by the standards of bad puns, that last bit makes no sense whatsoever; it’s only funny if you think that all references to vaginas and their supposed perpetual stinkiness are inherently hilarious, because girls are icky amirite fellas high five! For a guy who professes to be some kind of smooth Lothario, Heartiste seems to get squicked out by vaginas awfully easily. (Also, it’s spelled MassengiLL. You’d think someone who is himself a massive douchebag would know that.)

Heartiste’s swooning over Mateen’s alleged alphatude is more than a little creepy. But not as creepy as the conclusion he drew in another post he put up today — that the Orlando massacre might be the first step in a “needed cleansing” of our decadent culture. 

Men from aggressive, foreign tribes, full of passion and conviction, have begun targeting the culture and lifestyle centers of their post-tribal enemy … They have identified the softest underbelly and are eviscerating it with a vengeance. This means liberals — r-selected rabbits — will bear the brunt of violent Diversity. We are careening into the rabbit holocaust, when everything liberals believe and hold dear will be under mortal threat, and they will die or scatter to the protection of their warrens.

This may be a needed cleansing.

Yep, he really did write that.

After all, it’s rabbit ideology that got us to where we are: besieged by malcontents and barbarians, and making high-minded rationalizations for welcoming ever more of them to lay waste to the rabbit-optimized Elysium fields of grass that is always fresh and green.

This “cleansing,” in Heartiste’s view, could be brutal indeed.

Millions more Americans … could die at the hands of Diversity and the Effete Elite would not surrender their open borders globalist race-mongrelizing agenda.

But there’s a happy ending, of sorts, to Heartiste’s fractured fairy tale — one in which the cavalry, in the form of  right-wing authoritarians, rides to the rescue of the remaining Americans.

The solution will be, as always, a forceful taking of power by the K-selected wolves, to save the rabbits from themselves.

And of course Heartiste sees himself as one of the wolves.

I can’t help but notice that Heartiste’s apocalyptic fantasies are strikingly reminiscent of the similarly apocalyptic, similarly delusional fantasies of a fellow by the name of Charles Manson.

I don’t make this comparison lightly. But consider this:

Manson orchestrated the grotesquely brutal  Tate/LaBianca murders in hopes of triggering a race war — which Manson and his gang would ride out in a secret hideout in the desert. This was all part of what he famously called “Helter Skelter,” after the Beatles song.

Manson assumed that blacks would win this race war, but would be unable to run what remained of the country. Manson and his pals would then step up and take control themselves — thus transforming Charles Manson, the head of a rag-tag group of hippies who fed themselves out of garbage dumpsters, into the supreme ruler he’d always wanted to be.

Replace Manson’s references to “piggies” with Heartiste’s references to “rabbits” and “wolves,” and the fantasies follow a similarly addled logic. In Manson’s fever dream, the blacks — whom he hated — would carry out the “needed cleansing” of a decadent white civilization; in Heartiste’s fantasies. the hated Muslims will play a similar role.

Like Heartiste, many of those screaming the loudest about the allegedly evil Muslims hiding in our midst don’t really want the carnage to stop. In the short run, it means more converts to their hateful ideologies; in the long run, they dream of their own versions of Helter Skelter. That’s one of the reasons why this election is such a critical one — why Trump and Trumpism need to be soundly defeated.

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8 years ago

that the authors and commentators would sacrifice their left testicles if it meant they were able to go out and shoot blacks, Latinos, Muslims, college students, transwomen, public servants and so on. The only thing that’s holding them back at present is the force of law. An Islamic takeover of the west is exactly what they’re hoping for, because such would give them an excuse to form militias, break out the AK-47s and play Call of Duty in real-life.

(either I love you all today, or I’ve eaten too much chocolate and am now hopped up on OPINIONS, sorry world. 😉

Anyway, QFT as ever.

Anecdote time:

I still remember being a very young Florkje (no more than 8 years old), and being at my Grandmother’s Boring B-day Party, where all my uncles and great-uncles were sitting together discussing ‘politics & the state of the world’. Once uncle said “Mark my words, that’s going to lead to a war.” And my teeny tiny child self looked at them and saw the glint in their eyes and thought: Wow, they’d LOVE for that to happen, even though they talk about it as if it were a bad thing. I (precocious) might even have said so, which they then denied in all tones, but I knew what I had seen. It didn’t shock me or sadden me, I just accepted it as fact: Men who talk a lot about war, actually really want one.

