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POLL: Which of these White Supremacist memes is the White Supremacist-est?

Cat Supremacist meme
Fixed that for you

So I recently checked in on some of the more popular white supremacist hashtags on Twitter and found a bunch of lovely, lovely memes. For a moment I considered poking my eyes out, but then I thought, hey, why not have a contest instead?

So here are some of the memes I collected. Vote for your favorite — by which I mean the one that makes you want to poke out your eyes the most. And remember, when considering white supremacist memes, unreadability and incomprehensibility are pluses!

The Chart of Great Unreadability


Wilhelm Reich Said a Thing


Hollyjew Squares


Who are Jew? Who who, who who?


Er, why is there a kitty?


Why is there a car?


Whiggers and Mixers

NOTE: This meme is so terrible I’m not going to post it, though you can see it by clicking on the kitty below


2001: A White Odyssey


The Programmer, Programming Away


Vote for your fave!

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8 years ago

Things I’ve learned today:
*Jews are pushing both for feminism AND for your daughter to have low self-esteem.
*White people invented grapefruit.
*White people invented coffee.
*White people invented citrus vodka.
*White people invented watermelon.
*White people invented kittens.
*Transphobic, homophobic misogynists still filter their worldview through the filmic brainchild of two queer trans women. 🙂 – Look, I know you don’t necessarily have to relate to the artist to relate to the art, but that still makes me smile every time I think about it.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

To me, he looks like Snape crossed with the Grand High Witch.

8 years ago

Ninja’d several times

“Cancer Industry”… ?

I don’t understand. Are they saying that Jews are responsible for cancer?

Well, I have seen anti-vaxxers saying shit like “cancer is caused by vaccines/x-rays/mammography/chem trails on purpose” or like “Cancer is not real. People die because they are maliciously diagnosed with cancer so they spend money with chemio, then people die because of “chemo”.So this may be what they are talking about.

Hey, though I distantly descend from converted jews, I don’t have a jew name nor am a jew. So if anyone is bothered about the “((()))” I put in my name, just tell me.

8 years ago

So basically it’s down to 1: Very Serious but unfortunately illegible chart, 2: cartoonishly obvious, uh, cartoons, and 3: just general wtf-ery (the rest). I may go with the chart because it’s the least painful to look at and the combination of pomposity and simple image compression fail makes me laugh, but is it the worst? Hmmm…

8 years ago

@Dr. Nicolaluna
*hugs* & best wishes.

8 years ago

If I knew an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist was also a devout member of an abrahamic religion, I’d be tempted to say, “What part of ‘god’s chosen people’ are you not understanding?” …but I’m probably not trollish enough to actually do so.

8 years ago

Also, I can only imagine the Who are Jews? one sung like the Stonecutter’s song in Simpsons, which lightens the whole oppressive nausea feeling from the rest of the page.


Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
Heeebreeewwws! Heeebreeewwws!

Like that?

8 years ago

He-Brew is some fine beer.

The mixers one, holy shit, time for an intervention.

8 years ago

This is a tough call, because while the violent “we’re gonna get you” one is what we typically think of as classic-era white supremacy, that stuff you can actually understand.

Modern white supremacy is completely incoherent, so the bizarre incomprehensible ones (e.g. the chart, which if anything is even harder to make out when you can read the text) probably reflect that best.

8 years ago

i think whiggers n mixers is the worst because of the explicit death threats.

Snowberry – I agree with yr traitors comment. One common denominator of all authoritarian/absolutist systems, regardless of ideology or religous identity, is an obsession with the idea of internal purges. Everyone within the larger ‘in group’ who opposes the party line or even lacks sufficient zeal must be systematically eliminated or ejected (if they’re lucky) as a danger to the purity of the body politic.

David – took a look at yr link to the original chart – “dysgenics”?!!!

epitome of incomprehensibility

I ALSO thought the “Law Courts” guy in “Hollyjew Squares” looked like Severus Snape played by Alan Rickman. (Why do people who do cool things keep dying?)

Anyway, I picked the one that says “White Self-Hatred Is Sick” because someone seems to be under the impression that shelves of beer bottles, tunnels, kittens, watermelons, and grapefruit are all white people. Or maybe that they were all invented by white people, because we all know white people invented kittens.

About grapefruits – according to Wikipedia, there was a story that a white guy came to Jamaica and bred a pomelo with an orange to make the first grapefruit, but Dr. Wikipedia concludes that the grapefruit is probably an accidental hybrid. (And aren’t white supremacists supposed to be against hybrids? No grapefruits for you!)

8 years ago

I read YoullNeverGuess’s comment on page 1 in the voice of Darkwing Duck: “I am the terror that flaps in the night…”

Good memories.

