anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck evo psych fairy tales irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism rape rape culture trump

Daily Stormer: “Men Who Support Women’s Suffrage are De Facto Supporters of Gang-Rape”

Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism
Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism

So Andrew Anglin, the lovable hateful scamp behind the Anime Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, seems to be going all Men’s Rights Activist on us. In a post last week, Anglin offered his own take on a rather old argument, declaring that women need to have the vote taken away from them — for their own good.

As Anglin sees it, “allowing women to vote is the behavior of a woman-hater,” because women — like the overgrown children they are — can be easily duped into voting against their own interests. By which Anglin means voting differently than he would.

In the Austrian election last month, Anglin reports with disgust, women were less likely than men to vote for far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer. “If women were not allowed to vote, Hofer would have won by a landslide,” Anglin sniffs.

As he sees it, Austrian women have “overwhelmingly voted for the invasion” of their once-proud white nation by not-so-white immigrants and refugees, who have repaid this bit of kindness from Austria’s women by turning around and raping them.

“It is women who are perhaps suffering most from this invasion,” Anglin declares.

They are the ones getting raped the most (little boys are also victimized regularly). They are being murdered more than men. They are much more likely to get robbed on the street. …

[I]f you support women’s suffrage, you also support the mass rape of our women by Moslems.

But it’s men, not women, who are ultimately responsible for this mess, Anglin suggests, because women don’t really know any better. And how could you expect them to? They’re just women.

If someone gives children explosives, knowing they will blow themselves up, because of some weird and nonsensical moral system, who is responsible for the deaths of the children?

The children? Or the adults who gave them the explosives?

Just so, if someone gives women the right to vote, knowing based on easily available statistics that those women will vote to get gang-raped by Moslems, who is responsible for these gang-rapes?

And who then is the hater of women: the one who enables the gang-rapes by allowing women to vote for gang-rapes or the one who prevents the gang-rapes by disallowing women to vote for gang-rapes?

Ultimately, Anglin suggests, the blame for women suffrage should be laid at the feet of … wait for it … THE JEWS. Feminism, Anglin declares, is a central “part of the Jewish agenda.”

Later in the post, Anglin elaborates further on what he calls “the diabolical Jew-feminist agenda,” warning his readers that

the Jew concept of feminism has been at the core of the destruction of our society, both by empowering emotional women to dictate social norms according to female morality and by disempowering men, forcing them to adopt female values and become impotent and weak.

Anglin even manages to work in a mini-rant on the alleged inability of feminist men to score with the hot babes. Like a lot of alt-righters, he seems to have trouble distinguishing real life from cuckold porn.

I have never met a male feminist who was successful with women. In fact, the opposite is true: beta white knight cucks who shill for feminists tend to be completely incapable of getting laid. If they ever do get a woman, she is simply leeching them for resources while having sex with other men.

Naturally, Anglin turns to tired evo-psych fairy tales about our caveman ancestors in an attempt to back up his Cuck Theory of male feminism.

Just as men are attracted to tight butts and big breasts, women are attracted to power and an ability to dominate. This is because that is what protects them and their children.

All human behavior is based on evolutionary biology.

Naturally Anglin can’t help but throw in a weird but standard evo-psych apologia for rape.

A sensitive guy has a value of absolute zero in the natural world. If ever a sensitive man existed in the natural world, and somehow managed to land a hot babe, he would be immediately attacked and killed and his woman would be taken by a powerful man. And the woman would be happier for it, because she would be better protected by the man who stole her, and given stronger children by him.

Yeah, women just love it when men murder their partners, then kidnap and rape them.

Somewhat ironic, isn’t it, to see this argument coming from a guy who thinks we should deny women the vote — in order, supposedly, to protect them from rape.

But Anglin remains sufficiently in touch with reality to know that women’s suffrage isn’t going away any time soon. “We are not actually going to ban women from voting,” he writes.

In order to do that, we would have to have control of society, at which point we will just abolish the concept of democracy in its entirety.

Spoken like the true Trump fan he is.

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8 years ago

bloodthirstily enlightened warrior-poets


8 years ago

bloodthirstily enlightened warrior-poets


In the old myths, there was often a thin line between hero and monster. The main difference was that a monster would slaughter half your village because it was hungry, while a hero would slaughter half your village because he was drunk. And then he would apologize and cry and write sad poems about the ephemerality of life and then get drunk again and slaughter the other half of the village. Then the Gods would get ticked off and forbid him from drinking anymore until he goes off and slays a dozen village-eating monsters. Basically.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
8 years ago

I voted for Van der Bellen, because he’s a feminist who is pro-women’s reproductive rights, pro-EU and respects the human rights and the dignity of all people regardless of skin colour or religion. Hofer is pretty much the opposite of that, so…
But what do I know, I’m just a child with explosives.

