anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck evo psych fairy tales irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism rape rape culture trump

Daily Stormer: “Men Who Support Women’s Suffrage are De Facto Supporters of Gang-Rape”

Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism
Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism

So Andrew Anglin, the lovable hateful scamp behind the Anime Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, seems to be going all Men’s Rights Activist on us. In a post last week, Anglin offered his own take on a rather old argument, declaring that women need to have the vote taken away from them — for their own good.

As Anglin sees it, “allowing women to vote is the behavior of a woman-hater,” because women — like the overgrown children they are — can be easily duped into voting against their own interests. By which Anglin means voting differently than he would.

In the Austrian election last month, Anglin reports with disgust, women were less likely than men to vote for far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer. “If women were not allowed to vote, Hofer would have won by a landslide,” Anglin sniffs.

As he sees it, Austrian women have “overwhelmingly voted for the invasion” of their once-proud white nation by not-so-white immigrants and refugees, who have repaid this bit of kindness from Austria’s women by turning around and raping them.

“It is women who are perhaps suffering most from this invasion,” Anglin declares.

They are the ones getting raped the most (little boys are also victimized regularly). They are being murdered more than men. They are much more likely to get robbed on the street. …

[I]f you support women’s suffrage, you also support the mass rape of our women by Moslems.

But it’s men, not women, who are ultimately responsible for this mess, Anglin suggests, because women don’t really know any better. And how could you expect them to? They’re just women.

If someone gives children explosives, knowing they will blow themselves up, because of some weird and nonsensical moral system, who is responsible for the deaths of the children?

The children? Or the adults who gave them the explosives?

Just so, if someone gives women the right to vote, knowing based on easily available statistics that those women will vote to get gang-raped by Moslems, who is responsible for these gang-rapes?

And who then is the hater of women: the one who enables the gang-rapes by allowing women to vote for gang-rapes or the one who prevents the gang-rapes by disallowing women to vote for gang-rapes?

Ultimately, Anglin suggests, the blame for women suffrage should be laid at the feet of … wait for it … THE JEWS. Feminism, Anglin declares, is a central “part of the Jewish agenda.”

Later in the post, Anglin elaborates further on what he calls “the diabolical Jew-feminist agenda,” warning his readers that

the Jew concept of feminism has been at the core of the destruction of our society, both by empowering emotional women to dictate social norms according to female morality and by disempowering men, forcing them to adopt female values and become impotent and weak.

Anglin even manages to work in a mini-rant on the alleged inability of feminist men to score with the hot babes. Like a lot of alt-righters, he seems to have trouble distinguishing real life from cuckold porn.

I have never met a male feminist who was successful with women. In fact, the opposite is true: beta white knight cucks who shill for feminists tend to be completely incapable of getting laid. If they ever do get a woman, she is simply leeching them for resources while having sex with other men.

Naturally, Anglin turns to tired evo-psych fairy tales about our caveman ancestors in an attempt to back up his Cuck Theory of male feminism.

Just as men are attracted to tight butts and big breasts, women are attracted to power and an ability to dominate. This is because that is what protects them and their children.

All human behavior is based on evolutionary biology.

Naturally Anglin can’t help but throw in a weird but standard evo-psych apologia for rape.

A sensitive guy has a value of absolute zero in the natural world. If ever a sensitive man existed in the natural world, and somehow managed to land a hot babe, he would be immediately attacked and killed and his woman would be taken by a powerful man. And the woman would be happier for it, because she would be better protected by the man who stole her, and given stronger children by him.

Yeah, women just love it when men murder their partners, then kidnap and rape them.

Somewhat ironic, isn’t it, to see this argument coming from a guy who thinks we should deny women the vote — in order, supposedly, to protect them from rape.

But Anglin remains sufficiently in touch with reality to know that women’s suffrage isn’t going away any time soon. “We are not actually going to ban women from voting,” he writes.

In order to do that, we would have to have control of society, at which point we will just abolish the concept of democracy in its entirety.

Spoken like the true Trump fan he is.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I have a tight butt and big breasts. I sincerely hope my not-so-flat stomach, dyed red hair and feminism keep me from being Nazi fap material though.

8 years ago


I like thicker women with average breasts plus married a woman who makes more than I do. I’m pretty sure, according to this guy, I’m not even a man.

8 years ago

I love how these evo psych guys have never considered that women might select sensitive men to breed with because a brute who only cares about himself will make it harder to rear her young and may even be a danger to them.

8 years ago

“It’s so unfair! Women don’t vote for the party that wants to restrict their rights! Clearly they are going against their best interests”

“their best interest” is, of course, the best interest of misogynists.

