advocacy of violence alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism drama kings entitled babies irony alert literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men playing the victim racism trump

POLL: Which of these White Supremacist memes is the White Supremacist-est?

Cat Supremacist meme
Fixed that for you

So I recently checked in on some of the more popular white supremacist hashtags on Twitter and found a bunch of lovely, lovely memes. For a moment I considered poking my eyes out, but then I thought, hey, why not have a contest instead?

So here are some of the memes I collected. Vote for your favorite — by which I mean the one that makes you want to poke out your eyes the most. And remember, when considering white supremacist memes, unreadability and incomprehensibility are pluses!

The Chart of Great Unreadability


Wilhelm Reich Said a Thing


Hollyjew Squares


Who are Jew? Who who, who who?


Er, why is there a kitty?


Why is there a car?


Whiggers and Mixers

NOTE: This meme is so terrible I’m not going to post it, though you can see it by clicking on the kitty below


2001: A White Odyssey


The Programmer, Programming Away


Vote for your fave!

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8 years ago


That sounds so cool! C’mon, science, get to work

1stly, your name… teehee!
‘Africans’ are only ‘pure’ if we pretend that Boers/Afrikaners, Arabs, Indians, etc. don’t exist. And what about Khoi-San-Bantu-whathaveyou mix? Greek and Turkish is considered a mix, as is Indian and Chinese. Zulu and Oromo isn’t, cos, hey, it’s all black people anyway. Ugh

There are 6m Jews and and 3m Muslims in this country. Muslims still get by far the worse shit, but 6m is gonna bring out the Stormers

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ dr nicola

is anti semitism more of a thing in the USA? In the UK I see islamophobia more regularly.

I think the keyword is ‘see’. Islamophobia is more overt. Anti-semitism is more dog whistley. Bigots are happy to use the word Muslim (or use slurs) but when it comes to anti semitism it’s coded with words like Zionist or bankers (or similar reference to finance or other positions of power) or uses criticism of Israeli policies as a smoke screen.

I don’t think it’s helpful, or even possible, to quantify such things but there does seem to be plenty of anti semitism in the UK unfortunately.

8 years ago

Someone was wondering on the chart how destruction of gender roles creates cheap labor, as always, don’t overthink these dullards:

The answer is that women working full time is regarded by them as the destruction of gender roles.

The cheap labor is the rise in labor force participation by women due to feminism.

They think that women having jobs is bad and that it depresses the wages of the men (double bad).

8 years ago

2016, everybody.

8 years ago

OT, or maybe reversed? An attempt at being progressive from an old comic, no idea from what year.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pitshade

I like the Brotherhood Quotient one but the risk averse attitude promulgated by that second one is the reason the Reds beat us into space!!!!

8 years ago

@ Alan

Probably good that the early astronauts weren’t required to swordfight their Russian counterparts as well.

8 years ago


My guess is that people who believe that have only done the math over how much you’d pay out of pocket for a vaccine (not that much) vs. how much for chemo treatments (arm, leg, soul, first born child). They haven’t done the math over how many vaccines can be sold once they’re availible.

Plus they have no idea how the pharmaceutical industry actually works on that point. I mentioned that comment to an Internet acquaintance, and she mentioned that the fame that would follow the person/company that actually came up with a workable vaccine/cure would be worth more than the money supposedly found in doing just treatments would be.

Personally, I put such theories on the same level as the ones that claim car engines that can go thousands of miles on a single gallon of gas can be done today, but Detroit just buys the patents to those and makes sure they never see the light day to keep money flowing to Big Oil. Oh, and they kill the inventors so they can never tell another soul about how their miracle engines work and put Big Automotive and Big Oil out of business.

Or the theory that run-resistant nylons can be made now, but the fashion industry gets too much money from women buying new hoses every time their nylons get a run in them to make them for sale.

8 years ago


And don’t forget how a lot of American tycoons and other capitalists looked up to fascism before WWII as an answer against the “mob” of workers’ unions, communists, and immigrants

They did indeed

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pitshade

Now we know why!

comment image

Cupcakes 4 Hitler
Cupcakes 4 Hitler
8 years ago

Defeating Communism was one of the worst things the USA did. When there were ‘Communist sympathisers’ or even outright Communist Party members, they were kept in check. Now they don’t have to watch their backs for a worker’s uprising, there are no unions, and the corporations can do whatever they please.

8 years ago

Had to go with the Race Traitor one. Fascist bully boys are always shouting this over here (GB)

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


Whigger is a portmanteau of white and a certain racial slur that starts with an n. It means a white person who is perceived as “acting black.”

jy3, Social Justice Beguiler
jy3, Social Justice Beguiler
8 years ago

Saw the “race traitor” one.

I don’t know which would be worse: that whoever came up with that genuinely didn’t stop to think “will this make me look evil to anyone who isn’t alt-right”, or that they were deliberately going for nineties-style “I’m so edgy please pay attention to me” grimdark.

8 years ago

Yeesh, out of all of these, the image of the gun to the head is the most honest.

Neo-nazis love to paint themselves as a beseiged and oppressed group standing up against some kind of injustice or global conspiracy, but really they are exactly the jackbooted thugs that they desperately pretend not to be.

I was confused by the inclusion of Wilhelm Reich. Did the Neo-nazis fail at reading comprehension and think that his quote was in support of their ideology? Or is that barely-legible watermark there to brand him as a Cultural Marxist?
It kind of fails as a propaganda piece when the person you’re trying to smear makes a really compelling argument, and the best you’ve got is “don’t listen to this guy, he’s a commie!”.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

@ Hesster, the idea of (((Darkwing Duck))) just made my day before 6 a.m. thanks.

Anyone else think the & mixers image was probably lifted bodily from Jack Chick?

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

I don’t understand the intent of the Wilhelm Reich quote. Because Reich was born to Jewish parents? Did someone think it was putting down White Supremacist Motherhood Idolatry or something? I kept reading it, waiting for the punchline where Reich encourages Jewish Fascists to eat tender, White Christian Babies. (Fun fact: Nobody eats babies. Babies are basically flavourless lumps of fat and cartilage. Mashed potatoes are more interesting than babies, gastronomically speaking.)

8 years ago

The guns to heads‘ one is certainly off the scale, in terms of, ‘people are cattle, keep the breeding stock pure,’ unpleasantness.

8 years ago

Whiggers and Mixers. The fact that these people are prepared to kill their own just because she had a mixed-race child is as White supremacist as it gets.

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