Over on The Red Pill subreddit, the Red Pillock who calls himself 1Ronin11A comes so close to asking the question that could shake his Red Pill world to its foundations. That question is: Why do we Red Pillers hate and fear the women we have (or at least want to have) sex with?
Instead, he decides to ponder what he calls “the supposed contradiction that results from our simultaneous disdain for sluts but willingness to still have sex with them,” which he declares is not really a contradiction after all, because, well, they’re sluts, duh!
“We Don’t Hate Sluts; We Just Recognize Their Low Value,” he declares in the title of his thousand-word post, apparently forgetting that “disdain” is in fact a synonym for “hate.”
So let’s break down his stupid argument, shall we?
As 1Ronin11A sees it, the essential problem with sluts is that they don’t understand the basics of sex economics — pussyconomics, if you will. Instead of hoarding their sexual assets like Scrooge McDuck hoards gold, thus increasing their value, these women just give sex away!
Sluts aren’t just women with “too many sexual partners,” 1Ronin11A declares.
What really makes a slut so despised is their disregard for their own inherent value, and the fact that they give it away so freely.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex, something inherently valuable to men. Men have built and destroyed great empires and many lives in pursuit of the sexual pleasures of beautiful women. We assign (often foolishly) great value to sex. We view it as something worthy of conquest, of effort, and acknowledge that women have the right to withhold it for only the men that have proved themselves as deserving of it.
Well, at least he’s acknowledging a woman’s right to say no, a concept a lot of Red Pillers have a great deal of trouble with.
Instead, a slut gives that value freely to many different men based on fickle “feelz” and fleeting emotions. In doing so, her sex becomes less valuable because it’s given so freely.
While women are the gatekeepers of sex, Ronin11A goes on to argue (or, rather, assert), men are the gatekeepers of commitment, which is
the one thing men have control of. This makes the White Knight, the FriendZoned, the Nice Guy, the male equivalent of the slut. Why? Because … the White Knight/Nice Guy offers all of the commitment, without making the woman prove herself first as a quality woman. In doing so, he reveals that his commitment is of little value since, surprise, it’s given so freely to any woman that walks by. …
Unsurprisingly, women get very upset by the manner in which men treat sluts while remaining oblivious to the fact they treat White Knights/Nice Guys with the same disregard and disdain.
I haven’t run across a lot of women who disdain men because they have too many female friends. When women complain about “nice guys” — as 1Ronin11A would know if he paid attention to what women actually say when the topic comes up — it’s generally because these alleged “nice guys” expect to be rewarded with sex for their alleged niceness.
“As men, we don’t hate sluts,” 1Ronin11A reiterates,
we simply recognize their offering as low-quality and low value, and unworthy of commitment. We use them for the easy sex that they are, just as women use the Nice Guys as emotional tampons and ATMs for free drinks.
The irony is women understand this, even if it’s on a subconscious, almost biological level. It’s why they never date the Nice Guys until their physical currency begins to wane. It’s why they get so upset when they’re pumped and dumped or called sluts, as they recognize they’re being accurately identified as being disposable and of low value to high-quality men.
1Ronin11A’s argument is an old one, and one that only makes sense if you buy into his basic premise — that sex is a thing that belongs to women, and that commitment is a thing that belongs to men.
If, instead, you see sex as activity that women, or at least a substantial portion of them, actually enjoy, the entire ideological edifice of Red Pillism falls apart. The women that Red Pillers call sluts have sex with the guys they have sex with not because they’re sexual discount outlets, but rather because they want to have sex with these guys, and these guys want to have sex with them.
That sounds like a win-win situation to me, not some kind of terrifying vagina market collapse.
It’s amazing how much more sense the world makes when you assume that women are human beings.
But that’s one fact that Red Pillers can never admit. At its essence, Red Pill ideology is all about denying the basic humanity of women in an attempt to keep them shamed and subservient. That’s why Red Pillers get so worked up about feminist attempts to get rid of the stigma attached to the word “slut.”
As if on cue, 1Ronin11A ends his excursion into Slut Theory by ranting against the slut walks of recent years, which he describes as
the social equivalent of unions, essentially trying to lower the standards bar while raising the asking price simultaneously. If the value of slutty women is artificially raised, girls won’t have to try so hard to be feminine, charming, actually got to the gym to maintain an attractive figure.
“Artificially” raising the “asking price” of “slutty women?” Uh oh!
Red Pillers may not-so-secretly hate the “sluts” who are willing to have sex with them, but they’re absolutely livid about the “sluts” who won’t.
