alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism homophobia irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis racism TROOOLLLL!! trump

Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer thanks Orlando killer for “securing the election for Trump”

Photoshopped Omar Mateen selfie, found on The Daily Storner
Photoshopped Omar Mateen selfie, found on The Daily Storner

Yesterday, I wrote about some of the Alt-Rightists who have been energetically exploiting the Orlando massacre to push their agenda of hate.

But I missed one of the most brazen examples: Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, who in a post yesterday thanked the dead killer for helping the far-right “[win] the culture war.”

“Today is a wonderful day,” Anglin wrote in his post yesterday.

Omar Mateen, an Afghani haji, just secured the election for Trump by carrying out the most deadly terrorist attack in America since 9/11.

And the best part?

Nothing of value was lost.

Fifty dead homos.

Anglin offered what he called “a sincere ‘thank you’ to Omar” for doing “what none of us could do.” Mateen’s murders, Anglin happily declared, has brought down the SJW “narrative.”

“The coalition of the failures has officially failed,” Anglin wrote.

Why on earth the Jews thought it made sense to try and push a narrative that women, homosexuals, the Blacks, the Mexicans and the Moslems were all allies is beyond me. …

It wasn’t really difficult to foresee this very thing happening.

And now that it’s happened… you can call all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, but they’re not putting this thing back together again. …

We just won the culture war.

See ya later, f***ots.

The proudly racist Anglin, who can’t resist his trollish impulses even in a post that by all indications is completely sincere, accessorized his post with a video of Kool and the Gang performing “Celebration.”

In a comment on his own post, he added:

It was an incredible kill count.

I wanna see the headshot ratio.

Once again, Anglin has said bluntly what a lot of other far-right ideologues and Trump supporters are thinking.

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8 years ago

@Scented Chairs

Because for a lot of people the idea of being killed by a Foreign Enemy triggers an instinctive fear that is all out of proportion with the actual problem. That sends them running to someone who offers the illusion of strength to beat the Scary Other back, regardless of if that would actually work. I doubt this attack will sway the election, but a few more could, especially near election day. And you can bet ISIS will try to because they want Trump elected to keep recruitment high.

And that is why, I’m just going to say my piece here, we need to stop having a giant feargasm every single time there is a terrorist attack. Terrorism overall is a small problem in our society, you’ve got better odds of dying from an underpants fire then from being killed by a terrorist. And on top of that, terrorist attacks have been growing steadily less common over the last few decades. Now this particular attack can help start conversations about Homophobia and Gun Control, which are bigger problems then terrorism but overall we need to stop acting like every terrorist attack is an event of earth shattering importance. We should just see them the way we do any other random tragedy. Next time one happens just tell you “It’s only terrorism, it’s not a big deal.”

8 years ago

The brain bleach thread from the other day hasn’t been posted on since yesterday and it’s probably going to be left behind as more threads get made, so I’m putting this here. I hope Matthew Mercer’s singing can help lift everyone here’s spirits, and remind you all that people can create great suffering but also great beauty.

8 years ago

pretty sure white dudes commit most of the terrorism on usa soil

send white dudes back to europe

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

From what I can tell, the Pulse massacre has galvanized many members of the LGBT community all right, but not in favor of Trump. They’re demanding better gun control laws, and fighting hate with love. They’re angry that gay men can’t donate blood to their friends and chosen family, and they’re grateful that some Muslims are lining up (during Ramadan, no less) to donate blood in place of those who are legally barred from doing so.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

Well, that’s a neat little self-perpetuating system. Abuse the citizenry, sow fear, then offer “protection”.

That’s the modus operandi of a number of terrorist groups in their own home countries, when you get right down to it. Guarantee there’s no hope of peace or middle ground to drive all the ‘moderates’ under your control…

Mike Hisandry
Mike Hisandry
8 years ago

Why does Anglin think there aren’t anti-immigrant gays? FFS, Milo is not unique. “Gay” is not a political designation.

That said, despite the media narrative of aggression, politically-active queers tend to be anti-hate. That is our fight. Not anti-straight or anti-religion. So: nothing has changed, there.

