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Heartiste: The Orlando massacre may be the first step in a “needed cleansing”

Is Heartiste channelling Charles Manson in his response to the Orlando shootings?
Is Heartiste channeling Charles Manson in his response to the Orlando shootings?

You probably haven’t been wondering what profound conclusions the racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste has drawn from the horrific tragedy in Orlando. But I’m going to tell you anyway.

The first? That Omar Mateen was a pretty cool dude.

Don’t get me wrong. Heartiste is a Trump-worshipping bigot who wants not only the “jihadis” but their families “targeted for kebab removal,” as he’s charmingly put it.

But he also thinks that Mateen is ALPHA AF. As he wrote in a post today:

Chicks dig jerks, especially cute chicks in the prime of their fertility who could have non-jerks if they desired them.

And Mateen scored at least two such “‘chicks.”

The allure of the alpha male — note I did not say admirable man — over women is unmissable. … History is replete with female accomplices of alpha male killers whose charms could not be resisted.

Well, not quite as replete as all that. A look through Wikipedia’s vast list of the world’s serial killers suggests that it is far more common for male murderers to have male accomplices.

Lest it go under-reported, Omar’s first wife is a true hottie, and he has kids from multiple women.

Lest Heartiste forget it, Omar Mateen’s first wife reportedly fled from him only a few months into their brief marriage, apparently in such a hurry that she left virtually all of her belongings behind. She settled secretly in a city 1500 miles away from her husband so he wouldn’t be able to find her.

ALPHA. And if you don’t like it, don’t blame the messenger. Blame the massengil.

Even by the standards of bad puns, that last bit makes no sense whatsoever; it’s only funny if you think that all references to vaginas and their supposed perpetual stinkiness are inherently hilarious, because girls are icky amirite fellas high five! For a guy who professes to be some kind of smooth Lothario, Heartiste seems to get squicked out by vaginas awfully easily. (Also, it’s spelled MassengiLL. You’d think someone who is himself a massive douchebag would know that.)

Heartiste’s swooning over Mateen’s alleged alphatude is more than a little creepy. But not as creepy as the conclusion he drew in another post he put up today — that the Orlando massacre might be the first step in a “needed cleansing” of our decadent culture. 

Men from aggressive, foreign tribes, full of passion and conviction, have begun targeting the culture and lifestyle centers of their post-tribal enemy … They have identified the softest underbelly and are eviscerating it with a vengeance. This means liberals — r-selected rabbits — will bear the brunt of violent Diversity. We are careening into the rabbit holocaust, when everything liberals believe and hold dear will be under mortal threat, and they will die or scatter to the protection of their warrens.

This may be a needed cleansing.

Yep, he really did write that.

After all, it’s rabbit ideology that got us to where we are: besieged by malcontents and barbarians, and making high-minded rationalizations for welcoming ever more of them to lay waste to the rabbit-optimized Elysium fields of grass that is always fresh and green.

This “cleansing,” in Heartiste’s view, could be brutal indeed.

Millions more Americans … could die at the hands of Diversity and the Effete Elite would not surrender their open borders globalist race-mongrelizing agenda.

But there’s a happy ending, of sorts, to Heartiste’s fractured fairy tale — one in which the cavalry, in the form of  right-wing authoritarians, rides to the rescue of the remaining Americans.

The solution will be, as always, a forceful taking of power by the K-selected wolves, to save the rabbits from themselves.

And of course Heartiste sees himself as one of the wolves.

I can’t help but notice that Heartiste’s apocalyptic fantasies are strikingly reminiscent of the similarly apocalyptic, similarly delusional fantasies of a fellow by the name of Charles Manson.

I don’t make this comparison lightly. But consider this:

Manson orchestrated the grotesquely brutal  Tate/LaBianca murders in hopes of triggering a race war — which Manson and his gang would ride out in a secret hideout in the desert. This was all part of what he famously called “Helter Skelter,” after the Beatles song.

Manson assumed that blacks would win this race war, but would be unable to run what remained of the country. Manson and his pals would then step up and take control themselves — thus transforming Charles Manson, the head of a rag-tag group of hippies who fed themselves out of garbage dumpsters, into the supreme ruler he’d always wanted to be.

Replace Manson’s references to “piggies” with Heartiste’s references to “rabbits” and “wolves,” and the fantasies follow a similarly addled logic. In Manson’s fever dream, the blacks — whom he hated — would carry out the “needed cleansing” of a decadent white civilization; in Heartiste’s fantasies. the hated Muslims will play a similar role.

Like Heartiste, many of those screaming the loudest about the allegedly evil Muslims hiding in our midst don’t really want the carnage to stop. In the short run, it means more converts to their hateful ideologies; in the long run, they dream of their own versions of Helter Skelter. That’s one of the reasons why this election is such a critical one — why Trump and Trumpism need to be soundly defeated.