It’s really right there in the first line David quoted, isn’t it. “They disregard their own inherent value,” i.e. sexual value. As in, this jerk just puts it right in the title – the only thing we value you for is the ability to have sex with you. Even goes a step further to admit that having sex with other men is even worse. It’s all about possessing a sex object, right there in the first line.
Whatever daimyo decided to kick this stinky ronin ass to the curb made the right decision.
Now you may think that I’m just a beta (or other Greek letter) mangina cuck (bawk!), but I’ve noticed that women are a lot more receptive to conversation with a guy when he 1) doesn’t expect, or worse yet demand, sex as a reward and 2) (and this is the more important bit) doesn’t call them a derogatory name! I know that this is probably news to migtows and whatnot, but women are human beings too and really enjoy being treated as such. What a revelation!
I’m pretty sure that I don’t need to mention this, but that there text before this one is pretty heavy on the sarcasm. 🙂
If you recognize that people get better at things the more often they do them, you would think sluts would have the most value to someone who really is interested in women solely for sex.
So that’s why the Mona Lisa is smiling! Walter Pater didn’t tell me that.
Those “emotional tampons,” though. I think calm tampons would be more useful.
ETA: Also, @Scildfreja, this made me smile: “Whatever daimyo decided to kick this stinky ronin ass to the curb made the right decision.”
The interesting thing is that these men are always complaining that women use sex to get things from men – this would be recognizing the “value” of their sexual favors to get men to marry them so they can take their house, their car, and their huge income from their STEM jobs. In short, these men despise women no matter what action they take.
Plus they seem to have the idea that economic theory is somehow magic, and can be applied to everything. It’s so clear here that they regard women as a commodity.
How do the cheeseburgers tie into this again?
The guy Futrelle’s quoting hates “sluts” for not viewing their own sexuality dispassionately or wielding it only as a tool. But a woman who actually does that is a “whore” or “gold digger.”
@ scildfreja
(I have no idea what that means; but I’m going to extrapolate your previous record on this sort of thing and therefore assume it’s really witty.)
Heh, nice one! 🙂
Why, oh why, oh why won’t women play the Game of Sex by the rules that 1Ronin11A has laid down!
Yes, he admits that lives have been destroyed playing by his rules and that men are often foolish to assign great value to sex.
But never mind that — he’s got rules that women have to follow!
Sluts walks aren’t about celebrating slut tines, they’re about it not being okay to rape a woman, even if she is perceived as slutty.
I know this is hardly the first time this has been brought up, but the “women are the gatekeepers to sex” thing really shows how little Redpillian/MRA-types think of both women and men. They believe that men are incapable of saying “no” to sex.
Which becomes extra hilarious when you take into account all of their (exaggerated if not entirely fictional) tales about how they have to constantly turn down offers from “horny ugly hambeasts” every time they walk outside.
How do they live with the cognitive dissonance? I actually can’t even fathom it.
It’s hilarious that this guy claims that men are the gatekeepers of commitment, when what he’s really asking women for is… commitment. A commitment to sexual exclusivity.
If women were sex providers and men were commitment providers, then any one woman would ideally have multiple male partners, all of which were exclusive clients of hers.* You don’t get rich by only offering your product to a single buyer, that’s absurd. You could artificially create scarcity by (f’rex) limiting the number of times you would have sex in a month, but if you did that you’d want to make sure as many potential clients as possible could engage in a bidding war for those slots.
*I assume these men would be paying something in addition to commitment, yes? Because committing to only have sex with me, but not offering anything of value to me in exchange, doesn’t really help me in this particular pussynomic scenario.
“We don’t hate you, we just despise you!”
Dude…words MEAN things. Consult your dictionary and thesaurus if you don’t believe me. “Hate” and “despise” are practically synonymous. In fact, “despise” is even stronger than “hate”.
Oh, dude, PLEASE. We’ve heard this clichéd shit a hundred times before. Always from guys kvetching about how they can never get with a woman. You ain’t foolin’ no one. Truth is, you would LOVE to be used by a woman, even if only for the illusion that if you drop enough Kindness Coins in, sex is gonna fall out. Because then at least she’s paying attention to you. Right now, you got none. Please, moan louder…I haven’t laughed yet today!
Is this supposed to be some kind of grand achievement? Because I ain’t impressed. Also, see title of this blog. We mock your “great empires and many lives” narrative here, boyo.
Well, at least you’re right about the foolish part. Anyone who puts THAT great a value on sex is, indeed, an effin’ eejit. Why build and pillage empires when you could just rub one out for free?