8 years ago

I read this stuff and anymore all I can think of is that quote, “I reject your reality and substitute my own” because basically that’s all these guys ever do.

Her Grace Phryne
Her Grace Phryne
8 years ago

I’ll have to tell my husband and FWB (who also has other FWB) that they shouldn’t exist, being sensitive feminist men. Although it would be amusing to see one of these assholes try to kill my husband, assuming no guns. He’d wipe the floor with them and then complain about being out of breath. 😛 (Years of martial arts training.)

Oh, wait, maybe it’s that my kids aren’t strong enough? Whatever that means. The older one is very gentle but I think if he got angry enough that would change. The younger one may not be physically strong, but he’s flaily enough that anyone looking to take him on has assumed a very large risk, plus he’s LOUD.

This whole “argument” is so ridiculous I just have no words.

8 years ago

A sensitive guy has a value of absolute zero in the natural world. If ever a sensitive man existed in the natural world, and somehow managed to land a hot babe, he would be immediately attacked and killed and his woman would be taken by a powerful man.

What is it with these guys that they think Doesn’t Hate Women = Weak and An Obtuse Idiot Like Me = Strong?

Actually this guy’s rhetoric has a lot of 1984 about it doesn’t it?
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery (women are held back by having freedom)
Ignorance is Strength (we idiots are strong)

Except of course, unlike 1984’s Big Brother, this guy isn’t a parody.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

Finally, someone other than my family and I watching Bachelorette! Chad scares me, with all his roid rage, violent tendencies, and explicit threats to follow his competitors home and beat their asses. I try not to stereotype or armchair diagnose, but when a guy’s constantly angry and his arms are so big the veins are popping out (both of which describe Chad), it’s usually a safe guess that he’s on steroids.
At the end of tonight’s ep when, despite JoJo having just rejected him and everyone wanting him gone, he sneaks back to the resort through the woods and knocks on the glass pane in the door? Oh. My. God. Total serial killer move there. It really felt like something out of a horror movie.

8 years ago

Oh, Tim. Women didn’t lose. Men like you lost. Men like you who view a wife as a totem of manliness, a blow-up doll and a scullery maid lost. And you know you lost because all around you are single women who don’t care if they ever settle down with a guy. Meanwhile men like you are panicking because women are no longer so desperate that they’ll glom onto any man who’ll have them and gladly put up with sex they don’t want and washing shit-streaks out of your underwear as the price of admission. That’s why migtows constantly talk about women instead of getting on with their lives. That’s why you issue dire warnings to women about how fucked they are without you.

We don’t need you to give our lives meaning, Tim. But you need us. And you know it.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ àxecalibur

That mammoth looked at me funny

comment image

8 years ago

He’s all but saying that we need to rape and abuse women to protect them from rape and abuse. I’m mildly curious at what he thinks that he’s really saying, but only mildly because I suspect that it’s not much better than it sounds like.

No, no. White men must rape and abuse women to protect them from the same thing from brown men
You see, being raped by white men is better because white men are more gentle and civilized (even when raping. Btw, they rarely actually rape, that’s a feminist myth). Also, they are simply better humans.

/Sarcasm, obviously

8 years ago


The men you seek want nothing to do with you. We’re happy knowing you’ll die with deep regrets over the destruction of your own nationality and abortions. We understand your motivations and support those motivations. Nothing is more fulfilling than giving another full extension of rope with which to hang themselves.

Okey-doke, sounds good. I’m totally cool with you avoiding me and fantasizing about my “deep regrets.” And thanks for supporting my motivations — whatever you might think those are. Glad you’re happy. Glad you’re fulfilled. Most of all, I’m thrilled that you’re avoiding me.


8 years ago

Oh goody, I thought we were ignoring him

NAWL? Really, dawg? I had to look that shit up. Your schtick is older than I am (ain’t sayin much, but still)

mass foreign immigration

As opposed to domestic immigration?

the outsourcing of birth

All the births are moving to China, people. We need new leadership in Washington that’ll stop outsourcing. Elect the Migtow Party, and we’ll creat the borths

Congratulations. You lost

Dass cool. If you don’t want it, more pussy for me! Right?
😛 😛 😛

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Shorter Tim: “Those grapes are probably sour.”