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8 years ago

Yeah, Mateen was a closeted, self-hating gay. Sounds like an MRA to me. Good eye, Heartiste.

8 years ago

When you think the bottom of the barrel has been well and truly scraped, something like this goes through the floor into a whole new sub-basement. I’m not very imaginative in some ways – it’s hard to get my head round the fact that there’s somebody sitting in the midst of plenty, never warped by suffering themselves, never even part of an out-group, but still so vile that they genuinely welcome an atrocity.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Which famous serial killers were super alpha and attracted lots of women? There are exceptions, but it’s much more common for them to be loners who have trouble forming relationships. Ted Bundy was handsome and well educated but he never got over being rejected by an ex girlfriend and killed women who resembled her. The most common type of victim of a serial killer are sex workers and homeless/runaway women. Types of victims that are vulnerable and low risk.

Charles Manson is more of a cult leader than a serial killer and Spahn Ranch was home to quite a few men. He even famously managed to charm the Beach Boys. Anyone who knows even the most basic facts of the Manson case is familiar with Tex Watson who was part of both the Tate and LaBianca murders. It’s always struck me as disingenuous when Manson is brought up as proof of women being inferior due to being charmed by him.

I think Heartiste doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

This was all part of what he famously called “Helter Skelter,” after the Beatles song.

It’s a minor point in the grand scheme of things but, like our MRA friends, Manson wasn’t too hot on spelling. He nearly always wrote it as “Healter Skelter”

Also, what’s this guys problem with rabbits? Wolves are probably my favourite animal, but that doesn’t preclude me liking bunnies.

8 years ago

You’d think someone who is himself a massive douchebag would know that.

Thank you for making me smile.

8 years ago

This means liberals — r-selected rabbits — will bear the brunt of violent Diversity. We are careening into the rabbit holocaust

-Donald Duck

8 years ago

After all, it’s rabbit ideology that got us to where we are

uh… nope. It was neoliberalism.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Stivee | June 14, 2016 at 6:01 pm
Yeah, Mateen was a closeted, self-hating gay. Sounds like an MRA to me. Good eye, Heartiste.

Can we not? I fucking hate this stereotype of the self-hating gay man.

He can be a homophobe and not actually be gay. Let’s not pretend that straight people don’t hate people like me by speculating on his sexuality. It doesn’t fucking matter.

So many of my LGBT+ peeps are dead because of this dude. Not because of his sexuality, but because of his hatred.

That’s what’s important. That is what needs to be focused on. Not silly speculation to try to other the killer so straight people can feel like it’s not one of their own that caused this tragedy.

Can we not?

8 years ago

Why do people who have no idea how wolves operate always use them as a metaphor for awesome leadership and violence.

Good God, if you’re talking about inter-species aggression, the rabbits come out on top. Rabbits keep an exceptionally keen eye on who rates where in the system and use fairly savage fighting to maintain position. They survive everywhere. It may look hilarious to outsiders due to their fluffiness, but they’re quite capable of killing one another.

Wolves are family-group oriented creatures that will threaten rather than fight by preference, and that in winter primarily have a diet of mice. They are endangered in most places.

I like them both, but seriously people. We’re going to lose wolves way before we lose rabbits.

8 years ago

That r- vs. K-strategy argument isn’t even compatible with these same idiots’ arguments about white genocide! You can’t complain about middle eastern people out-reproducing white people while also saying that white people have adopted an r-strategy, or a high reproduction based strategy.

Well, you can, but it would make you even more wrong than usual.

Kylo Ronin
Kylo Ronin
8 years ago

So, basically I’m going to repeat what I said before. The only thing that needs cleansing is Heartiste’s head because it is so far up his ass.

8 years ago

Chicks dig jerks guys who are not me, especially cute chicks in the prime of their fertility who could have non-jerks me, if they desired them.


aw, heartist, I’m so sorry* to hear that women would rather date other men who are not you.


Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

David Futrelle | June 14, 2016 at 6:58 pm

Fine, I’ll admit that in this case there’s a good reason to mention it and speculate a little. Thanks for providing the extra information I was obviously missing.

(And thank you for backing me up on the “MRAs are closet homosexuals!” thing, David.)

But, I still feel like we shouldn’t let it detract from the facts that we do know: This was a terror attack on the LGBT+ community. All we have is speculation at this point, and there’s enough to create a good claim, but that’s all it is, and most likely all it ever will be considering the man himself isn’t alive anymore to confirm it.

8 years ago

In other news, #LGBTQHatesTrumpParty is the #1 hashtag on Twitter right now.

