#gamergate hate speech homophobia milo

In wake of Orlando massacre, Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos demands “NO MORE ISLAM”

Milo Yianoppoulos: "NO MORE ISLAM"
Milo Yianoppoulos: “NO MORE ISLAM”

The reliably awful human being Milo Yiannopoulos — Breitbart “journalist,” GamerGate panderer — has responded to the massacre in Orlando by demanding an end to Islam.

Ever the opportunist, Milo used the massacre to plug the presidential candidate that he calls “daddy.”

His fans responded predictably:

For what it’s worth, the killer’s father told NBC that the shootng was likely motivated by his son’s hatred of gays. “This had nothing to do with religion,” he told them.

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8 years ago

I wonder: How many of these guys gave a shit about gay rights before the shooting?

8 years ago

Gotta love right wing logic “let’s not politize this tragedy by talking about gun control but Muslims are scum and Trump 2016”! Classic hypocrisy.

Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

Milo is scum. That is all.

8 years ago

Trigger warning: As expected for topic

I am growing quite tired of those who want to use semantics to shut down this discussion by saying “Well actually, he isn’t a rapist because the laws of California…..”

Considering how narrow California’s definition of rape is, by their logic no woman has ever raped a man in California either and since most legal definitions require the victim to be penetrated there, the MRA’s who use that dumb argument are verbally diminishing one of their few shields of +2 illusionary legitimacy just to defend Turner.

8 years ago

Can we not treat the gun lobby with radiation for arguing that anyone who wants one can have a gun?

8 years ago

@personalpest – They still don’t. They just like having a supposed excuse to spew hatred about Muslims.

8 years ago

You know. If he would include the other abrahamic religions too, if be with him. They all have murderous homophobia in their holy books. They have all been advocating shitty treatment of lgbt people for centuries. Pretending this isn’t about religion would ignore the scumbag oppressor organisations that have always opposed lgbt rights.

Nassara M.
Nassara M.
8 years ago

“For what it’s worth, the killer’s father told NBC that the shooting was likely motivated by his son’s hatred of gays. “This had nothing to do with religion,” he told them.”

Yeah, because the Quran doesn’t call homosexuals sinners who should repent or put to death, right? Oh, wait.
That’s the problem with many religious people. They try to lie, even to themselves, that their religion doesn’t teach what it does. Basically never Muslims admit that their religion is extremely violent, misogynistic, homophobic; “it’s all a lie!”. When they finally do, mostly after you shoved the Koran’s verses in their faces, they try to justify it.

I love it when those gay-hating, conservative guys try to play the protectors of LGBTQ’s lives and rights, though. Absurdly hypocritical.
They do the same when mentioning Islam’s views on women, “Islam oppresses women and treats them as second class citizens!”. Well, yeah it does, but so do you. Pick a side already, dude. We can see right through it.

8 years ago

So all those Christian extremists and Christian hate groups in the US are what? Figments of our collective imaginations?

8 years ago

Yes, this man was muslim and known by the FBI as a supporter of the IS. And he still was able to buy these weapons.
I’m not blaming the islam for it but of course it has some sort of connection to the crime but so does the fact they neither stopped him or that he could get his hands on guns nonetheless.

They should stop being so full of damn schadenfreude because they can say: “See, we were right about the bad muslims!”
Instead they could voice there sympathy for the victims. But than again I forgot they don’t care about homosexual, transgender, woman or PoC so they just want use countless deaths to push their own agenda.

So let me just say instead. Prayers to all people who were injured and to all those people who lost loved ones.

8 years ago

Damned opportunists. Sad thing is people are easily suckered and will choose Trump as President, and he’ll make Dubya look like a saint.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

What Kootiepatra said. None of these people care about gay rights unless it gives them a chance to hate Muslims.

It’s a standard trope with the right. They only care about free speech when it helps them hurt minorities, only care about rape when it helps them demonise immigrants, only care about poverty when it helps them demonise jewish people, only care about violence when it helps them demonise black people, only care about children when it helps them hurt women, and only care about foreign governments when it helps them bomb brown people.