8 years ago

I have never met a male feminist who was successful with women.

Yyyyyeeeeeaaaahhhhhh, then you haven’t met any.
I am sure I don’t speak for only myself here, and it may be too much detail about my sexual preferences, but…
Feminist men are sexy. And so are sensitive men. A man who loves playing with kids is so. sexy.. A man who can hold a baby and sing for it, with a smile on his face take. Me. To. Bed. Now.. A man who doesn’t go slutshaming or shit talking women, even his own exes, and who accepts the first no without insisting, damn. Smartness seals the deal. If you have these characteristics, I don’t even care what you look like, just tell me where and when and I am sure it will be great. And I don’t even mean that it’s an interest like “I think marrying a guy like that would be an excellent deal even if I don’t feel attracted”, no, I REALLY get sexually attracted by that, with no need or desire to any commitment. I don’t know if it has to do to subconsciously wanting my potential babies to be raised in a loving home or feeling just very safe to be myself around that person. I don’t know. (It’s the same for people of all genders, btw).
But yes. JF Sargent from Cracked, for example: I had a HUGE, ACHING crush on him even before I ever saw his face. And when I saw it, damn, no one looks less alpha than him but gee, do I want that (shorter and probably skinnier than me, and I am pretty skinny) bod.
And I don’t think I am alone, in fact, most of my friends are like that. I imagine some people here feel the same.

8 years ago

I would love to see redpillers basing their games in people like me, IMAGINE THAT.

“How to be an Alpha and conquer women: in the first date, invite her to a park. Say she looks simply amazing. Look at a random baby or toddler with shiny eyes and say “what a beautiful child!”. Play with kids and look after their safety. Pet a dog, especially a stray one. Help an old lady. Talk to your date with true interest. Respect her limits and noes. Be sincere about what you are looking for (a hook up? A relationship? FwB?). When having sex, just make her feel gorgeous and comfy. Just enjoy making out without any rush for PiV, PiV is a detail when you have such a piece of art in front of you. Give oral without being requested. Ask her “do you like this?” or “is this how you like it?” now and then to be sure she still is having a good time. And theeere you have. Hold your frame and I assure you, this woman will give her very best to please you too, and will think dearly of you forever. Alpha widow. You just became Gary Gentlecock, congratulations.”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ chiomara

Play with kids and look after their safety

When I’m babysitting I think the best way to keep kids safe is to teach them what to do if they drive into an ambush. (Worth it just for those giggles; and pretty impressive driving for 10 year olds)

8 years ago

Women are idiots. Why? The legislation set off a global escape by men from marriage.

Oy, good. But if I have to give up most of my rights to marry a man who acts like he is my boss or father, and if women who don’t want to marry or stay married are forced to do so, not to starve and be shunned, then your idea of marriage is a vanilla version of sexual and domestic slavery. Why the fuck would we want that?

The mass foreign immigration you see today is the result of feminist policies and laws – the outsourcing of birth. How long do you think the policy will last before it backfires?

Europeans and americans are having less children, living long lives and receiving more education, which means there is a lack of young underskilled workers, who are the spine of the economy. If young tax paying workers stop being imported, how long do you think the police will last before it backfires, you genius?
Americans LITERALLY wouldnt even be able to produce their own food if it wasnt for the illegal immigrants working 14 hours a day in the fields. Or do you think the delicate, underskilled part of american youth want to replace them when they complain about unemployment, sweetie?

You’re only hurting yourselves. The men you seek want nothing to do with you.

Even if you were right (you are not), I don’t give a shit, most men are crappy anyway, I can stick to just dating female feminachos like me 😀

We’re happy knowing you’ll die with deep regrets over the destruction of your own nationality and abortions.

My nationality IS MADE out of immigrants and it’s not destroyed yet, crazy, uh? In fact, the more colorful and mixed we are (both racial and cultural wise), the more beautiful and successful we become 🙂 And HAHAHAHAHAHA why would ANYONE regret an abortion? I only see people regretting not having one.

We understand your motivations and support those motivations.

Wow, thanks! Then why are you trying to argue people out of it, again?!

Congratulations. You lost.

Oh, diiiiid weee? Then why do you keep raging on the internet instead of going out and enjoy your wins? Maybe because you are so full of shit that it keeps leaking through your mouth? You sour cause no one wants or needs to be your domestic slave and house keepers and prostitutes are expensive? Awww, you poor sad little asshole? 🙁 Why does no woman want to serve a neonazi for free, amirite? 🙁

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

The men you seek want nothing to do with you.