8 years ago

So today, I read the comments (yeah, I know) of an article on the link between toxic masculinity and mass shootings, and saw that apparently they’re the fault of women for anti-male hatred.

Specifically, they’re the male reaction to feminist discourse on toxic masculinity, and if women stopped talking about it, then the killings would stop.

Part of me feels that must just be shitposting by this point.

grr! arrgh!
grr! arrgh!
8 years ago

The white supremacists always seem to be rattling on about the race war and “swarthy invaders” of some description or another in a way that suggests that they are deeply, deeply concerned that they will not win said race war. How can you claim to be the superior race while simultaneously implying that inferiors “others” will def kick your ass when the revolution comes? If white folks are so great and everyone else is so deficient, then winning this race war should be a snap. Isn’t losing to an inferior opponent beta AF in the Heartiste parlance? And if the white race is beta AF, doesn’t it deserve to be overtaken by whatever amount of melanin confers the most Alpha superpowers?

8 years ago

Did someone say BUNNIES?

I’m sorry, but this was mandatory. They are VICIOUS.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

My contribution to the evil bunnies videos

8 years ago

Personally I don’t see any proof he was gay, shooters usually plan their actions long in advance so he might have just been there to case the joint.

Honestly I don’t think it matters much. Psychologists already have a good idea what motivates mass shooters: they are narcissists with a massive sense of entitlement and turn every little thing into attack on themselves until they see the entire world as being out to get them. Sometimes this comes in the form of an extremist ideology that gives broader more specific aspects to this, other times it’s apolitical. Then they start planning a spectacular act of revenge against the world that will get them the attention and power they think they deserve. That was almost certainly what motivated this guy. Whether or not he was gay is just trivia.

Being a self hating gay doesn’t strike me (strictly as a layman) as likely being a major factor. The popular notion that these people are self hating and lack self esteem simply isn’t true. Their problem is that they have too much self esteem, not that they don’t have enough.

As for Heartiste, uhg I’ve got nothing to say. He is just the worst kind of person. Fuck him and everything he stands for. That last paragraph is right on the money though, every freakout over terrorism is more votes for Trump and every aweful think his ilk do is more recruits for Daesh . The cycle needs to break.

8 years ago

But, I still feel like we shouldn’t let it detract from the facts that we do know: This was a terror attack on the LGBT+ community. All we have is speculation at this point, and there’s enough to create a good claim, but that’s all it is, and most likely all it ever will be considering the man himself isn’t alive anymore to confirm it.

Also important is the fact that internalized homophobia doesn’t come from within; it comes from bigotry from straight people. People who emphasize that he might have been a self-hating gay man are missing the point. It wouldn’t matter if his hatred was directed inward as well as outward; the source is still a society that treats us as less than human.

8 years ago

I don’t know how many of you read Fred Clark’s Slacktivist blog, but he’s doing an excellent take-down of the Left Behind books. The reason I bring him up is this post, in which he suggests that American Christians, who generally live rather peaceful and mundane lives where they’re not persecuted, fantasize about martyrs and how exciting it seems to be one:

… The lives of those martyrs seemed so much more exciting and meaningful than our own did. Plus there was something weirdly appealing about a one-time, one-question, pass-fail test in place of the tedious day-after-day. In our imaginations, at least, the martyr’s egress sounded almost easier than the pilgrim’s progress (as somebody once said, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it.) …

Further into the post, he refers to Chris Hedges and his book War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning, which has the same basic themes. To greatly abridge, peace is boring and tedious, war is exciting, and for people who can’t find meaning in peaceful, mundane life, war (Hedges calls it “the rush of battle”) might give it to them.

I can’t keyboard-diagnose, but this sounds a lot like Heartiste, MRAs, and MGTOW: they’re frustrated with boring, tedious, civilized “feminist” society, so they fantasize about war and apocalypse, about destroying society and slaughtering their enemies in ways that society would never allow.

8 years ago

Good point. Straight hatred drives so many lgbtq people to take their own lives. That hate does not come from within those people. This so-called “self hate” is carefully terrorized into lgbtq individuals by straight people maintaining their privilledge.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mels | June 14, 2016 at 9:32 pm
Also important is the fact that internalized homophobia doesn’t come from within; it comes from bigotry from straight people. People who emphasize that he might have been a self-hating gay man are missing the point. It wouldn’t matter if his hatred was directed inward as well as outward; the source is still a society that treats us as less than human.

This, this, this.

People keep bringing up ISIS, and it’s like “No, he learned his hatred here. He was born in the US.”

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Mateen’s parents are Afghanis, but Mateen himself was born and raised in the US. So he’s not the product of an “aggressive, foreign tribe” but the good old USA. However much Afghan Muslim culture might have influenced him he was also influenced just as much, or even more so, by US culture, which I assume this Heartiste loser hates in its current form.

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