a woman is always to blame allegedly false accusations antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil drunk ladies evil lying women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V Forum members agree: The real victim in the Stanford rape case is Brock Turner

Brock Turner: Misunderstood martyr?
Brock Turner: Misunderstood martyr?

I find it hard to read about the Stanford rape case for more than a few minutes at a time. The whole thing is so grotesque and awful that I literally start twitching in anger and frustration and have to stop reading.

It took several tries for me to make it all the way through a three-and-a-half minute video from Buzzfeed in which a young woman read excerpts from the deeply unsettling letter the victim read to her attacker in court, and it left my stomach in knots.

Last night, a reader pointed me to what he said were some particularly egregious comments about the case he’d run across on Roosh V’s forum from a fellow who calls himself, perhaps appropriately, the Lizard of Oz. I finally forced myself to read them this morning, and found myself twitching again.

The Lizard is as angry about the case as I am. But he’s not angry at “poor wide-eyed fearful [Brock] Turner,” for violating an unconscious woman, or at the judge for giving Turner only a six month sentence (of which he will likely only serve half).

No, he’s angry at what he describes as “a society full of psychotic princesses and their despicable white-knight enablers which treats its young men as worthless roadkill.” And he’s angry at the woman who was violated for speaking up on her own behalf with what he sees as a suspicious eloquence.

Yes, that’s right. He’s mad at her in part because her letter is too well-written for his taste, complaining that the “emotionally dishonest” document “is a self-consciously literary text written in the hysterical tones of contemporary serious female fiction.” In another comment, he denounces her letter as “literary attention whoring from the first word to the last.”

His comments are worth looking at in some detail, if only as a sort of case study in the ways in which misogyny and rape culture can not only destroy a person’s basic human empathy but also their ability to see the facts right in front of them.

As The Lizard sees it, the only crime here is that a “drunk and confused teenage boy” had his “life …. destroyed” just because he failed to notice that his sex partner had passed out.

The idea that this is a “light sentence” is a tragically misplaced one. In reality, the guy’s life is ruined forever. He will be registered as a sex offender for the remainder of his life. He is an eternal pariah and outcast. All because this slut decided that a few moments of drunkenness were enough to destroy a man’s life for good.

The Lizard has somehow convinced himself, through a rather tortured reading of the victim’s letter, that she “liked” being violated by Turner.

This slut went to the party because she wanted to get drunk and cheat on her boyfriend. She obviously wanted this athlete guy to f**k her as she admits in this key passage from the “victim letter” which you need to parse correctly through its lawyerly wording.

Here’s the passage in question, in which she admits no such thing. (I’m putting quotes from her in blue to distinguish them clearly from his.)

And you’re right, maybe I was still fluttering my eyes and wasn’t completely limp yet, fine. His guilt did not depend on him knowing the exact second that I became unconscious, that is never what this was about. I was slurring, too drunk to consent way before I was on the ground. I should have never been touched in the first place

The meaning of the passage is pretty transparent. She’s not saying she consented. She’s saying that she was clearly, obviously, unquestionably “too drunk to consent.”

The Lizard has a somewhat different take.

In other words she’s admitting she was by no means unconscious when he started “fingering” her which she herself said she “liked”. This kid is now supposed to be a “rapist” because in his own drunkenness he could not figure out the exact moment when the equally drunk girl passed out? Really?

Yes, really. It doesn’t matter what “exact moment” she passed out, you stupid sack of garbage. If you stick your fingers into someone who is passed out, that is rape. If you stick your fingers into someone so drunk they’re on the verge of passing out, that is also rape.

The Lizard puts the word “liked” in quotes, as if it is a direct quote from the victim. It’s not. If you search her statement for the words “like” and “liked,” you won’t find her saying anywhere that she “liked” what Turner did to her.

Here are some of the things you will find. (I will put the words “like” and “liked” in italics.)

A paragraph in which she describes taking a shower in a hospital after several hours of being poked and prodded and examined for evidence of rape.

