Over on The Red Pill subreddit, the Red Pillock who calls himself 1Ronin11A comes so close to asking the question that could shake his Red Pill world to its foundations. That question is: Why do we Red Pillers hate and fear the women we have (or at least want to have) sex with?
Instead, he decides to ponder what he calls “the supposed contradiction that results from our simultaneous disdain for sluts but willingness to still have sex with them,” which he declares is not really a contradiction after all, because, well, they’re sluts, duh!
“We Don’t Hate Sluts; We Just Recognize Their Low Value,” he declares in the title of his thousand-word post, apparently forgetting that “disdain” is in fact a synonym for “hate.”
So let’s break down his stupid argument, shall we?
As 1Ronin11A sees it, the essential problem with sluts is that they don’t understand the basics of sex economics — pussyconomics, if you will. Instead of hoarding their sexual assets like Scrooge McDuck hoards gold, thus increasing their value, these women just give sex away!
Sluts aren’t just women with “too many sexual partners,” 1Ronin11A declares.
What really makes a slut so despised is their disregard for their own inherent value, and the fact that they give it away so freely.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex, something inherently valuable to men. Men have built and destroyed great empires and many lives in pursuit of the sexual pleasures of beautiful women. We assign (often foolishly) great value to sex. We view it as something worthy of conquest, of effort, and acknowledge that women have the right to withhold it for only the men that have proved themselves as deserving of it.
Well, at least he’s acknowledging a woman’s right to say no, a concept a lot of Red Pillers have a great deal of trouble with.
Instead, a slut gives that value freely to many different men based on fickle “feelz” and fleeting emotions. In doing so, her sex becomes less valuable because it’s given so freely.
While women are the gatekeepers of sex, Ronin11A goes on to argue (or, rather, assert), men are the gatekeepers of commitment, which is
the one thing men have control of. This makes the White Knight, the FriendZoned, the Nice Guy, the male equivalent of the slut. Why? Because … the White Knight/Nice Guy offers all of the commitment, without making the woman prove herself first as a quality woman. In doing so, he reveals that his commitment is of little value since, surprise, it’s given so freely to any woman that walks by. …
Unsurprisingly, women get very upset by the manner in which men treat sluts while remaining oblivious to the fact they treat White Knights/Nice Guys with the same disregard and disdain.
I haven’t run across a lot of women who disdain men because they have too many female friends. When women complain about “nice guys” — as 1Ronin11A would know if he paid attention to what women actually say when the topic comes up — it’s generally because these alleged “nice guys” expect to be rewarded with sex for their alleged niceness.
“As men, we don’t hate sluts,” 1Ronin11A reiterates,
we simply recognize their offering as low-quality and low value, and unworthy of commitment. We use them for the easy sex that they are, just as women use the Nice Guys as emotional tampons and ATMs for free drinks.
The irony is women understand this, even if it’s on a subconscious, almost biological level. It’s why they never date the Nice Guys until their physical currency begins to wane. It’s why they get so upset when they’re pumped and dumped or called sluts, as they recognize they’re being accurately identified as being disposable and of low value to high-quality men.
1Ronin11A’s argument is an old one, and one that only makes sense if you buy into his basic premise — that sex is a thing that belongs to women, and that commitment is a thing that belongs to men.
If, instead, you see sex as activity that women, or at least a substantial portion of them, actually enjoy, the entire ideological edifice of Red Pillism falls apart. The women that Red Pillers call sluts have sex with the guys they have sex with not because they’re sexual discount outlets, but rather because they want to have sex with these guys, and these guys want to have sex with them.
That sounds like a win-win situation to me, not some kind of terrifying vagina market collapse.
It’s amazing how much more sense the world makes when you assume that women are human beings.
But that’s one fact that Red Pillers can never admit. At its essence, Red Pill ideology is all about denying the basic humanity of women in an attempt to keep them shamed and subservient. That’s why Red Pillers get so worked up about feminist attempts to get rid of the stigma attached to the word “slut.”
As if on cue, 1Ronin11A ends his excursion into Slut Theory by ranting against the slut walks of recent years, which he describes as
the social equivalent of unions, essentially trying to lower the standards bar while raising the asking price simultaneously. If the value of slutty women is artificially raised, girls won’t have to try so hard to be feminine, charming, actually got to the gym to maintain an attractive figure.
“Artificially” raising the “asking price” of “slutty women?” Uh oh!
Red Pillers may not-so-secretly hate the “sluts” who are willing to have sex with them, but they’re absolutely livid about the “sluts” who won’t.
also: TINES
@numerobis, to be clear, I don’t actually have any issue with CPP or with QPIP. I was just being funny.
I know I’ve shared this before, but I’m going to share it again because it’s still important.