8 years ago

Usually I try to say something moderately intelligent or witty but fuck this guy.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Several years ago, I visited the zoo and saw an enclosure full of meerkats. I like meerkats, so I stayed to watch them eat. The interesting thing about meerkats eating is that whenever they do it, they post one or two sentries. Like this:

These sentries are there to look out for lions whilst the others are eating. Of course, there are two glaring problems with this:

A) There are not, nor will there ever be, lions in the meerkat enclosure in the zoo.

B) Even if there were, these sentries have never seen a lion and so would be unable to recognise one if it appeared.

As a result, I imagine them looking around at rocks, trees and humans, going “Look! Is that a lion? Could it be a lion? Lions exist, right? That thing must be one! It looks kinda like I imagine lions look!” Meanwhile, the other meerkats are getting kinda annoyed but also energised by it, because they went to all the trouble of posting sentries and so they want to know that their vigilance is paying off.

This is very much how the alt-right people’s behaviour strikes me.

A) There is not, nor will there ever be, any victory for the alt-right.

B) Even if there were, these people have never seen actual victories and so would be unable to recognise them.

As a result, they’re standing there going “Look! Is that a victory? Could it be a victory? Victories exist, right? That thing must be one! It looks kinda like how I imagine victories look!”

Anglin, you may think of yourself as a strategic mastermind, but you demonstrably have the tactical prowess of a meerkat. Not even a wild meerkat, but a zoo meerkat. This is a low bar, but you have somehow managed to stumble over it.

8 years ago


This is not how this works, they’re yours now!
We have our own disgusting excuses for human beings to deal with.

As an aside (while looking at pictures of Anglin): Why do white supremacists propagating ideas about the master race always look like they only have one set of grandparents?
Here’s a hint: You having 13 toes doesn’t make you 1.3x better than me.

8 years ago

I would be willing to bet there will be more Americans murdered in the next 5 years by Daily Stormer readers than by those who swear allegiance to ISIS.

8 years ago

In a comment on his own post, he added:

It was an incredible kill count.

I wanna see the headshot ratio.

He’s literally fist-bumping ISIS with GLEE. I’d call him a fucking ghoul, but Ghouls & Goblins Local 420 has insisted their fine name not be dragged into this.

The Dread Vampy
The Dread Vampy
8 years ago

I just… I can’t understand how these people can be so completely unmoved by actual real fucking death, it terrifies me. Talking gleefully about kill counts and headshots – it makes me think of the 4chan shooting threads we’ve seen before and I just. How do you have so little recognition that people exist outside yourself that you think a massacre of innocent people is a fucking video game? Because that’s what’s happening here, they don’t register the dead and wounded as people, just as points, and that’s sickening and scary. I have to admit since the shootings I’ve been in a constant upheaval, I can’t settle and I’m so sad and scared and panicky I hardly have room for anger, but even if you don’t respond that strongly you have to at least fucking RECOGNISE that actual real human people with lives and families and friends and jobs and hobbies and passions fucking DIED HORRIBLY because of this man’s actions, it’s not a JOKE or an abstract number.

(sorry. I just. Like I said this has knocked me out of stability completely. I’m trying to be calm but I haven’t been able to get through anything the past couple of days)

8 years ago

These people have actively dehumanized themselves, to a point where these jokes are all they are capable of in the face of horrible crimes.
I mean, look at the Third Reich and to a lesser extent Mussolini’s Italy.
The ideologies in both states propagated death in the service of the ideology as one of the highest honors that could be achieved. They saw mercy and compassion for those not part of the group as character flaws.
The consequences of such principles could be seen after the war, during the liberation of the death camps and the trials that followed: People that made lampshades from the skin of their victims. That liked to shoot prisoners in the camps from watchtowers, like hunters.
But the most chilling part was their lack of regret, or even the realization, that what they had done was barbaric, or even morally wrong.

I take comfort in the fact that Anglin’s name will be remembered (if at all) in the same way we remember Amon Göth and Ilse Koch.

Bruce H
Bruce H
8 years ago

Have these doofuses never heard of the Stonewall Inn or the Upstairs Lounge? Attacks of this nature only raise LGBT issues in the public conscious, leading to further civil rights reform.

As a political strategy, it’s an abject failure.