After a few hours of this, they let me shower. I stood there examining my body beneath the stream of water and decided, I don’t want my body anymore. I was terrified of it, I didn’t know what had been in it, if it had been contaminated, who had touched it. I wanted to take off my body like a jacket and leave it at the hospital with everything else.

A paragraph in which she describes how she learned what happened to her that night in the time between her last memory of the party she was at and when she came to hours later on a hospital gurney.

This was how I learned what happened to me, sitting at my desk reading the news at work. I learned what happened to me the same time everyone else in the world learned what happened to me. That’s when the pine needles in my hair made sense, they didn’t fall from a tree. He had taken off my underwear, his fingers had been inside of me. I don’t even know this person. I still don’t know this person. When I read about me like this, I said, this can’t be me, this can’t be me. I could not digest or accept any of this information.

A paragraph in which she addresses Turner for trying to excuse his actions by claiming he was too drunk to know what he was doing. An excerpt:

Sipping fireball is not your crime. Peeling off and discarding my underwear like a candy wrapper to insert your finger into my body, is where you went wrong. Why am I still explaining this.

A paragraph in which she discusses one way in which the sexual assault has affected her:

I can’t sleep alone at night without having a light on, like a five year old, because I have nightmares of being touched where I cannot wake up, I did this thing where I waited until the sun came up and I felt safe enough to sleep. For three months, I went to bed at six o’clock in the morning.

So where does the idea she “liked it” come from? Not from her, but from Turner. In her letter, she recalls reading a news account of the evening’s events:

In the next paragraph, I read something that I will never forgive; I read that according to him, I liked it. I liked it. Again, I do not have words for these feelings.

Speaking of the word “like,” The Lizard’s comment received fifty “likes” from Roosh V forum users. Here they all are:

MiscBrah, Horus, n/a, BallsDeep, GlobalMan, KidA, Samseau, Captainstabbin, spokepoker, Genghis Khan, RoastBeefCurtains4Me, Burt Gummer, Tokyo Joe, bigrich, gajf77, Comte De St. Germain, Mr. Scumbag, getdownonit, Renton1875, H1N1, Benoit, Chevalier De Seingalt, J. Spice, DJ-Matt, debeguiled, Neo2, Grodin, PUA_Rachacha, VincentVinturi, arafat scarf, Professor Fox, godzilla, Roadrunner, UroboricForms, B TAHKE, MMX2010, yfc4, Grizzles, Ocelot, TooFineAPoint, Polo, DeltaSmelt, Dismal Operator, Gmac, Geomann180, mpr, tradman, Avarence, dies irae, Matrixdude

In a followup comment, The Lizard begs a fellow forum member who actually sees the incident as”obviously a real case of rape” to have some empathy — for Turner.

Please try to think about this in actual human terms and understand what happened here. The idea that a young kid’s life should be ruined forever because of this incident is disgraceful.

It’s not long before The Lizard sets forth a conspiracy theory to explain just why the victim’s letter went viral. Weirdly, it involves Donald Trump.

I can tell you why it went viral:

1. They need this to make up for the loss they took on lyin’ Jackie [last name redacted –DF] in the UVa case — a loss they’re still smarting from.

2. It’s needed as payback for TRUMP — pretty much the fact that he still dares to exist.

Unbelievable. The Lizard concludes:

There is serious evil afoot here. But it’s not in the actions of one drunk confused kid — the evil is in our society and the hysterical extremes it has reached in pandering to female lies.

In a series of followup comments, The Lizard informs us that white men can’t rape:

“Rape” victims are few and far between, and real rapes, violent drag into the bushes rapes, are vanishingly rare on college campuses, and not committed by young white male college students.

That women apparently love — no, LOVE — having sex behind dumpsters:

What I know for sure is that women go to parties and get drunk because they want to f**k; and women, especially when they are drunk and horny, LOVE the idea and the excitement of having sex in public locations to an extent that most prudish men and white-knights can never understand.