Keep telling us how much more ‘naturally rational’ men are. I’m sure ‘deny evidence contrary to your hypothesis’ is such a fucking tenant of the scientific method.

Ugh! Now, as a self-proclaimed ‘sensitive guy’, I’ve got a few rebuttals:

I have never met a male feminist who was successful with women.

Ah yes! More shining examples of the scientific method at work! “If I don’t see it then it doesn’t exist”. Somehow I don’t expect the Daily Stormer to interact with that many feminists, regardless of their gender.

In fact, the opposite is true: beta white knight cucks who shill for feminists tend to be completely incapable of getting laid.

[citation needed], though I won’t deny there are dudes claiming to be feminist in order to get laid. Those dudes typically will fail in their quest for booty.

If they ever do get a woman, she is simply leeching them for resources while having sex with other men.

“and if evidence contradicts my beliefs, well I’ve already got a rationalization to keep my beliefs intact. Hah! Checkmate!”

But of course, “she has sex with other men” doesn’t necessarily mean she is ‘leeching’. Perhaps they are poly and both see other people. Perhaps she wants sex from the ‘beta white knight loser’ and both are totally fine with a purely physical relationship.

This dude obviously isn’t, and assumes all guys are clearly exactly like him. Speak for yourself.

A sensitive guy has a value of absolute zero in the natural world.

Sensitivity, emotions and feelings get so easily dismissed even though they were paramount to survival and the creation of civilization.

And it’s not like a sensitive guy is automatically physically weak. And of course, it’s not like a woman is going to witness some douchebag murder someone and not fight back.

Dude thinks his penis automatically means he wins all physical confrontations.

8 years ago

I should also point out that I am azospermatic so I am literally raising someone else’s. Now, my wife and I chose the donor together, I was in the room when they performed the IUI, and we are all aware of the donor insemination but still…clearly I’m something from an Aldous Huxley novel.

8 years ago

On topic. Just saw this, John Green is on point as always

8 years ago


Even if that does stop them, then they’ll just criticize you for not looking like Taylor Swift.

8 years ago

“I strongly believe it’s possible to eat with your anus.”

Chewing gum gets a little tricky.

So that’s why Gerald Ford couldn’t fart and chew gum at the same time! (Also there’s some Joris-Karl Huysmans and/or William S. Burroughs gags to be made here, but I’ll leave those as an exercise for the reader.)

I will say, though, I wouldn’t mind a slice of this simile cake. Eaten the traditional way. I nearly called it analogy cake, but… well, yeah.

8 years ago

Fuckers always seem to run unopposed, don’t they?

One off? Suuure…
One of us, one of us!
Welcome package for ya

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

This is off topic, but has anyone else been following this season of the Bachelorette? I know, I know. Don’t judge me. I like brainless reality shows sometimes.

Anyway, there’s a contestant who is basically a red piller. Or at least what all the red pillers aspire to be. He negs JoJo. He makes sexist comments. He bullies the other guys and then pretends that he’s persecuted. He worships at the altar of the alpha male and belittles every other man that shows a hint of emotion. He’s in a constant state of about to boil over rage. He threatens the other contestants with violence. He’s a self styled entrepreneur but is conveniently vague about what that means. He’s just got all the red pill traits. It’s very gross.

If anyone is curious, Googling something like “Chad Bachelorette” will certainly give you a run down of his fuckery. It’s all so very familiar. I feel fairly certain he’s a Roosh fan.

8 years ago

His name is Chad? So he’s not a myth after all.

8 years ago

Since the tiny and insignificant country I live in actually got a mention on one of my favorite blogs, I just have to leave a comment (first time ever, yay!).

I am one of those stupid, stupid Austrian women who voted for Hofer’s opponent. You wanna know which other group “overwhelmingly voted for the invasion”? Educated people. As in, people who got a university degree. So, in the next step, are those right-wingers gonna suggest to take away the vote from people with high education? You know, “for their own sake”?

8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

Scildfreja-“I’m hungry”

We can tell. ? Now I am hungry, too! ? Mmmmmmm ….. Coffee-cake! *drools*

tim gueguen
8 years ago

I’m sure Anglin believes that white men would have no worry about Muslim men, if only the evil Jewish conspiracy, and its poor duped cadre of women voters, didn’t prevent proper policies towards immigration and crushing the Arab world from being put into effect.

