And then there were two. Now that the Democrats have a Presumptive Nominee of their own, I’m thinking we could use an open thread to talk about Hillary’s big win, Bernie’s future, and how to derail the Trump Train (figuratively speaking).
Also, Little Green Footballs has a nice little Trump poster generator. Check it out.
Here are a couple of mine, all of them making use of Trump’s actual words. Post your own! Let’s have a little meme contest or something!
Another reason Warren is unlikely to be VP is that it would cause a loss of a senate seat which would be filled by the republican governor.
I’m not even sure Warren actually wants the spot, despite what she may say publicly, given how little power the VP actually has. She can do much more for people by staying right where she is. Although, Treasury Secretary Warren has a very nice ring to it…
Way back in 2015, I was torn between Bernie and Hillary, but once the Bernie camp started up the full-blown conpsiracy theories and overall nastiness, I started to waver. Oddly enough, it was something relatively minor that started my drift toward Hillary: the fact that NONE of Bernie’s top ten highest-paid staffers were female or people of color. (Even TRUMP had a few women!) It spoke of a serious blind spot in his campaign, and as someone who holds feminist principles very near and dear, I couldn’t see how he could talk about income inequality when he couldn’t even address the biggest problem with income inequality– that the poorest are most often female and people of color. It’s pretty easy to diversify your staff. If you can’t even address diversity within your own staff, how can you address it on a large scale? If he were president, what would his cabinet look like? White and male, most likely. Great. Just what we need: more old white dudes telling us what’s best for us.
I’m just really really sick of men legislating for women and totally missing the point. Hillary has fought for women’s rights since her inception as a politician. She wants to repeal the Hyde amendment, which forbids any federal funding of abortions, and she has always been an advocate for reproductive rights and health care.
We all have issues that we care the most about: for some, it’s the economy. For others, it’s social issues, or foreign affairs. For me, it’s women’s issues. If Hillary becomes president, it gives me some comfort to know that girls growing up during her presidency will see her running the country and know that it’s possible for them too.
Since this is an open thread, I’d like to say that Thursday I finally pulled the trigger (so to speak) and got that bob I mentioned in the last open thread. The next comment I make on here will have the new look as my avatar.
Oh! It appears my avatar changed faster than I expected it to. Sorry if it looks bad-I’m crap at selfies and my kitchen doesn’t have great lighting.
For me, I only see three reasons to be happy about Hillary as President:
1. Woman.
2. Tons of experience.
3. Not Trump.
These are all fine reasons.
Elizabeth Warren is almost definitely not going to be VP. And I say that as someone who has never been wrong about anything before.
‘And I say that as someone who has never been wrong about anything before.’
You are adorable. I used to work with a guy who, whenever he made any kind of mistake, would say in shocked tones, ‘this is the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I have EVER made a mistake!’
I’m gonna guess that guy was a Simpsons fan, as am I. :p
It’s pretty similar to something Homer has said in an episode somewhere.
Yeah, I was wondering who the person made of solid brass was. Then I figured it out, what with the hair and all. Pulling. It. Off!?
That’s a cool bob, Nikki.
I can’t see Warren being VP either, and I say that as someone who absolutely adores her and wants her to go on forever. I’ve heard some rumours that she and Clinton have a personal animosity, but have never read anything reputable on it.
Let’s hope for a Republican collapse in Congress. Warren, Pelosi and Clinton would make for a government worth watching.
@IP, Axecalibur, EJ (the Other One)
Thanks so much! The hair just felt right. I can’t really think of a better way to come back from a digital detox (it also felt right-sorry to not announce it in advance) than receiving some compliments on it.
The hair’s also a much-needed mood booster, especially today-the main air conditioner (a window unit, but “main” in that it cools the living room/kitchen area) in our house crapped out today. On what here is the first day of summer. In 90-some degree heat. My dad just ran out to get a new one, and the handy neighbor’s installing it now. I’m pretty sure I’m typing this instead of lying in a miserably hot, whiny puddle on the couch partly because of this new hair, and mostly because we also have a window AC in the bedroom.