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Slut Theory 101: Red Pillers remain baffled by women who actually enjoy sex

Nothing to be ashamed of
Nothing to be ashamed of

Over on The Red Pill subreddit, the Red Pillock who calls himself 1Ronin11A comes so close to asking the question that could shake his Red Pill world to its foundations. That question is: Why do we Red Pillers hate and fear the women we have (or at least want to have) sex with?

Instead, he decides to ponder what he calls “the supposed contradiction that results from our simultaneous disdain for sluts but willingness to still have sex with them,” which he declares is not really a contradiction after all, because, well, they’re sluts, duh! 

“We Don’t Hate Sluts; We Just Recognize Their Low Value,” he declares in the title of his thousand-word post, apparently forgetting that “disdain” is in fact a synonym for “hate.”

So let’s break down his stupid argument, shall we?

As 1Ronin11A sees it, the essential problem with sluts is that they don’t understand the basics of sex economics — pussyconomics, if you will. Instead of hoarding their sexual assets like Scrooge McDuck hoards gold, thus increasing their value, these women just give sex away!

Sluts aren’t just women with “too many sexual partners,” 1Ronin11A declares.

What really makes a slut so despised is their disregard for their own inherent value, and the fact that they give it away so freely.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex, something inherently valuable to men. Men have built and destroyed great empires and many lives in pursuit of the sexual pleasures of beautiful women. We assign (often foolishly) great value to sex. We view it as something worthy of conquest, of effort, and acknowledge that women have the right to withhold it for only the men that have proved themselves as deserving of it. 

Well, at least he’s acknowledging a woman’s right to say no, a concept a lot of Red Pillers have a great deal of trouble with.

Instead, a slut gives that value freely to many different men based on fickle “feelz” and fleeting emotions. In doing so, her sex becomes less valuable because it’s given so freely.

While women are the gatekeepers of sex, Ronin11A goes on to argue (or, rather, assert), men are the gatekeepers of commitment, which is

the one thing men have control of. This makes the White Knight, the FriendZoned, the Nice Guy, the male equivalent of the slut. Why? Because … the White Knight/Nice Guy offers all of the commitment, without making the woman prove herself first as a quality woman. In doing so, he reveals that his commitment is of little value since, surprise, it’s given so freely to any woman that walks by. …

Unsurprisingly, women get very upset by the manner in which men treat sluts while remaining oblivious to the fact they treat White Knights/Nice Guys with the same disregard and disdain.

I haven’t run across a lot of women who disdain men because they have too many female friends. When women complain about “nice guys” — as 1Ronin11A would know if he paid attention to what women actually say when the topic comes up — it’s generally because these alleged “nice guys” expect to be rewarded with sex for their alleged niceness.

“As men, we don’t hate sluts,” 1Ronin11A reiterates,

we simply recognize their offering as low-quality and low value, and unworthy of commitment. We use them for the easy sex that they are, just as women use the Nice Guys as emotional tampons and ATMs for free drinks.

The irony is women understand this, even if it’s on a subconscious, almost biological level. It’s why they never date the Nice Guys until their physical currency begins to wane. It’s why they get so upset when they’re pumped and dumped or called sluts, as they recognize they’re being accurately identified as being disposable and of low value to high-quality men.

1Ronin11A’s argument is an old one, and one that only makes sense if you buy into his basic premise — that sex is a thing that belongs to women, and that commitment is a thing that belongs to men.

If, instead, you see sex as activity that women, or at least a substantial portion of them, actually enjoy, the entire ideological edifice of Red Pillism falls apart. The women that Red Pillers call sluts have sex with the guys they have sex with not because they’re sexual discount outlets, but rather because they want to have sex with these guys, and these guys want to have sex with them.

That sounds like a win-win situation to me, not some kind of terrifying vagina market collapse.

It’s amazing how much more sense the world makes when you assume that women are human beings.

But that’s one fact that Red Pillers can never admit. At its essence, Red Pill ideology is all about denying the basic humanity of women in an attempt to keep them shamed and subservient. That’s why Red Pillers get so worked up about feminist attempts to get rid of the stigma attached to the word “slut.”

As if on cue, 1Ronin11A ends his excursion into Slut Theory by ranting against the slut walks of recent years, which he describes as

the social equivalent of unions, essentially trying to lower the standards bar while raising the asking price simultaneously. If the value of slutty women is artificially raised, girls won’t have to try so hard to be feminine, charming, actually got to the gym to maintain an attractive figure.

“Artificially” raising the “asking price” of “slutty women?” Uh oh!

Red Pillers may not-so-secretly hate the “sluts” who are willing to have sex with them, but they’re absolutely livid about the “sluts” who won’t.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Men can be gatekeepers of sex, and women can be gatekeepers of committment. It’s possible to want both. Or neither.

In doing so, her sex becomes less valuable

Valuable for what?

For bolstering your ego? For keeping score vs. other dudes?

Hate to break it to you, buddy, but sex isn’t a fiat currency. And you’re not the backing government.