There’s a theme here. That theme is “worship power, then find a nice appealing veneer of civilisation to put over it.”

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

All of Islam is just as responsible for this shooting as the entire LGBT+ community is for Milo.

And I ain’t picking up after Milo’s mess.

8 years ago

A FB friend (who is ex-Muslim) pointed out that Islam does have issues with homosexuality, so his religion may have indeed played a role in the shooting. Not the only one though, given that he was raised in the US and as a whole, our society definitely doesn’t think queer lives matter. We’re treated like shit left and right. We’re the butt of jokes. We’re denied workplace protections. We keep having people trying to strip us of the right to make use of public businesses and accommodations. We have people that want to reverse marriage equality. And so much more. I suspect the shooter’s motivations are at the nexus of religious and cultural bigotry.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I bet if the shooter had been white, the manosphere would be defending him, even celebrating him. A homophobe who abused his wife? Sounds like one of them to me. They sympathized with Anders Breivik, Elliot Rodger, Dylann Roof, and Thomas Ball. What a lot of disgusting hypocritical sacks of fetid bison turds they are.

My internet today is going to be limited to this site, a GoT site, and the USA Gymnastics YouTube channel because I already can’t deal with terrible responses the rest of the internet is having to this hate crime.

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago


Exactly. None of them cared before and they don’t care now. The same people who want to overturn marriage equality, criminalize gay sex, rip children from gay and lesbian parents, and criminalize transgender people using public restrooms are shedding crocodile tears right now because the shooter was a non-white Muslim. Mike Huckabee gave people thoughts and prayers when he shared a stage with Kevin “Kill the Gays” Swanson.

8 years ago

This, dammit, is such a hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and a cherry on top for whitewingers– fifty people they hate murdered by a member of a group they want us to hate, right when their Prince of Orange needed a boost– that my mind is growing dirty.

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago


He’s retweeting white supremacists now.

8 years ago

@Tony – Islam has a problem with homosexuality in the same way that Christianity does. People vary in the way they interpret the teachings and practice their faith, and many Islamic countries were once seen as havens of tolerance for homosexual men compared to Christian Europe. French gay men flocked to Tangiers in the 19th and early 20th C for example, to flee persecution. Interpreting the religion as an excuse for bigotry is a choice.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@WWofW Exactly.

I Blame Myself
I Blame Myself
8 years ago

That’s the internet right for you. Speak out against hate and violence against one group, by advocating hate and violence against another.
I was talking to my ten-year-old brother the other day (before having learned of this attack) about why the US has a gun violence problem, and at the very end of it all, he just asked my point blank, ‘If Americans can’t stop shooting each other, why don’t they just get rid of all their guns?’ I honestly couldn’t answer him. I tried to point out some arguments as to why someone might want to own a gun, but all of them sounded bullshit as I spoke them. Eventually, the only straight answer I could give was ‘because they think they’re cool.’
If a fucking ten-year-old can point out the flaw in so much gun-nut logic, why can’t these supposedly smarter politicians and pundits?

8 years ago

It isn’t extremism

I don’t think he realizes how telling that statement is about himself. “It isn’t extremism”, as he and his ilk spread hate towards Muslims and a pic of him holding a gun. “It isn’t extremism”, as Trump dances a jig, cos he toldya so and victim blames LGBT+ folks for daring not to be vigilant enough. Vacuous and vile

If you need a sad, prescient, and somewhat uncomfortable laugh as much as I do:

8 years ago

I have a better idea. NO MORE HOMOPHOBIA.

8 years ago

@every single person saying that islam have trouble with homosexuality : christianism too. And homophoby don’t need religion to exist either.

The problem isn’t with Islam, but with the people who practice it. Fundamentalist islamists are indeed just as dangerous as christian one. And I am pretty sure we can find similar horros from bouddhists at least.

Snork Maiden
8 years ago

How about no more assault rifles being handed out like candy to people on the terrorist watch list?

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