8 years ago

Rabbits this, wolves that, alpha this, beta that. Im starting to think most MRAs are closeted Otherkin.

8 years ago

Possible too. But I began to wonder if they are not just stupid, given that they seem to actually believe that rabbit is an insult.

Princess Necessity
Princess Necessity
8 years ago

Whenever I see “Heartiste” my brain reads it as “Heartsie”. I think it makes some connection to Goatsie as a massive arsehole.

8 years ago

If a killer doesn’t have a girlfriend (or an unattractive one), he was driven to murder by lack of sex, so it’s women’s fault.

If a killer is successful with women, it’s proof that women like dangerous alphas, which is also women’s fault.

8 years ago

Every year he becomes more and more awful.

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

Heartiste does not deserve those self-serving delusions. There’s a smugness to him that couldn’t exist if he didn’t fancy himself some sort of an intellectual, and “some sort of an” here doesn’t include “anti-“, which is the only kind of intellectual he actually is.

It’s such a horrible waste. There are so many good people who think they’re worthless. So much unused potential because people question their abilities. And then this jackass feels just excellent about himself and his horrendous little contribution to this world.

Depression is such a horrible affliction, I couldn’t wish it on anyone. And yet a major aspect of it is perceiving oneself accurately and feeling the feelings that knowledge inevitably makes you feel, which is no more or less than what this guy clearly deserves – and desperately needs, if we are to assume there’s some good in him that could grow.

8 years ago

@EJ (the other one)

At least three, actually. Rodger, George Sodini, and the original recipe, Marc Lépine. Likely more — the guy who shot up that Amish school seems to qualify, for one — but I can’t think of their names. Mateen seems to almost qualify, at least to the extent that he was so incredibly obsessively homophobic, but given his closet-caseness, it’s probably not quite as important a factor as his own self-loathing.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

Yes, making college free or dramatically expanding access to grants, expanding loan debt forgiveness, implementing rent control, and expanding welfare and work opportunities would increase the white birth rate. Many young white people want to get married and have kids, but they can’t due to stuff like student loan debt and high housing costs.

8 years ago

Whenever I see “Heartiste” my brain reads it as “Heartsie”. I think it makes some connection to Goatsie as a massive arsehole.

I go another way — I think it’s kinda weird that such a supposedly masculine and hard-core dude has a name that a) is a pun on the French word for “artist”, and b) that pun suggests he has a heart. I’d expect that more to be the pen-name of an online romance fanfic writer, and not an MRA. It’s a name that is well beyond “beta”. He might as well call himself Mr. Whiskers Fluffykins.

(Just to be clear, I’d be happy to call myself Mr. Whiskers Fluffykins…)

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I vote for “Mr. Whiskers Fluffykins” as the new name for Heartiste.

8 years ago

I vote for “Mr. Whiskers Fluffykins” as the new name for Heartiste

*gavel strike*
Seconded! The motion is entertained. Any objections or amendments? All in favor? Roll call!

Brian M
Brian M
8 years ago


Reaching way back (it’s an old book and it has been a long time since I read it), the author of ECOTOPIA provided for violent, ritualistic “war sports” to absorb this perhaps inherent character in male primate psychology. I might note that for many such warriors, there is a woman urging on the battle, so it is not just tied to one gender.

Football Hooliganism is certainly better than drone bombing a school or nuking a city?

8 years ago


Whether by accident or design their methodologies are similar. They both reach out to the malcontents. They build on existing alienation or grievances (real or perceived) or hatreds and amplify them. They groom people by providing a ‘sympathetic’ ear and then manipulate them.

Sure, that’s how authoritarians always work; there’s manuals for it out there (usually published by militaries). They do it because it works, and they take deliberate steps to increase the sense of greivance and alienation in as many of their target group as possible. This is why fascism is the standard failure mode for large societies.

