awesome MGTOW off topic sexy robot ladies

Haircutting drones: Not quite there yet, as this hilarious video demonstrates

A little off the top, please
A little off the top, please

Ok, so this is completely off-topic but here, in video form, is a preliminary attempt to answer a crucial question of our age: Why not use drones to cut hair?

After watching the video, I think you will be able to see why.

Here’s the short version:

And the full video:

Well, you win some, you lose some. But hey, just because the technology isn’t there yet doesn’t mean that it won’t ever be there. I don’t doubt that someday, in our lifetime, we will all get our hair cut by hairdresser robot drones.

That is, if we don’t get murdered by gun-shooting drones first.

Oh, and all you MGTOWs out there waiting impatiently for the sexy robot ladies who will make the real ladies obsolete? You may want to hold off on your purchases until they work out all the glitches in the technology, lest you end up like the mannikin in the video above.

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8 years ago


best joke I can make

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

The Perm-inator?

Nope, James wins that one.

8 years ago

Hey, this is a great new excuse for those of us who are somewhat follically challenged!

8 years ago

Well, they tried. They failed miserably, but they tried.

8 years ago

Gonna speak as a cosmetology student.
Even if this were perfected, you still might not be able to get your hair exactly like you want. A lot of factors come into play: hair type, services that have already been performed on you, facial shape, and lifestyle, to name a few.
A consultation is crucial, and a stylist who cares will do infinitely better than shears duct taped to a fancy RC toy.
‘Tis not a future I can see unless we’re going to be a second North Korea and have a catalogue of hairstyles we’re allowed.

8 years ago

Drone cuts are misaaaaaandry!

(That red wig is kind of fabulous, though.)

8 years ago

Red hairs are *alway* fabulous.

8 years ago

Sure, you put guns and stuff on a quad copter…but how will you get it close enough to your enemies without getting noticed? A question you’d think noone would ever ask, but its answered already.

Dahir Insaat, a company(?) that does…who the fuck knows, they seemingly just make cgi mock ups to try to scam investors. Anyway, since they already solved the problems of labor costs for restaurants and supermarkets by replacing them with exponentially higher costs for robotics and real estate, ventured into the world of drone combat.

8 years ago

OT: Laura Ingraham waxes rhapsodic about Trump’s “magic sauce”.

Somehow I am still keeping breakfast down.

8 years ago

Simone Giertz is the best.

Her Grace Phryne
Her Grace Phryne
8 years ago

@Taffer: My older son showed me a few of those videos, but that quadcopter one was definitely…. something. Dahir Insaat seems like a company that will make a presentation video for any hare-brained idea that can be dreamed up, as long as robots are involved.

Re: the video: I watched it and my younger son heard it but didn’t see it, so he asked what happened. I told him it went horribly wrong, and he said apprehensively, “Did they die?” Doesn’t seem like it would be far-fetched to ask that question…

8 years ago

Adding my voice to the fabulous talk. It’s like some visual kei stuff with the fringe. I’m about it

Johanna M Roberts
Johanna M Roberts
8 years ago

My kiddo and I needed the silly. 😀 Awesome video.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Bit off topic but if there are any Mammotheers in the Boston area then you may be interested in my mate’s thing:

Cupcakes 4 Hitler
Cupcakes 4 Hitler
8 years ago

I can think of another more useful one for MRAs…
Castration drone!

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Cupcakes Can we not do the ‘incite violence’ thing please?

Cupcakes 4 Hitler
Cupcakes 4 Hitler
8 years ago

@fishy goat

Ok, I was joking. Sorry for causing offence.

8 years ago

Reminds me of the Suck’N’Cut from Wayne’s World: “Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it!! It’s sucking my will to live!!”

Except that the Suck’N’Cut worked a lot better, of course.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Anybody else remember the hair-cutting machine from the movie version of Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang?

8 years ago

Okay that Dahir Insaat video was hilariously bad. What kind of bullets cause planes to automatically fireball with one hit? Since when has *any* rapid-fire weapon been as accurate as seen as the video? How the hell is the drone remaining perfectly stable with all that recoil? When the anti-air defenses finally start working, why are they so useless against a stationary target? If such a superweapon existed, don’t you think it would be a short time before twitch-trigger anti-drone defenses would exist, thus rendering both this new technology *and* commercial airliners prohibitively risky?

I mean, I’m not that knowledgeable about, or a fan of, military hardware. But even I can spot a dozen things which are probably wrong with this video. Are they really that ignorant, or do they think they can sell it to people who are?

8 years ago

That quadcopter-of-terror video is a hoot. The commentary is spot on. Yeah, I’m sure you could just snap some blades in, and get it up in the air, quite unnoticed by a radar station with everything from fighter jets to stealth bombers ready to scramble. Uh-huh.

The baby quadcopter-of-terror IS kinda cute, though, in its evil deadly way…

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago


Are they really that ignorant, or do they think they can sell it to people who are?

It doesn’t have to be an either-or, I think.
8 years ago

>Look at just the first still
>immediately cringe in fear

I’m surprised the scissors didn’t end up jammed in the mannequin’s face.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ taffer

The daftest thing about the ‘quadcopter’ is that it doesn’t do anything that the AC-130 Spectre hasn’t been doing since 1969 (and the Spectre arrives already assembled)

8 years ago

Somewhere once, I saw a patent illustration for a device that looked like a colander which was placed on the head. It pulled up the hair somehow and then singed it off? Like a bowl cut from hell.

I set my hair on fire once. It isn’t a pleasant smell.