Guys like this are salty because they believe attractive women are handing out sex left and right, like candy from a parade float, and they’re still not getting any. So they want sex to be strictly controlled and rare, and go back to the days of the rigorously enforced double standard, because then they’d still not be getting any but at least they’d feel less bad about it, and that’s the important thing here. Not women’s sexual agency.

If the value of slutty women is artificially raised, girls won’t have to try so hard to be feminine, charming, actually got to the gym to maintain an attractive figure.

“…Instead, let’s artificially raise the value of abusive, horrible men by keeping women economically dependent, insecure, and afraid to have sex.”

8 years ago

I used to be part of the slut union but I got behind on paying the dues. Now I just slut by subcontract. It’s more freedom, but finding work can be a pain and I have to handle all my taxes to the Matriarchy on my own. The parades were fun, though. I got to wave from the tramp float.

8 years ago

“…Instead, let’s artificially raise the value of abusive, horrible men by keeping women economically dependent, insecure, and afraid to have sex.”

That’s exactly it. Oh, and they charge extra for the Hawaiian shirts,
Cheeto dust and trilbies, too.

8 years ago


The slut EI and slut MPP (matriarchy pension plan) are the real killers. Plus, lots of friends with benefits, but no medical benefits, which is a drag.

8 years ago

I love when they (Red Pillocks) talk about “being feminine”! *gags* Never mind that the most traditionally feminine woman has a masculine side to her and the most traditionally masculine man has a feminine side to him. And RE: going to the gym…some of those same toe rags would consider most of the things done at the gym to be “masculine” and they might fuss about swimming (my favorite exercise btw) because swimsuits show too much skin. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. This is why I don’t give a shit what those guys (I won’t call them men) think…they’re not worth it.
“High-quality men”, HA! They had better not be talking about themselves.

8 years ago

Some idiot wrote:

Instead, a slut gives that value freely to many different men based on fickle “feelz” and fleeting emotions. In doing so, her sex becomes less valuable because it’s given so freely.

[Emphasis mine]

…unlike men, who only sleep with women for coldly rational reasons.

Funny how men’s emotions aren’t worthy of mockery, only women’s.

8 years ago

Sorry for the wall-o-text…I just had to have a rant

8 years ago

Guys like this are salty because they believe attractive women are handing out sex left and right, like candy from a parade float, and they’re still not getting any. So they want sex to be strictly controlled and rare, and go back to the days of the rigorously enforced double standard, because then they’d still not be getting any but at least they’d feel less bad about it, and that’s the important thing here. Not women’s sexual agency.

Delurking to ‘this’ this so hard.

Hey Red Pillers, I appreciate that you’re trying hard to shoot yourselves in the foot, guys, but can you not try to take everyone else down with you, please? thx


weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

Oops. Stupid autocorrect. I obviously meant sluttiness.

I guess a slutty tine is better than a slutty tong. Tongs have the utensil equivalent of vagina dentata.

8 years ago

This makes the White Knight, the FriendZoned, the Nice Guy, the male equivalent of the slut.

But aren’t those supposed to be life long male virgins, or men with vast, decades-long, dry spells, doesn’t sound very man-slutty to me.

Unsurprisingly, women get very upset by the manner in which men treat sluts

So….don’t do that then.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago


I read somewhere of a metaphor that “explains” it :

A key that opens every lock is great, a lock that’s opened by many keys sucks. Or something like that.

Phallic imagery aside, it does explain a lot… about how those morons function and think. “Man’s world” makes so much sense here. Men are the actual human beings, the challengers, while women are mere things, the challenges. Sex is the score.

Do I get this right ? I’m trying to figure out how their state of mind came to be and that’s just sort of my hypothesis, so if anyone’s got a better explanation or way to summarize it, please do tell.

Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
Hambeast, Social Justice Legbeard
8 years ago

Shalimar said

If you recognize that people get better at things the more often they do them, you would think sluts would have the most value to someone who really is interested in women solely for sex.

Sluts would have the most value, except for the whole women-as-ownable-objects thing which means (pussy-nomically speaking) that they lose 50% of their value as soon as they “drive them off the lot” so to speak. And yet, these women (objects) *also* own a valuable commodity (sex) somehow. That also has to be purchased.

Also, add in that these dudes who fantasize that they’re high-value, alpha malez also want (as in think they are entitled to) a mommy surrogate along with the sex deal, and you have a hopelessly complicated “equation” that everyone (who is advocating these things as facts) pretends to understand, but no one actually does.

8 years ago

What really makes a slut so despised is their disregard for their own inherent value, and the fact that they give it away so freely.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex, something inherently valuable to men. Men have built and destroyed great empires and many lives in pursuit of the sexual pleasures of beautiful women. We assign (often foolishly) great value to sex. We view it as something worthy of conquest, of effort, and acknowledge that women have the right to withhold it for only the men that have proved themselves as deserving of it.

Well, at least he’s acknowledging a woman’s right to say no, a concept a lot of Red Pillers have a great deal of trouble with.

I think you’re giving him too much credit, David. I strongly suspect he thinks that a man who forces himself on a woman has ‘proved himself’–indeed, it’s likely that he thinks that’s the only true way to prove you deserve to have sex. In other words, she’s allowed to withhold consent only until he overpowers her.