You want middle class white people to have more kids?

Or you can just eject them from the middle class and deny them birth control and sex education; that’ll spike the birth rate too, and is the preferred method for these assholes.

8 years ago

@ dust bunny

It’s such a horrible waste. There are so many good people who think they’re worthless. So much unused potential because people question their abilities. And then this jackass feels just excellent about himself and his horrendous little contribution to this world.

It’s as Yeats prophesied: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” 😉

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

There are so many good people who think they’re worthless.

A friend of mine and I was chatting with a couple of artists in Montreal lately; well, mostly chatting with one while the other was working on something. We were talking about history and old friends, and I mentioned that one of said old friends, one who had disappeared for a while for multiple reasons, ‘probably had a serious case of Imposter Syndrome’. The one I was talking to turned to her friend, and in a tone of voice that managed to combine both childlike enthusiasm and sarcasm at the same time, said “Oh, we wouldn’t know anything about that now, would we?” (One got the impression it had been a common subject of conversation in the past.)

It’s kind of the flip side of Dunning-Kruger: once you get deep into a subject, you start realizing just how much you don’t know and how likely it is that you will never actually get to where you want to be.

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of doubts.” — Bertrand Russel

8 years ago


So much fail here. But most of all, do these guys not understand how people end up getting involved with abusers? It’s because the abuser acts like a completely different person until it becomes difficult for their partner to separate from them. This can mean moving in together, joining finances in some way, marrying, or having kids. So, using their terminology, an alpha would have to act beta in order to draw in a woman and could only switch to alpha once he knew that she’d feel too trapped to leave immediately once he showed his alpha traits.

Also, does the fact that men can be victims of abusive women ever tell these red pillocks that men all want “alpha” women?

8 years ago

Heartiste shouldn’t talk so dirty about rabbits. El Ahraira will get him. And let us not even start about the Black Rabbit of Inlé.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

Oh, here’s an recent response in Toronto:

City-sponsored ads hope to stem Islamophobia, prejudice against Syrian migrants

The city and the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants launched an ad campaign on Tuesday, one of which features a white male in profile telling a woman in a hijab to go back where she came from.

“Where,” the woman responds, “North York?”

8 years ago


I hope that those ads help, but I don’t know how much Islamophobes actually care where Muslims were born. All of the right-wingers using the Orlando attacks to call for harsher policies on Muslim immigration are letting the knowledge that Omar Mateen was born in New York go right in one ear and out the other. And the ones who chose to acknowledge it go on to insist that the real problem was that his parents were admitted into the U.S.

stephanie avebury
stephanie avebury
8 years ago

My father talked like this. My violent, racist, drunken child molester of a father believed that society would collapse and men like him would step in and take over. The stuff of nightmares! He ended up in prison.

8 years ago


The heck with those two! General Woundwort is the rabbit to fear! Any rabbit that can strike fear into the local predator population is a rabbit not to mess with. D:

(Which makes his total absence from the Watership Down short story collection unforgivable. He earned and deserved his place in the rabbit pantheon as referred to at the end of the original book, after all. Even if he was one of the villians of the piece.)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

stephanie avebury | June 15, 2016 at 4:48 pm
My father talked like this. My violent, racist, drunken child molester of a father believed that society would collapse and men like him would step in and take over. The stuff of nightmares! He ended up in prison.

As someone who had a step-father like that (who also is in prison), you have my condolences.

8 years ago

Side note: it’s a bit heartening to see a bunch of serious discussions about toxic masculinity coming up in recent news links on Google.

there is plenty of scientific support for this as well:

8 years ago

I’m quite fond of bunnies AND wolves, but rabbits are one of the very few animals I’ve ever seen set up and execute a prank.

I had two rabbits and a cat, all indoors animals. My cat was asleep under the coffee table when the older female rabbit spotted her. She went out to get her male companion, and woke him. Then she led him to the door way to watch.

Backing up, she CHARGED my cat, skidding against her to startle her. The cat awoke, slammed her head on the underside of the table Wile E Coyote style, and fled.

Both bunnies then did the Rabbit Dance of Amusement together for a bit. For those who don’t know it, look up ‘binkies’.