Over on The Red Pill subreddit, the Red Pillock who calls himself 1Ronin11A comes so close to asking the question that could shake his Red Pill world to its foundations. That question is: Why do we Red Pillers hate and fear the women we have (or at least want to have) sex with?
Instead, he decides to ponder what he calls “the supposed contradiction that results from our simultaneous disdain for sluts but willingness to still have sex with them,” which he declares is not really a contradiction after all, because, well, they’re sluts, duh!
“We Don’t Hate Sluts; We Just Recognize Their Low Value,” he declares in the title of his thousand-word post, apparently forgetting that “disdain” is in fact a synonym for “hate.”
So let’s break down his stupid argument, shall we?
As 1Ronin11A sees it, the essential problem with sluts is that they don’t understand the basics of sex economics — pussyconomics, if you will. Instead of hoarding their sexual assets like Scrooge McDuck hoards gold, thus increasing their value, these women just give sex away!
Sluts aren’t just women with “too many sexual partners,” 1Ronin11A declares.
What really makes a slut so despised is their disregard for their own inherent value, and the fact that they give it away so freely.
Women are the gatekeepers of sex, something inherently valuable to men. Men have built and destroyed great empires and many lives in pursuit of the sexual pleasures of beautiful women. We assign (often foolishly) great value to sex. We view it as something worthy of conquest, of effort, and acknowledge that women have the right to withhold it for only the men that have proved themselves as deserving of it.
Well, at least he’s acknowledging a woman’s right to say no, a concept a lot of Red Pillers have a great deal of trouble with.
Instead, a slut gives that value freely to many different men based on fickle “feelz” and fleeting emotions. In doing so, her sex becomes less valuable because it’s given so freely.
While women are the gatekeepers of sex, Ronin11A goes on to argue (or, rather, assert), men are the gatekeepers of commitment, which is
the one thing men have control of. This makes the White Knight, the FriendZoned, the Nice Guy, the male equivalent of the slut. Why? Because … the White Knight/Nice Guy offers all of the commitment, without making the woman prove herself first as a quality woman. In doing so, he reveals that his commitment is of little value since, surprise, it’s given so freely to any woman that walks by. …
Unsurprisingly, women get very upset by the manner in which men treat sluts while remaining oblivious to the fact they treat White Knights/Nice Guys with the same disregard and disdain.
I haven’t run across a lot of women who disdain men because they have too many female friends. When women complain about “nice guys” — as 1Ronin11A would know if he paid attention to what women actually say when the topic comes up — it’s generally because these alleged “nice guys” expect to be rewarded with sex for their alleged niceness.
“As men, we don’t hate sluts,” 1Ronin11A reiterates,
we simply recognize their offering as low-quality and low value, and unworthy of commitment. We use them for the easy sex that they are, just as women use the Nice Guys as emotional tampons and ATMs for free drinks.
The irony is women understand this, even if it’s on a subconscious, almost biological level. It’s why they never date the Nice Guys until their physical currency begins to wane. It’s why they get so upset when they’re pumped and dumped or called sluts, as they recognize they’re being accurately identified as being disposable and of low value to high-quality men.
1Ronin11A’s argument is an old one, and one that only makes sense if you buy into his basic premise — that sex is a thing that belongs to women, and that commitment is a thing that belongs to men.
If, instead, you see sex as activity that women, or at least a substantial portion of them, actually enjoy, the entire ideological edifice of Red Pillism falls apart. The women that Red Pillers call sluts have sex with the guys they have sex with not because they’re sexual discount outlets, but rather because they want to have sex with these guys, and these guys want to have sex with them.
That sounds like a win-win situation to me, not some kind of terrifying vagina market collapse.
It’s amazing how much more sense the world makes when you assume that women are human beings.
But that’s one fact that Red Pillers can never admit. At its essence, Red Pill ideology is all about denying the basic humanity of women in an attempt to keep them shamed and subservient. That’s why Red Pillers get so worked up about feminist attempts to get rid of the stigma attached to the word “slut.”
As if on cue, 1Ronin11A ends his excursion into Slut Theory by ranting against the slut walks of recent years, which he describes as
the social equivalent of unions, essentially trying to lower the standards bar while raising the asking price simultaneously. If the value of slutty women is artificially raised, girls won’t have to try so hard to be feminine, charming, actually got to the gym to maintain an attractive figure.
“Artificially” raising the “asking price” of “slutty women?” Uh oh!
Red Pillers may not-so-secretly hate the “sluts” who are willing to have sex with them, but they’re absolutely livid about the “sluts” who won’t.
They probably believe in the Flat Earth, so yes.