That he’s pretty sure the victim didn’t write her letter, because reasons:

I did not believe when I saw it, and I believe less now, that it was written in full by “Emily Doe”. It bears all the marks of a far more experienced, ideological, and nastier hand.

I cannot prove, but strongly suspect, that this document was written in part or in full by Michele Dauber, the Stanford Law professor who has been primarily responsible for coordinating the propaganda campaign in this case.

Several commenters on Roosh’s forum, to their credit, take issue with The Lizard’s arguments, such as they are.

And then there is the odious piece of human garbage who calls himself GlobalMan — who may be a man we have met many times before, since“GlobalMan” was for years the internet moniker used by the extremely odd and terrible person better known as Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c).

Here is his take on the situation:

Wow. If [Turner’s] account is indeed accurate and true, not only is this the furthest thing from rape there could ever be, but it is also quite scary that men have to now worry about roving pairs of violent white knights intruding on any public lustful escapades with a willing and enthusiastic lover because they’ve been trained to view all males with natural virility as a threat to public safety.

What you have is in fact actually a sweet and beautiful scene, two young drunk kids slipping and falling and going at it right where they fell. Not too long ago in history someone would have walked by these kids and smirked, passing by with a smile at the thought of young lust. Now such a scene is cause to use violence to restrain the male and send him off to the gulag for societal castration.

A disgusting and sad outcome if there ever was one.

A “sweet and beautiful scene.” That comment got more than a dozen “likes” from the Roosh V Forum crowd.

I’m twitching again.

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8 years ago

Well this is a shitshow. I just…are there really people who still believe in “legitimate” rape? Ugh. And this is about as textbook as a rape can get but people still deny it was rape because they aren’t just sexist, but are actively and proudly sexist. For what little it’s worth, I hope she can eventually heal and he gets prison time, or just any kind of meaningful punishment, really.

As for happier OT stuff, who else has Fallout 4 on XB1and can finally get mods downloaded? I’ve been toying around with them a bit and in spite of some screwage, it’s been working out for me. Some of my favorites are the P99 (held but not fired an actual P99 IRL and the stippled grip is super comfy), the Modular Kalash, and the numbers stations mod PSANS. Always liked numbers stations, not because they’re pleasant to listen to but because they’re just so creepy. The filesizes on these mods are kind of large, which is a bit of a problem with the 2GB limit but hey, better to have limited mods than no mods.

8 years ago

What you have is in fact actually a sweet and beautiful scene, two young drunk kids slipping and falling and going at it right where they fell. Not too long ago in history someone would have walked by these kids and smirked, passing by with a smile at the thought of young lust.



Even if there are witnesses, like I’ve seen these asshats demand before, they keep fucking denying it happend.

Yeah, David, I have very similar feelings toward this case.

8 years ago

“It was different back then”? Yeah, it was. Half a century ago, no one was surprised when a college student was literate, and though all of the women students knew you avoided frat boys and jocks (“the Animal Farm”) because they were entitled and amoral, you didn’t think going to a reasonably normal party would get you drugged and raped, and you no more thought your male classmates would jump your bones for riding in their cars or hanging out printing mimeo sheets with them than you expected them to pull over at the next wayside park and cook you for dinner. Somehow, the Twenty-First Century has seen the resurgence of impulses we thought were laid to rest in the Twentieth, until, fomented by dog-whisle politics, it has effloresced in the staphylococcal yellow carbuncle that is Trumpism.

8 years ago

New ritual greeting: Shut up, Skippy.


Yeah, shockingly, in Canada only 3 rapists in every 1000 are ever punished. If you wonder why so few of us had any faith in our justice system even before the Ghomeshi verdict was handed down, this is why. Our laws were written by men to protect men, and by men in power to protect their power. Fat chance that a powerless woman could expect justice out of THAT.

Joel (on twitter @deathtothefilth)
Joel (on twitter @deathtothefilth)
8 years ago

Every time I see the name Brock Turner I feel physically ill. Literally ill. Maybe I’m getting triggered because of having been assaulted myself.

8 years ago

Calling those men scum would be an insult to perfectly decent pondscum.