8 years ago

HOLD UP. Look at that Warhol-esque parade of Hollyjew Squares… You can’t fool me! I know that guy in the “courts” square. Do you mean to tell me SEVERUS SNAPE CONTROLS THE COURTS?

I was thinking the same thing looking at that meme.

8 years ago


I voted for the one with the kitties in the background, because: Why?

Why are there kittens in the background of your racist meme?

Well, they are white kitties.

I vote for the Reich quote. The quote is actual condemning everything being talked about right? It reads very condemny… but they seem to be quoting it as a “ha! this is why it’s important!” Maybe I’m misinterpreting.

Anyway, is there a bigger version of the chart?

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

Yeah, why is Snape in charge of “Law courts”?

Also, what the heck is “NareBLA?”

8 years ago


They’d probably just quote Galatians at you, anyway.

8 years ago

I know this is a weird thing to nitpick out of the legible version of the incomprehensible chart, but how does attacking gender roles lead to cheaper labour? Are men paid less for being femme? If women were to get back in the kitchen would that some how drive down the cost of labour? Are women incompetent at their jobs so they must hire twice as many women as white men to do the same thing?

So confused.

8 years ago

Also, I found a black/green version of the incomprehensible chart that has more details than the one from rational wiki.

8 years ago

Do they… do they know how flow charts work?

8 years ago

About the cancer thing….

Some years ago, I read a comment that claimed that cancer could be cured today IF the cancer-industrial complex (sibling to the military-industrial complex) wanted to. But they don’t, because there’s no money in curing cancer; the big money is in things like chemo and infusions and mammograms and other such tests. Create a cure for cancer, and *poof* no more money for the obscenely rich people who run the cancer industry.

That’s one of the strands to this ‘cancer has no cure’ thing, at least.

8 years ago

Killing cancer is easy. Doing so without killing the rest of the patient is quite hard.

I’m sure we’ll have a cure for cancer someday. But it probably won’t happen until after we have a cure for virus.

8 years ago


cancer could be cured today IF the cancer-industrial complex (sibling to the military-industrial complex) wanted to

Bollocks of the highest order. Cancer isn’t a thing. It’s a multitude of different things. Every cancer is different, everyone with cancer is different. We’ll have (actually good) sexbots, before THE cure for cancer, whatever that means

But they don’t, because there’s no money in curing cancer

There are ~1.5m new cancer cases a year in the US. That’s half of 1% of the population of the country and nothing compared to 7b+. If they had a cancer ‘vaccine’ or whatevs that would prevent cancer incidence:
(90% of children get vaccinated)*(4m babies born in 2015)*(ex. HPV shot costs $140)*(a booster)=nearly a billion a year in the US alone
Do the same in fast growing pop centers (Middle East, south/east Asia, Africa) and that’s a lot of cash. All that, and the non R&D costs of such a thing would be miniscule compared to the overhead on chemo. Of course, I repeat, that’s not how cancer works. But yeah, there’d be money in it

8 years ago

I do kind of love that according to the chart, Social Science departments are directly responsible for destroying civilization. Social sciences are important, but that might be according them a little too much weight.

8 years ago

I didn’t vote – because…yuck. But I would definitely cast my vote for one of the more comprehensible ones because the bizarre and the unreadable aren’t gonna convince anyone and are merely an abstract impression of the hate of the maker. Obviously the ‘whigger’ one is particularly vile as it’s directly inciting violence whereas some of the others are just -handily- a step away from that. It did make me feel a bit sorry for folk like that, though – hated by the white supremacists and reviled by those who are cultural appropriation police and looked down on by people whose choice in cross-cultural appreciation (from oriental carpets to squash blossom necklaces) is a marker of a different class.


OK, so completely off-topic, but here’s a current conundrum. I’m arranging a small event for a client in a somewhat techy area and provided a potential attendee list that was quite gender balanced. They selected from the list of who they’d like me to invite and there’s not a single woman on the list. The included some men who I think are less important in the field than many of the women, including a guy who I just included on the list as a sort of favour because I like him.

Now, it’s entirely possible that some of the women might be on a nix list because of previous experiences, but I somehow doubt it – however, because of that possibility, I can’t just unilaterally invite some though I can’t believe they’ve had run-ins with them all. I should be speaking with the client this morning and I’m not sure what to say?

8 years ago

I don’t suppose it would be appropriate for you to ask if there was any concerns which made the client decide to leave individuals off the invite list – maybe phrase it so it doesn’t specify that you’re asking “Hey why are NO women on this list”…did they cross off any men? What sort of event are you arranging? Does the client not seem the type to think along lines such as “If we leave out women, how will we be perceived for doing so?”

Gah @rugbyyogi, I don’t know what to suggest and I feel for you on having to deal with this situation because from here, it looks like it sucks. 😛