These men do not enjoy sex, they enjoy domination. It’s the cowering in fear and crying they enjoy when they get a hold of a puritanical, brainwashed nubile virgin. It’s the same philosophy which rewards paedophiles. They want to deflower their forbidden fruits. The Christian Patrirchists are all for betrothing their very young daughters to older, experienced men. Remember that dangerous idiot from Duck Dynasty? He spoke at a men’s Christian retreat a few years ago and told his fans to get a younger women, sixteen or seventeen and train her. In reality, these girls are like children, who have been sheltered from the world and punished by their fathers, very often by ‘spanking’ or other ‘dread games’, (which the MRAs love so much) they are afraid of the Jews/ Liberals/ Communists/ Homosexuals/ Muslims (add extra bogeymen to taste) many have never travelled outside their own village, and have never been allowed to act independently lest they fall into ‘sin’, and by sin I mean not murder, theft, drug addiction, but anything that their cult does not approve of, anything from watching TV, wearing the wrong clothes or listening to rock music. Then give these poor, terrified girls to men, or youths who have been brought up to believe rape is approved by Jesus, and that they represent the ‘Headship’ of God on earth and you have a recipe for disaster.
PERFECT 🙂 Thank you.
Trigger warning: Discussion of male promiscuity.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
I’d like to ask for advice about this, if I may; not just from you but from any Mammotheers.
I am fortunate enough to know many people who consider me their friend, some of whom I have slept with. If you were to ask me about those people then I would tell you that they were smart, compassionate, kind, thoughtful, insightful, funny, good at orbital dynamics, devious at Diplomacy – you know, all the things that make a human being admirable. I would not mention their sexual prowess because that’s none of your business. Therefore, while I may talk up their virtues, I do so in the same way as I talk up the virtues of those of my friends with whom I have not slept.
This is nice and dignified and everything, but as you point out it means that I’m not saying anything to help drown out the anti-female-promiscuity voices. (Except “fuck you, get out of my gender”, but I say that enough anyway that it’s become background noise.) I’ve essentially conceded the public male dialogue on promiscuity to the assholes, even though I am privileged enough to make my voice heard if I raise it.
What, in your opinion, is the best way to be an ally here?
Personally I don’t think it needs to be brought up. IMO, if you bring it up you’re just adding to the idea that women’s promiscuity is an appropriate topic of discussion.
I think the best rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you would say it about a man.
I agree with kupo.
I consider myself to be a slut/promiscuous and it’s not something I’m at all ashamed of but unless the conversation is related to sex then it’s inappropriate to discuss my sex life when I’m not there.
@ej, freemage, and others discussing the scoring/hunting/winning angle: yes, yes, and yes. Thanks for excellent points, personally but also professionally – my academic area is cultural politics/sexuality/feminism so this is brilliant food for thought. I’ll not steal any ideas, though 🙂
Every time I read this red pill notion of sex, I think they’ve seen or read Dangerous Liaisons and mistaken it for real life.
@EJ (the other one) – now that is an interesting question. kupo and NicolaLuna are quite right, of course, but there’s some interesting thoughts to pursue there. I shall get back to you if anything worthwhile bubbles up.
@Joel – “So “slutty” women are pool balls that move around under their own power or something?”
Now THAT made me laugh. Thanks 🙂
Sorry for all the comments, peoples! I’m mildly over-excited as my upcoming weekend is half free of work, and I get to see my mum for the first time in ages (yes, I Live A Gentle Life).
Re (again) the discussion on hunting and scoring; I’m sure US mammotheers in particular would already know about the doco The Hunting Ground, about sexual assault on uni campuses. It’s been screening here in Aust. including at one of the universities I teach at.
The title is just so appropriate and relevant to this thread.
Here’s a link to a recent discussion about sexual assault in Aust., prompted by the film.
ETA: Good grief that link is HUGE.
Just catching up on this thread now.
Genderflipped Han and Leia?! Please tell me this is on Archive of Our Own so I can go read it this weekend.
I would say this is accurate, but I doubt that they’re literary enough to even know what Dangerous Liaisons is. (And now I want to reread it.)
Absolutely fucking not! Under no circumstances. It’s not very good, it’s basically just fetish fuel, it’s a narrative retelling of the trilogy (read: bullshit porn parody), I’ve only just gotten thru Empire Strikes Back, and not to put too fine a point on it, but this blog would surely not appreciate the subject matter
‘Problematic’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. Like, imagine taking all the horrendous implications of those movies, making light of them for the sake of sexytimes, and then, to assuage my conscience, foolishly scrambling to put some half assed meaning or poignancy in there… And then it gets progressively worse for another 25000 words
Thanks, but no thanks. I needed to type it out, but I def have 0 interest in releasing it. The world is better off that way ?
Ad: “19 gorgeous stars who became monsters”
Could we not? Fucking Taboola
I can sum this up very simply:
The reason why boys like this “hate” sluts is because they realize those women think of men as disposable to them. And that makes them angry, because they’re used to the social narrative of men=valuable people.
“Or perhaps not so much sucking. Amirite tho, ladies?”
It depends on the woman.
The irony is that if all women really behaved the way red pillers think they should (no sex until marriage) then the red pillers would be crying about evil women “trying to force men into marriage by witholding sex”.
Somehow women are supposed to provide men with the casual sex they want so badly and also stay “pure” for marriage. It doesn’t work unless you have an extra group of women who supply the casual sex and then go away somehow because they’re ruined.