8 years ago

the social equivalent of unions,

They pretty much got that right, actually. Unions are about the politically weak banding together to even out a power differential and advocate for their rights. A slutwalk is pretty much exactly that. Union makes strength.

Unions have a bad name because the powerful don’t like to lose the power difference. But y’all knew that.

Viscaria: on pay stubs here, the MPP is spelled QPIP. It’s levied to pay for maternity, paternity, and parental leave. It is critical for small employers: we couldn’t absorb those costs if they were paid by the employer all at once, and it would give terrible incentives not to hire people in their prime.

8 years ago

Lets see it like it is, you arent getting any sex ( because you are an asshole) and this piss you off..Just simple as that!

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I always enjoy it when fools on the Internet spout the sexual marketplace model of relationships without citation. Citations do exist for it, but these nitwits are so uncritical of shit they hear on the Internet that it never occurs to them to investigate where this idea came from, whether it has been tested, or whether it is valid in any sense.

This particular nitwit gives a ~125 word lecture on the topic and includes no citation. This is far too brief and unsupported to inform and convince an intelligent reader who has never heard this idea before, and insultingly long to those who are already fully on board with it. What was the point in it? I’m fully certain he didn’t think that part through at all, any more than he has thought through the model he’s embraced here or investigated it at all.

8 years ago


Plus they seem to have the idea that economic theory is somehow magic, and can be applied to everything. It’s so clear here that they regard women as a commodity.

Right-libertarians (and there is a huge, huge overlap between them and MRAs) believe that all human society and interaction are merely aspects of fundamental economic laws. Some are more particular, and hold that all human society and interaction are merely aspects of contract law.

Masterless, generally from the lord’s death or by being dishonored and cast out.

In the period in which most media involving samurai/ronin takes place (The early days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, specifically) the most common reason was actually peace breaking out. When Tokugawa Ieyasu took power he ruthlessly crushed any daimyo who engaged in the traditional intercenine feuds and restructured the tax system, so most lords couldn’t afford to maintain as many samurai.

8 years ago

Women are the gatekeepers of sex,

Got exactly this far before my eyes glazed over and everything after that was the textual equivalent of white noise.

“Hey guys, guess what? I’ve slightly reworded all of the things I already know we all believe! Isn’t that amazing?”

8 years ago


Funny how men’s emotions aren’t worthy of mockery, only women’s.

Well, according to them men aren’t ever supposed to have emotions.

8 years ago

Unsurprisingly, women get very upset by the manner in which men treat sluts while remaining oblivious to the fact they treat White Knights/Nice Guys with the same disregard and disdain.

I believe it’s actually the above quote which is the crux of the matter…

This guy isn’t getting laid, and to save his ego he has dreamt up some kind of “ciunz”, where being a slut and a WK/NiceGuy is equally bad, so he can say:

“Well, you don’t want to be called a slut? Hurts doesn’t it? Imagine what it feels like to be called a Nice Guy *cue tears*.”

8 years ago

We assign (often foolishly) great value to sex.

^ The only correct thing in that pile of trash.

Also, they keep touting Nice Guys as some sort of benefit. Like, apparently (in their minds) that’s supposed to be on the same level as a man who’s having consensual casual sex with a woman. Which is such a gross false equivalency.

8 years ago

Right libertarians aren’t libertarians at all.

Sinkable John
Sinkable John
8 years ago

@Policy of Madness

At this point it shouldn’t be treated as anything other than a circle-jerk. They all know what he’s talking about, they all believe in it already, they all have their own rewordings of the exact same theories.

They need it all the same because… insecurity ? Because somewhere deep down they can see the bullshit in at least SOME of it (because it’s so damn obvious to, oh, pretty much everyone else ?) so they need some reassurance ? And anyone providing said reassurance is regarded as a genius and/or messiah because it allows them to keep their heads up their asses for one more day ?

Right. Shouldn’t try to psychoanalize MRAs.

8 years ago

There are few, if any, terms that more succinctly illustrate how utterly reprehensible these guys are than “emotional tampon”. Emotion is some kind of shameful excrescence which only women produce and which men have to clean up. It’s a wonder these jackasses manage to function in their daily lives.

8 years ago


If you recognize that people get better at things the more often they do them, you would think sluts would have the most value to someone who really is interested in women solely for sex.

While I think many reasonable folks would see experience as a positive in a sexual partner, I’m not sure TRP guys actually want women that are experienced in or even “good at” sex. I think what they really enjoy is the feeling of domination more than just the physical sex act. From what I can tell they want to call all the shots in the bed zone, and a more experienced woman aka “slut” might be more familiar with her own preferences in bed and more likely to voice them, which mean he might have to entertain the idea that she also has needs. We cannot have that in red pill town! Unless her preference is to be totally submissive, he’s going to be pissed if she tries to communicate anything else to him. So what they want is the accessibility but none of the expectations from a free-thinking, sex-having partner. So yep, they just want sexbots, pretty much.