8 years ago

Oh my god, this is beautiful and succint. I want to move to Austrália even more.

8 years ago

Since my reaction to this post isn’t fit for reading (or makes me want to come up with irreverent side stories), I’ll post a reaction gif that I’m surprised no-one’s posted here yet.

See if this embeds correctly now….

ETA: Now to see if I can fix this before the clock runs out….

ETA#2: Separate list it is, now. 🙁

8 years ago

Fly, Skip. Be free.

You’re just too gosh darn cunning for us evil women. Alas and alack.

8 years ago
Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

(I)t is also quite scary that men have to now worry about roving pairs of violent white knights intruding on any public lustful escapades with a willing and enthusiastic lover

Turner ran off when he knew he had been seen assaulting his victim. If it were a ‘lustful escapade’ that they were both participating in and felt embarrassed about when noticed by passers-by, they would have run off together. He ran off because he knew what he was doing was wrong, which means he wasn’t drunk enough to not understand the difference between right and wrong.

8 years ago

This thread, Skip? This is the one where you put your copypasta about how women are evil because we distract you with our wiles and then steal your precious precious doubloons? Contemptible.

8 years ago

Eh, let the bastard have his 6-month sentence. The remaining 5 1/2 years which he should have been serving can instead be served by the judge.

…I’m not serious. Mostly.

8 years ago


Don’t (1) get married, (2) give women any legal, social, psychological, physical, financial or spiritual power over your life and (3) enlist in war to have your body parts blown across the battlefield for women.

Skip, Skip, Skip! Nobody here will argue with you. Nobody.

Don’t deny who you are! You’re a guy who just has to Go Your Own Way. Run free, Skip, and don’t look back!

Have you noticed, Skip? You’re still here.

What was that thing again? About not giving women any psychological power over your own life? And yet here you are–your metaphorical nose pressed against a metaphorical cafe full of feminists laughing, joking, and plotting the feminist revolution–hoping to get a rise out of feminists. Hoping, hoping, hoping. You just can’t stay away from us, can you? Time to double down on your affirmations!!!

We’re all rooting for you, Skip. I envision a future for you where you live a solitary life in the woods, free from pesky women and girls, and once a month you get together with like-minded MGTOW hermits and build a bonfire, talk trash, and piss on tree stumps. You. Can. Do. This!!!!!!!!!

8 years ago

Apparently, the USA numbers are a bit better. Not remotely good, but still. I should be a tad proud of that, but I just feel sorry for the Canadiennes living with this

Reactionary assholes always want the victim to prove everything. From sealioning, to Stand Your Ground, to rape laws. Good job, Sidney, for not being like that. Speaking of which, any news on Shaheen’s survivors’ bill?

8 years ago

Okay, seriously, fuck this entire family. His mother is so devastated by this that she can’t decorate their new house. As John Scalzi put it, “…it’s like this whole family was raised at a free ranch asshole ranch.”

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I just can’t, so here’s a picture of a kitten for everyone.

Apart from you, Mr Judge, Mr Rapist and Mr Lizard. You don’t get a kitten. You get negative infinity kittens. Forever.

8 years ago

For anyone who feels like making a difference today I encourage you to email your local legislators some of the description of NSW laws I left on page 2.

Many of these provisions are commonsense reforms that were bipartisan here (for the left it strikes a blow for feminism, for the right it’s “tough on crime” win-win).

If you want specific references to these laws (a little hard to read for non-lawyers but I think I explained them well in my other comment) for your emails I’ll put some here:
Publicly accessible copy of the NSW crimes act, the relevant part is Division 10 (Ctrl+F and search sexual assault)
This being the most critical section covering consent.
The Criminal Procedure Act, Part 5 Division 1-4 is relevant here (ctrl+f sexual offences)
s293 and 294A to 294D are especially relevant.

If you’re writing to a conservative legislator talk about getting tough on crime and winning over women voters and writing to a progressive should be easy.

8 years ago


The best thing to happen to men is feminism.