His concept of how our ancient ancestors lived is based on the old cliche of a caveman with a big club bashing a cavewoman over the head and dragging her off by the hair. Apparently he’s never considered the idea that in nature the sensitive guy might be of great value to the tribe, and hence the “alpha cavemen” might be leery about doing him harm. He might be the tribe member who kept track of where the best hunting grounds were, or made the best spears, or did any of a bunch of other tasks that were crucial to the tribe surviving.

8 years ago

It really is funny, as several commenters here have pointed out, that the relative “sensitivity” of society and its members is what enables these alt-right assholes to blather constantly about how strength is all that matters and sensitivity is weakness. For better or for worse, you don’t have to be a decent or caring person in order to enjoy the fruits of society, whereas the natural state that these buffoons crave would quickly see them ostracized, like lone wolves, for their hatred, paranoia, and general unpleasantness.

It’s like they want to knock down a pillar because it’s taking up space even though that’ll bring the roof down on their heads.

8 years ago

When he’s talking about a tight butt, does he mean in the way his sphincter clenches up over worrying that one day men like him will be treated in the many horrible ways they’ve treated women?

If he’s gonna go all made-up-raping-theories and all, why not get really creative…bring in ‘work camps’ that men are rounded up and forced into, breeding programs established (eugenics, yay? ugh) and oh the ways they will be forced to perform and be violated….errr..wait…that’s probably from their hidden ‘specialty’ porn collection. It’s not ‘hot librarian’ or ‘naughty teacher’ fantasy shit they’re into after all. c

8 years ago

Once again, the neo-Nazis certainly know what they’re talking about.

I vote — but I secretly wish that I didn’t. Because I know that I’m not to be trusted. I’m likely to vote to bring in more refugees, who would then be certain to rape me — which I secretly wish that they would. Because I like being dominated and I know that my baby, the product of rape, will enjoy it too. Plus protected. I want to be protected from other rapists. I want just one rapist in my life, for me and my rapists’ babies.

Damn it, I wish that the Jews weren’t so good at brainwashing me into thinking that I’m a feminist. Because that’s what attracted my guy to me, my sensitive feminist guy, who can’t get laid. And now that he’s with me, a rapist is certain to kill him and grab me. Which I wish would happen, because I do enjoy being raped. Bonus: The rapist will give me strong children, the better to serve the Vaterland. Plus protection. The children will be protected and so will I. I want only one rapist in my life. Those other rapists can go to hell.

Except I’m really, really sad because all of this — the rape, the strong babies, the protection — is not going to happen. Why? Because I get to vote. And who’s to blame for that? Men. I blame men for allowing me to vote and thus bringing in refugees to rape me and give me protection and strong children!

Oh wait. That’s what I wanted all along! So thanks, men, for allowing me to vote and thus be raped and protected from other rapists and have strong children!

8 years ago

I’m commenting way too much, right now

My outta-my-ass theory is that the ‘sensitive/beta’ guys were/are the ones who stopped club happy Bam Bam from getting into some shit he’s not ready for

Alpha caveman: ‘That mammoth looked at me funny, bro. Imma fuck him up’
Beta caveman: ‘Dude, you got kids! Don’t throw your life away’
Alpha: ‘Nah, man. That beast’s been going behind my back, running off at the trunk. His ass is grass’
Beta: ‘Come on, son. He ain’t worth it. Let’s just pick up some edible tubers on the way back’
*Mammoth finishes grazing and ambles off nonchalantly*
Alpha: ‘Yeah, you better run! Bitchass elephant’

PS: the URL of the gif says Tigger. Good job, internet

14 Cats And Counting!
14 Cats And Counting!
8 years ago

This asinine trope reminds me of that soap opera on the Simpsons, It Never Ends. And apparently it never does. From Roosh, to Judgy Bitch, to Andrew Anglin we’re treated to the same risible “arguments” as to why women are too emotional to vote and why we’re too dumb to understand why subjugation is really awesome!

Trying to rationally refute this bullshit is a waste of time so I decided to have some fun reading responses from some of Andy’s admirers:

According to one Mr. Powell, “Allowing women to vote was a mistake, but without some sort of cataclysm, I’m not sure how you’re going to change it. Better to concentrate on how to get more women on our side.” Fat fucking chance Mr. Powell!

Geralt_of_Rivia opines, “We don’t need jewish (sic) democracy, or rootless urban society, we need to return to our ancient way of life…..the women knew their place, which is being a mother and raising children…..not like today where the men are feminized pussies.” Don’t these guys ever get any fresh ideas?

For more fun you can check out Adolf Hitler’s Views on Women at I think the link is I will say Anglin and his fellow cretins have nailed the National Socialist view of gender politics. Unfortunately, they agree with them. You know, misogyny, antisemitism, feminism is a Marxist conspiracy.