(Content warning for NSFW language)
It all comes down to the fact that red pillers don’t like that women have sex on their own terms and that often means not having sex with men like them. Rather than admit that women don’t want to have sex with them because of their repulsive personalities, they try to shame women for their sexuality. Women are called “sluts” for sleeping with men and for not sleeping with men.
It’s a trap. We can’t win no matter what we do.
(But considering that the prize could be sex with a red piller, do we really want to win?)
Well, I’m a slut, and I had cheeseburgers for lunch just now. (With a fried egg on top!)
As for the OP: “We don’t hate you, we just think you’re worthless if you don’t exclusively have sex with one guy, and we hate you if that one guy isn’t me.”
I gotta agree with others in the thread here: Someone’s salty that we’re ushering in an age of sexual freedom for peeps of all genders, and he still ain’t gettin’ any.
I mean, I self-identify as a slut and I still wouldn’t fuck one of these dudes. Because one can be a slut and can still have self-respect. Shocking, I know.
C’mon, Buttercup, you know they didn’t think that far ahead.
They obviously assumed they’d go back to a time where men were promised young girls by the girls’ fathers!
And obviously they’re such a catch, what with them sitting around kvetching about women on the internet all day, that fathers looking to marry off their daughters would be lining up around the block to beg for these ALPHUA MAYUNLY MEN to take their HB10 daughters’ hand in marriage. They’d be begging for a TRPer to take their HB10 daughters off of their hands (because feeemales are awful little leeches on the lives of men).
I mean, who needs a stable job, money, social status, or the slightest bit of social grace when you have the title of ALPHUA MAYUNLY MAN and a comment history on /r/TRP?
They’d totes take care of their little
house-frau/sex slave/incubator/child care worker/sammich-makerwife with their upvotes. [/heavy sarcasm]Ah, to be so nostalgic for a time period that I never experienced, and to pine for a fundamental misunderstanding how things worked back then.
Not, ‘that they offer’, mind. Women are sex, apparently. That one made me all scowly
Keep me out ya mouth, asshole. I haven’t conquered or destroyed a damn thing. Sex isn’t inherently valuable to everyone. I don’t need a litter of strapping yungins to help run the farm in 2016. I can take care of myself, thanks *innuendo wink*
If they have to try so hard, maybe it ain’t for them. Maybe they’re just not about that femininity life. Maybe charm ain’t the strong suit. Maybe they just ain’t “attractive” [citation needed on what the fuck that means]. Maybe that’s all perfectly OK. Maybe women can be however they like and don’t need your bullshit
But hey, what do I know, I’m just a mangina, cuck, etc, etc
@ Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut
I posted at 11:10 AM my time and lunch was not coming fast enough. I went with a Philly though, with jalapenos. mmm
I think some of the appeal of Red Pillism is that it denies humanity to women and that justifies shaming them and makes it easier for some guys to cope with romantic rejection. Rejection is painful for everyone, but many men have a privileged attitude that anyone who causes them emotional pain deserves to be punished (plus zero emotional coping skills).
Egg slut cheeseburger:
Damn, all this talk of cheeseburgers is making me hungry. I guess I’m just an unfeminine slut…who should go eat some supper.
Greasy hamburger buns… I just can’t. urk.
Mmm, grease. Yeah, I don’t eat healthy. What?
Pretty sure those buns are just shiny for being, like, pretzel-rolls or something! Not shiny from grease.
A local fast food chain, Hardee’s, has them and they are pretty greasy. Yeah, maybe not the high quality example but just seeing the sheen is a big nope for me.
If a red piller (or any other guy) can’t imagine a woman actually enjoying sex with him, that’s really the only information a woman needs about him.
You know, my favorite thing about RP field reports is how they’ll spend 3000 words painstakingly describing the tiniest little interaction, and what the woman was thinking, and what everyone was drinking, and how much they can bench, and how tall every Chad in the vicinity was, and every single move in the complicated chess game of ordering appetizers at Olive Garden. Then he gets his date home, and there’s more wordy word salad about amused mastery and how he wordily held frame against her roommates and overcame her LMR. Finally the story gets to the sex scene, and………
………..it’s a single, vague sentence. WORST EROTIC FANFIC EVER.
After a demure little fast-forward to the next morning (where invariably she’s cooking him bacon naked, because…wait, who actually does that?), we’re back to thousands of words about how awesome and effective RedPill is.
So. Either the sex part didn’t happen and they know better than to try to lie their way through it, or they genuinely don’t enjoy sex and it’s not that interesting to them. Not nearly as interesting as the part about degrading and conquering women.