Orrrrrr maybe she’s just smart enough to see that sex is not something you can hang a price tag on, and that it’s worthless to pursue it if you’re not enjoying yourself with an equally enthused and willing partner. Ever thought of that, Fart Smeller…er, Smart Feller?
What’s this? A PUAsshole admitting that THEY are the ones who shit-test women, not vice versa? No wonder you guys ain’t gettin’ any…from “quality” women or whoever. No man who makes women jump through hoops for a bit of his lousy nookie is EVER worth it, and women know this and avoid those guys like the boils on the ass of humanity that they are. There’s the paradox of the Not-Nice Guy™ for ya.
(It sure is hilarious to see this guy grumping about White Knights, though…bet they’re getting more action and better action than HE ever will!)
No, actually…what we understand, QUITE CONSCIOUSLY, is that men who “pump and dump” are assholes to be avoided. We learn this as early as middle school. We talk amongst ourselves about who the “users” are, and pretty soon those guys find themselves ostracized by anyone with even an ounce of self-respect. By the time we’re old enough to marry, we’re already sick of this shit and more than ready to “next” any guy who tries it on us. When you’ve already heard every cheesy pickup line before you even get to high school, you soon realize who the disposable dudes are, and you don’t even bother to use them for a bit of easy sex, because you just KNOW they’ll suck at it. And because the stupid leers on their faces as they’re pushing their luck just make them fugly.
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho, and a couple of tra-la-las. As if working hard to be traditionally “feminine” (at the gym, yet!) isn’t artificial. At ALL!
These guys…they’re just like vulture capitalists. They think they have a right to more “work” for less “pay” out of the peons (women). They think that if they repress us long and hard enough, we won’t have the strength left to revolt.
They don’t know us very well, do they?
@ Alan
A daimyo was a Japanese feudal lord and a ronin was a masterless samurai. Masterless, generally from the lord’s death or by being dishonored and cast out.
Those damn slut tines, always forking…
(Sorry. I’ll show myself out.)
Shocking, women like sex too. Oh gee then I guess all that porn was right about that. Seriously the funniest part is them laying down their rules meant to manipulate low self esteem women into bed, and them not realizing that most self respecting women would immediately see through them, and tell others about that.
It’s like thanks to empathy people tend to warn others of scumbags like them.
@ Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Wouldn’t spoons be preferable?
@ pitshade
Cheers; that can be today’s new fact for me. 🙂
Every time I think, “They’re not REALLY gonna try to squeeze any more mileage out of the notion that buying women drinks means men are abused, are they?”
And then sure enough, they do! They do try!
Trigger warning: Promiscuity reference.
For the last year or so I’ve been settled down with a very admirable young lady and having lots of feels. It’s reached the point where I can’t really call myself promiscuous any more.
That said, sex is sex and commitment is commitment. They are different things and different people want different amounts of each. I am fortunate enough to be friends with a number of women who are looking for sex but not commitment, and I’m friends with a number of men who’re looking for commitment but who could hardly be called Nice Guys in this sense.
Dear 1Ronin11A, which data are you basing your statement on? Mine doesn’t support it at all. Enquiring minds want to know.
Red pillers come off like baffled alien anthropologists. “The thought processes of these hairless apes are incomprehensible to us!”
Bleh… They talk about women like you’d talk about beer. “Sluts” being the cheap stuff, etc. Hell they even hate american women like I hate american beer.
… should I be disturbed by the fact that I even spotted this random parallel in the first place ? Then again they should look into it. Switch their “expertise” field to beer. They just have to replace “women” with “beers” and there ya go, they become somewhat relevant.
Now I wanna start a Red Pill parody movement about beer. And the sexbot uprising. I’ll leave it to the geniuses out there to figure a brilliant pun because all the ones I can come up with are just plain awful.
This sentence is so damn revealing:
We can’t withhold it for the men we like, or the men we’re attracted to, or even the men who have something to offer us. No, it’s our job as women to give ourselves out as prizes to the dudes who win in contests of dudeliness. “Look, women! I have built a bigger tower than that other man! I’m ready to accept your reward of having sex with me, and only me!” So fucking what? Why do I care about your tower building skills, your city-conquering skills, your endless fucking macho posturing? What good does that do me, that now I’ll want to have awful sex with a guy so uninterested in his partner’s pleasure that he doesn’t even seem to believe women are capable of enjoying sex?
Love Red Pillock
I hope you do a report on the Bernie Bores. Given the level of misogyny they have been displaying it would be interesting.
At least he’s admitting that it’s hard work for a woman to present herself in a way that makes crap humans like him happy.