Oh, and they blame the weaklings of the Wiemar Republic for letting women vote and run their own lives as adults. These “horrors” allegedly lead to rising divorce rates, declining birth rates etc. Roosh would certainly agree (although he certainly wouldn’t be the poster boy for ideal Aryan masculinity, but then neither was Himmler).

On a personal note, my heritage is heavily Austro-German. Fortunately, my fraternal great-grandfather emigrated to the U.S., thus allowing me to become a fat, over-educated, opinionated, self-absorbed feminist 🙂 Thanks great-gramps!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

If evo psych says women – childish, irresponsible, wrong-group-of-rapists-choosing women – shouldn’t be allowed to vote, then that same evo psych also says men – criminal, rapey, lust-driven men – shouldn’t be allowed to hold office. Seems like a worthwhile trade.

It takes some serious mental gymnastics to simultaneously insist that men’s glorious brains built all of civilization, but at the same time, men’s true nature is animal competition and rutting (and boo to the femspiracy for criminalizing that). You can’t have it both ways. You don’t get to be a euphoric philosopher-king one second and dragging women through the mud by their hair the next.

8 years ago

NAWL insured women’s rights to forced wealth transfer from men to women through alimony and child support (alimony +).

Women are idiots. Why? The legislation set off a global escape by men from marriage. The mass foreign immigration you see today is the result of feminist policies and laws – the outsourcing of birth. How long do you think the policy will last before it backfires?

You’re only hurting yourselves. The men you seek want nothing to do with you. We’re happy knowing you’ll die with deep regrets over the destruction of your own nationality and abortions. We understand your motivations and support those motivations. Nothing is more fulfilling than giving another full extension of rope with which to hang themselves.

Congratulations. You lost.

8 years ago

I have never met a male feminist who was successful with women.

Easy to say when you’ve never met a male feminist, period. Most of them are quite successful with women, in that they get along well with them and their various relationships with the women in their lives tend to be better for their belief in the rights of women to equality, reproductive choice, freedom from male violence, etc.

But I will say this: Guys who only pay lip service to feminism won’t get laid, because women hate insincerity. Not as much as we hate sexism, mind you, but we can see that insincerity-in-the-name-of-getting-laid IS a form of sexism, when all’s said. It presupposes that we’re not bright enough to tell between a real feminist dude and one who’s only hoping to score chicks.

I wouldn’t even be surprised if this guy turned out to have been one of those phonies at some point in his miserable little existence. Those grapes, they be mighty sour.

* * *

Also! Hitler was anything BUT a superman in real life. He was an addict with numerous physical problems, including Parkinson’s disease. His own doctor was his drug pusher:

And, amusingly, one of the things Theodor Morell injected Hitler with was testosterone supplementation…so he could perform whenever Eva Braun was around. Does that sound terribly alpha to you?

8 years ago


The contradictory delusion that many men used to be bloodthirstily enlightened warrior-poets before “feminized” society started holding them back fits perfectly into the cult of tradition that underpins a lot of fascism, though.

8 years ago

Thanks, Axecalibur, but now that I look at my argument closely, I see some tiny holes in it. I think that I can mend these holes by flipping the argument.

Let’s look at it from the point of view of the neo-Nazis. That’s not a sentence that you’ll read often, which says a lot about how oppressed these guys are.

The unspoken basis for their argument is twofold: 1) we must fight to gain our rightful rights, which is to be in charge of everyone and everything; 2) women enjoy being raped.

Women vote. This is bad (see number 1).

Women cast their votes for refugees to come to our country. This is super bad because we don’t want the numeric, political, or sexual competition (1).

These refugees will rape our women, and our women will love it. They will then marry these rapists and have children with them. This is super, super bad because they are our women and our potential children (1, 2).

The Jews encourage women to believe that they (the women) are feminists and deserve rights. This is super, super duper nonsense (1)!

We must keep these refugees out to prevent this competition of rapists, ’cause we might lose (1, 2).

We don’t have the numbers now to stop women from voting. So we must appeal to their emotions by telling them that we are strong enough to protect them and their children from rapists. We won’t mention that we are rapists too, because the fact that women like rape is some sort of secret that women don’t want to discuss because women have female morality, which is just a light, pretty gloss over their very real hunger to be raped. And once we get the numbers, we will be the ones to decide who gets to rape them.

There. By looking at it from the point of view of the only people of any importance whatsoever, I believe that I have logicked the neo-Nazis.