Women who like sex really baffle them. They can’t conceive of any type of sex that makes both parties happy and doesn’t diminish the woman. If she isn’t feeling sufficiently bad about herself, then her vagina must be depreciating.
I write, and never publish, erofic in my spare time. Yeah, the actual sex scenes are pretty difficult. Too much detail and it’s a Prima Guide walkthrough, too little and it’s a rushed action montage of disappointment. It’s OK, Pillians, I sympathize
Difference is, my terrible prose about a genderflipped Han and Leia is all imaginary, narrative, future fantasy. I make it up as I go. If you got laid, AND it was pleasant enough (for you at least) to brag about, AND it was a just couple of days ago, AND you’re already expending a few hundred/thousand words on your ‘conquest’, then give up the deets, bro. Open up a thesaurus and go to town
That’s an awful lot of ‘ifs’ tho…
I’m already cringe reading your sexist claptrap, the least you can do is paint me a fuckin picture (puns). I’ve only seen a few (disturbing as all hell) snippets from the Bang books, but I wonder how anyone could think, ‘Yeah, that shit’s hot. How can I get in on some of that awkward rutting?’
This called to mind Richard Feynman’s reference to “worthless bitches” – basically “sluts” only interested in getting you to buy them drinks in return for the possibility of sex. And “worse than a whore” if they didn’t follow through.
It never made sense for me. If you want something and this person is giving you this something easily and with great pleasure, shouldnt you be happy? If a woman has much experience, knows exactly what do do, and likes to do it, shouldnt she have more value than someone who has little to no idea of what they are doing?
It’s even rapey, they necessarily want sex with someone who doesn’t want it, or like it, or know how to do it. I don’t understand society.
Well, that’s just it isn’t it?
They want a girl who’s never touched a penis, but they want her to be a porn star in the bedroom.
They want a girl who has never been “owned” by another man, but they expect her to have all the experience of all the porn they consume (but she can’t watch, or gods forbid, enjoy porn, that’s just a sign of sluttiness).
They want a girl who might be disgusted by sex, so they can be turned on that they’re making a woman uncomfortable. Because then they can feel like they’re “getting back” at all the women who have ever rejected them in their lives.
But at the same time, they demand that their “unspoilt”, “untouched”, “UNOWNED” woman perform sexually for them like she isn’t.
Of course, asking them to do anything besides furiously hump at your various orifices (and refuse to go down on you*) is misandry.
*I found a saying on tumblr that really nicely sums up about how I feel about guys who won’t go down: “Elevators that don’t go down aren’t really worth riding.”
OK, I’m not a history buff, but pleeease, what empires were built on the pursuit of sexual pleasures of beautiful women? And what empires were destroyed? The only thing I can think of is the whole Trojan war thingie, but that’s largely mythology unless Helen was the daughter of a god… As far as I know, wars historically have been built on more than dudes trying to impress or attract women.
[TW: Roosh V Having Rapey Sex]
You know when I wrote my post about this being a domination thing for these guys (not the kind you agree too before hand) I was specifically thinking of the passage I read here were Rush was having sex with the girl and was close to finishing, but she wanted to change positions, but he was like OFMWTF NOOOOOOAGHGRGHRGHGHKL HOW DARE YOU I WILL FINISH NOW JUST TO SPITE YOU!!
“She tried to squirm away while I was laying down my strokes so I had to use some muscle to prevent her from escaping.”
And then he gave her a lecture about how selfish she was for she calling “an audible so late in the game.” He was getting pleasant, consensual sex (according to him) and yet it seemed he was most proud of how he bossed her around and DENIED her what she asked for, and even used physical force, because how dare she ask for anything in bed! It was not only very very UN-erotic, but also just….rapey and horrible.
Original article Article here
God. Damn. It.
I would like to make it clear that I don’t share this ronin’s views despite our having similar sounding names. I have no issue with women having multiple partners because it is none of my damn business. Honestly, I obsess over more important stuff that could change the world as we know it!
For example I obsess over why Godzilla vs. Biollante doesn’t get enough love. Jesus, like it’s one of the most underrated entries in the franchise.
I’m pretty sure their only evidence is the “don’t date robots” PSA from Futurama.
Conquering empires, tower building, expanding your territory/kingdom, obtaining a key that opens ALL locks but a lock that opens to all kinds of keys is nothing special…the kind of ‘reward’ obtained when early on in levels…sounds rather game-like, no?
Never mind that a key which opens all the locks is likely going to be a rare thing, and oh yeah…SEX IS NOT A PRIZE YOU WIN BECAUSE YOU PLAY THE GAME.
PS sorry for yelling
Thiiiiis. I think so many of TERP-writing boils down to: “Here’s a theory I have cobbled together to explain away the pain in my heart and ego caused by rejection.”