HAH HAH HAH Tim thinks women want him and men like him! Isn’t that precious!

Go your own way, Tim. Stop getting halfway out the door and turning around and yelling that you’re really running away, for real, and you’ll never be back and we’ll all be sorry when you’re gone, MOM. Go all the way out and keep going, and never look back, if you’re so convinced you’ll be happier that way. The rest of us will certainly be happier to not have you, so net win there.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

The mass foreign immigration you see today is the result of feminist policies and laws – the outsourcing of birth

What “mass foreign immigration”? Are you talking about the small percentage of wealthy sex tourists who can afford to travel to places like Thailand and exploit lax human trafficking laws? Or are you counting the tiny percentage of men who go the mail-order bride route (and usually get ditched for a better option the moment she gets her green card)?

Dude, those men were never marriage material to begin with. Trust me, nobody’s lamenting their absence. The dating pool is a lot cleaner without entitled jerks peeing in it. I feel sorry for the non-Western women they’re trying to inflict themselves on.

And the “outsourcing of birth”? Besides being grossly racist, that’s absurd. Having babies isn’t a job. And I doubt many sex tourists are looking to start families.

Nope, you’re just bitter and angry because people like you are having to travel farther and farther afield to find naive, “unspoiled”, economically dependent girls who are desperate enough to put up with the dregs of white manhood. The habitat for the HB10 unicorn is shrinking fast.

Also “forced wealth transfer”, JFC. Do you actually not understand that raising children costs money? Why are you so incensed at the idea of men contributing to their upbringing? A family isn’t some kind of Marxist scheme to steal from the rich and reward lazy, undeserving parasites. It’s a team effort. Of course, people like you always completely discount what women contribute to the family. If you added up the annual cost of all the unpaid labor women do (especially with kids in the picture), it would total well over six figures. You get 24/7 housecleaning, cooking, nanny services, laundry, grocery shopping, nursing, gardening, light repair work, bookkeeping, event planning, and on and on, and you have the nerve to complain that you’re not getting all this for free?

Do us all a huge favor, Tim. Stay far, far away from women and don’t ever procreate. Stop deluding yourself that you’re one of the “good ones”. You’re not. The tides are turning, and the modern world is going to leave you flopping on the beach.

8 years ago

Oh my godly god, the only thing more hilarious than Tim’s “comment”?
The responses.
You get a gold star! And you get a gold star! And you, too!
Lovely work, peoples 🙂 🙂

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

How to disprove and shut down an entire hate-rant in only two words:

The men you seek want nothing to do with you.

I’m gay.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants


The contradictory delusion that many men used to be bloodthirstily enlightened warrior-poets before “feminized” society started holding them back fits perfectly into the cult of tradition that underpins a lot of fascism, though.

I just love the way they can’t quite decide what they are. It leads to amusing contradictions like “men are responsible for all progress, innovation, and discovery ever. Without men, we’d all still be digging in the mud with sticks.” Followed immediately by a proposal to drag us back to a time when everyone dug in the mud with sticks, because the modern world is just too degenerate.

Men like this have stood in the way of human progress at every single bend in the road. It’s hilarious that they appropriate it to puff themselves up when they’re feeling insecure.

8 years ago

The great part about reading this site, well one of the great parts, is seeing someone put forth the theory and then later being able to see misogynist scuttling out of the wainscoting to demonstrate. Just the other day someone explained how these folks see themselves as The Prize and here we have one to illustrate. If Mammoths didn’t exist, we would have to invent them.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Women are idiots? Yet we’ve managed to collectively manipulate men out of all their money? So, what does that make men? What is this obsession with alimony? Alimony is actually only awarded a minority of the time. If women stopped working and all became housewives like they want, women would get far more alimony than they do. You can’t have it both ways. Either women are independent and make their own livings or women all become housewives and men will need to be solely responsible for providing financially for the wife and kids. There’s no way to structure society which women and children can survive without using any money whatsoever.

I’m also not sure why Tim is mad over abortion and child support simultaneously.

Nazis must not be very intelligent.

8 years ago

I believe that the main tenet of their argument stems from the fact that they have a different definition of “rape” than the commonly understood one.

You see, rape isn’t the act of another person sexually violating someone else against their will. Rape is what happens when non-white people ever have sex with white women. It is a crime against the men who rightfully own those women and against the fatherland, who should own those white children the woman produces. This is why these people think that all immigrants are rapists and why they think that women like being ‘ raped ‘.