Yesterday, longtime GamerGate bete noire Gawker Media filed for bankrupcty. On KotakuInAction, Reddit’s main GamerGate hangout, the regulars cheered what they saw as Gawker’s long-deserved demise:
Of course, Gawker isn’t actually dead. Bankruptcy gives the company some financial breathing room as it tries to deal with the $140 million in damages a court ordered it to pay former wrestler Hulk Hogan after Gawker idiotically posted a sex tape involving the oversized human.
Still, the GamerGaters celebrated this “victory,” perhaps none of them harder than the odious embarrassment to humanity known as Matt Forney.
This overgrown Cabbage Patch doll is a man well acquainted with media failure — after all, he’s the former “editor” of reactionary gaming site Reaxxion, Roosh Valizadeh’s hilariously inept (and quite short-lived) attempt to cash in on the GamerGate fad.
(You can read more about Mr. Forney’s illustrious career at Reaxxion here, including the time he posted a GamerGate manifesto that, unknown to him, was almost completely plagiarized from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad, with the words “John Birch society” replaced by “GamerGate” and “Communist” replaced by “SJW.” No, really.)
But Forney didnt let his bittersweet memories of the utter failure of Reaxxion stop him from taking to Twitter to “rub [Gawker’s bankruptcy] in the faces” of Gawker writers and editors by sending them harassing Tweets. He was so proud of what he called his “quality sh*tposts” that he collected them in a Storify,
Let’s just say that Forney is no Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
Here are some of the Tweets he sent to Gawker Media dudes. You may notice a theme here.
In his Storify, he declared these last two Tweets virtual “TKOs.”
Forney took a different tack with women. You may notice a theme here, too.
Many of his Tweets were responses to self-deprecating jokes and sarcastic comments from Gawkerites, which led to an assortment of cringey failed zingers like this one:
And this one, in which Forney reminds us that in addition to being a failed Twitter comedian he is also a raging semi-Nazi.
Some of Forney’s Tweets were just puzzling. Is this Tweet suggesting that its recipient commit suicide, or take a lovely relaxing bubble bath?
And here he worked in a cultural referent that ceased to be fresh roughly half a century ago:
When Gawker employees took a few seconds of their time to block him on Twitter, Forney did a little victory dance, which inevitably took the form of more uninspired Tweets.
It’s a bit odd that someone who looks and acts more like an overgrown baby than any other adult human I can think of would consider this a brilliant insult.
I think the site is called ‘The Escapist’, now.
Once again GamerGaters prove they have a mentallity of a 5 year old. No offense to actual 5 year olds.
Ughhhhhh You are not allowed to have that flag Matt Forney. So gross.
What is it about these jerks that makes them so concerned about their twitter following? “In lieu of real friends, I will determine my self-worth and the worth of others by the number of people what clicked on the butan beside my face.” It’s so painfully shallow.
I know we’ve talked about this before, but it seems that the alt right and/or manosphere likes to construct these boogeymen. They think that if Gawker were to fold, there would somehow be no more progressive media for the rest of eternity. It’s very silly.
People who judge by your twitter following are the worst. Not that that makes them the worst, but caring far too much about how many followers some private individual has just seems to show up as an extremely common theme among awful, annoying people on twitter.
My six-year-old niece in her most malevolent mischief-making mood is orders of magnitude greater in maturity than this arsewipe.
(Unrelated – hi again! I’ve been just lurking for a bit while trying to get some personal stuff under control. Thanks for the laughs while I’ve been ‘away’, and the humanity. Y’all rock!)
@Skildfreja, I’m curious, what is the flag?
Oof. That stings, though in the face of the last few articles that have been posted by the EiC, I’m not sure I can deny it. The claim that they’re being “centrist” is laughable.
Unless I’ve been out of big media for too long and something has seriously changed in that time, most, if not all, of the editorial staff are going to go with the publication, especially when its a Chapter 11 restructure and not an outright liquidation.
But I enjoy watching Forney gloat about nothing. I imagine him making dump cakes in celebration and counting his Twitter followers over and over again. Then I stop imagining him, because ew.
I think my favorite Matt Forney moment was when he wrote that listical on ROK about why he moved away from Portland. Basically he said that he didn’t want to sleep with any woman here because literally all Portland women have too many tattoos and are fat from eating at food carts at night. (Or, you know, we just laughed his sorry ass out of town.)
Then, of course, the ROK commenters were all basically like, “Uh, you didn’t get any because you’re a beta.” It was an unintentional work of comedic genius.
@WWTH: Conspiracy theorists (and idiots) of all stripes tend to think like that. I think it’s because it’s easier to believe that there’s one person or group secretly manipulating everything behind the scenes than it is to accept that they are talking completely out of their own asshole and that everyone is against them because they are objectively terrible.
Not to mention that in video games, one tends to instantly win as soon as they defeat the final boss, with all of the lesser enemies immediately just giving up and not continuing the fight. People who spend more time in video games than in the real world, and/or who are dumb enough to think video games are a completely accurate representation of reality, tend to have highly inaccurate perceptions of reality.
Life is more like those video games where it just repeats the same levels over and over until you die. There are bosses, but if you defeat it, then another version shows up again later. Like, I dunno, Gorf? Zaxxon? uhh… my knowledge of video games seems to be largely stuck in the 1980s because I’ve never really been a gamer, so I can’t think of a more recent example. Except if you lose, you have infinite continues, and you get a random game over forever at some random point. Also some people can switch to a different game on the same machine if they get tired of the current one. So, not very much like that really.
god, that made me laugh. “Well, you’re even stupider than me!!”
Jeezus, he’s really obsessed with comparing his twitter-dick to everyone else’s.
so fucking alpha!
and by “alpha” i mean “pathetic.”
Oh, he’s not so bad…FOR ME TO POOP ON!
For those who don’t know…

Zaxxon? Wow 😀 That is old school. Well before my time! I had the board game though, for some reason. Tiny plastic planes and walls and barrels!
That moment of horror felt right after posting the words “FOR ME TO POOP ON” and realizing that shit will get awkward if someone misses the reference. X’D
Triumph takes me back to the Roasts of Lisa Lampanelli and Flavor Flav that I watched on Comedy Central. *puts on rose tinted glasses* Back in the glory days when they still played stand up comedy every day…
I wonder how they reconcile thinking that this bankruptcy is going to end Gawker versus their support for Trump who has how many failures under his belt?
Scildfreja: Holy crap, me too! I loved the set, but I think I played with the game as a toy more than I played the game as a game.
Matt Forney is the literary equivalent of a local rapper. Hangs around in the suburbs of Charlotte or some shit. Picks battles he can’t win. Weak ass rhymes and nothing interesting to say. Utterly convinced this is him,

when he’s actually
(If you haven’t heard of the Gender Bender song before now, it’s somehow worse than you think)
And thalidomide, bruh? Just looked it up. Is the joke supposed to be that she has malformed limbs? Seriously? ‘I allege that you suffer from a serious, perhaps life threatening malady, cos that’s a hilarious joke, apparently’. And why Meredith Vieira? Why is it necessary to drag her name into this? Is it an ‘ugly, old hag’ thing? This fuckin guy, man…
Oh man, I forgot about Zaxxon! I don’t think I played Gorf but I played that style of game, so I probably did.
He’s still using “based” in his monicker? Snicker.