Well, that’s one thing we can agree on.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

chesselwitt | June 10, 2016 at 11:41 pm
Okay, seriously, fuck this entire family. His mother is so devastated by this that she can’t decorate their new house. As John Scalzi put it, “…it’s like this whole family was raised at a free ranch asshole ranch.”

Well, at least we know where the fuck he gets it from.

Dad’s upset that he can’t enjoy pretzels anymore, Mom’s upset that she can’t put up pictures of her rapist son, and even Sister and Grandparents are joining in to say what a wonderful person he is, and not. A. Single. Fucking. Word. Was. Said. About. The. Victim.

He ruined a girl’s life. She will never be the same ever again. There is no getting over this for her. There is no “tomorrow is another day”. She will carry the mental scars from this for the rest of her fucking life.

And they’re more concerned about fucking pretzels and photographs of their son and how his perfect record is going to be tarnished because he’s a goddamned sex offender.

So, no, him getting a slap on the wrist and registering as a sex offender isn’t NEARLY enough for destroying a girl’s life because he thought it was a good idea to violate her while she was unconscious.

There aren’t enough tables in the world for me to flip. I could scream my throat raw and it still wouldn’t be enough to express the contempt I have for this family at this moment.

If any one of them should happen upon this article: You’re all despicable, selfish, vile, disgusting people, and neither you nor Brock deserve any pity from anyone. You’re more concerned about yourselves than the life your precious star athlete relative ruined, and that, to me, is almost as offensive as the act of rape itself.

Hopefully, someday, you’ll all learn from this. In the meantime, sit and stew in the backlash you’ve generated from your selfish ways. You deserve nothing less than contempt and scorn for putting your own petty comfort above the life of someone else.

8 years ago

@Skip Congratulations! You’ve figured it out. Women are nothing but an economic and emotional drain on men, both individually and collectively. Now that you know this I’m sure you’ve arranged your life so that no woman ever makes, repairs, washes or looks after your clothes, cleans any place you spend time in, prepares or serves your food, or does any other personal service for you, paid or unpaid–good for you for escaping their clutches!

@everyone else This kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, does it? The family and the culture have created an environment where this man somehow made the decision to do what he did. As Olive O’Sudden and others have pointed out, he must have in some way realised he was doing something bad…but he somehow decided to do it anyway. And, even more despicably, not to acknowledge, once he was sober and no longer had any ‘excuse’, what he had done and even attempt to apologise or make amends. One thing I was really struck by in the victim’s letter is that at two different times she says something about ‘if he’d just confessed and apologised, we could have moved on’. But he felt (justly, it seems) that his family and his culture had his back, and he didn’t have to. The perp had more than one chance, even after he’d made the decision to assault someone, to make good and to not lose his education, reputation, and ‘dreams’, but no.

8 years ago

according to that article, his grandparents said in their letter
“Brock is the only person being held accountable for the actions of other irresponsible adults.”

who are these other adults they think are responsible?

edited for clarity

8 years ago

Normally, I am sympathetic towards parents trying to defend their children who have done terrible things. I think it’s almost impossible to defend someone you love with all your heart and not say something that sounds shortsighted and ridiculous to a stranger, who has no problem seeing your beloved child as a criminal.

But… these parents are creepy. Did no one help them with these letters? They go on and on about how driven and accomplished their son is, like they are trying to get him into college, not keep him out of prison. I know armchair psychology and all that, but it’s not surprising to me that this boy saw another person as a thing to be used and discarded. Or maybe he really just isn’t all that nice a kid, and his parents had nothing else to say about him. Yuck.

I’m also pretty surprised these worked, bc everything I’ve seen on pleading for leniency says the defendant must acknowledge their guilt and show remorse. Not a vague, “It’s a shame that things turned out so poorly.”

8 years ago

Well technically I guess they could say that they themselves and the rest of the family are responsible because there failures in raising him helped lead him to become the asshole he is today. But I doubt that’s what they meant.

8 years ago

it seems unlikely, doesnt it?